Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!


Both because I think it'll win us Owen points, and because it might be a little important to keep track of how close we're getting to Mysterious Fae Ascension, I'm going to go with...

[X] Yeah, it's probably that important. And you need to set a good example for Owen anyway.
[X] Blood in the machine, one at a time.
[X] ... And then just for kicks, see what happens if you put two of the kids' blood in at the same time. Let's say Mari and yours, why not.


[X] Browse the files.

Though, uh, note that this is almost certainly going to cost us SAN points - I'm making the judgement that that's worth it, but if you don't agree then don't.
[X] Examine the FILES in the file cabinet.
[X] Dip that STUPID GLASS ORB FULL OF MOISTURE into the fountain, then bring it in to the freezer. Maybe if you freeze it it will be easier to shatter.
[X] Using your INCREDIBLY REFINED ARTISTIC SENSIBILITIES provide a critique of Dr. Helsinki's SILLY DRAWING.
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Alright, so far most places of interest have been identified...
The water is CLEAN and CRYSTAL CLEAR. At the bottom is a SMALL TREASURE CHEST, like you'd put in an AQUARIUM if you wanted to subject your fish to the HORRORS OF CAPITALISM. A TILE MOSAIC of a GEOCENTRIC SOLAR SYSTEM is at the bottom, although the EARTH has a TILE MISSING.
You QUIETLY WHISPER 'Arr!' so as not to be heard by Owen and Mari as you stick your arm into the POND and barely manage to pull out the TREASURE CHEST. Unfortunately, the dang thing is locked!
Okay, so there is a tile missing from a mosaic that someone has apparently placed in the sphere. If it's full of water, then this...
[X] Dip that STUPID GLASS ORB FULL OF MOISTURE into the fountain, then bring it in to the freezer. Maybe if you freeze it it will be easier to shatter.
...should get it to burst from the inside once the water freezes. Hopefully completing the mosaic will net us either the key to the chest or the safe combination.

It's a functional-looking place, that looks like most of the furniture was purchased at IKEA. A DESK dominates the front of the room, with a CLOCK, a SAFE, and a WATER-FILLED GLASS SPHERE resting on it, alongside some STATIONERY. In the back of the room is a FILING CABINET.
[X] Mari: HIW the clock, why did it stop and can we wind it up again?
-[X] Could the GEARS from the TOY ROBOT come in handy?

A FOLDER sits on top of a STRANGE MACHINE on the side of the room nearest the door, alongside a SMALL HOOK on the wall where the FIRST AID KIT presumably used to hang.
[X] Examine the SMALL HOOK - can you dismount it from the wall?

  • The prototype serum was released into Lake [REDACTED] after the area had been cordoned off under the pretense of [REDACTED]
  • The effects on wildlife were remarkable - the few creatures that did not die experienced drastic physiological changes within mere hours
  • At active agent concentrations of 0.003%, the solution already [REDACTED] over half of affected [REDACTED]
  • The public is to be kept away from Lake [REDACTED], given the tendency of the active agent to spread over large areas if given the chance.
  • The behaviour of the serum and its uncharacteristic movement lend credence to Dr. Brighton's theory on the independent intelligence of [REDACTED]
  • Further information can be found on the next page.
[X] Check the next page?

I still have no idea about the purpose of the machine except to check who has the highest concentration of the solution in their blood and is close to an 'ascension'. Also, what's 'active agent'? Are there multiple agents, i.e. the serum applied to Luna is different from the one applied to Saturn?

Something makes me wonder what happens if we spill some blood in the pool. Granted, it's not the serum, but it has a high agent concentration in it nonetheless...
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Are there multiple agent, i.e. the serum applied to Luna is different from the one applied to Saturn?

Probably, given the note "ACTIVE AGENT: #3".

Well, apparently Lucy is so good at solving puzzles that she can do it faster than the game can respond.

Ooh, nice catch...


Does Mari's HIW apply to this? If so, [X] Mari: HIW the information.

We could also use the GLASS ORB as a lens to magnify the photo, but I'm not convinced this will lead to anything fruitful.


[X] All three: Prick fingers on TRIDENT to extract blood, and analyze it following linkhyrule5's plan
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I still have no idea about the purpose of the machine except to check who has the highest concentration of the solution in their blood and is close to an 'ascension'. Also, what's 'active agent'? Are there multiple agent, i.e. the serum applied to Luna is different from the one applied to Saturn?

Something makes me wonder what happens if we spill some blood in the pool. Granted, it's not the serum, but it has a high agent concentration in it nonetheless...

Yeah, at a guess every child was given a different type of serum.

Lucy's probably did something to enhance the speed of her cognitive processes if the spike hallway and the puzzle game are any indication. Kala's probably did something to make her incredibly good at sneaking and disappearing. The kid Owen was with might have gotten increased strength or agression...
By the way, people, before we can get our blood tested we need to find something that can extract blood from our bodies.

Why not have everyone prick their finger on our trident? It should be sharp enough. I'm also guessing Mari won't fair much better with the information in the screen. We'll probably need to ask Ankara when she wakes up.
Yeah, at a guess every child was given a different type of serum.

Lucy's probably did something to enhance the speed of her cognitive processes if the spike hallway and the puzzle game are any indication. Kala's probably did something to make her incredibly good at sneaking and disappearing. The kid Owen was with might have gotten increased strength or agression...

The really questionable thing is just what Lucy's endgame is. Like, she goes all the way into Ascension, what happens then?
The really questionable thing is just what Lucy's endgame is. Like, she goes all the way into Ascension, what happens then?
She becomes an angel? Or whatever the ancient things whispering in her ears are.

If the serums are sentient, maybe they're the living cells of ancient beings which, when injected in to a compatible host, gradually take over their mind and body?
She becomes an angel? Or whatever the ancient things whispering in her ears are.

If the serums are sentient, maybe they're the living cells of ancient beings which, when injected in to a compatible host, gradually take over their mind and body?

Sure, I'm just curious about it. Like, the super-stealth and super-strength things have an obvious end-goal sorta thing. But getting smarter and smarter, well.
Sure, I'm just curious about it. Like, the super-stealth and super-strength things have an obvious end-goal sorta thing. But getting smarter and smarter, well.
Then there's Owen's abilities which are centered around luck. If he ascends does he basically start to bend reality?

I'm also curious to find out if Mari actually has a serum injected in to her... Maybe it will be present, but in a much smaller concentration than Lucy or Owen.
Like, the super-stealth and super-strength things have an obvious end-goal sorta thing.
What do you mean, an obvious endgoal? What's the endgoal?

Just like TurtleDucks said, it is likely those are just side effects of the beings granting those properties becoming more and more prominent. In this case there is no difference between becoming stronger or smarter.
What do you mean, an obvious endgoal? What's the endgoal?

Just like TurtleDucks said, it is likely those are just side effects of the beings granting those properties becoming more and more prominent. In this case there is no difference between becoming stronger or smarter.

Well, like. Does our head get bigger?

Does the person becoming stronger become the Hulk?
I have no idea, but given that what's described here is 'Phase 2' and how wildlife got affected, it's likely that people's bodies would be transformed to accomodate the full capabilities of the agent.

We haven't even reached Phase 1 yet. We might know how this works if we get a look at Luna/Kala... or just wait until the prof. here wakes up and do some creative interrogation.

My current theory is that children are used as vessels to communicate with these 'active agents' in a meaningful way. It all started with Melody being a translator for some alien language, after all. Perhaps children were chosen as the most adaptable material (and thus having the highest chances of surviving with their minds and bodies relatively intact)... or perhaps there is some Evangelion stuff going on where only people born after a certain date are eligible to ride giant robots participate.
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> Lucy: Give up blood and criticize artwork
[X] Dip that STUPID GLASS ORB FULL OF MOISTURE into the fountain, then bring it in to the freezer. Maybe if you freeze it it will be easier to shatter.
You'll show this ORB who's boss! You'll never get beaten by a simple ORB, goddammit! It occurs to you that ORB is a pretty funny word, and you whisper it aloud to yourself a few times and giggle while Mari looks on in confusion. "Orb!" you cheerfully exclaim to her, giggle a little again, and then go to put the glass ball deep in the WALK-IN-FREEZER like the BIG STUPID MARBLE it is. Now, you have to leave the orb for a little while to allow it to reach the temperature you desire and get the right sort of consistency to crack it open.

... That makes you feel like you're on some sort of demented cooking show.
[X] Yeah, it's probably that important. And you need to set a good example for Owen anyway.
- [X] Blood in the machine, one at a time.
[X] ... And then just for kicks, see what happens if you put two of the kids' blood in at the same time. Let's say Mari and yours, why not.
[X] All three: Prick fingers on TRIDENT to extract blood, and analyze it following linkhyrule5's plan
"All right. Fine. Since you really need my blood, I guess it's okay if I just-"

"Get on with it," Mari interrupts, glaring at Owen. "Don't be a bloody wimp."

After some more deliberation, Mari finally bullies Owen into pricking his finger, and then proceeds to prick her own like it's nothing. She then raises an eyebrow at you expectantly. "Well. Go on, then." You don't really want to, but you'd be a hypocrite if you didn't reach out, and.... ow! Ouch! Hecking... frick! Wow! That really hurt! You wave your finger around while whimpering a little. Mari rolls her eyes at you. Eventually, you recover from your GRIEVOUS INJURY, and one by one, feed blood samples into the machine, starting with Owen's.
Blood Analysis said:
Then, Mari's.
Blood Analysis said:
Finally, yours.
Blood Analysis said:
Huh. You try MIXING your BLOOD in different combinations, as sentence you never thought you'd think would apply to your life, but get nothing but MORE TECHNICAL GIBBERISH.
[X] Browse the files.
[X] Examine the FILES in the file cabinet.
The FILES are grouped into two sections - PAST SUBJECTS and PRESENT SUBJECTS. You decide to peruse the first category to begin with.

Each 'past subject' file has a photograph of a child, along with their name, place of birth, age, and pages upon pages of medical information. A small paragraph on the second page has been written detailing how the children - although they're referred to as 'assets' were obtained, signed by one R. Stockholm. The majority of them, it seems, were homeless children taken from the streets, orphans taken from care homes, or impoverished children taken from their families and declared missing. Another small report has been affixed to the end of each file, detailing the status of the children: ALIVE, DECEASED, or, in a few cases, UNKNOWN, as well as a number of technical terms you don't understand about them having been exposed to serums and chemicals.

Meanwhile, the 'present subject' files - wait. These are all empty. Every single one. The only thing left in this section of the cabinet are a few folders labelled 'Art Therapy - property of Dr. Ankara'. Two files in particular catch your eye - 'Art Therapy with Kala' contains, as you'd suspected, several red crayon sketches similar to the ones you've already seen. 'Art Therapy with Marinette' contains blueprints for various devices. The ones that stand out to you are a flamethrower, a jetpack, and what looks like a futuristic suit of armour meant to encase someone entirely. She's annotated this last one with 'If I wear this nobody can touch me.'
[X] Open/examine the purse to see if there's anything in it.
You take a look in the PURSE. It contains pretty ORDINARY THINGS, mostly. Most of it is PRETTY BORING, things like MAKEUP and TISSUES, as well as a SUDOKU PUZZLE that's barely been started - only THREE NUMBERS have been filled in! Shameful!
[X] Using your INCREDIBLY REFINED ARTISTIC SENSIBILITIES provide a critique of Dr. Helsinki's SILLY DRAWING.
You stare at it with a very serious expression on your face and stroke an imaginary beard, which is what you imagine professional critics do. After about ten minutes of considering carefully all the aspects of an artistic work - tone, composition, lighting, colour - you write down your critique on the back of the drawing with your GREEN MARKER.
Artistic critique said:
I'm very sorry to say, Mr. Dr. Helsinki, but all in all this work of art simply does not meet any of my standards. This isn't even fit to decorate a hamster's cage, even if the hamster wouldn't probably just eat it if you tried anyway. All in all, with no offence intended, I give it no stars out of ten. Very not good, needs improvement.

Yours sincerely, Lucy Calloway.
[X] Mari: HIW the clock, why did it stop and can we wind it up again?
-[X] Could the GEARS from the TOY ROBOT come in handy?
You ask Mari to take a look at the CLOCK - she explains that part of the MECHANISM is missing. She thinks that there's something else wrong with it too, but she'd need to find some GEARS to fix it before - oh! Working nimbly, she disassembles the clock and puts it back together with the GEARS. Now repaired, the hands of the CLOCK begin to turn, making the expected ticking noise - but hey, that clicking doesn't sound healthy. Click, click, click, CLICK! After only a minute of operation, one of the hands snaps clean off the face of the CLOCK. This CLOCK HAND is very ornate, though, and the more you look at it, the more you're starting to suspect that this CLOCK HAND isn't a CLOCK HAND AT ALL! It's a KEY!
[X] Examine the SMALL HOOK - can you dismount it from the wall?
The small hook is quite happy where it is, and resents your attempts to try and hurry it along life and remove it from its comfort zone.
[X] Check the next page?
Unfortunately, it cuts off after the researcher's notes.
[X] Mari: HIW the information.
That CLASS MACHINATION doesn't work on abstract data, only on physical mechanisms!
[X] Ask Mari to open the secret panel of the drawer.
With a great deal of TAPPING and OTHER MYSTERIOUS HAND ACTIVITY, Mari pulls up a PANEL that you couldn't even tell was THERE! Underneath it is a single PHOTOGRAPH depicting Dr. Ankara at what seems to be a PARTY with her arm around someone else.
I'm very sorry to say, Mr. Dr. Helsinki, but all in all this work of art simply does not meet any of my standards. This isn't even fit to decorate a hamster's cage, even if the hamster wouldn't probably just eat it if you tried anyway. All in all, with no offence intended, I give it no stars out of ten. Very not good, needs improvement.
Burrrn. :D

Gorrammit. And here I thought we could avoid this. I guess dropping ELAN to zero is a no go, if the notes on what triggers the Ascention are to be believed. Granted, they were [REDACTED], so we can't know for sure if stress and adrenaline are the catalysts.

Also, I hope Venus is ok. I mean, I know there were plenty of children and plenty of Agent 3s, but that bloodpack made me nervous.

Edit: nevermind, the analysis of the bloodpack only said that Ascention was possible. Mars' would have read 'In Progress'.

You take a look in the PURSE. It contains pretty ORDINARY THINGS, mostly. Most of it is PRETTY BORING, things like MAKEUP and TISSUES, as well as a SUDOKU PUZZLE that's barely been started - only THREE NUMBERS have been filled in! Shameful!
[X] Enter THREE NUMBERS combination in the SAFE.
-[X] Then solve the rest of the SUDOKU PUZZLE, because FOR SHAME!

[X] Mary: Use HOW IT WORKS on the MAKEUP. How indeed?
-[X] Lucy: DFD the MAKEUP. The forbidden fruit is the most tantalizing research subject.
--[X] Owen: EVERYTHING YOU CAN'T DO I CAN DO BETTER. What? It's in the name!!

Underneath it is a single PHOTOGRAPH depicting Dr. Ankara at what seems to be a PARTY with her arm around someone else.
-[X] File up the mental image of 'someone else' in your MEMORY BANK to tease Dr. Ankara about it later.
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-[X] Have our PEN & NOTEPAD ready to write down everything that comes to mind.
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The only things that I have trouble discerning a purpose of are the blood packs in the next room. What are they for?

They are not from any of the present 'samples' - the concentration of a serum is too low. Yet the serum is still present, if somewhat diluted.

This could be the sampling room where blood from children was stored to then see which ones were eligible for the experiment. But still... freaking BLOOD PACKS? As in, litres? Where did they even get... ugh. Never mind, I am not sure I want to know.

If Mari ever makes good on her flamethrower drawing, I want this facility to be torched to the ground.

Alternatively, and this makes it a little better, this is a blood bank for blood transfusion into children. But I don't think that's how the serum is introduced...
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'Art Therapy with Marinette' contains blueprints for various devices. The ones that stand out to you are a flamethrower, a jetpack, and what looks like a futuristic suit of armour meant to encase someone entirely. She's annotated this last one with 'If I wear this nobody can touch me.'

That is simultaneously adorable, and rather sad. I really hope her whole 'hates being touched' thing doesn't come from her dear uncle Jack doing... things... to her.