Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.

[X] It's not like we can't be efficient doing it. Mari can prepare some tools (bandages etc) while Owen help us search her faster.

So it was the psychologist lady after all; and the Minotaur got her.
[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.

[X] It's not like we can't be efficient doing it. Mari can prepare some tools (bandages etc) while Owen help us search her faster.

Maybe we can be ready to BURST INTO TEARS again when she wakes up, so we get ELAN RECOVERY and she gets CRUSHING GUILT on loosing such INNOCENT CHILDREN into a FEARSOME AND DANGEROUS MAZE containing MINOTAURS... and completely forgets to notice that she no longer has a KEYCARD or indeed other INTERESTING INVENTORY ITEMS.
So it was the psychologist lady after all; and the Minotaur got her.
Alternatively, there is no Minotaur and Moth got a little murder-happy.

I wonder if children's names aren't indicative of something. Mars is a god of war and violence, so Moth went crazy with aggression. Probably has a Fistcuffs build, too, judging by Owen's condition.

And Mercury is a god of trade, tricks and also luck, which is Owen's highest stat and overall theme. Saturn and Jupiter don't quite fit, though...
Alternatively, there is no Minotaur and Moth got a little murder-happy.
Naw, there's something in there alright. The thing that moves and turns off the lights simultaneously- possibly a robotic monster. It follows a set guideline; doesn't follow maze tresspassers once they're a sufficient distance away, and doesn't even make an attempt at banging on the closed door.

Ankara's wounds might have come from an encounter with Moth gone wrong, but there is a Minotaur.
wow. through here is the maze. maze for rats. lab rats. fun fun fun! (that was a lie. not fun.) maze is scary if you get lost. advice: no getting lost. my advice is good. also advice, if you see minotaur, run run run, do not pass go. do not collect $200.
Red marker herself warns us of the Minotaur, so it's certainly been there a while; and clearly predates Owen and Moth. Case in point,
"There's something scary in the maze. It turns out all the lights, me and Moth had to run away from it a few times.

There is a Minotaur. Since Ankarra was running from it, it could be that it injured her. Moth is certainly not improbable, but from Red Marker's tone, meeting the Minotaur = uh oh.
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[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.

[X] It's not like we can't be efficient doing it. Mari can prepare some tools (bandages etc) while Owen help us search her faster.
[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.

[X] It's not like we can't be efficient doing it. Mari can prepare some tools (bandages etc) while Owen help us search her faster.
[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.

[X] It's not like we can't be efficient doing it. Mari can prepare some tools (bandages etc) while Owen help us search her faster.
[X] Agree with Mari, and look for medical supplies. You trust this woman to lead you through the maze, especially if you help her.
-[X] Loot her afterwards, before she wakes up

She's KIND of bleeding out. Close the hole then loot her of any keycards.
It's not like you wake up that quickly from blood loss
I assumed that the choices were:

- Patch her up, trust her, don't touch anything
- Let her die, take the keykard
- Patch her up, but take the keykard

HEAL, KILL, COMPROMISE. The rest is just flavor text. Your solution falls under compromise either way.

Of course we want her healed, and we are not meaning to postpone that in favor of the looting, because what's the point of deciding to patch one up if you let them bleed out?

The write-in was probably made to address the concern of postponing the healing with an unfortunate side-effect that it made us handle the looting (I think that is more of Owen's specialty and Lucy would be better at locating the first aid supplies).

Edit: In fact, let me rephrase the second option:

[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.
[X] It's not like we can't be efficient doing it. We can help Mari find and prepare some tools (bandages etc) while Owen searches her.
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I assume that COMPROMISE means just that, not the best of both world. The chance of keeping her alive will be lower than if we choose to focus on healing. And again, we don't need to take the card now, we can always take it later.

Also, the way most of the Compromise votes are phrased, they make it sound as if Owen and Lucy want to search for the card first, while Mari prepares the tools, and only then bandage her.
Well, she can't be patched up before Mari prepares the tools, can she? :)

Again, the way I see it, we are choosing the permutation of two variables, SAVE and TRUST. We could make a decision later, but here is where the choice is given, so why not decide our stance here instead of delaying it by one more update.

I believe that you can say 'patch her up and then search her', and it would lead to the same result, which is the point I am trying to convey. If you want us to rephrase the wording, I am up to it, as long as both variables mentioned above are present in the new one.
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I believe that you can say 'patch her up and then search her', and it would lead to the same result, which is the point I am trying to convey.
Really, my ideal solution would be to fist patch her up. Once she regains consciousness, ask her nicely for the card. If she refuses without giving a good reason, threaten her into giving it up.

Basically, be friendly first, and only turn nasty if necessary.
You guys are overthinking this; have some faith in the QM.

Ignore the flavour text. You either-

-Heal. No steal.
-Heal. Steal.
-Kill. Steal.

The middle path is the compromise. That's what I want, simple. Concerns being raised here is that the compromise vote is essentially 'steal→heal' instead of 'heal→steal' yes? I believe the end result will be the same. Ankarra will be patched up, but we'd appropriate her belongings.

Let me just reword the second sentence in compromise.

[ ] Compromise. Patch her up, and then search her and take anything of value. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.
> Lucy: Be a team player
Three history exams this week, which is why I haven't put out an update in a while. Fortunately, I've only got one left, and I have enough time before it to get back to updating this consistently again. Sorry for the delay!

"No reason we can't do both," you mutter, trying to sound as cool and hardboiled as you can to distract yourself from the human being rapidly bleeding to her possible death in front of you. "Mari, go get whatever you need. Owen, you help me search her."

You ask Owen's help for two reasons: First of all, it was his idea, and you want him to feel recognized for it. Secondly, however, you're not really sure you want blood all over your hands, even if you are a RAD JUNIOR SLEUTH. It's just kind of gross and icky. You mostly stand back and SUPERVISE while Owen rifles through her pockets, eventually holding up a handful of ASSORTED TRINKETS.

"Um. Here are the things. The things she was carrying. The things being carried, uh, by her. Her things. ID card, wallet, cellphone, notebook."

You give him a nod, and turn to see Mari re-entering through one of the SIDE DOORS, a small FIRST AID KIT clutched in one hand. She looks like a girl on a mission as she walks confidently over to Dr. Ankara, opening the FIRST AID KIT to pull out DISINFECTANT and BANDAGES, which she applies with unerring precision. You briefly wonder if she already knew the FIRST AID KIT was there.

"Wow, you're, uh, pretty good at that stuff," Owen remarks, flipping through the pages of the NOTEBOOK.

"Yes." Mari's tone of voice is very clear in what she's really saying: don't ask. Owen seems to get the message, rolling his eyes and focusing his attention back on Ankara's possessions.

After a few minutes of tense silence, Mari stands up, hands covered in blood. She seems completely unfazed by it. "She ought to be all right, I reckon. Well, no, not quite all right, but I don't think she's going to die. I'm not sure how long it's going to take her to wake up, but I doubt it'll be too long. She might be a little weak, however. One tends to be, if one has taken a beating."

You're not entirely listening to her, chewing absently on the inside of your cheek as you think. Can you really trust this woman? She said that she was working for the people that trapped you here, which of course raises the much bigger question in your mind, why are you here? It's a big mystery, that's for sure. One bigger than the Case of the Photocopied Test, or the Case of the Bicycle Thief. If you can solve it, it's going to be the biggest mystery that you've ever solved. And that's exactly why you have to solve it.

You are LUCY CALLOWAY, JUNIOR SLEUTH, dammit! You are a SHINING BEACON OF JUSTICE, you are a PARAGON OF VIRTUE and a DANG GOOD DETECTIVE and a GOSH DARNED TO HECK BONA FIDE FLIPPING GENIUS! You're not going to be held down or outsmarted by some stupid SOTERIOLOGY CONSORTIUM - what the heck does that even MEAN, anyway?

You are the light that shines in the dark to lead others down the path of law and goodness and all that is fair and just! You are the fire that burns away crime, like that time you put a paperclip in the toaster to see what would happen and it almost burned away the whole kitchen so you promised never to do it again! You are the pool float that the world clings to when the world is scared of going into the deep end of the pool, with the pool in this metaphor being crime and evil and injustice and unsolved mysteries! You are LUCY CALLOWAY, and you are a JUNIOR SLEUTH!

[+36 ÉLAN]

You realize that you said all of this out loud.

[-1 ÉLAN]

Mari raises an eyebrow and tries to hide a snicker. Owen gives you a standing ovation, a look of such intense seriousness on his face that you know he's making fun of you. Eventually, you can't help it, and you giggle just a little. A few seconds later, the three of you are joined in hysterical laughter before you finally manage to calm yourself down.

"Okay. Heh. Okay, though, while we wait for her to wake up, I'm going to take a look around." Mari and Owen both nod, and you wipe a tear of laughter from the corner of your eye and look back at the room around you. You're pretty sure you could LEAVE EASILY if you wanted to, but while Ankara's still out, you want to DISCOVER ALL OF THIS ROOM'S SECRETS.

[] Write-in commands! [More exploration than escape based, but there's still a puzzle or two to be found here.]
[X] Examine the SMALL POND.
[X] Go through the SIDE DOOR Mari came through and examine what's inside.

[X] Empty your Inventory and pick up the TRINKETS.
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-[X] Thoroughly. Test a game or two while at it. It's for SCIENCE.
-[X] Thoroughly. How does it compare to the CARPET in the security room, on a COMFINESS SCALE?

A sleuth needs to take their job seriously and not let even the tiniest detail slip!
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When you look around, you see a clean, brightly lit, ROUND ROOM. In the CORNER of the room is a PILE OF CHILDREN'S TOYS. To one side is a COMFORTABLE-LOOKING COUCH sat before a GAMES CONSOLE and FLATSCREEN TELEVISION. The walls are DECORATED with PEACEFUL LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS, and in the center of the room is a SMALL POND. There are THREE OTHER DOORS, and the BLOOD TRAIL leads THROUGH one of them. To the other side of the room is a LARGE BED that looks EXCEEDINGLY SOFT AND COMFORTABLE, and - wait! What's that moving under the bed? TRIDENT at the ready, you approach, your hands shaking so badly you almost drop the weapon. You bend down, looking underneath the bed, to discover...
To note, there are 3 doors besides the one we came through. One is a door to the sideroom which Mari searched for a Medkit. The other is the one Ankara came from.

The blood trail leads through... the third one? Am I to assume that these are all different doors?

"The door over there-" he gestures to the door opposite the one you entered by. "-opens from the outside if you have a keycard. Which. I do. Which is why I was able to open it. But I guess that's obvious. I've been hiding out here since then. You're the first people I've come across, mostly."
"That blood was from someone who came through here a while ago. She didn't notice I was hiding there," he points under the bed. "And she went through that door over there." He points back at the door he indicated earlier. "Not a kid. A grown-up. She was bleeding, although, uh. I guess that's pretty obvious."
I am over my vote limit, but we might want to verify whether Ankara entered through the same door as Owen did or not, and whether she was the same woman he saw before of not.
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[X] Examine the TRINKETS.
[X] Examine the SMALL POND.
[X] Go through the SIDE DOOR Mari came through and examine what's inside.

[X] Empty your Inventory and pick up the TRINKETS.
[X] After you are finished, pick up your stuff again.
FYI you don't have to repeat lines from other people's votes, everything gets used.
[X] Take the Cellphone.
-[X] Check the date. Also see if it's unlocked.

Don't call the cops, I want to do a few more puzzles :D