Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

So the blood in the room has Venus agent. Probably irrelevant, but you never know...

[X] Solve the SUDOKU PUZZLE. For very detectivey reasons.
-[X] Have Mari or Owen time you with the CLOCK.
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Hey, I'm very sorry for the fact that there's been no update in a month... I've just come back from holiday and have been very tired, but I will post an update as soon as I possibly can - I have no intent of letting this adventure die as long as people are still invested in it!
Hey, I'm very sorry for the fact that there's been no update in a month... I've just come back from holiday and have been very tired, but I will post an update as soon as I possibly can - I have no intent of letting this adventure die as long as people are still invested in it!
Sleeeeeeeep. Do not overwork yourself. Better a slow but steady quest then a faster one that dies of author burnout.
I have found an absolutely fantastic webcomic, and thought I'd share. Any similarities to Andelevion's artwork are incidental. :whistle:

We are going to be Minus when we Ascend.

And I think I know how we will save the world, too.
I have found an absolutely fantastic webcomic, and thought I'd share. Any similarities to Andelevion's artwork are incidental. :whistle:

We are going to be Minus when we Ascend.

And I think I know how we will save the world, too.

Ascension has not been shown to do anything of the sort. Lucy's ascension so far has improved her processing speed and ability to take in information, no more. Owen's luck-manipulation aside, the Ascensions generally appear to boost existing human capabilities by a supernatural amount; reality-warping does not count.
Sufficiently advanced capabilities are not that much different from reality warping. Especially since, as you noted, Owen's ability might involve probability manipulation.

Given Clarke's third law and Mari's specialty we may easily be looking at something equally ridiculous in her case.

And there is still a mystery of why we bear the designation of Saturn/Chronos. Is our ability related to mind/perception, or does it do something to the flow of time itself? What else is on the table?
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And there is still a mystery of why we bear the designation of Saturn/Chronos. Is our ability related to mind/perception, or does it do something to the flow of time itself? What else is on the table?

...darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows...
...deep within the flow of time is where your power grows...

... No, probably not.
Sufficiently advanced capabilities are not that much different from reality warping. Especially since, as you noted, Owen's ability might involve probability manipulation.

Given Clarke's third law and Mary's specialty we may easily be looking at something equally ridiculous in her case.

And there is still a mystery of why we bear the designation of Saturn/Chronos. Is our ability related to mind/perception, or does it do something to the flow of time itself? What else is on the table?

Eh, sure, but I strongly doubt Saturn's Ascension gives minus-style overt, vulgar reality manipulation.

Maybe Fisticuffs Ascension could pull off the bat trick.
> Lucy: How long could it possibly take to solve a sudoku puzzle?
Here it is! There might be mistakes and typos, but I've finally settled into a new year of Education Hell and got control of my emotional state enough that I feel I can once again regularly update this!

[X] Enter THREE NUMBERS combination in the SAFE.
-[X] Then solve the rest of the SUDOKU PUZZLE, because FOR SHAME!
[X] Solve the Sudoku puzzle.
[X] Solve the SUDOKU PUZZLE. For very detectivey reasons.
-[X] Have Mari or Owen time you with the CLOCK.
You commit the numbers to memory and then, with an air of DETERMINATION, you sit down to work on that SUDOKU PUZZLE. In your humble opinion, nobody should ever leave a puzzle unsolved. SUDOKU PUZZLES have been one of your favourites ever since you found out that the word SUDOKU meant, in fact, a type of NUMBER PUZZLE and not the practice of RITUAL SUICIDE AMONGST SAMURAI, although right now you quietly think that if you ever leave a PERFECTLY GOOD PUZZLE unfinished like whoever owns this SEPPUKU, you will be forced to COMMIT SUDOKU out of shame.

After what feels like a very, very, long time, you finish the puzzle, and look up to see Mari standing over you and tapping her foot. "Oh my God, Calloway. I felt like you were going to keep doing that stupid thing for ever. I felt like we were never going to get back to doing anything productive ever again."

You poke your tongue out at her and promise that from now on, you will complete puzzles in an orderly and punctual matter. This would probably have been conveyed better if you hadn't still had your tongue out while saying it. Then, you put the three numbers into the SAFE, which, very considerately, opens. Inside it is a SMALL PIECE OF PAPER and a BOOK.
[X] Mary: Use HOW IT WORKS on the MAKEUP. How indeed?
-[X] Lucy: DFD the MAKEUP. The forbidden fruit is the most tantalizing research subject.
--[X] Owen: EVERYTHING YOU CAN'T DO I CAN DO BETTER. What? It's in the name!!
As you go to continue working on what you were doing, you notice that somehow, while you were focused on your SUDOKU PUZZLE, the MAKEUP has gotten all over the DESK. You stare at Mari, who hurriedly glances in Owen's direction. You follow her gaze and Owen whistles innocently, scratches the back of his neck, and stares at his feet. When you raise a solitary eyebrow, he crumbles under the force of your inquisition, and mumbles something about having to iron the doorbell before swiftly walking off.
-[X] File up the mental image of 'someone else' in your MEMORY BANK to tease Dr. Ankara about it later.
It's not very HIGH-QUALITY, and was obviously taken with a SMARTPHONE CAMERA of some kind. Ankara looks pretty similar to the way she does now, except ALL OF HER BLOOD IS STILL INSIDE OF HER BODY. Presumable. She has her arm around a GRINNING MAN with MESSY, LONGISH DARK HAIR, who is wearing a BOMBER JACKET and a pair of SUNGLASSES that look... hey, those look suspiciously similar to the ones you're wearing RIGHT NOW!
-[X] Have our PEN & NOTEPAD ready to write down everything that comes to mind.
PEN & NOTEPAD in hand, you take a CLOSE LOOK at the KEY. Well, it sure looks like a

Long corridors. Your head feels light. You are dizzy. You can barely walk. You feel ill. You look down. You are barefoot. You are wearing a hospital gown. Behind you is a figure in a labcoat, urging you to keep going. When you get to the subject accommodation areas, you can rest, the figure tells you. You're going to be fine, the figure tells you. You've just got a disease, but when you're cured you'll be back to your family in an instant, the figure tells you. Your senses are woozy, but your mind is sharp. You don't believe the figure. You don't believe the FOOLISH CHILD, LOOKING ONLY AT YOUR PAST WHEN THERE IS SO MUCH PAST TO SEE. IT IS LIKE BEING BLINDFOLDED. SOON, I WILL OPEN YOUR EYES.

A key, a key, a... you look down at your NOTEPAD. On it, you have drawn an EYE. You look up at Mari, and she sees something in your EYES and recoils, shocked, before she squints and seems to calm down. "Nothing, Calloway. There was a trick of the light, or something," is all she tells you when questioned.
[X] Apply the CLOCKHAND KEY to the CHEST.
The KEY successfully opens the CHEST, to produce... a shining RUBY! Wow, it's pretty!
[X] Take the ORB from the FREEZER, then break it.
-[X] Take the TILE and insert it in the MOSAIC.
You walk over to the FREEZER, having spent enough time on the SUDOKU PUZZLE for the WATER to have FROZEN and - oh! What's this? The ORB has shattered? You punch the air in victory, and briefly contemplate a small victory dance before deciding that Mari has raised her eyebrow at you enough times for now. You reach down and take the TILE, before placing it into the missing spot of the MOSAIC. You hear a strange creaking sound, the scraping of metal, and the TILES depicting THE PLANETS begin to MOVE AROUND THEIR STRANGE ORBITS, raised up from the rest of the MOSAIC in such a way that you feel you might be able to GRAB ONE.
With a great deal of TAPPING and OTHER MYSTERIOUS HAND ACTIVITY, Mari pulls up a PANEL that you couldn't even tell was THERE! Underneath it is a single PHOTOGRAPH depicting Dr. Ankara at what seems to be a PARTY with her arm around someone else.
Why was the photo of Fatima and Klaus so important that they had to hide it in a desk drawer? :confused:

It's Klaus Helsinki because it's his sunglasses that we are wearing. Maybe we should ask her about that party once she wakes up.

[X] Ask Mari what she thought she saw
Our eyes change their color when we are 'possessed'.

The KEY successfully opens the CHEST, to produce... a shining RUBY! Wow, it's pretty!
[X] DFD the RUBY
-[X] Does it fit on your DETECTIVE CROWN, or is it meant for something else?

I don't know, I think we ran out of items to examine here. Now we need to see what's the deal with the gem, the paper piece, and the mosaic tiles.

If we can put back the tile we grab (I don't see why not), we might as well try our own Planet and see what changes.
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Yeah the objected to part is "your" not "past".

Also I am getting a "Where we are going we won't need eyes to see vibe.".