Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

Once we figure out what to open it with, yes.

We will need the ID card to get past the door with the card reader. We already have the gold crowbar for a gold coin. We have left our silver key way back where the silver thread started... we aren't going back for it, are we? And there should be something bronze around here.

Whoa, Jack must be bad news, huh?

The area of the garden through the RIGHT GATE is also dominated by a FLOWER GARDEN, although this one is SQUARE, and MUCH LARGER, containing only ONE KIND OF FLOWER, with each flower being allotted its own TINY SQUARE in a GRID FORMATION.
[X] Examine the GRID. Is there some pattern to it?

-[X] Put them in the FEEDER. See if the 'bird' comes down.
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Bronze is an alloy of copper and most other metals except zinc (that's brass) or nickel (that's melchior). Interestingly enough, Wiki places even some zink/copper alloys under bronze.

We have a brass plaque around here... I wonder if that'd be enough for the vending machine.

I also wonder what Mari would say to that... it's a commemorative plaque in memory of her late mother. If it's a part of the puzzle, I'd like to meet the researcher who thought it would be a good idea, and punch them in the face. Hard.

Yeah, I know, there is the whole 'kidnap little girls and put them into a deathtrap' thing going on, but damn!

Edit: here's gold and silver.
[X] Check the GOLDEN GATES
They're VERY PRETTY, with COMPLEX DESIGNS inlaid in SILVER. They are both UNLOCKED.
We only need to vandalize the gates...
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[X] Examine the GRID. Is there some pattern to it?
-[X] Put them in the FEEDER. See if the 'bird' comes down.
The BERRIES are large and JUICY-LOOKING, but you're not entirely sure how safe they are to eat. You TAKE A FEW and place them in the BIRD FEEDER. Nothing seems to happen for a few seconds, as the BIRD stays entirely still, but then all of a sudden it TURNS, remaining ODDLY STIFF, EXTENDS ITS WINGS, and GLIDES directly towards the BIRD FEEDER with a soft WHIRRING SOUND, before PERCHING ABOVE IT, still COMPLETELY STILL. Saving the environment, one step at a time.
[X] Ask Mari what she would need to fix the grappling hook.
"Just a few screws and gears should do it. I told you, I am very smart."
-[X] If it fails, and it flies away, screw the net back on the pendulum and repeat everything once more, but this time catch it with the NET.

[X] DFD the BIRD.
> Lucy: "Could you murder this bird for me?"
A bird! A bird! If you were a potato, you'd be terrified right now. Fortunately, you are a JUNIOR SLEUTH, and so spring forward, ready for the BIRD to try and FLY AWAY, and almost feeling a little disappointed when it remains STILL AS A STATUE even when you GRAB IT. You put down the FLASHLIGHT and take a look at the BIRD.

The more you look at the BIRD, the less it looks like a BIRD at all. Sure, it's shaped like a bird, but it has the STIFF, UNNATURAL DEMEANOR that reminds you of the MECHANICAL FISH from the CLOCK ROOM. From the DEAD, GLASS EYES, to the fact it remain COMPLETELY STILL - wait, right there, the legs have CLEARLY VISIBLY HINGES. The chest seems to be SCREWED IN PLACE. You're not a bird scientist, but you're pretty sure this is a MECHANICAL BIRD.
Well, guess who just got some gears!

Once more vote from me, then, and I'm done for today.

[X] Take a deep breath and talk to Mary about whether brass can work for the purposes of making bronze coins accepted by the vending machine
-[X] If negative, say no more on this
-[X] If affirmative, ask her for the permission to use the BRASS PLAQUE
--[X] If you encounter resistance to the idea, remind her that the search for her father might depend on it
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[] Ask Mari to use her SCREWDRIVER to disassemble the MECHANICAL BIRD. Most likely it will yield the parts needed to repair the grappling hook.

[X] Work out exactly what sorts and sizes of items can actually fit in to the press to be made in to coins. Would something like the crowbar even work?
Edit: Ninja'd
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Hm. No takers?

[X] Examine GOLDEN GATES with COMPLEX DESIGNS IN SILVER one more time.
-[X] Is there a way to disassemble them or otherwise get enough metal for the PRESS?
--[X] It's not vandalism if it's for GREAT JUSTICE!
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Bronze is an alloy of copper and most other metals except zinc (that's brass) or nickel (that's melchior). Interestingly enough, Wiki places any copper alloys under bronze.

We have a brass plaque around here... I wonder if that'd be enough for the vending machine.

I also wonder what Mari would say to that... it's a commemorative plaque in memory of her late mother. If it's a part of the puzzle, I'd like to meet the researcher who thought it would be a good idea, and punch them in the face. Hard.

Yeah, I know, there is the whole 'kidnap little girls and put them into a deathtrap' thing going on, but damn!

Edit: here's gold and silver.

We only need to vandalize the gates...
Hm, vandalism sounds nice.

As far as I know though, isn't Bronze the copper & tin alloy? Where Brass is the one with zinc.

If Brass does count as Bronze, then great. Otherwise maybe we could-

[X] Look around the room for BRONZE things?
...we are going to climb the tree to the top with a grappling hook to get to the treehouse and the acorns, aren't we?

At least Mari is better equipped for such a trip with her 'what is this thing you call self-preservation?' abilities.
Interesting things to note. OOC we know that Mars, Mercury and Ankara were in the maze when we were moving through the dark corridor. We might meet them yet, though the only denizen of the maze that we know of currently IC is the Minotaur, so we should exercise caution.

IC we also know that Red Marker has been observing us for some time, even though she didn't initiate direct contact for some reason. But she has been talking to us through the notes for a while now. It makes me think that if we try to communicate via writing, we'll get an answer sooner or later, since she is able to move between the chambers more or less freely.

So maybe we should start coming up with a list of questions for her? Maybe answer hers if she has any we would know of (though I doubt we would).

- What is their name?
- How long have they been in here?
- Do they know Dr. Charles Brighton? Do they know his whereabouts?
- Do they know what the goals of the Institute are?
- Is there anything we can help them with?

If we leave these messages behind, and if she is indeed following us, we might come upon some new notes in the next chamber. Worth a try, I suppose.
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[X] Take a deep breath and talk to Mary about whether brass can work for the purposes of making bronze coins accepted by the vending machine
-[X] If negative, say no more on this
"I don't think it would. I'm not sure how that machine works out what kind of coin you put in, but my guess would be weight, and though they have a similar density, I think it would be able to tell them apart." You are shocked that she managed to get through an entire sentence without insulting you - she's probably just content showing off how clever she is, you think.
[X] Take the bird apart
-[X] Ask Mari if these screws and gears are sufficient for grappling hook fixing
[X] Ask Mari to use her SCREWDRIVER to disassemble the MECHANICAL BIRD. Most likely it will yield the parts needed to repair the grappling hook.
You give Mari the MECHANICAL BIRD, which she starts TAKING APART before you even say anything. She's in her element, here - unlike the clumsy, messy way you disassembled the MECHANICAL FISH back in the CLOCK ROOM, she knows exactly what she's doing. Her fingers move so quickly it's almost a blur, and it feels like MAGIC the way she turns the BIRD into a NEAT LITTLE PILE OF GEARS, BOLTS, AND RIVETS, sorted by size in tidy stacks.

She looks GENUINELY PLEASED WITH HERSELF instead of just SMUG for once, and you can't help but SMILE A LITTLE at her. She FROWNS at you, but at least she doesn't SCOWL. She sets aside some CANS OF FOOD and sets about working on the GRAPPLING HOOK, and within five minutes she stands up with a triumphant grin on her face, holding it in both hands and AIMING IT AROUND WILDLY.

"Whoah, Mari, try not to point that thing at me."

"Shut up, dummy. I know what I'm doing."

"If you say so."
[X] Work out exactly what sorts and sizes of items can actually fit in to the press to be made in to coins. Would something like the crowbar even work?
While Mari has fun swinging about her new contraption, you go to take a closer look at the COIN PRESS. It makes a lot more sense to you now that you ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT IT IS. It has a clear INPUT and OUTPUT - both seem quite small. The CROWBAR would definitely not fit into the INPUT.
[X] Examine GOLDEN GATES with COMPLEX DESIGNS IN SILVER one more time.
-[X] Is there a way to disassemble them or otherwise get enough metal for the PRESS?
--[X] It's not vandalism if it's for GREAT JUSTICE!
You briefly consider vandalising - well, not vandalising, because vandalising is a CRIME, and you are NO CRIMINAL, but a JUNIOR SLEUTH in pursuit of TRUTH AND JUSTICE. No, you consider commandeering the materials of the gates - but alas, you can't think of ANY WAY to REMOVE THE PRECIOUS METALS.
[X] Look around the room for BRONZE things?
You can't remember having examined anything BRONZE.
Well. There is no way to go but up.

[X] As a JUNIOR SLEUTH in pursuit of TRUTH AND JUSTICE, you are afraid of nothing and no one... but heights make you a little nervous.
-[X] Ask Mari if she would be willing to test the GRAPPLING HOOK by climbing the OAK TREE. She has faith in her machinery, yes?
--[X] And root for her from down below!!
---[X] Mary: activate IMNF&HMJB

[X] Ask Mari to collect a few ACORNS and examine the TREEHOUSE.

Edit: things we have not examined in detail yet:
DOOR with what seems to be a CARD READER
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I've been wondering about this. Do we have to preemptively activate Mari's HOLD MY JUICEBOX before she enters a dangerous situation in order to halve the élan damage takes?
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I've been wondering about this. Do we have to preemptively activate Mari's HOLD MY JUICEBOX before she enters a dangerous situation in order to halve the élan damage takes?
Nope! [HOLD MY JUICE BOX] will activate automatically whenever any ÉLAN damage would normally be taken. [I MUST NOT FEAR] will also activate automatically under the appropriate circumstances - do you think I ought to put stuff like that in the descriptions on the character sheet? It might make things clearer.
Nope! [HOLD MY JUICE BOX] will activate automatically whenever any ÉLAN damage would normally be taken. [I MUST NOT FEAR] will also activate automatically under the appropriate circumstances - do you think I ought to put stuff like that in the descriptions on the character sheet? It might make things clearer.

Yeah, it's probably better to mark passives/auto-skills as such.
Thanks @Nevill. Your list makes things easier to think on.

[X] Observe painting of A Starry Night
-[X] Take it off if you can and check beneath
[X] Examine the Fences
[X] If you can, check if there's anything at the bottom of the empty pond

It's empty right?
> Mari: Lack self-preservation instincts
[X] As a JUNIOR SLEUTH in pursuit of TRUTH AND JUSTICE, you are afraid of nothing and no one... but heights make you a little nervous.
-[X] Ask Mari if she would be willing to test the GRAPPLING HOOK by climbing the OAK TREE. She has faith in her machinery, yes?
--[X] And root for her from down below!!
[X] Ask Mari to collect a few ACORNS and examine the TREEHOUSE.
You look up the OAK TREE. It... it sure is kind of high up there. You glance at Mari - she's still swinging the GRAPPLING HOOK around wildly, almost GIDDY WITH GLEE at having been given this NEW TOY.

"Hey, Mari?"

She takes a while to respond, but eventually turns towards you. "Calloway?"

"Do you think that you could grapple up into that treehouse? It might be kind of dangerous."

Mari grins from ear to ear, a slightly manic sparkle in her eye. "Let's find out!"

And with that, she whirls around, firing the GRAPPLING HOOK. The HOOK sails through the air, wrapping tightly around one of the LARGER BRANCHES OF THE TREE. A few seconds later, Mari goes flying, pulled off her feet and DRAGGED THROUGH THE AIR at a pace that frankly makes you a LITTLE DIZZY to even look at. You put a hand over your eyes as she impacts the OAK TREE with a rather worrying THUNK. However, when you inevitably PEEK THROUGH YOUR FINGERS, Mari is STANDING TRIUMPHANTLY on a BRANCH by the TREEHOUSE. Her TIGHTS are RIPPED AND BLOODIED around the knees, but other than that she looks NONE THE WORSE FOR THE WEAR, still grinning with sheer exhiliration.

[Mari: -15 VITALITY]
[Mari: -2 ÉLAN]

She waves smugly down at you. "Hey, Calloway, what does it feel like to be stuck on the ground like a dummy?"

You swallow the WITTY COMEBACKS that start springing to your mind, instead calling out "Are you okay?"

Mari just shrugs. "I've had worse. I'll look through this dirty little shack, you go and keep doing your silly nonsense."

You mutter indignantly under your breath as you go off to do more silly nonsense.
[X] Observe painting of A Starry Night
-[X] Take it off if you can and check beneath
You examine the REPLICA VAN GOGH PAINTING, which seems PRETTY NORMAL except for ONE DETAIL: instead of a MOON, there's just WHAT SEEMS TO BE a HALO OF LIGHT around a BLACK CIRCLE. As any well-read lass with an ACUMEN STAT as high as yours would know, that's what a SOLAR ECLIPSE looks like. There is a TITLE at the bottom: '1988'. Being VERY ACCUSTOMED to this sort of PUZZLE SILLINESS by now, you're not at all surprised to find that behind the PAINTING OF A STARRY NIGHT is a SAFE DOOR with a SIX-DIGIT COMBINATION.
[X] Examine the Fences
Apart from separating the areas of the GARDEN, they don't seem to serve any purpose.
[X] If you can, check if there's anything at the bottom of the empty pond
There's a GRATE at the bottom, and although you try to see if there's anything STUCK IN IT, you JUST CAN'T TELL. You're interrupted from this fruitless search by Mari's impatient, snappy voice calling out.

"Oi! Get over here, you idiot! I've found things!"

You make your way back over to the foot of the OAK TREE, looking up expectantly.

"About time. What took you so long, did you stop to take a bath on the way here? You need one, you know. But anyway, there's just a bunch of books in here and a pair of old watering cans, they're all dirty and horrid. I'll throw them down."

You have no chance to protest before a PAIR OF WATERING CANS are shortly tossed out of the TREEHOUSE to land on the ground in front of you, followed by a JOURNAL, a BOOK ON ASTRONOMY, and a BOOK ON BOTANY. Just for good measure, it seems, Mari steps back out onto the BRANCH she grappled up to and tosses a few ACORNS to (or possibly at) you, which land perilously close to your toe. She stands there, grinning down at you, and generally looking TERRIBLY PROUD OF HERSELF. You can't help but give her an ENCOURAGING THUMBS UP.
Perhaps we don't need to switch the lights off... perhaps we have to obstruct the 'Sun'.

-[X] Is the top of the tree close enough to it to place something that would block the lights?

As any well-read lass with an ACUMEN STAT as high as yours would know, that's what a SOLAR ECLIPSE looks like. There is a TITLE at the bottom: '1988'.
I bet it's talking about the total eclipse on the 18th of March, 1988. This is probably the combination to the safe.

There's a GRATE at the bottom, and although you try to see if there's anything STUCK IN IT, you JUST CAN'T TELL.
It it because there isn't enough light, or for some other reason? We have a flashlight... Eh, why not!

[X] Shine the FLASHLIGHT inside the GRATE. The mystery genre demands EVIDENCE of hideous CRIMES to be hidden at the bottom of POOLS! Granted, those pools usually aren't dried up...

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Hopefully the cans are bronze, hm?

[X] Try the combination 180388 on the safe

^this is the true secret to solving all puzzles in the room.

After using the flashlight,

[X] Examine the grate. Can you open it with a screwdriver or crowbar?
> Lucy: Read journal
[X] Read the JOURNAL
The JOURNAL has had an IMPROMPTU FOREWORD penned on the front inside cover.
Impromptu foreword said:
you left a nice note for me. miss green writing detective lady. here is a present. try to keep not dying.
The rest of it is penned in REGULAR BLACK INK, by someone with METICULOUSLY NEAT HANDWRITING. Here and there it has been ANNOTATED by someone using a RED MARKER.
Well, here we go. Now, Dr. Paris told me I wasn't supposed to keep any more diaries when the last one was confiscated, security concerns and all that, well, you know what, she can go fuck herself.
Your eyes widen in shock at the use of such vile language, and you frown disapprovingly as you keep reading. The writer of this JOURNAL, you think, really ought to HAVE THEIR MOUTH WASHED OUT WITH SOAP. Well. Not literally. That would be ridiculous. Silly thoughts aside, you continue to read.
It's not like it's going to be leaving this facility, and who the hell's going to read it? I'm not going to write anything important in here, anyway. I just need something to stop me from going bloody insane. Although, if I'm honest, everyone here seems to have gone off the deep end already. Dr. Paris is more paranoid than ever, and let me tell you if there's one thing that makes this kind of work a nightmare it's having a paranoid boss. It's like she thinks I'm just going to forget that what we're doing is top secret. What does she think I am, five years old?

Jack [smiley man] seems to spend more time with his bloody niece than he does actually working (hey, how come when I write a fucking diary, it's a security risk, but Charles [particles man] can bring his goddamn daughter to the facility with him? Double standards or what!), and I never liked the guy anyway - who the hell takes his brother's wife's job the very day after she goddamn dies? Charles himself, dear friend of mine though he is, is just so fucking miserable to be around these days. I mean, yes, his wife died, and that sucks, but still, it's been years. I don't want to be mean but like, dude, get over it.

Roger [snatching boogieman] is a vain son of a gun, and I don't even want to think about how he got the job he has, so I try and avoid him as much as possible. Kyoto [guns shooter] is so serious and dull I'm pretty sure that she considers submitting her tax forms to be a breath of excitement, and the new guy we just had transferred over from Japan, Dr. Geneva [scary scary] or something, is the creepiest, weirdest Swiss fuck I've ever had the misfortune of being around. The way he looks at me, God, I don't care how good of a surgeon he is, I want to be as far away from him as possible at all times. The only halfway decent conversation I can get here is with Dr. Ankara [nice woman lady], and we're working on completely different parts of the project.

Bah. I guess it's worth putting up with all of them just for the chance at working here - we're doing a world of good here, after all. At least, I hope we are. Either way, if this project succeeds, it's going to look damn good on my resume. If it goes wrong, well... I'm probably not going to need a resume where I'll end up. Oh, damn, Dr. Paris is meant to be inspecting this department in ten minutes, and if she sees I've been writing about my coworkers in my diary then I'm in for an hour of 'Klaus, do you know how dangerous that is' this and 'Helsinki, you don't deserve that badge' that and I do not want that. I need to look busy, and this new batch of serum isn't going to refine itself. Seeya, Diary.
The BOOK ON ASTRONOMY is split into TWO HALVES - the FIRST HALF is about SOLAR ECLIPSES, and provides a lengthy list of all the DATES AND POSITIONS of SOLAR ECLIPSES DURING THE LAST CENTURY. Out of CURIOSITY, you check the year 1988 and discover that there was an ECLIPSE that year on MARCH 18TH. The SECOND HALF is about the IMPACT OF SOME METEOR some place in ANTARTICA. There's a lot of COMPLEX GEOLOGICAL and ASTRONOMICAL TERMS that you CAN'T QUITE WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND.
The book is about PHOTOTROPISM, and a bunch of other BOTANICAL CONCEPTS that you have neither INTEREST IN nor KNOWLEDGE OF. Of particular interest to you is an ILLUSTRATION on the BACK PAGE.
-[X] Is the top of the tree close enough to it to place something that would block the lights?
Curiously, you call back up to Mari, asking her to examine the LIGHT.

"It's bright." She delivers the verdict with the air of someone who thinks they have said something very insightful.

"Do you think there's any way you could block it out?"

"No. I suppose we could always smash it."

"That's, uh, let's not do that." You hope that Mari takes your advice to heart as you go to examine other objects.
[X] Shine the FLASHLIGHT inside the GRATE. The mystery genre demands EVIDENCE of hideous CRIMES to be hidden at the bottom of POOLS! Granted, those pools usually aren't dried up...
[X] Examine the grate. Can you open it with a screwdriver or crowbar?
Hardboiled thoughts about MURDER and EVIDENCE floating through your head, you shine the FLASHLIGHT down into the DARKNESS of the GRATE. You can just make out something SHINING down there, something that looks a little bit like SILVER. The GRATE is far too far down and has far too little space between bars for you to be able to do anything with it, though.
The WATERING CANS are quite HARDY, with not a single dent on them despite having been unceremoniously tossed from the TREEHOUSE to the ground. They both have WORDS painted on the side: one HOUR and the other MINUTE. Looking closely, there are SUBTLE DIFFERENCES in the HEADS.
[X] Try the combination 180388 on the safe
Thinking about the DATE in the BOOK, you put in the combination 180388. A few CLICKS are audible from the LOCKING MECHANISM, and you suspect that the SAFE is NOW OPEN.
You PICK UP an ACORN to examine it, and... wait a second! This ACORN is weirdly heavy! In fact, you don't think it's an ACORN AT ALL, but rather a BRONZE DECORATION in the shape of one! Sneaky.
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The Journal section is oddly cut off. Is that deliberate?

Dr. Paris has no red marker description, so... maybe they never met. Yet.

Might I suggest threadmarks? >_>




[X] Fashion a HOOK AND LINE out of our HAIR and LITTLE TWIGS to get the SILVER GLINTY THING in the DARKNESS of the GRATE.