Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

> Mari: Introduce Lucy
x6[X] Burst into tears
x5[X] Introduce yourself SHAKENLY
x2[X] Introduce yourself POLITELY

You take a deep breath, put up a finger, and promptly start to cry. As soon as the tears start to flow from your eyes, you get mad. Mad at stupid Dr. Brighton, and mad at the stupid Global Soteriology Consortium, and most of all mad at stupid, stupid Lucy Calloway. What kind of stupid, stupid junior sleuth burst into tears when confronting a potential client? What kind of stupid, stupid- And then suddenly, you're snapped out of that train of thought by Mari, having walked up beside you, speaking. You cry a little quieter, half-listening to her.

"This is Lucy Calloway. She's a detective, and a bloody good one, and she's helping me to find my father, and she's had a very bad day."

You sniff, wiping a few tears from your face with your sleeve, and nod. You have had a very bad day. Your hands are shaking like hell, and your eyes are red, but you've managed to stop crying and, truth be told, you think that made you feel a lot better. [+90 ÉLAN]

"I'm Marinette Brighton. My friends call me Mari, so don't call me Mari."

"Uh, what? No, um, never mind, I got it. I guess you guys are, uh..."

"We're trapped in this facility the same way you are, Martinez."

"Right. Okay. Well, that's just great. Just brilliant. You know, this is exactly what my day needed, thanks for the help."

"Oh, shut up, you bloody moron. You haven't a clue what's really going on here."

"Yeah, and what, you do?"

They're about to get into a fight, you realize, and with a deep breath, you wipe away the last of the tears and stand firmly between them.

"Alright. All of us want to get out, don't we? So let's all try and get along. Please."

Mari scowls, crossing her arms, but nods. You turn to face Owen, who looks at you with a nonplussed expression.

"Okay then," he grumbles. "What do you even want?"

You take a deep breath and reply.

[] "We should work together." [OWEN MARTINEZ may JOIN YOUR PARTY] [This action requires a MOXIE CHECK]
- [] "Can I ask you..." [Write-in questions! Anything that Lucy would be willing to ask will be asked]
[] "I just want to talk a little, and then you can be on your way." [OWEN MARTINEZ will NOT JOIN YOUR PARTY]
- [] "Can I ask you..." [Write-in questions! Anything that Lucy would be willing to ask will be asked]
Okay, he's unlikely to agree. Or at least, I bet that the bad first impression will create a Moxie deficit.

So I almost want to just ask him things.
[X] "We should work together." [OWEN MARTINEZ may JOIN YOUR PARTY] [This action requires a MOXIE CHECK]

It's at least worth a try, I suppose.
[X] "We should work together." [OWEN MARTINEZ may JOIN YOUR PARTY] [This action requires a MOXIE CHECK]
- [X] "Can I ask you..." [Write-in questions! Anything that Lucy would be willing to ask will be asked]

- How did you get here? And where from? (Meaning both the room - it was behind an electronic lock, after all - and the Institute)
- Did you see any others like us?
- Where did the blood come from?
- Do you need assistance with anything? (Food, medical supplies, anything. We might be able to keep an eye out even if we don't have it on us.)
- What do you know of this place? (Share what you have learned about the Institute.)
- What were you going to do next (if we didn't show up)? Any plans?
- What's behind the doors?
- Use IFI: Do these runes mean anything to you?
- Do you know a person with the red marker? What do you think of her?
- Have you seen anyone from the staff around? (Share what you know about the staff.)

I wonder how much we should tell him about Dr. Brighton...
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It's nice to know that Marinette is a good friend, despite being a bitch.

[X] "We should work together." [OWEN MARTINEZ may JOIN YOUR PARTY] [This action requires a MOXIE CHECK]

- [X] "Can I ask you..."
-- (X] "Do you happen to know about who or what left that BLOOD TRAIL?"
-- [X] "Did you see any others like us?"
[X] "We should work together." [OWEN MARTINEZ may JOIN YOUR PARTY] [This action requires a MOXIE CHECK]
- [X] "Can I ask you..." [Write-in questions! Anything that Lucy would be willing to ask will be asked]
--"How much of the situation are you familiar with? Do you know about the GSC or what they've been doing to us?"
--"Did you wake up here, or did you come from another part of the facility? If so, can you tell us what you've seen?"
--"Have you been trapped in any sort of puzzle rooms and had to solve your way out?"
--"Are you the one who left the silver thread leading this place?"
--"What do you know about the thing in the maze?"
--"What's the last thing you remember before waking up here?"
I'm not sure whether Lucy should talk about the staff and the institute.

On the one hand, it would establish that she is not some silly cry-baby, but a brillant sleuth well on her way to uncovering the mysteries of this complex.

On the other hand, there's the question whether the staff realizes how much Lucy knows about their secret shit. And if they're in the dark, I would like to keep it that way. (And this room will almost certainly be under surveillance.)
The staff lost control over what's happening. Luna already has access to those files, and presumably, to many more.

I am not particularly afraid of them, and we likely don't know all that much.

Until we are awakened/first-staged or whatever, we are going to be very low on their priority list. OOC we know Sol is kicking their collective asses.
[X] "We should work together." [OWEN MARTINEZ may JOIN YOUR PARTY] [This action requires a MOXIE CHECK]
- [X] "Can I ask you..." [Write-in questions! Anything that Lucy would be willing to ask will be asked]

I echo other commenters' ideas for various choices about the general situation, but I also note that we are currently purportedly working for a client for a specific task, and should probably include questions that show Mari we are still intent on completing this task of finding her father, (as well as the greater task of figuring out what the heck is going on.)

These should maybe be relatively early in the questioning-line (perhaps not first thing, though):

-- [X] Use IFI: "Have you seen or talked with a man with red hair while you've been here?"
--- [X] (conditional on yes): Use IFI and ask follow-up questions depending on what he says
We should totally finish with:

-[X] "Last question, Owen. What do you call a detective who is also a crocodile?"

Because Lucy's investigation would not be complete without it.

Did you know that PUN DETECTIVE was a thing, with UPPERCASE and all?
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-[X] "Last question, Owen. What do you call a detective who is also a crocodile?"
I think I'd like to DFD Lucy again later; there's been a lot more cyan text, which could correspond to greater changes.
Sorry there hasn't been an update these past few days! I'm afraid there probably won't be one today either, as I've spent these last few days running around in a panic over an Ancient History exam I'll be taking tomorrow - the update should be up tomorrow afternoon, my apologies for the delay!
Sorry there hasn't been an update these past few days! I'm afraid there probably won't be one today either, as I've spent these last few days running around in a panic over an Ancient History exam I'll be taking tomorrow - the update should be up tomorrow afternoon, my apologies for the delay!

Oh? High School or College? What period?

/Has a history degree, so I'm actually curious.
// Not that it'll do any good unless you do a History-based puzzle. :p
> Owen: Meet new friends
Oh? High School or College? What period?

/Has a history degree, so I'm actually curious.
// Not that it'll do any good unless you do a History-based puzzle. :p
Alexander the Great... God, I hate Plutarch. I hate him so goddamn much. Sorry this took so long, everyone!

A whole damn lot of questions

You instantly burst into a BARRAGE OF QUESTIONS. Owen quickly puts his hands up and asks you to PLEASE REPEAT THOSE AGAIN, and reminds you that the thing attached to your face is a MOUTH, not a MACHINE GUN. You begin with questions about his situation

"I woke up in some, kind of, like, weird white hospital room. There was another room next to me, with this guy called Moth in it. We made our way through, uh, a bunch of what I can only call weird puzzle bullshit before getting into this big maze. We were lost for... quite a while, I think. Then, we found this place to camp out. Little while ago, Moth went crazy, started attacking me. His eyes were glowing and everything, real nasty I ran away and hid in here. The door over there-" he gestures to the door opposite the one you entered by. "-opens from the outside if you have a keycard. Which. I do. Which is why I was able to open it. But I guess that's obvious. I've been hiding out here since then. You're the first people I've come across, mostly."

He scratches the back of his head, furrowing his eyebrows as he tries to remember. "I can't exactly remember how I ended up here, but it's been a while. I'm a little forgetful, you know, nothing to be ashamed of, I'm not ashamed of it, but I am. Brain like a sieve, you know. All I can remember is that the food was pretty dismal. All canned stuff. Absolutely awful. Um. I'm getting off-topic, aren't I. That blood was from someone who came through here a while ago. She didn't notice I was hiding there," he points under the bed. "And she went through that door over there." He points back at the door he indicated earlier. "Not a kid. A grown-up. She was bleeding, although, uh. I guess that's pretty obvious. There's nothing behind these walls except lots and lots of maze. I was, uh, kind of planning on just staying here. Which was probably not a great plan. I'm not really a, uh, planning kinda guy."

You then decide to SWITCH TACTICS, and instead ask him about the FACILITY, as well as trying to make some progress in your CASE.

"There's something scary in the maze. It turns out all the lights, me and Moth had to run away from it a few times. I think someone's been sneaking around and leaving string and marker notes everywhere. They're really useful, if a little creepy. Guy with red hair, huh... not ringing any bells. But then, I can never remember anything. Stupid me, you know?" He listens thoughtfully as you describe the STAFF.

"Those guys sound kind of familiar... like when you see an actor on TV and you know you saw him in something before, but you can't remember what. Give me that kind of feeling. That's all, though. Wow, that was thorough. I wasn't expecting that kind of Spanish Inquisition."

"Nobody," Mari mutters under her breath, "Expects the Spanish Inquisition."

With that concluded, you lower your shades to meet his eyes with a SERIOUS EXPRESSION.
We should totally finish with:-[X] "Last question, Owen. What do you call a detective who is also a crocodile?"

"I, uh. Wait, is this going to be a bad pun."

"An invest-igator!"

Mari glares at you. Owen glares at you. Your smile only widens. [+5 ÉLAN]

"Wow. God. Okay. Uh. Say, do you, uh, have anything I could eat?"

You obligingly take out the TINNED SARDINES, offering them to him. He accepts them gratefully, and, after seeming to think for a second, grins at you, revealing a large gap between his front teeth. "Alright, Luce. I'm with you."


This BRIEF BONDING MOMENT is interrupted by a LOUD BANGING SOUND - somebody is banging on the door, and after a few seconds you hear the voice of an adult woman just outside. She sounds breathless and terrified.

"Let me in! Let me in, please!"

You look at Mari - her eyes seem wide in recognition, but she's looking at you almost EXPECTANTLY. Owen, when you turn to look at him, just shrugs. Looks like this is your call.

[] Let her in
[] Don't
Well, there was a woman that came in this room tracking blood, and Mars is also tracking blood.
But, the kids are the one's assigned planetary symbols and names. Plus OOC we heard in the interlude that Mars and Mercury were sticking together in the maze. Owen is Mercury, the one he was sticking with until recently was Moth, so it follows that Moth is Mars. Since Moth is a young boy we can assume this is someone else.