Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

Okay, I noticed a typo, I think.

Tell me if I'm wrong, but

You might not really be good at anything, but you're also not really bad at anything. You naturally tend to make up for other's weaknesses. This CLASS MACHINATION, when in a PARTY, allows you to gain a BONUS to the LOWEST AVERAGE STAT of the rest of the party equal to (5 x NUMBER OF PARTY MEMBERS.)

Is this supposed to be 'give'? Instead of gain? It could also be gain, but then it shouldn't be 'to' it should, I'm confused reading it, is all.

So either everyone's more Nimble or Owen's now super-duper-fast.
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Okay, I noticed a typo, I think.

Tell me if I'm wrong, but

You might not really be good at anything, but you're also not really bad at anything. You naturally tend to make up for other's weaknesses. This CLASS MACHINATION, when in a PARTY, allows you to gain a BONUS to the LOWEST AVERAGE STAT of the rest of the party equal to (5 x NUMBER OF PARTY MEMBERS.)

Is this supposed to be 'give'? Instead of gain?
Based on the name it feels like something where the user gains a stat bonus rather than giving one to the party.
Shouldn't Owen be on level three like Lucy and Mari? Right now CLASS Progression says he's past and on LVL 2.
105 now. :oops:
That's not a correction, just a question. Maze and Garden count as one area, right? Normally an escape corresponds with a level-up. Since there were no lelev-ups, we have not left the area.
There were five: Non-descript Key, Silver & Golden Keys, Small Key, Emerald Key
Shouldn't a bonus be +20: +15 from his machination and +5 from his Sneakers?

The only women we know of in the facility are Dres. Ankara and Paris, and I somehow doubt Paris got her ass all the way over to the maze. There could be random security team members, but they wouldn't have been so terrified... right? And our resident princess Mari wouldn't recognize a voice of a nameless mook.

Come to think of it, Ankara made some 'concerning' reports on Jack Brighton. Lucy can reasonably deduce that there is a high chance Mari knows her.

[X]Use IFI: Mari, do you recognize her voice?
[X] Let her in

Edit: there's Marshal Kyoto, I guess, but it's a robot anyway, so that's my excuse for forgetting.:V
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Almost a given!

[X] Let her in

And also, quick question! should the staff info in the character info posts be updated since we read that folder? I mean, I figured it might just have been too much work to bother with, but I just wanted to know :D (i mostly just noticed because some of the first names were still missing and I could have sworn we'd already seen them)
And also, quick question! should the staff info in the character info posts be updated since we read that folder? I mean, I figured it might just have been too much work to bother with, but I just wanted to know :D (i mostly just noticed because some of the first names were still missing and I could have sworn we'd already seen them)
Hahaha, exams have been annihilating me, so it's been hard to keep up with things like that. Plus, I am a natural procrastinator. Rest assured I will have that up-to-date whenever I find the time. Update incoming sometime later today - it's one of the longer ones, so it's taking me a while.
Hm, does anyone remember what our starting stats were? I remember they were something like 150 Vitality and 190 Elan, but I am not sure. Or was is 230 Elan?

The formula for Vitality is a transparent one, it seems, 50 + 10 * [VIGOUR]. Elan, though, eludes me. For some reason, Owen's is lower than ours, even though his VIGOUR is higher... :confused:

Also, did anyone notice - do LOST/CONFUSED/WORRIED statuses on the character sheet ever change?
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Hm, does anyone remember what our starting stats were? I remember they were something like 150 Vitality and 190 Elan, but I am not sure. Or was is 230 Elan?

The formula for Vitality is a transparent one, it seems, 50 + 20 * [VIGOUR]. Elan, though, eludes me. For some reason, Owen has it lower than we do, even though his VIGOUR is higher... :confused:

Also, did anyone notice - do LOST/CONFUSED/WORRIED statuses on the character sheet ever change?
Lost, confused and worried have definitely changed. I don't remember what Lucy's said when the quest started, but I do remember noticing that they had changed at some point.
Funny, because I think Lucy's stayed the same through the entire game (or at least since I joined in the first puzzle-chamber), but I thought Mari's changed.

Of course, it would be funnier still if they never did and it's just paranoia getting to us. :rolleyes:

  • LUCY
NAME: Lucy Calloway
GENDER: Female
AGE: 11 tender years
APPEARANCE: A slightly tall lanky child with brown eyes and a black bobbed haircut.

LVL: 3
VITALITY: 200/200
ÉLAN: 105/250

  • MARI
NAME: Marinette Brighton
GENDER: Female
AGE: 12
APPEARANCE: A pale girl with red hair tied up in blue ribbons.
LVL: 3
VITALITY: 425/450
ÉLAN: 286/350

  • OWEN
NAME: Owen Juan Martinez
AGE: 11
APPEARANCE: A tall, skinny boy with messy blond hair that goes all over the place.
LVL: 3
VITALITY: 230/250
ÉLAN: 225/225
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Lucy's have definitely changed. I don't know about Mari's, I haven't been paying enough attention, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did too.
I must say, this quest is delightful. Bravo, causticAccolade!

[X]Use IFI: Mari, do you recognize her voice?
[X] Let her in
[X]Use IFI: Mari, do you recognize her voice?
[X] Let her in

Always let in the poor girls that just want to hammers saws the manfools useless fleshes and build a house of their rotting skins have a bite to eat.
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> Dr. Ankara: Have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
There's something weird about the way Mari is looking at you. Hurriedly, you turn to her, speaking quickly and firmly. "Mari. Do you know whose voice that is?"

It takes her a few seconds, but she responds, stumbling over the words a little. "Doctor Ankara. She works with Father."

There's more she knows and isn't telling you, you can tell that, but she's not lying. Thinking for a moment, you run over to the door and look at the control panel by it, slamming the largest, reddest button you can see. Large, red buttons next to doors are always the opening mechanism. Always. With a hiss, the mechanical door slides apart, and an adult woman who looks like she's in her 30s bursts into the room, gesturing frantically and yelling.

"Close it! Close it!"

You take one look through the door at the corridor through the door, and as soon as you do, one of the lights switches off. You waste no time in slamming the big red button again, internally sighing with relief when the doors close onc more. With this commotion over with, you're able to turn your attention to the new arrival. She's dark-skinned, with a pair of wire-frame glasses worn over thoughtful and intelligent brown eyes. She's wearing a green hijab over a long white labcoat, and - oh yeah - she's bleeding heavily from a gaping wound in her stomach.

After stumbling around for a few steps, she collapses in a sitting position against one of the walls, putting both her hands over her wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. She coughs, a rasping, painful sound, and a trickle of blood bubbles its way out from between her lips. Eventually, she manages to speak, weakly, as you, Mari, and Owen gaze on in stunned silence. Her voice is soft and soothing, or at least as soothing as the voice of someone bleeding profusely can be.

"Hello, children. My name is Fatima Ankara. You will probably not remember me, except for you, Marinette." She points a finger weakly at Mari. "I am going to be honest with you. All three of you. I designed this maze, amongst other things. I was a party of the terrible things that have been done to you. I went along with these things willingly, and I did not raise a finger to stop them. For that, I do not expect you to forgive me. But I know this maze, and I can help you all navigate it. I just need.." Her voice has been getting weaker and weaker, and as she trails off she slumps to the floor, laying on her side with her eyes closed.

You run over to her in an instant - you're a JUNIOR SLEUTH, after all, and you can't let yourself be put off by SILLY THINGS like BLOOD. A quick check of her pulse suggests that her HEART is STILL BEATING, which, although you're not quite a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL, you think is probably a good thing. However, her breathing is shallow, and wow, that really is a WHOLE LOT OF BLOOD. Mari looks worried, and behind her Owen's eyes are wide in shock. Taking a deep breath, you turn to the two of them.

"She's out like a light."

Mari frowns. "I know first aid. If we find the right materials, I think I can stop the bleeding. It would make it much easier to get through this maze if we had someone else with us. Besides, she might know where Father is."

Owen shakes his head. "Nah, nah. I don't want to sound like a bad guy, but if she works here, she'll have a keycard. The one I have is old and doesn't work properly, but I bet hers can get us into all sorts of places, and she sure as hell won't give it up when she's awake."

It's a touch choice. But really, there's one obvious option.

[] Agree with Mari, and look for medical supplies. You trust this woman to lead you through the maze, especially if you help her.
[] Agree with Owen, and search her for ID. If she's one of the people behind all this, there's no way you can trust her, and it'll be useful.
[] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.

[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.
[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.

Of course there's no way we can /trust her/ doesn't make her not useful.
[X] Agree with Mari, and look for medical supplies. You trust this woman to lead you through the maze, especially if you help her.
-[X] Loot her afterwards, before she wakes up

Edit: changed vote
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[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.

[X] It's not like we can't be efficient doing it. Mari can prepare some tools (bandages etc) while Owen help us search her faster.
[X] Agree with Mari, and look for medical supplies. You trust this woman to lead you through the maze, especially if you help her.

We aren't going to waste time searching when we have a patient in shock.
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Yeah, the moment I heard she has a keykard, I thought we'd be better off taking it. It's not like she can do anything about it in her state, and being angry at us... well, we'll be patching her up which we aren't required to do (eh, who am I kidding, Lucy would do it anyway), and we have more rights to be angry about them trying to kill and mindscrew us than she does about losing a few things.

Besides, who can stay angry at such an adorable little sleuth for long?
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[X] Compromise. Search her, take anything of value, then try and patch her up. You'll risk her getting angry at you for taking her things, but you can't have everything.

[X] It's not like we can't be efficient doing it. Mari can prepare some tools (bandages etc) while Owen help us search her faster.
Even after we have patched her up, she will still be severely wounded and hardly in any state to resist us if we decide that we need to take the card. So let's help Fatima as quickly as possible.

[X] Agree with Mari, and look for medical supplies. You trust this woman to lead you through the maze, especially if you help her.