Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

Hmm... we need to get the water turned on now... Maybe there's something to do with that inside the safe.

Edit: I expect that maybe the silver thing in the grate will float to the top when we start pouring water in.

[X] Open the safe and EXAMINE its contents.
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The Journal section is oddly cut off. Is that deliberate?
It's a forum limitation. Quotes in spoilers tend to glitch out. You can refresh the page, and you'll see the 'click to expand' button.

I would suggest either removing spoilers (leaving only quotes), or using spoilers in place of quotes, or splitting the journal section into smaller ones that do not get shortened by the engine using fieldset/article tags.

Jack [smiley man] seems to spend more time with his bloody niece than he does actually working (hey, how come when I write a fucking diary, it's a security risk, but Charles [particles man] can bring his goddamn daughter to the facility with him? Double standards or what!), and I never liked the guy anyway - who the hell takes his brother's wife's job the very day after she goddamn dies?
Okay, this is goddamn creepy. We've known Jack for all but two updates, but he managed to trigger all the alarm bells. My current theory is that he is the one who proposed Mari to be used as a test subject. Yeah, I am prejudiced about smiley men, what about it? :p

Curiously, you call back up to Mari, asking her to examine the LIGHT.

"It's bright." She delivers the verdict with the air of someone who thinks they have said something very insightful.

"Do you think there's any way you could block it out?"

"No. I suppose we could always smash it."
Oh, Mari. Never change.
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Testing... this should work for everyone. Annoying, though, to split it like that.
Journal said:
Well, here we go. Now, Dr. Paris told me I wasn't supposed to keep any more diaries when the last one was confiscated, security concerns and all that, well, you know what, she can go fuck herself.
Your eyes widen in shock at the use of such vile language, and you frown disapprovingly as you keep reading. The writer of this JOURNAL, you think, really ought to HAVE THEIR MOUTH WASHED OUT WITH SOAP. Well. Not literally. That would be ridiculous. Silly thoughts aside, you continue to read.
Journal said:
It's not like it's going to be leaving this facility, and who the hell's going to read it? I'm not going to write anything important in here, anyway. I just need something to stop me from going bloody insane. Although, if I'm honest, everyone here seems to have gone off the deep end already. Dr. Paris is more paranoid than ever, and let me tell you if there's one thing that makes this kind of work a nightmare it's having a paranoid boss. It's like she thinks I'm just going to forget that what we're doing is top secret. What does she think I am, five years old?
Journal said:
Jack [smiley man] seems to spend more time with his bloody niece than he does actually working (hey, how come when I write a fucking diary, it's a security risk, but Charles [particles man] can bring his goddamn daughter to the facility with him? Double standards or what!), and I never liked the guy anyway - who the hell takes his brother's wife's job the very day after she goddamn dies? Charles himself, dear friend of mine though he is, is just so fucking miserable to be around these days. I mean, yes, his wife died, and that sucks, but still, it's been years. I don't want to be mean but like, dude, get over it.
Journal said:
Roger [snatching boogieman] is a vain son of a gun, and I don't even want to think about how he got the job he has, so I try and avoid him as much as possible. Kyoto [guns shooter] is so serious and dull I'm pretty sure that she considers submitting her tax forms to be a breath of excitement, and the new guy we just had transferred over from Japan, Dr. Geneva [scary scary] or something, is the creepiest, weirdest Swiss fuck I've ever had the misfortune of being around. The way he looks at me, God, I don't care how good of a surgeon he is, I want to be as far away from him as possible at all times. The only halfway decent conversation I can get here is with Dr. Ankara [nice woman lady], and we're working on completely different parts of the project.
Journal said:
Bah. I guess it's worth putting up with all of them just for the chance at working here - we're doing a world of good here, after all. At least, I hope we are. Either way, if this project succeeds, it's going to look damn good on my resume. If it goes wrong, well... I'm probably not going to need a resume where I'll end up. Oh, damn, Dr. Paris is meant to be inspecting this department in ten minutes, and if she sees I've been writing about my coworkers in my diary then I'm in for an hour of 'Klaus, do you know how dangerous that is' this and 'Helsinki, you don't deserve that badge' that and I do not want that. I need to look busy, and this new batch of serum isn't going to refine itself. Seeya, Diary.
Nope, still cuts off. :mad:

This should do it.
Well, here we go. Now, Dr. Paris told me I wasn't supposed to keep any more diaries when the last one was confiscated, security concerns and all that, well, you know what, she can go fuck herself.

Your eyes widen in shock at the use of such vile language, and you frown disapprovingly as you keep reading. The writer of this JOURNAL, you think, really ought to HAVE THEIR MOUTH WASHED OUT WITH SOAP. Well. Not literally. That would be ridiculous. Silly thoughts aside, you continue to read.

It's not like it's going to be leaving this facility, and who the hell's going to read it? I'm not going to write anything important in here, anyway. I just need something to stop me from going bloody insane. Although, if I'm honest, everyone here seems to have gone off the deep end already. Dr. Paris is more paranoid than ever, and let me tell you if there's one thing that makes this kind of work a nightmare it's having a paranoid boss. It's like she thinks I'm just going to forget that what we're doing is top secret. What does she think I am, five years old?

Jack [smiley man] seems to spend more time with his bloody niece than he does actually working (hey, how come when I write a fucking diary, it's a security risk, but Charles [particles man] can bring his goddamn daughter to the facility with him? Double standards or what!), and I never liked the guy anyway - who the hell takes his brother's wife's job the very day after she goddamn dies? Charles himself, dear friend of mine though he is, is just so fucking miserable to be around these days. I mean, yes, his wife died, and that sucks, but still, it's been years. I don't want to be mean but like, dude, get over it.

Roger [snatching boogieman] is a vain son of a gun, and I don't even want to think about how he got the job he has, so I try and avoid him as much as possible. Kyoto [guns shooter] is so serious and dull I'm pretty sure that she considers submitting her tax forms to be a breath of excitement, and the new guy we just had transferred over from Japan, Dr. Geneva [scary scary] or something, is the creepiest, weirdest Swiss fuck I've ever had the misfortune of being around. The way he looks at me, God, I don't care how good of a surgeon he is, I want to be as far away from him as possible at all times. The only halfway decent conversation I can get here is with Dr. Ankara [nice woman lady], and we're working on completely different parts of the project.

Bah. I guess it's worth putting up with all of them just for the chance at working here - we're doing a world of good here, after all. At least, I hope we are. Either way, if this project succeeds, it's going to look damn good on my resume. If it goes wrong, well... I'm probably not going to need a resume where I'll end up. Oh, damn, Dr. Paris is meant to be inspecting this department in ten minutes, and if she sees I've been writing about my coworkers in my diary then I'm in for an hour of 'Klaus, do you know how dangerous that is' this and 'Helsinki, you don't deserve that badge' that and I do not want that. I need to look busy, and this new batch of serum isn't going to refine itself. Seeya, Diary.
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Thank you very much to @Nevill for having the firm grasp on forum formatting that I wholly lack - just so you all know, I am in the process of adding some information to the second information post, including a dramatis personae and a collection of all the JOURNALS, red marker messages, and other plot-related things Lucy has encountered thus far. This will include my attempting to add one of those accordion table things, which, knowing my luck with forum formatting, will somehow end with me breaking the forum, deleting system32, and invading Belgium.
Okay, are we sure the Institute is based in Australia? I have a sudden suspicion that it's in Japan and under ground... :D

Just to be thorough...
[X] Examine the GOLDEN KEYHOLE embedded with TINY EMERALDS.
-[X] Can you get an emerald out?

Looking closely, there are SUBTLE DIFFERENCES in the HEADS.
[X] Examine the HEADS of WATER CANS.
[X] Fashion a HOOK AND LINE out of our HAIR and LITTLE TWIGS to get the SILVER GLINTY THING in the DARKNESS of the GRATE.
We have a short haircut. But there are always wires near the fuse box, once we de-power it.

...whoever is assigned to restore the chambers back to their initial condition after we are done with them is going to have a fun time. :whistle:

Hm, we haven't inspected them yet, have we?
[X] Examine the WIRES
-[X] But don't touch them!
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Unfortunately, you lack any WATER! Until you can get the TAP working, these WATERING CANS are just... CANS.
You take the BRONZE ACORNS and put them into the INPUT part of the COIN PRESS. With ALL YOUR STRENGTH, you turn the HANDLE, and after a few seconds you hear the CLINK of a SINGLE COIN falling out. The coin is made of BRONZE, and bears the inscription 'GLOBAL SOTERIOLOGY CONSORTIUM' around the edge.
[X] Fashion a HOOK AND LINE out of our HAIR and LITTLE TWIGS to get the SILVER GLINTY THING in the DARKNESS of the GRATE.
Your HAIR isn't long enough! Plus, you're KIND OF ATTACHED TO IT.
[X] Open the safe and EXAMINE its contents.
You OPEN the SAFE, only to find a SMALL KEY.
[X] Examine the GOLDEN KEYHOLE embedded with TINY EMERALDS.
-[X] Can you get an emerald out?
Unfortunately, these EMERALDS are too small to pull free with the CROWBAR.
[X] Examine the HEADS of WATER CANS.
They have a DIFFERENT PATTERN - you're not entirely sure what this might achieve.
There is now a dramatis personae up on the first page! It only includes Lucy's IC knowledge, so things mentioned only during the interlude won't be there. There's more to come - I've decided not to use accordions, which is probably for the best, because trying to get something as simple as bullet points within spoiler tags to work properly had me yelling incoherently. Thank God nobody else was home to hear me loudly exclaim things in the vain of 'PUTA MADRE DE DIOS JODIDO OH MY FUCKING GOD EAT ASS AUGH COME ON WHY ME, FUCKETY FUCK!' and other such stunning displays of eloquence for about five straight minutes.
You OPEN the SAFE, only to find a SMALL KEY.
[X] Unlock the FUSE BOX
-[X] Call for Mary to come down below. Carefully.
--[X] Offer her the honors of opening it and looking inside. You can't make head nor tail of these strange devices anyway, and LIFE has taught you not to stick your fingers into DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL THINGIES when the power is on.
---[X] Mary: Use HIW on the insides of the FUSE BOX
----[X] And try to fix that valve to get the water running.

Unfortunately, these EMERALDS are too small to pull free with the CROWBAR.
[X] Borrow a SCREWDRIVER and try again!
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Mari is an EVA pilot in the making. Her mom's dead under MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES.

We've got bronze and silver. Where to get gold?

Do we still have the Trident?

[X] Try to spear a hole into the grate with the Trident.
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As a person with long hair, I say that if you just finger comb it a few times you will get a lot of loose hairs. Also Mari has longer hair and is also fond of looking presentable right? Let's kill two birds with one stone, and both primp a little and obtain hairs that can be twisted into each other to form a string for a HOOK AND LINE

[X] Obtain HAIR via FINGER COMBING methods
-[X] Ask Mari for a KINDLY DONATION
--[X] Make the darn HOOK AND LINE with the aforementioned TWIGS for the darn GRATE

(If this doesn't work because of reasons whoops :p)
> Mari: Display technical expertise
You take the SMALL KEY, putting down the NET for now. Holding it up, you take a good, long, hard look at it. There sure are a lot of LOCKS and KEYS here, aren't there?

You passed the test with flying colours, of course - you passed all tests with flying colours. Your dad, a rail worker who had never even made it through university, would always tell you, beaming with pride, that you were a little genius. You would, naturally, respond with incredible seriousness that you weren't a genius yet, because Sherlock Holmes was a real genius, and you weren't even half as smart as him.

You remember thinking you were right to be suspicious of the very special field trip, as you and a handful of other kids, none of them from your school, clambered into a white, unmarked bus. You made conversation, of course, to try and find hints to the mystery behind this situation - that's what Sherlock Holmes would do for sure, after all. They, too, had all done well on the special test. The best in their schools, in fact, and so they were all going on this special field trip for gifted children, funded, as your teacher had cheerfully announced, by the Global Soteriology Consortium. You...

what were you thinking about again? Oh, yeah, this KEY. Sure is a KEY. It probably like... opens things, or whatever.
[X] Unlock the FUSE BOX
-[X] Call for Mary to come down below. Carefully.
--[X] Offer her the honors of opening it and looking inside. You can't make head nor tail of these strange devices anyway, and LIFE has taught you not to stick your fingers into DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL THINGIES when the power is on.
---[X] Mary: Use HIW on the insides of the FUSE BOX

"Yes, carefully, quite, indeed, whatever, Calloway!" Mari calls back, manic grin returning to her face as she unravels the GRAPPLING HOOK from the BRANCH it's wrapped itself around and begins to CLAMBER DOWN, with far more CONFIDENCE than her TOTAL LACK OF NIMBLENESS seems to merit. All is going well, until she steps on a branch that is a BIT TOO THIN and FALLS THE REST OF THE WAY. You leap forward to try and catch her, but are TOO SLOW, and she lands with another loud THUNK on the grass at the bottom of the tree.

"Mari, are you alright?" You rush over to her, only to be greeted with a highly irritated scowl.

"Get away, Calloway. I'm perfectly fine. It's not like I haven't ever had worse."


When she eventually gets to her feet and dusts herself off, you gesture to her to come take a look at the FUSE BOX. Taking the FUSE BOX KEY, she opens it with a great deal of care, revealing a WHOLE BUNCH OF SWITCHES and a single VALVE accompanying DOZENS OF THICK ELECTRICAL CABLES. After examining it all for a few minutes, she talks without even looking away from the FUSE BOX.

"You could turn the lights off from here, if you wanted to. Don't see why we couldn't have just smashed it, but I'm sure you know what you're doing." This last part is said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. Reaching out, she makes some MINUSCULE ADJUSTMENTS that you DON'T REALLY GET to the VALVE. The distant sound of RUNNING WATER gets substantially louder. "The water ought to be working now, by the way, in case you decide it would be wise to take a bath. You are, pardon my language, bloody scruffy."

You THANK HER, which only gets her to SCOWL MORE, and ask to borrow the SCREWDRIVER, which she begrudgingly hands over.
[X] Borrow a SCREWDRIVER and try again!
With careful application of the SCREWDRIVER, you pry a couple of EMERALDS loose from the LOCK. You don't really feel like you've achieved anything, other than making the LOCK uglier, but looking at the way they reflect the light makes you think you'd look PRETTY MAJESTIC wearing them. Wait... that gives you an IDEA.

A few minutes later, you've managed to find places to fit all the EMERALDS on the CROWN OF POSEIDON. Now, as a JUNIOR SLEUTH you of course look DASHING AND AWESOME in everything you wear, but with these on your DETECTIVE'S CROWN, which HASN'T STOPPED TOTALLY BEING A THING, you look EVEN COOLER. [CROWN OF POSEIDON NOW GIVES +7 MOXIE]
[X] Try to spear a hole into the grate with the Trident.
Even your mighty TRIDENT isn't that long! It's a DEEP POOL.
[X] Obtain HAIR via FINGER COMBING methods
-[X] Ask Mari for a KINDLY DONATION
--[X] Make the darn HOOK AND LINE with the aforementioned TWIGS for the darn GRATE
Unfortunately, Mari foils your CLEVER PLAN by telling you to GET LOST and that she won't be part of your HARE-BRAINED SCHEME. On the bright side, you then spend the next solid minute giggling to yourself because it was really a HAIR-BRAINED SCHEME and the pun is HILARIOUS, even if Mari probably didn't mean to make it. HAIR-BRAINED SCHEME! Heh.
[+5 ÉLAN]
Her TIGHTS are RIPPED AND BLOODIED around the knees, but other than that she looks NONE THE WORSE FOR THE WEAR, still grinning with sheer exhiliration.
"Mari, are you alright?" You rush over to her, only to be greeted with a highly irritated scowl.

"Get away, Calloway. I'm perfectly fine. It's not like I haven't ever had worse."
Damn it, Mari, not that reckless! Tone it down a little!

[X] Okay, looks like as the LEAD INVESTIGATOR you have to take the part of the BRAINS of this operation. Put on your MOST STRICT FACE and politely but firmly ask Mari to CLEAN OFF the wound with water and BANDAGE it. Or else... or else you'll do it! No, you won't budge on this.
-[X] Her tights are ripped anyway.
--[X] You'd help, but if she is no less defiant on the 'no touching' rule, she'll have to do it herself.

Wait... that gives you an IDEA.
Yup, that was the idea ever since we DFD'd the gem in the crown. We are positively GORGEOUS now! :p

Unfortunately, you lack any WATER! Until you can get the TAP working, these WATERING CANS are just... CANS.
[X] Repeat the attempt now that you have WATER.

[X] Ask Mari to switch the lights off and take another look at the SQUARE GARDEN.
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I'm honestly so bad at these puzzles, especially because I can't keep what we need to do in my brain properly lmao but I'm still worried about Lucy's sanity issue, so I'll just go and add actions to see if I can help.

[X] Make FLOWER PUNS as you water the FLOWERS.
Why do potatoes make good detectives?
Because they keep their eyes peeled.
(Lucy can keep this one for when she does inevitably come across a potato.)
We need to get the big key to the maze, which is likely locked in the room behind the door with a card reader.

The card for the card reader is in the vending machine that needs 3 coins: bronze, silver, and gold. We can make coins on a metal press if we find items made out of the same metals.

There are three rooms: the central clearing with a tree, the circular flower garden with a clock, and the square garden. Bronze acorns were in the central one, and something small and silver is in the pond (under the grate) in the circular chamber. The pond is somehow connected to the clock puzzle which we are currently trying to solve according to the sign ('fill the pond from 12:30').

By the method of elimination, the square chamber must contain something gold.

Hope this helps make sense of what we have been doing so far. :)

Edit: that said, I love your idea about one-liners. A detective without one at the ready is just a sham. A sham, I tell you! :mad::D

Edit2: I am also concerned about Red Marker's sanity, though this one worry may have come a bit too late. Still, she sounds almost normal when she writes to us. We definitely should stay in touch.

Edit3: Mari's been mentioning a bath twice already. We'll have to take a bath dive after the silver thingie, won't we?
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[X] Insist that Mari try to be more careful. Getting hurt once or twice might not bother her much, but little wounds can pile up until they become something serious.
[X] Ask Mari if she had to take a special test, one that was sponsored by the GSC.
[X] Tell her about the strange memories that the keys keep bringing up. Has something similar happened to her?
-[X] Would she be willing to see if the key has any effect on her? If so: Mari: HIW the SMALL KEY.

I'm assuming it's possible the last two parts of my vote won't count since it seems our mind keeps trying to forget what we learn from the keys.

Edit: added the line asking Mari to HIW the key.
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[X] Tell her about the strange memories that the keys keep bringing up. Has something similar happened to her?
It would be hilarious if we gave her the key and asked her to apply [HOW IT WORKS], hoping for the similar effect.

The look she would give us will be priceless. :lol

But Mary appears to remember how she got here and what the GSC are doing, as she is the daughter of a senior staff member. She is different from us. That's what I assume she is clumsily hiding.

Hm. A special test, huh? Somehow the GSC must have discovered that she had the potential... to become whatever they seek to awaken. Charles woult probably never tell them about her, even if he knew. He would not let her come anywhere near these tests. Perhaps it was Jack who confirmed her abilities, and then outed her? He had a special interest in his niece, according to Helsinki. We'll see, I guess.
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It would be hilarious if we gave her the key and asked her to apply [HOW IT WORKS], hoping for the similar effect.

The look she would give us will be priceless. :lol

But Mary appears to remember how she got here and what the GSC are doing, as she is the daughter of a senior staff member. She is different from us. That's what I assume she is clumsily ding.

Hm. A special test, huh? Somehow GSC must have discovered that she had the potential... to become whatever they seek to awaken. Charles woult probably never tell GSC about her, even if he knew. He would not let her come anywhere near these tests. Perhaps it was Jack who confirmed her abilities, and then outed her? He had a special interest in his niece, according to Helsinki. We'll see, I guess.
Someone proposed the idea earlier that the GSC was trying to awaken some sort of super human potential in particularly gifted children. Personally I like the theory, it certainly makes sense given what we've seen. What we did in the spike corridor was nothing short of miraculous.

Edit: Ya know what, I like your idea about Mari HIWing the key. Let's do it!
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Someone proposed the idea earlier that the GSC was trying to awaken some sort of super human potential in particularly gifted children.
It fits. I mean, have you seen the Red Marker?
  • Wonders whether they're the first to bloom to blossom to grow to twist to change to better to die to live to be reborn to be new.
Damn right you didn't! Even Dr. Paris does not anymore, and the cameras aren't helping! :p

People assumed she turned into some kind of monster, but I think she has simply become incredibly fast and stealthy, where we can't even notice her except for a vague feeling that somebody has just been there.

Edit: Ya know what, I like your idea about Mari HIWing the key. Let's do it!
Add it to the subvote, I am out of votes. :)
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> Lucy: Show concern
[X] Okay, looks like as the LEAD INVESTIGATOR you have to take the part of the BRAINS of this operation. Put on your MOST STRICT FACE and politely but firmly ask Mari to CLEAN OFF the wound with water and BANDAGE it. Or else... or else you'll do it! No, you won't budge on this.
-[X] Her tights are ripped anyway.
--[X] You'd help, but if she is no less defiant on the 'no touching' rule, she'll have to do it herself.
[X] Insist that Mari try to be more careful. Getting hurt once or twice might not bother her much, but little wounds can pile up until they become something serious.



"You're hurt. Clean it up, okay? Please."

"Shan't. It's really nothing at all. It's not broken, or burnt, and there's only a little blood, so there's no point making such a fuss about it. Besides, it's none of your business. Stop worrying about me, you idiot."

Taking a deep breath, you decide to switch tactics. "We'll be able to find your father much quicker if we're not slowed down by your injury. So get it cleaned up, and tie something around it. Got it?"

She scowls, looking down at her feet. "Fine. Whatever."

As she turns to go get water from the tap, you call out after her. "Try not to get hurt like that again, okay?"

"I told you, I've had worse." Mari mutters sullenly over her shoulder, then proceeding to pointedly turn her back on you. At least you feel like you accomplished something.
[X] Turn on tap
[X] Fill up watering cans
[X] Repeat the attempt now that you have WATER.
[X] Make FLOWER PUNS as you water the FLOWERS.
You wait a little while for Mari to wash off her BLOODY KNEES before you go up to the newly-fixed TAP yourself, filling up both WATERING CANS from it. You then carry them to the CIRCULAR FLOWER GARDEN, and water the PASSION FLOWERS with the HOUR WATERING CAN, and then run around the GARDEN to quickly water the EVENING PRIMROSE with the MINUTE WATERING CAN. While you do so, you decide to make some BAD PUNS to take your mind off the situation. "Hope, uh... thistle make you feel better!"

Wow. That was awful. Although you decide not to EMBARRASS YOURSELF FURTHER, the SHEER SILLINESS of that PUN succeeds in cheering you up a little. [+5 ÉLAN]

The WATER quickly SOAKS THROUGH THE SOIL, seeping into the DRY CANALS next to the FLOWERS and running into the POOL in the middle. Of course, there's not nearly enough WATER in the WATERING CANS to fill it up, right? However, after a few seconds of GURGLING as the water seeps through the GRATE at the bottom, there is a MUCH LOUDER SOUND OF RUSHING WATER, and suddenly WATER SPOUTS FORTH from the GRATE, a FOUNTAIN OF WATER quickly FILLING UP THE POOL. The fountain of water also seems to DISLODGE SOMETHING that was previously stuck in the GRATE, and you catch sight of something SILVER glinting in the light as it goes flying, landing on the grass nearby. You pick it up and discover it to be a STATUE OF A FLOWER made out of SILVER. Pretty!
[X] Ask Mari if she had to take a special test, one that was sponsored by the GSC.
[X] Tell her about the strange memories that the keys keep bringing up. Has something similar happened to her?
-[X] Would she be willing to see if the key has any effect on her? If so: Mari: HIW the SMALL KEY.
By the time you're done GARDENING, Mari seems ALMOST DONE patching herself up. She's discarded her UNIFORM JACKET instead of further tearing up her TIGHTS for some reason, but she's at least GOT SOMETHING WRAPPED AROUND THE WOUND. You feel a little bit better knowing that she'll be all right.

[+15 ÉLAN]

"Hey, Mari. You wouldn't happen to know anything about a, uh..." You're not entirely sure what you were going to answer. You can remember, you can, you really can!

"A 'uh', no, I wouldn't happen to know anything about a 'uh', pray tell, what's an 'uh'?" The sarcasm is so thick you could cut it and then spread it with a butter knife.

"I mean, a... test. A special test." You're concentrating really hard, and you can just about REMEMBER - why is it so hard to remember?

She frowns. "Nothing of the sort."

After a few seconds of thought, you point towards the FUSE BOX KEY. "You've examined that, right?"

She stares at you for a few seconds and nods. "Yes, Calloway. It's a key. That's a little piece of metal that you use to open locks." She uses the tone of voice one would address a five-year-old with.

This, you decide, is probably a fruitless avenue of conversation.
[X] Ask Mari to switch the lights off and take another look at the SQUARE GARDEN.
When Mari flicks the switches, the ARTIFICIAL SUN abruptly GOES OUT. This leaves the GARDEN completely dark, and ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO NAVIGATE. Thinking for a few seconds, you instead tell Mari to turn it back on, and to only turn it off when you're standing by the SQUARE FLOWER GARDEN.

This time, not EVERYTHING is in COMPLETE DARKNESS - some of the FLOWERS in the garden are GLOWING IN THE DARK. You're almost TOO CAUGHT UP in HOW COOL THAT IS (because, wow, glow in the dark flowers!) to notice that THEY FORM AN 'X' SHAPE.