Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

Arggghh someone beat me to spinning the chair but oh well :p

[X] Examine the SMALL TABLES (is there anything different about them or are they all the same... Etc.)

[X] Feel the PLUSHNESS of the CARPET and give it a COMFORT RATING
-[X] Then if it meets standards, maybe take a MOMENT to luxuriate in THAT CARPET FEEL
> Lucy: Read folder and journal
[X] Examine TWO FOLDERS.
Mari eventually follows you as you enter the OFFICE, walking over to the back of the room to examine the FOLDERS. The first one is titled 'STAFF REGISTER'. On the inside, someone has, in pen, doodled a PARTICULARLY ARTISTICALLY LACKING picture of a woman waving her arms around, with a speech bubble reading "DON'T TAKE CLASSIFIED FOLDERS OUT OF THE DOCUMENTS ARCHIVE, KLAUS, EVEN FOR LITERALLY JUST A SINGLE MINUTE, OR I MIGHT HAVE AN ANEURYSM FROM THE TANTRUM I THROW". Real mature, you think, sarcastically, and you're eleven! The folder itself simply contains a list of names and information, with annotation in a blue pen. A some of the information seems to have been censored.
NAME: Dr. Charles Brighton
AGE: 39
SPECIALIZATION: Astrogeology, Philosophy
ROLE: Project Head
NOTES: Emotionally unstable, but it's his project and it would fall apart without him. This is far too vital to abandon.

Dr. Elaine Paris [Worst! Boss! Ever!]
AGE: 35
ROLE: Project Supervisor

NAME: Dr. Klaus Helsinki
AGE: 32
ROLE: Senior Researcher
PAY: [REDACTED] [I deserve a fucking raise for all the bullshit I put up with.]
NOTES: Not a team player. Resistant to authority. [Wow! Fuck you, too!]

NAME: Dr. Fatima Ankara [Okay, you're cool.]
AGE: 31
SPECIALIZATION: Child Psychology
ROLE: Senior Researcher
Consistently raised moral objections have mostly been quelled.

NAME: "Dr." Takumi Geneva [Hey, turns out that apparently there's no such thing as a 'PhD in medicine from ze university of hands-on experience', who fucking knew?]
AGE: 21
ROLE: Assistant Research
Criminal record can be swept under the rug. [Oh my god.]

NAME: Marshal Kamaria Kyoto
AGE: 38
ROLE: Head of Security
NOTES: Pay should be raised for overtime. [Are you fucking kidding me? Overtime? She's a fucking robot, I swear to god!]

NAME: Director Jack Brighton
AGE: 37
SPECIALIZATION: Administration
ROLE: Team Oversight
NOTES: Dr. Ankara's reports are rather concerning and it would be for the best if she would stop making them.

NAME: Roger Stockholm [Huge douche. Huge creep. The worst.]
AGE: 28
ROLE: Procurement

[I can't believe they censored all the payroll information, this was such a waste of time.]
The other one is FULL OF DOCUMENTS that have been mostly TORN TO SHREDS. The one thing you can make out is a PHOTOGRAPH OF A DARK-HAIRED GIRL, about your age, wearing the same PLAIN WHITE CLOTHES as you are. On the back, something has been written in black marker, with one annotation in a different handwriting in red marker.
Back of photograph said:
Subject #073, three months on Luna serum, pre-first stage.
Subject #073 was procured from Kolkata in December.
Subject #073 is mostly uncooperative and often refuses to speak. [don't want to talk. none of your business. i don't want to.]
[X] Examine the large stone tablet
[X] Examine the TABLET
[X] See if the drawers are unlocked. If they are, open them
One of the DRAWERS contains an EMERALD-STUDDED KEY. The other, a PAIR OF SUNGLASSES.
[X] Sit in the SPINNY CHAIR. Spin.
You sit in the SPINNY CHAIR while you THINK ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THE FOLDER. At least, that's what you tell yourself you're doing, but really it's just REALLY FUN TO SPIN IN. [+5 ÉLAN]
[X] Examine the walls for HIDDEN SAFES.
You certainly can't see any.
[X] Read the JOURNAL.
Hey, guess who's writing another diary! That's right, I am. Hey, guess what, I found out where the camera blind spots in this facility are, so that I can write my diaries without Dr. Paris whining at me about security risks all the damn time. I've even made a list, although I'm not sure where I put it. Anyway, how has my life been going since I last started a diary and gave up after three days? Pretty good, actually. I hear that Charles finally got a Luna to enter the first stage, which means that he's finally going to be giving me the go-ahead to start synthesizing Jupiter and Saturn!

I've never worked with stuff like this before, and honestly it's fucking great. How often do you get to work on stuff to literally save the world, right? Plus, with the stakes so high, they've given us each a floor to work with. When I'm done renovating mine, I'm going to have a way better lab than Kenneth, or Carlos, or any of those other douchebags from the GSC Induction Program. God, I bet my parents never thought I'd get this far, huh? Well, I'm sure showing them now. Or at least, I would, if, you know, everything I did wasn't highly classified.

Speaking of parents, Charles needs to keep track of his bloody kid. I opened a cupboard because I needed a mop, and there's a crying 12-year-old in there, what am I supposed to do? I mean, I can't exactly ask her what's wrong, can I? Thinking back on it, closing the cupboard door again might not have been the right thing to do, but, come on, I panic around crying people. You can't blame me. Apart from that, though things are really looking up. Onwards and upwards from here, right? Oh, shit, better stop writing, I can hear someone walking outside and it might be Paris, Seeya, diary.
[X] Examine all the stationery.
Most of it is just PENCILS and PAPER, but your eye is caught by what seems to be an INTACT and UNUSED NOTEPAD, as well as a FANCY FOUNTAIN PEN lying right by it.
[X] Observe the carpet for traces of anything unusual
[X] Feel the PLUSHNESS of the CARPET and give it a COMFORT RATING
-[X] Then if it meets standards, maybe take a MOMENT to luxuriate in THAT CARPET FEEL
After careful consideration, you decide that the CARPET scores a 7/10 on the COMFINESS SCALE. Mari raises an eyebrow at you but says nothing. The eyebrow says all that needs saying.
[X] Check the underside of each of the TABLES for anything.
[X] Examine the SMALL TABLES (is there anything different about them or are they all the same... Etc.)
The TABLES seem uninteresting. "Oh," you mutter. "How the tables have tabled. Wait! Wait, no, I said that wrong, heck." Fortunately, Mari didn't hear that particularly EMBARRASSING SLIPUP.
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[X] Take the key and sunglasses
-[X] Don the sunglasses, assume cool pose

[X] Take the notepad and fountain pen
NAME: Dr. Charles Brighton
AGE: 39
SPECIALIZATION: Astrogeology, Philosophy
ROLE: Project Head
NOTES: Emotionally unstable, but it's his project and it would fall apart without him. This is far too vital to abandon.
The project lead. Figures. Wait, astroWHAT!? I should have guessed, what with his fascination with celestial bodies and beings, but...

This thing about asteroid in Antarctica better not be true! :o

The most disconcerting thing, however, is that his staff pulled a coup and deposed the head of the facility that they themselves stated things would fall apart without, over his daughter. There were indications that this project was going to hell before, but it's the first time that we've got a solid confirmation they don't have a grip on it anymore.

NAME: Dr. Klaus Helsinki
AGE: 32
NOTES: Not a team player. Resistant to authority.
This would have a potential to be exploited... if we were a master of manipulation and not an 11 year old girl who was injected with one of his serums.

NAME: Dr. Fatima Ankara
AGE: 31
SPECIALIZATION: Child Psychology
ROLE: Senior Researcher
NOTES: Consistently raised moral objections have mostly been quelled.
Duh! Of course the only one with any moral qualms about the project would turn out to be a child psychologist! I didn't see it coming (the stuff they are doing makes me think any benevolent one would have either run off, outed them, or hanged themselves), but I suppose I should have. Looks like Ankara has finally had enough, and caused this crisis. And it all comes to Mari, doesn't it?

NAME: "Dr." Takumi Geneva
AGE: 21
NOTES: Criminal record can be swept under the rug.
A surgeon with an on-hand experience at an age of 21. Ahaha. NO! :mad:

I swear, these people...

NAME: Director Jack Brighton
AGE: 37
SPECIALIZATION: Administration
ROLE: Team Oversight
NOTES: Dr. Ankara's reports are rather concerning and it would be for the best if she would stop making them.
This man... is not going to live until old age, is he?

'Administration', huh? What does he want, though? He must have some goal in mind. Supplant his brother as the lead? Get all the acclaim for the project? Or is he just drunk with power his position grants?

I don't think Melody would have approved of what is going on in the facility now. But Jack does, and his brother apparently does not care about anything anymore. I wonder if we can't investigate Melody's death in more detail. I have a bad feeling about this. :|

NAME: Roger Stockholm
AGE: 28
ROLE: Procurement
'Human Resourse Procurement'. Die. Die in a fire.

What a team, what a project!
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Heh. The Head Researcher and the Director. Charles and Jack display a certain Padishah/Vizier dynamics. 'A mad Emperor who has gone cuckoo and locked himself in his tower, and an evil Chancellor ruling in his absense'.

Now that I know Melody was the previous Director and Jack jumped in her office the next day after she died as if he couldn't wait, I can't help but suspect he had a hand in her demise somehow. Would be a great way to destabilize his brother, too.

Maybe I am just needlessly demonizing the guy, I don't have solid proof of anything shady (as in, 'shady even by the skewed standarts of the facility') to go on. But so far Jack has been an excellent 'final antagonist' material.

Subject #073, three months on Luna serum, pre-first stage.
Subject #073 was procured from Kolkata in December.
Subject #074 is mostly uncooperative and often refuses to speak.
So it takes at least 3 months for the serum to take effect. #074 is our Moon, but who is #073 and why are notes made on the back of the same photograph? Sisters? Clones? Sloppiness of the staff?

[X] Use IFI: Ask Mari what date does she think it is today?

I hear that Charles finally got a Luna to enter the first stage, which means that he's finally going to be giving me the go-ahead to start synthesizing Jupiter and Saturn!
I don't like the word 'synthesizing'. But I guess it just means that we are supposed to become something, rather than imply anything about our genesis.
How often do you get to work on stuff to literally save the world, right? Plus, with the stakes so high, they've given us each a floor to work with.
Oh God, the Armageddon is real and we are all going to die unless this project succeeds, aren't we? Except it is already visibly failing...
Speaking of parents, Charles needs to keep track of his bloody kid. I opened a cupboard because I needed a mop, and there's a crying 12-year-old in there, what am I supposed to do? I mean, I can't exactly ask her what's wrong, can I? Thinking back on it, closing the cupboard door again might not have been the right thing to do, but, come on, I panic around crying people. You can't blame me. Apart from that, though things are really looking up.



I don't know where to even start with this one.

Most of it is just PENCILS and PAPER, but your eye is caught by what seems to be an INTACT and UNUSED NOTEPAD, as well as a FANCY FOUNTAIN PEN lying right by it.

-[X] Copy the RUNES in the NOTEPAD.
--[X] Use IFI: Ask Mari if she can make sense of them.
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Well, we learned a lot of information in this update, most of which is concerning at best and disturbing at worst. Jesus, what is wrong with this project?
#074 is our Moon, but who is #073 and why are notes made on the back of the same photograph? Sisters? Clones? Sloppiness of the staff?
Ahem. That 74 is a typo. I knew I wouldn't be able to post an update at 6 AM and not have anything go wrong...

Edit: I typoed my own goddamn screenname in this post, truly I am a bastion of incompetence.
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Hah. Klaus took the documents anyway. And then scribbled in them.

Welp, guess we know what Luna looks like now. And serum, huh? Are we all... yup, we are all. Super Serum-infused children with memory loss, this can't go wrong at all.

And... Kolkata, so she's Indian. Hm. Don't know if that's relevant.

Things we might want to do:

- Decipher the runes (might be beyond our ability for now)
- Get another flashback since we have the key to the maze
- Write a post-scriptum note to Red Marker now that we have learned new info (what about? Runes? Staff? Maze?)
- Collect various items before heading out to the maze (though a notepad sounds miles better than what we had)

We had a NET, TWO CANS OF TINNED FOOD (I forgot what was in there, chicken and... something?), and I think Mari had something else we disposed of? Probably irrelevant.

Hm, looks like we decided not to share our peaches with Red Marker. Tsk-tsk. Okay, maybe that was too much fooling around. :oops:

Also, I wonder what happened to the BROKEN LOCKET we found under the pillow in Mari's room. We thought it was important to her, but she does not appear to have it on her. I'd imagine it would go to the FINERY slot. Did she really leave it behind?

Also, there is valuable advice to remember.
wow. through here is the maze. maze for rats. lab rats. fun fun! (that was a lie. not fun.) maze is scary if you get lost. advice: no getting lost. my advice is good. also advice, if you see minotaur, run run run, do not pass go. do not collect $200.
Unfortunately, it is marred by horrible grammar plaguing Red Marker's writings. What is 'do not pass go' even supposed tio mean?

Initially I thought about taking something to mark our way in the maze, but I guess markers would do fine. And Red promised to leave hints.
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Hm, looks like we decided not to share our peaches
Ahem. That did happen, I just forgot to remove them from the inventory, because I have the ability to keep track of things of a... thing that has very poor ability to keep track of things. The puzzles of QS only manage to work because I lay them all out nicely on Google Drive, bluh.
Things we might want to do:

- Decipher the runes (might be beyond our ability for now)
- Get another flashback since we have the key to the maze
- Write a post-scriptum note to Red Marker now that we have learned new info (what about? Runes? Staff? Maze?)
- Collect various items before heading out to the maze (though a notepad sounds miles better than what we had)

We had a NET, TWO CANS OF TINNED FOOD (I forgot what was in there, chicken and... something?), and I think Mari had something else we disposed of? Probably irrelevant.

Hm, looks like we decided not to share our peaches with Red Marker. Tsk-tsk. Okay, maybe that was too much fooling around. :oops:

Also, I wonder what happened to the BROKEN LOCKET we found under the pillow in Mari's room. We thought it was important to her, but she does not appear to have it on her. I'd imagine it would go to the FINERY slot. Did she really leave it behind?

Also, there is valuable advice to remember.

Unfortunately, it is marred by horrible grammar plaguing Red Marker's writings. What is 'do not pass go' even supposed tio mean?

Initially I thought about taking something to mark our way in the maze, but I guess markers would do fine. And Red promised to leave hints.

It's a combo HOL (I think?)/Monopology reference. 'Do not pass go' because when you get sent to jail in monopoly, you don't get to pass the starting line and collect the $200 dollars.

If I was trying to be deep with it, the assumption would be 'if you're captured, you'll be taken past a lot of the puzzles you have to fight through...but you're still captured so yeah, you didn't really gain anything.'

Also, just caught up...too bad I suck at puzzles.

I wonder what our Serum does?
Hey, question. If we copy the Runes down onto the Notepad, and we have the Notepad...

Can we then DFD the Notepad so that we, the players, can see the strange runes/sentences on the tablets?
Also, just caught up...too bad I suck at puzzles.
I suck at references. We'd make a great team! :lol
My biggest facepalm moment in the whole quest was when EvilPorygon decided to color an abstract painting with different markers. I thought 'whoa, that's pretty astute! I would not have thought of that!', followed by 'that's some interesting tapestry, "Richard of York gave battle in vain", I've never heard of it, I wonder who is the artist'.


I wonder what our Serum does?
We saw something was wrong/different with our eyes, and most of our machinations are analytical abilities. Perhaps it improves the volume of information we can perceive and causes a drastic increase in computational brain power, turning us into a Mentat-like entity?
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I suck at references. We'd make a great team!
My biggest facepalm moment in the whole quest was when EvilPorygon decided to color an abstract painting with different markers. I thought 'whoa, that's pretty astute! I would not have thought of that!', followed by 'that's some interesting tapestry, "Richard of York gave battle in vain", I've never heard of it, I wonder who is the artist'.


We saw something was wrong/different with our eyes, and most of our machinations are analytical abilities. Perhaps it improves the volume of information we can perceive and causes a drastic increase of computational brain power, turning us into a Mentat-like entity?

But yeah, note.

In House of Leaves, the minotaur is always written in red, and is the monster that stalks the endless labyrinth, a monster that might not even exist.

And then someone with a red marker writes 'minotaur'? Yeah. Also, I swear I saw something like that Monopoly reference in the actual book.

Little did you know, mild mannered Quest-writer The Laurent once wrote an entire Senior Thesis College paper on House of Leaves!
Stockholm is the kidnapper. I find this disturbing yet amusing.

[X] Look at the stone tablet through the sunglasses. See if anything else is revealed.

I suck at references. We'd make a great team! :lol
My biggest facepalm moment in the whole quest was when EvilPorygon decided to color an abstract painting with different markers. I thought 'whoa, that's pretty astute! I would not have thought of that!', followed by 'that's some interesting tapestry, "Richard of York gave battle in vain", I've never heard of it, I wonder who is the artist'.


We saw something was wrong/different with our eyes, and most of our machinations are analytical abilities. Perhaps it improves the volume of information we can perceive and causes a drastic increase in computational brain power, turning us into a Mentat-like entity?
Oh yea, that coloring spree. Fun times :D

I myself had a 'hehe that's wicked' moment when pantherasapiens solved that alive-garden code by shifting all letters to the one alphabetically next to them.

Cool stuff you come up with, @causticAccolade. :p

Anyone of you ever watch the anime Zankyou no Terror/Terror in Resonance? I can draw a few parallels with its backstory.

Hey, question. If we copy the Runes down onto the Notepad, and we have the Notepad...

Can we then DFD the Notepad so that we, the players, can see the strange runes/sentences on the tablets?
Probably. Sounds like a good idea.
My initial guess on the suspicious pen (if it's something special) would be one of those watermark stylus things museum maintainance staff usually carry around.

It says fountain pen though, so I'm not too sure. Might be disappearing blood ink after all.
Should we maybe mention to Mari what we read about her in the diary? I mean, I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate it if we pried in to why she was crying, but...
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I'd rather not. Prying aside, she strives to maintain a cool front, and admitting to this incident would be an embarassment to her.

I mean, to our knowledge, there were two people she was interacting with at the facility: her father and her uncle. Take your pick.

Though she knows the names of other staff, so I would not exclude someone else spooking her. Depends on when it happened, I suppose.

Concern is well and good, but this is far from an immediate problem, and I doubt she'll answer. She is not a very talkative sort, and she does not trust us at the moment.

I am almost certain it will come up later, one way or the other.
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[X] Take the key and sunglasses
-[X] Don the sunglasses, assume cool pose
You put on the SUNGLASSES, and strike a COOL POSE. Even Mari seems intimidated by how COOL you are. Or maybe she's just scowling at you because she thinks you look lame, which is wrong, because you look INCREDIBLY COOL in these. They're not actually ALL THAT DARK, but you still wouldn't want to WALK AROUND IN A DARK ROOM with them.
[X] Take the notepad and fountain pen
Any self-respecting JUNIOR SLEUTH should be able to keep NOTES to help them keep track of their CASE. These seem like they'll do just the trick!
[X] Use IFI: Ask Mari what date does she think it is today?
Mari rolls her eyes. "What kind of stupid question is that? You really are as simple as you seem. It's July the twentieth."

You FROWN. Your FIELD TRIP was in MARCH, and you don't remember anything after that, but Mari seems to be telling the truth. You... don't really want to think about the implications here.
[X] Copy down the runes in to the NOTEPAD, either by eye or trace them.
-[X] Copy the RUNES in the NOTEPAD.
--[X] Use IFI: Ask Mari if she can make sense of them.
You can't use [DEDUCTION FOR DUMMIES] on the TABLET, as it is MUCH TOO HEAVY to put into your INVENTORY. Not that you know what an INVENTORY is, of course. You can, however, copy the runes down into the NOTEPAD. It takes some CONCENTRATION, but you eventually manage to COPY DOWN ALL SEVEN SENTENCES. Even if doing so is making your head hurt. You really can't make head nor tail of them! THE OLD WORDS. YOU COULD NOT HOPE TO UNDERSTAND, CHILD. Really, just, what on Earth could they mean? So confusing... what were you thinking about, again? Curiously, you show them to Mari, watching her reaction carefully.

"Do you reckon you've seen these before?"

She frowns, looking a little distant. "Mother was the one who learned how to translate those for the institute. Father said that they were very very important, and that Mother was a very clever woman who was saving the world." She sounds a little like she might cry if she keeps talking, so it's probably for the best that she stops there and turns away. She seems entirely truthful.
It's quite impressive how they've managed to stud this key with TINY EMERALDS. They sparkle and glitter in the light, and it's almost mesmerizing.

There was a man ready to meet you, from the Global Soteriology Consortium, as soon as you arrived. His hair was gelled to perfection, and his teeth were too white and flawless to fit in with the rest of his face. You, along with everybody else, were very disappointed to find that the first part of the field trip would be yet another test. You almost considered failing on purpose so that you could sneak off and go buy some sweets, but you were a JUNIOR SLEUTH there to investigate a mystery. You couldn't do that. The man with the perfect hair and teeth explained how the Global Soteriology Consortium needed the best of the best, the smartest, the bravest, and a lot of other words you could tell were meant to flatter you all. You didn't like it. You didn't like it one bit.

Just... really pretty. God, you love emeralds. What were you thinking about? Probably how cool you look in these SHADES, which is VERY.
[X] Look at the stone tablet through the sunglasses. See if anything else is revealed.
It appears exactly the same, if a little bit darker. Is that a clue? Wait, no, that's just what sunglasses do. The TABLET is perfectly ordinary.
[X] Test the Fountain Pen
You write down one of your FAVOURITE QUOTES of ALL TIME.

"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."

It seems to work fine!