Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

Should we voting to do something? Because if so...

[X] Mari? We should probably run. Now!
-[X] Move as quickly as you can while still following the string.


Oh, wait, I just realized. Maybe we should turn off the flashlight and just follow the string?
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[X] Turn off the light. Grab hold of Mari's hand with one of your own, and trace the silver thread with another hand while you move.
[X] Activate AFA (this qualifies as a hazard, right?)
-[X] Throw out a SET OF PORTRAITS, remove your DETECTIVE CROWN restricting your mobility and put it in your INVENTORY. I mean, a POCKET or wherever you keep your findings.
--[X] Turn off the light.
---[X] Grab Mari's hand.
----[X] RUN!!! (but remember to not let go of Mari's hand)
-----[X] Alongside the STRING.

We should both hold onto the flashlight, it would be quite hard to run carrying it, but we are not throwing it away. And as long as we both hold it, we aren't getting lost.

Whatever Mari says, she does not want to be in the dark alone any more than we do.
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[X] Activate AFA (this qualifies as a hazard, right?)
-[X] Throw out a set of portraits, remove your DETECTIVE CROWN restricting your mobility and put it in your INVENTORY. I mean, a POCKET or wherever you keep your findings.
--[X] Turn off the light.
---[X] Grab Mari's hand.
----[X] RUN!!!
-----[X] Alongside the STRING.

We should both hold onto the flashlight, it would be quite hard to run carrying it, but we are not throwing it away. And as long as we both hold it, we aren't getting lost.

Whatever Mari says, she does not want to be in the dark alone any more than we do.
We don't necessarily have room for the crown in our inventory. And does it really matter if it decreases our nimbleness? With AFA we can use Acumen to dodge things.
We don't necessarily have room for the crown in our inventory. And does it really matter if it decreases our nimbleness? With AFA we can use Acumen to dodge things.
I am throwing the portraits out to free the slots... not that Lucy is aware of it (and where does she keep the portraits, anyway?)

We are not dodging anything, we are running. Calculations are not going to help with that.

I am mostly activating AFA to see how much time we have, where the glass will break (if it will) and all sorts of potentially helpful stuff that would be wasted on a terrified mind. We certainly are planning 'to not be there' if the fish breaks out, so it kind of fits the description, if a bit loosely.

Then again, if it does, we risk drowning, so... maybe it's redundant and we should just run.

I kind of like our more rational side, though. Calmly packing things, turning off the lights and grabbing people by hands before RUNNING IN A PANIC certainly has its charms. :D

And maybe it'll help us not panic. We have suffered enough SAN damage as it is.
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The question is, if the corridor stops shaking, do we risk turning the flashlight back on? We might miss something along the way otherwise.

Probably not worth the ELAN damage if there are more things like that waiting for us in the dark, but hey. It's an option.

Edit: ummm... Criminal Limes? Where did your post go?
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Should we voting to do something? Because if so...
[X] Mari? We should probably run. Now!
-[X] Move as quickly as you can while still following the string.

[X] Turn off the light. Grab hold of Mari's hand with one of your own, and trace the silver thread with another hand while you move.

[X] Activate AFA (this qualifies as a hazard, right?)
-[X] Throw out a SET OF PORTRAITS, remove your DETECTIVE CROWN restricting your mobility and put it in your INVENTORY. I mean, a POCKET or wherever you keep your findings.
--[X] Turn off the light.
---[X] Grab Mari's hand.
----[X] RUN!!! (but remember to not let go of Mari's hand)
-----[X] Alongside the STRING.
The class machination [ANALYSIS FOR AMATEURS] has been activated!
You take a deep breath. Look around you. If the glass were to crack for whatever reason, the best way to avoid the incoming deluge would be... would be... Oh. You're pretty sure that would be impossible. Dodging isn't an option here, it seems. You try to take another deep breath, but it catches in your chest - your breaths are getting shallower and shorter, and your hands are shaking so badly that you almost drop the flashlight, but you just manage to get them under control long enough to switch the light off. You need to move quickly - wearing this CROWN on your head is slowing you down. You take it off your head, drop some DEFACED PORTRAITS which IT IS FORTUNATELY TOO DARK FOR MARI TO SEE. With one hand, you take hold of the string. With the other, you reach out to take Mari's hand and-

"Let go!" Once more, she pulls away from you like someone who's just touched a hot stove.

"Mari! We have to stick together!" Another impact shakes the corridor, although this one is less intense.

"I don't care! Don't touch me!"

She seems almost a little hysterical about it. You doubt you'll be able to convince her to let you touch her, not as fast as you want to. You want to run and run and never come back here, run far away from that eye, and more importantly run far away from the impacts; you're pretty sure you can see spiderweb cracks in the dim, dim light, or maybe that's just your paranoid imagination. But then, maybe it isn't, maybe you only have seconds until a flood of cold and dark and deep water washes over you forever and-

No. You don't have time to panic right now. You need to focus on the situation at hand.

[] Write-in (Any attempt to drag Mari against her will will require a FISTICUFFS CHECK, and any attempt to reason with her will require a MOXIE CHECK. If commands are mutually exclusive, Lucy will do whatever she feels is safest)
[X] Attempt to reason with her. Your MOXIE is higher than your FISTICUFFS and you don't want to hurt her by accident.
[X] Reason with Mari.
-[X] "I need you to help me carry the flashlight. It's too heavy, and we won't find our way out without it. Now hold on to it and let's go!"

If it's a flashlight, it's not touching, right? :oops:;)

And as long as we both grab onto it, we won't get separated, so it serves the purpose. Ain't Lucy clever? :p
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[X] Mari, please, I just want to keep you safe. That's what a detective does!
For some reason Mari visibly dislikes our friendly attitude. And I'm not sure it's just a 'noble's' disdain for a 'peasant'. Might be some deep-seated issue here. A betrayal or something. And it's unknown from which side. (it is possible she did something she is ashamed about, and feels she should not be approached - or she was let down by a 'friend' once. Or she is actually a killer cyborg made of STEEL and is afraid we'll figure her out!)

She'll be able to rationalize this away if it is pure cold logic of necessity, rather than altruism on our part. That's fine, it's exactly what we need from her.

I mean, we will have to overcome that eventually, but now is really not the time.

So I'd keep it pragmatic for now. She'll realize it later.
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> Lucy & Mari: Run
[X] Attempt to reason with her. Your MOXIE is higher than your FISTICUFFS and you don't want to hurt her by accident.
[X] Reason with Mari.
-[X] "I need you to help me carry the flashlight. It's too heavy, and we won't find our way out without it. Now hold on to it and let's go!"
[X] Use Nevill's plan.

Exasperated, you give in. Taking the deepest breath you can manage, you pull your hand back and do your best to speak in an even and level voice. Even so, you can't stop your voice from shaking a little. You quietly explain to Mari, in hushed tones that feel muffled somehow by the darkness all around you, that you need her help to carry this flashlight, at least. She's quiet for a few seconds before she responds.

"Fine. I guess that makes sense."


[X] Mari, please, I just want to keep you safe. That's what a detective does!
"We have to make it out of here alive, okay? We're going to have to work together if we're going to do that? I'm a detective. I keep people safe-" Your speech is rudely cut short by another impact to the corridor.

"I don't care. Just don't touch me." Mari seems tense. "Now, come on, are we going to move or not?"

You look forward, into the darkness. In all honesty, you don't think you have it in you to keep going. You hate the dark, when it's like this, oppressive and smothering and heavy like a shroud thrown over your shoulders. You know, in your heart, that you don't have the courage to keep going. Maybe you should just curl up and lie here on the ground... [-20 ÉLAN]

You're snapped out of this train of thought when Mari roughly shoves you forward with one hand. "Come on, dummy, are we running or what?" [+10 ÉLAN]

And with that, you're off, the pair of you running as fast as your legs can carry you while having only a string to navigate by. The sound of the impacts fades behind you, the CORRIDOR shaking less and less until eventually the thumps and tremors are no more.

The two of you stand there for a few seconds, catching your respective breaths. Eventually, without even having to say a word, you both decide that you'd better keep moving forward, keeping a careful hand on the string as it takes you down twists and turns of all kinds. Eventually, however, you're stopped in your tracks when you almost walk into something.

"Why'd you stop, Calloway?" Mari's voice is filled with impatience.

"There's something here."

It's FAR TOO DARK for you to make out the EXACT NATURE OF THE OBSTRUCTION other than the fact that it seems to be SMOOTH AND METALLIC, either a WALL or DOOR OF SOME SORT. Further FUMBLING AROUND IN THE DARK reveals a LEVER coming up from the ground. PULLING ON IT results in absolutely nothing happening, or at least, nothing you're aware of, especially not in this DARKNESS. Well. Isn't this great.

[] Write-in

Out of interest, how are you guys finding this little segment? There will be another area more like the first two 'puzzle rooms' quite soon, but I thought that I might shake up the pace of this quest to keep it from becoming too formulaic.
I'm enjoying this section of the quest. I love how the dark, almost eldritch nature of what we know of the setting contrasts with the protag's relative innocence.
I liked this section so far. Now that we have other characters to interact with directly it's important to have moments focusing on those interactions.

[X] Turn on the flashlight briefly to see what's around you.
Out of interest, how are you guys finding this little segment? There will be another area more like the first two 'puzzle rooms' quite soon, but I thought that I might shake up the pace of this quest to keep it from becoming too formulaic.
Very different. I liked the wacky puzzle-solving with Lucy, her sleuth antics, and her mild snarking at our 'ingenious' ideas, but that was back when we were inside a semi-traditional adventure game. The narrative took a turn for more serious since then, after we have been tasked with the safety of a companion and a search of her father, and a larger plot revealed itself in the interlude (BTW, that was great, a perfect reward for ending the chapter, I want MOAR! ;))

With it came a bit of a linearity, though (it's hard to set the right mood with short disconnected segments). And one of the features I appreciated most in this quest (and which made it unique) was the ability of multiple players to participate simultaneously.

I guess if the first part was puzzle-driven, the latest could be called story-driven, and it looks more like what one would expect from an SV quest.

I enjoy the interaction between the characters in the story-driven part immensely. It is refreshing, having to deal with not just items, but people as well (and it makes me wonder if Mari was our 'destined' companion for the chapter... what would happen had we chose the three-o'clock door instead of following RED MARKER?) But those adventure/puzzle sections were good in their own way, too.

(Also, this quest is making me involuntarily type random words in UPPER CASE. Had to catch myself several times post-fact to edit those out :lol)

[X] Mari: HIW on the LEVER
-[X] And pull it again with the lights on.
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[X] Turn on the flashlight briefly to see what's around you.
With more than a little apprehension, you switch the FLASHLIGHT back on, shining it in front of you to TRY AND WORK OUT what's OBSTRUCTING YOU. The beam reveals a SLIDING DOUBLE DOOR, made of THICK METAL. Both halves of the DOUBLE DOOR are connected to A LARGE AND IMPOSING MECHANISM you can JUST SEE THROUGH THE MURKY WATER. In the distant water, you think you can see A SHADOW APPROACHING. Or are you just being paranoid?
[X] Mari: HIW on the LEVER
Mari taps you on the shoulder with characteristic impatience. It seems she has something important to tell you. The CLASS MACHINATION [HOW IT WORKS] has been activated!

"Calloway, I'm about to use some technical words which you might not understand because you're stupid and they have lots of sylalle... syball... sylababl... they're very long. This is an airlock. That means that there needs to be a complex mechanism to open it, to make sure that if one part of this corridor floods, then the other part will be fine. That lever should open it, but something's blocking the mechanism. Do something about it already." The way she gives that command gives the clear impression that people have done what she's told them to her entire life.
-[X] And pull it again with the lights on
Once more, you PULL on the LEVER, this time watching the MECHANISM by the LIGHT OF THE FLASHLIGHT. Gears begin to turn, pistons activate, and for a moment you don't see what's wrong, until you hear a CRACKING SOUND and look up slightly to see that there is SOME SORT OF DEBRIS caught in the DOOR MECHANISM. A DESTROYED SUBMARINE, horrible mangled, with a gash in the side, is STUCK between TWO GEARS. One of the PORTHOLES looks UNUSUALLY SHINY, like a MIRROR.

"Turn it off, turn it off, turn it off!" Mari snaps, an urgency to her tone that makes you scramble to turn the light off just a few seconds before you hear another loud THUNK and feel the impact against the wall right by you. You're certain that if you were to turn the FLASHLIGHT back on and shine it at the wall, you'd see that huge, terrible EYE again. Ew.

Thank you for your feedback, it does help a lot to know what you guys like and what aspects of the quest you enjoy! The plan for the future (as far as I've planned it, at any rate) is to continue splitting up long puzzle sequences with shorter story-and-interaction based segments like this one. I'm hoping that will create a nice balance, but we've yet to see how that works out. (Apologies for not updating yesterday, I crawled into my bed for a nap and found myself napping for nine hours. Truly, I am incredible.)
Hm... do we benefit from using our AFA to calculate angles and stuff? Or is it purely about evasion?

How do you guys feel about something like this?

[ ] Activate AFA (if it helps)
-[ ] Aim the flashlight at the MIRROR-LIKE PORTHOLE to attract the fish-squid-Cthulhu-thing to the SUBMARINE and BREAK it, freeing the MECHANISM
--[ ] Hope the MECHANISM does not SHATTER along with it.

It is clearly attracted to light, and it's not like we have any other means of submarine removal...
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Hm... do we benefit from using our AFA to calculate angles and stuff? Or is it purely about evasion?

How do you guys feel about something like this?

[ ] Activate AFA (if it helps)
-[ ] Aim the flashlight at the MIRROR-LIKE PORTHOLE to attract the fish-squid-Cthulhu-thing to the SUBMARINE and make it SHATTER, freeing the MECHANISM
--[ ] Hope the MECHANISM does not SHATTER along with it.

It is clearly attracted to light, and it's not like we have any other means of submarine removal...
That's a sound plan. Should we shine the beam continuously or flick it on and off?
Hm... do we benefit from using our AFA to calculate angles and stuff? Or is it purely about evasion?
[ANALYSIS FOR AMATEURS] only applies in situations where Lucy is using it to avoid direct danger or contemplate doing so, and so would be useless in this case.
> Lucy: Show Mari how a JUNIOR SLEUTH solves a puzzle
-[ ] Aim the flashlight at the MIRROR-LIKE PORTHOLE to attract the fish-squid-Cthulhu-thing to the SUBMARINE and make it SHATTER, freeing the MECHANISM
--[ ] Hope the MECHANISM does not SHATTER along with it.
[X] Nevill's flashlight at the mirror plan

"I have a plan." Mari does not seem especially reassured, but she nods. Of course you have a plan, you tell yourself. Having a plan is what being a JUNIOR SLEUTH is all about. That and SOLVING MYSTERIES, of course. And COOL OUTFITS. Okay, so being a JUNIOR SLEUTH is about a lot of things but the main point is that all of those things are COOL and GREAT.

You work out the movements in your head before you actually do anything, just in case. Then, in one, quick movement, you hold up the FLASHLIGHT, switching it back on again before Mari can say anything, and aim it at the PORTHOLE. The BEAM OF LIGHT cuts through the MURKY BLACKNESS and reflects the PORTHOLE, shining deep into the DARK. You wait for one second. Two seconds. Five seconds. Ten seconds, and on twenty, just as you're starting to wonder whether this plan is going to work, a huge, long, indistinct dark figure races past the CORRIDOR, casting that terrible shadow as it slams its long, coiling body against the SUBMARINE.

The wreck goes flying free, drifting off into the distance, and as the huge creature begins to turn this way and that, coiling into knots and ribbons at an increasingly frantic pace, you TURN THE FLASHLIGHT OFF. Feeling rather proud of yourself, you give yourself a PAT ON THE BACK while it's STILL DARK and you can do it without having Mari make fun of you. Not that you'd mind if she did, of course, because a JUNIOR SLEUTH is unscathed by the criticism of their peers. People used to ridicule you all the time, until you first proved your worth in the Adventure Of The Eaten Crayon.

Mari herself is occupied with the LEVER, it seems, because a few seconds afterwards you hear a loud grinding sound and the telltale creak of doors opening. The SILVER THREAD, you thankfully find, continues beyond the door, and as you follow it, you notice that the darkness is getting steadily less and less dark until finally you find the WINDING UNDERWATER CORRIDORS are lit once more with DIM BUT SERVICEABLE EMERGENCY LIGHTING. Mari doesn't seem to be in an especially talkative mood as you trudge through the corridors, following the THREAD even in this lit area, and you don't think she would react especially well to any attempt to STRIKE UP A CONVERSATION. The two of you continue to walk before you come across a DOOR with some GRAFFITI ON IT in a FAMILIAR STYLE.
Writing in red marker said:
big eye is scary. i don't like it. go away, big eye. bad eye. not friendly eye. it's my light, you can't have it. if you are reading this, then congratulations! you're not dead yet. very good. you are probably not reading this though because they die, all the time. i don't know what they did with the other moons. number one and two and three and four and five and so many other numbers i lost count. i succeeded. i am good. good moon good dog get a pat on the head and a biscuit. yum yum. i am too good. it scares them. i scare them. you might scare them too. big trees now. then maze. good luck with maze. i've written tips. you're welcome. try not to die.

After taking a second to take this in, you gently push open the DOOR, seeing it OPEN into...

A room that looks an awful lot like a GARDEN. Crisp grass grows underneath your feet, a light breeze blows on your face, and the sound of distant running water combined with the smell of flowers almost instantly puts you at ease. The center of the room is dominated by a TALL OAK TREE, at the summit of which is a lovely-looking TREEHOUSE. Unfortunately, you can't see any way to actually reach the TREEHOUSE. In the HIGHER BRANCHES of the OAK TREE, a few ACORNS are growing, and from a MUCH LOWER-HANGING BRANCH hangs an EMPTY BIRD FEEDER. A SMALL BIRD is, in fact, PERCHED UPON ONE OF THE HIGHEST BRANCHES, staying remarkably still.


You grin at Mari. "Okay, Mari, watch. This is how a real detective solves a puzzle." And that's exactly what you plan to do.

[] Write-in (Yep, back to your regularly scheduled collaborative puzzle-solving! Woo! Except now you have Mari with you, I guess. Feel free to tell her to do things, whether she listens or not is another matter.)
So RED MARKER did make it past this room! Silly me, of course she did, what was I thinking? I wonder how long she was trapped in the facility. She says she lost count of other moons... but were those the ones before or after her? Why have multiple moons if the previous ones are still alive?

I assume then, that she went off the researchers' radar, and they had to bring other subjects in to replace her... and she watched them all die. Damn.

Why was she in our chamber when she could be anywhere in the facility? Did she want to help us? Looks like it, since she takes a friendly attitude towards the other survivors and leaves them tips. She herself might not need to solve puzzles anymore now that she has access to the vent system...

Hm. That reminds me. The contents of the chambers get restored and reset (including the marker; and it is implied our flashlight is not unique), but her notes aren't erased. Why is that? They don't think it's a big deal? The experiment is more interesting that way? She is a part of the experiment?

You grin at Mari. "Okay, Mari, watch. This is how a real detective solves a puzzle."
She no longer insists on being called Marinette! Progress, thy name is Lucy Calloway! :p

Wait! A woman, not just a girl? Mari's mom!? That must be from several years ago!

[X] Examine the PORTRAIT OF A RED-HAIRED MAN AND WOMAN. Your DETECTIVE SENSE is tingling. So far DR. BRIGHTON'S portraits were involved in all solutions somehow.
[X] Give the TALL OAK TREE a whack with a GOLD CROWBAR. See if any ACORNS fall down. Or BIRDS. Or TREEHOUSES, though you would not want that to happen.
[X] Examine the LARGE DOOR. What would you possibly need to get past that?

Edit: changed the last vote. We'll figure out the bird puzzle later.
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