Quest Idea Thread

Zombie Experiment Quest!

You are a contract killer, at least, you think you are.

You have your memory wiped of the events of each kill you carry out, as a way of plausible deniability.

Things have been getting slow lately, you rejected the Putin Contract, you owed the Russian a few favors and gave him the heads up, two days later the contract was taken down due. He sent you a gift package, the man knows you love that cheap vodka.

Then you come across this contract, hidden in a spam-mail you got.​

*Seeking expert killer, scavenger, survivor for long term One Year Contract. 10,000,000 Euro Payment Upfront.*

Could be fake, but worth looking into....


After four hours of digging, you find out that half of your friends in the field have taken up this job. Several of them have gone black on the vitals, but they are still moving.

You contact a few of your friends, and find the contact number. This isn't about the money anymore. This is about saving your friends.


"So I am going in without my memories, just my instincts, and a false set of memories..." You say in a low voice as this is explained to you.

Apparently this is a Zombie test facility, with several different types of zombies that were created based off the Zombie viruses in popular fiction.

several of your friends were now Zombies, and their bodies were in the process of being decontaminated so they can receive proper burials without risk of rising again.

A few were alive, and were extracted. They decided to not take the money and leave.

"I guess I am going to have to say no." You say, now that you know there is nothing you can do.

"We would offer the collective payment of all of your friends..." You glare at the man.

"The ones who have died will still have the money go to their family and friends, i am not suggesting you take their money, I am simply suggesting that we give you....170,000,000 Million in total."

"What is the catch?" You ask, sitting back down.

"You see, we have multiple test domes, because we have multiple viruses, but there is one dome we have not tested with a true killer..." The man puts more sugar in his coffee, and you just drink yours black.

"It has all of the viruses inside, at the same time." You just stare at him.

"Have a good day." You reply, and get back up.

"You would keep your memories, but you would have to act out as an average citizen, more or less. We would give you a set of memories to act out." You pause. With all of your memories you could survive no doubt, in fact you are certain that several of your friends died just because they didn't have the memories.

"Why me? You could have offered this to any of the others." You reply, and the man laughs.

"All of your friends have said that you were the best among them. Not the fastest, strongest, or the smartest, but you could lead, that you had an animal instinct, and a strange ability to sense when something dangerous was about to happen, almost like spiderman." he chuckled.

You did not.

"We can bump it up to 200,000,000, and you can choose the set of memories, and we will give you a list of the Zombies, the strengths and weaknesses, how they spread, and you can do research since they come from preexisting franchises."

"How long until the viruses are unleashed?" You ask, and the man smiles.

"Two weeks, you have two weeks, but any attempt to prevent it from starting will result in you quitting."

You sigh.

"I'll do it."


Zombie types:

Resident Evil : Arguably the worst one here, they can mutate to create the monsters from Resident Evil.
Pros: Will eat their own if fresh enough. Some people gain Psychic ability though infection.
Cons: Some retain intelligence. Some Mutate to become much harder to kill.

Walking Dead : Move in herds, some can climb and use tools.
Pros: Easy to kill when alone.
Cons: You are already infected, but the people you are working for have a cure.

Dying Light : More durable then your basic zombie.
Pros: Electricity can kill them.
Cons: Night time.

Last Of Us : Cordyceps, a fungus.
Pros: No real positives, but will be targeted by other zombies.
Cons: Spores, natural armor plating....

Left 4 Dead : Not really Dead.
Pros: Carriers. Will also be targeted by other zombies.
Cons: Special infected.

28 Days Later: also not really Dead.
Pros: Can be waited out. Will be targeted by other zombies.
Cons: Smart, but like dogs.

World War Z Movie : Run boy run.
Pros: If you have a disease, you are ignored.
Cons: They run and can make ramps.

World War Z Book : Easiest ones here.
Pros: Walking, dumb zombies
Cons: Tough and seem to ignore pressure somehow (By explosives and by the ocean.) Bullets, stabbing, removing head, ect. can kill them still.

Halo Flood (Very, very light version): Parasites.
Pros: No real pros.
Cons: They become smarter the more they infect. Can infect all of them.

Plants Vs. Zombies : Smart Zombies that can be reasoned with, but only if you manage to defeat their leader.
Pros: Predictable, and will dislike the other zombie types.
Cons: Smart.


Some zombie types will attack each other.

There are people like Alice from Resident Evil that will gain powers if infected with the correct virus.

There are aspects of each world in this dome, you must find them to exploit them.
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Working on the moment please.


[] Memories of a Survival Nut (Receive Safe house, and Supplies. And people knowing that you have them.)
[] Memories of a US Army Veteran. (receive Military support. And being drafted.)
[] Memories of a normal citizen (No pros or cons, but you get a blank slate to work off of.)
[] Memories of a cop. (Receive help from police. Also being looked to for help by everyone or targeted.)
[] Memories of a High School Student. (The company you are with turns your body to that of it's High school self, with a fake father as randomly one of the above options. Its weaker, but the youth is appreciated.)
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[X] Memories of a High School Student. (The company you are with turns your body to that of it's High school self, with a fake father as randomly one of the above options. Its weaker, but the youth is appreciated.)

Worth it for the youth. Relatively healthy, faster, and lacking in scars.
Magical Girl Handler/Magical Boy Quest

There are different types of magic users. There's your average wizards and witches who handle all of the archaic spells and runes and stuff, repairing the ancient wards over the demon portals which are compatible only with ancient magic and also keeping the more western traditional magics in circulation. There are your mages, the bookish types who handle more modern magic, developing new magics and also keeping eastern magics alive and developing new applications of eastern magic. There all sorts of other magic types as well, but we don't really care about them.

The first one you need to know about is the Magical Girl. They are essentially little girls imbued with immense power powered by their naivety and the power of love and all sorts of sparkly stuff. They're generally in charge of busting up the big bad guys that generally show up every other week or so.

The second one is the Magical Girl Handler, or in more common terms, Magical Boy. You know how magical girl battles generally have very low casualties? That's the job of the magical boys to handle the swarms of mooks that the Big bad brings out and also rescue civilians and stuff from the battle zone. They're also in charge of keeping the Magical Girls in check. Each Magical Girl is assigned to a Magical Girl Handler for various reasons, one of which is to ease the financial burden on the family. Normally, a Magical Boy's pay would be somewhere around 10-100 million USD per hour but unfortunately, it is the responsibility of the Magical Girl's guardian to pay for all the damages done to the city.
Magical boys are a very modern invention, boasting extreme healing, full regeneration from any damage that isn't fatal, and the latest magic, spells, and technology pertaining to any modern weapon.

You are a Magical Girl Handler, and you have just been assigned a Magical Girl. Your Magical Girl has just gotten through with a huge battle and after you picked up your tab, you had just enough money to rent a small apartment and buy some groceries. You've just popped open a beer and are about to turn on the TV when you hear a knocking at the door.

Naturally, you put away the beer and answer the door. What greets you is:
[] Describe magical girl here

Sticky this thread already dammit!
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So, since I've gotten kinda bored of the Quest I'm currently doing (though I'll get back to it...someday), I'm maybe interested in running one of these two quests:

Fate/Murder (Drakengard x Fate/Zero crossover)
In celebration of the Drakengard 3 LP that's just started over on SomethingAwful...

Begins near the end of Drakengard's Ending E. Instead of appearing above Tokyo in the middle of the day, Caim and Angelus appear above Fuyuki in the middle of the night, with the Grotesquerie Queen nowhere to be seen.

After starting to get their bearings, Caim and Angelus are surprised when a burning red brand appears on Caim's hand, followed shortly by a stranger asking if Caim is their master. The Fourth Holy Grail War has just begun, and the silent lord of murder has found himself thrust into it as the master of Caster.

You better believe he's going to be loving this shit.

Will, of course, use the somewhat more sympathetic version of the characters from TheDarkId's excellent LP. I'll try to keep the edge down, but, well...DRAKENGARD!

Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor: Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Patron of the End
You are Raidou Kuzunoha, 15th of that name, former protege of the currently missing Raidou Kuzunoha the 14th. One day, while carrying out your duty of protecting the Japanese capital, you recieve a message from a mysterious man that identifies himself only as 'Steven', who informs you that he has given control over something called the 'Laplace System' to you in hopes that you can save the people of Tokyo.

Shortly afterwards, the city finds itself cut off from the rest of the world. Tokyo is suddenly filled with demons, and only a black void lies beyond the city's borders. And every morning, you recieve an email predicting the events of the day with uncanny accuracy...

Can you live up to your legendary name and solve the mystery of the sealed Tokyo, before its too late?
[X] A redheaded teenager in a glistening yellow scale-patterned uniform, with one of those backpacks that looks like a spiked turtle shell.
"Don't die, it makes you forget. Don't die, it makes you forget. Don't die, it makes you forget. Don't die..."

You wake with a start at the sound of a wet thud not three feet away. Where? Where were you? The last thing you remember was... your wife? She had... auburn hair and brown eyes. You try and focus on what you her and use what you remember to anchor yourself.

"Don't die, it makes you forget. Don't die, it makes you forget. Don't die, it makes you forget. Don't die...," the man in the next room keeps rambling.

You stop to take in your surroundings. You are currently locked in a cell by yourself. In front of you is a corpse, an old one too judging by the amount of decomposition. It seems like he might have some stuff, but how did he get there in the first place?

"Hello down there!" you hear a shout from above. Looking up you see a decent sized hole in the ceiling with a man in Western armor looking at you through it.

"Not Hollow yet are we? Good! Then maybe we can work together. That fellow had a key that should unlock your cell. Get out and I'm meet you up ahead," he shouts before heading off.

You search the corpse. What do you find?

[] A way back
[] A way through
[] A way past
[X] A way through

You know the day destroys the night, night divides the day!
Try to run! Try to hide!
Break on through to the other side!