I assume we have at least two rounds more, till it crosses three dimensions.
I think the best outcome is to wait until it reaches two-dimensional stage. It is not vulnerable enough now for ranged attacks. While a glaive works, the precision to shoot such small target is unreachable for Rei and Shinji (I assume it is still very narrow).
Yes, and obviously warn Asuka. I assume it will try to envelope her once it reaches the next stage.

[X] Operation Higher Dimensions
-[X] Rei: Wait and fire immediately when it will become two dimensional
-[X] Shinji: Pull back, reposition if needed, charge the shot and and fire immediately when it will become two dimensional
-[X] Tell Asuka to watch her left, order her to still use AT field, and expect more shape-changing from the angel
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I assume we have at least two rounds more, till it crosses three dimensions.
I think the best outcome is to wait until it reaches two-dimensional stage. It is not vulnerable enough now for ranged attacks. While a glaive works, the precision to shoot such small target is unreachable for Rei and Shinji (I assume it is still very narrow).

This a tricky one, so if we have this right it is in a one dimensional stage, with every reason to expect it to continue upwards, waiting until it reaches two dimensional stage would (ideally) provide a bigger target for our ranged units to fire on.

So it is a question of firing now or next turn, one of the cons for firing now is that the target is small, runs the risk of missing completely (and of course the blue on blue action) a pro for firing next turn is that it will be a more bigger easier target to hit, but the con is a higher chance of some new upgrade/power that it gains, and of course the heat and its radius increasing as well.

Another pro (for this turn) for firing and scoring hits could wound the Angel and stop it from enveloping/counter attacking Asuka, another potential pro is that it seems to be in a weak state right as of right now, of course that potential pro is also the same for firing next turn were it could be in a weaker state.

I am conflicted on this one, but for now I am still going to still push my plan, because the alternative (if I have this right) would mean betting everything on taking it down the next turn, and if we are unable to accomplish that, it would mean the Angel reaching a three dimensional state, thus it will be back to being invulnerable again to our ranged units, and (critically) we are on a time limit 16 (now less) minutes here, I don't think we can afford the time it would/could take to get back into a one/two dimensional state and take it down, of course that also depends on how much time each turn takes.
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God I love the weird Angels.

Anyway, I think when we fire the Angel will be 2d, but I'm open to adding a proviso to Lock's plan:

[X] Operation Frozen Stars
Shinji my boy, you need to tell us stuff like this, if it feels like you just jumped into a hot scalding bath, then fall back further
"I don't want to be a bother..."

[X] Operation Frozen Stars
-[X] Tell Rei to take the shot
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Keep her AT-field extended, and if possible keep the Angel pinned down, inform her (and keep her informed) about what is happening in her blind spot.
--[X] Warn Asuka that the Angel is transforming again
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Reposition if need be to avoid any friendly fire, charge a shot and provide fire support for Asuka.
Not sure how adding on to an existing plan like this will work; let's find out!
Not sure how adding on to an existing plan like this will work; let's find out!
As far as the tally software is concerned, it won't. If you want to make any changes to a plan you need to make a new plan.

(& even if Sutekh tallies by hand I imagine it'd still be easier to track if each variation is distinctly identified)
The QM Said 2d100, not 3d100, so do we roll again?

Well if so here is my roll, (which looks bad, If I even have it right) if not then please disregard.
Lock93 threw 2 100-faced dice. Total: 86
69 69 17 17
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Uriel V: Moderato
[X] Operation Frozen Stars
-[X] Tell Rei to take the shot (Roll 2d100; 27, 18; pass)
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Keep her AT-field extended, and if possible keep the Angel pinned down, inform her (and keep her informed) about what is happening in her blind spot.
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Reposition if need be to avoid any friendly fire, charge a shot and provide fire support for Asuka.

You warn Asuka that the Angel is trying to sneak up to her on her left. Asuka squawks in surprise and whips around to face the twisting body of the Angel, forming its far end into a triangular shape. Asuka extends her AT-Field to continue to negate the Angel's. Shinji charges a shot.

Rei pulls the trigger. Her shot finds its mark. The Angel, still emitting a high-pitched whistling noise, makes a sputtering sound and returns to its shrill whine at a much louder and more irregular cadence. Unit-00 makes a motion to cover its ears. If it had ears, anyway. Greenish-blue blood spurts out of the Angel's wound in a fine mist, dissipating in the infernal air.

The Angel thrashes wildly under Asuka and breaks free of her pin, once again taking to the air as the white-hot outline of a equilateral triangle. The triangle "fills in", becoming a bright, flat polygon, and then subdivides itself into three triangles. Each of those triangles divides itself into three triangles. Each of those triangles divides itself into three triangles, etc, etc. Ibuki helpfully informs you this shape is called a Sierpiński triangle. Good to know someone in here paid attention in geometry, because you certainly did not. Curiously, no matter what angle the Angel is viewed from, the "face" of the Angel is visible as if being seen from head-on. This Angel is starting to give you a headache.

The Angel isn't done with its tricks, however. The bottom left triangle, subdivided into hundreds, possibly thousands of small burning triangles, detaches from the Angel and proceeds to bombard Asuka, each individual triangle aiming point side down at Unit-02. Most of them crash into Asuka's AT-Field, but a few manage to slip through and stick into the D-type equipment. The missed shots return to the Angel's body. Asuka doesn't react much beyond frustration. It appears the external skin of the D-type armor is not sensitive or innervated, so Asuka didn't feel that attack very much. Ritsuko says there's damage to the suit. Asuka cannot take more than a few attacks like that without compromising the protection of the equipment.

As if out of spite, the Angel begins another assault on Asuka. Shinji fires his weapon, yelling Asuka's name, and cuts broadly across the lower right sector of the Angel's body. A cloud of green blood rises from the Angel's face. Rei follows up with a sniper shot to the upper face. It doesn't do nearly the same damage, but still wounds the Angel. The Angel follows up by firing parts of itself in Rei and Shinji's general direction, sending them scrambling out of the way. Both Unit-01 and Unit-00 come away from the attack with burns. Rei tells Shinji to move back. She'll protect him. Shinji starts limping away for better cover.

Asuka is still holding up, but it's clear the D-type equipment is damaged. Asuka requests a pressure increase to the coolant in the pipes. Hyuga complies, but Asuka says the pressure is not increasing very much. It seems like one or more of them might have a small leak. This isn't an immediate emergency, but it's obviously concerning. Asuka says she'll be fine. Her Unit-02 is made of tough stuff, just like her.

Shinji is not doing as well; much of Unit-01's front armor is badly burned, and the flesh underneath is likely as well. At Ritsuko's insistence, Ibuki lowers Shinji's sync ratio. It's clear he's in severe pain.

Rei's in better shape, but not significantly better. The orange armor of Unit-00 is similarly blackened and damaged. Rei is taking the obvious pain this causes like a champion, though; part of it is Rei's lower synchronization rate, and part of it is sheer force of will. She requests that Dr. Akagi not lower her sync ratio under any circumstances. Ritsuko frowns in thought but agrees to Rei's request, despite Ibuki's objections. Rei's sync rate is the highest it's ever been in a battle. 54.0%.


Now what?

[ ] Switch weapons with Shinji. He's got the more useful weapon and his usefulness is in question. Rei will have to fight through the difficulties with her arm. Focus on offense.
[ ] Focus on protecting Shinji from further harm. Focus on defense.
[ ] Focus on drawing the Angel's attention away from Asuka (and Shinji).

[ ] Continue providing fire support for Asuka for just a little longer, Shinji.
[ ] Full retreat. Shinji's at his limit. The girls will have to finish the job without him. You're pretty sure this isn't going to go over well with them, though.
[ ] Focus on drawing the Angel's attention away from Asuka (and Rei).

[ ] Continue fighting at close range. Keep the Angel from advancing any further.
[ ] Move back and switch weapons with one of the other two.

Shinji has 4 shots remaining.
Rei can't accurate use the antimatter rifle so I'd say stick to defense or drawing aggro.

Not sure about the rest yet.
tell Asuka to begin swatting the Angel towards the water?

if she can knock it away and they can damage it enough that it doesn't explode so badly then the water can soak the heat.
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I feel like we need to wrap this up quickly. I wish I knew how.

tell Asuka to begin swatting the Angel towards the water?

if she can knock it away and they can damage it enough that it doesn't explode so badly then the water can soak the heat.
I like this idea! I hope we're allowed to do it (or informed that it probably wouldn't help).
I assume it won't be allowed. Therefore:

[X] Plan: Retreat is (Not) an Option
-[X] Rei: Focus on drawing the Angel's attention away from Asuka (and Shinji).
-[X] Shinji: Continue providing fire support for Asuka for just a little longer, Shinji.
-[X] Asuka: Continue fighting at close range. Keep the Angel from advancing any further.
The water would likely instantly evaporate and create a smokescreen for the Angle. The Angle is likely to get tricksy like the previous Angel that could attack from a bunch of different directions as it goes into higher dimensions (or whatever the fuck it's doing). The angle is also pretty likely to explode when it dies. Unless Asuka or Red manage to chunk its HP enough that it dies it'll probably just get even more explodey when it dies the longer it is allowed to live...... so killing it faster might be viable unless anyone has a degree in magic soul physics to "disarm" the Angle.

Maybe if it had been possible to contain it like the falling one in the show that would have been a viable method of killing it. At this point that seems pretty unlikely though. Also, I just caught up with the quest so I'll probably just sit this fight out as far as votes go. Also also, it has been really fun reading this (and also incredibly frustrating at times) and I hope y'all don't die next turn!