Quest Idea Thread

If someone PMs, please announce here so multiple PMs aren't issued. Foamy is definitely the one to take it to tho.
[information=Staff Ruling]Foamy didn't really mind if it was stickied or not, and while this is a very active thread, the subforum is itself ridiculously active itself. He didn't have any issue with it being restickied.[/information]
Thank you for your prompt assistance. :D

It seems there is something to be said for following the proper procedures...
Meet New People, Then Kill Them. (XCOM/ME/Grey Goo)

You are the commander of XCOM. Humanity has made first contact, again. And the aliens were hostile, again. It is now your job to evict them from the colony world of Shanix and then send them back to the Stone Age. If you don't drive them extinct first.

Good luck, Commander.


{In another thread, possibly on another board?}

You are the admiral in command of the 637th Patrol Fleet. You have discovered an unidentified species activating a dormant Mass Relay. You have your men do the lawful thing: obliterate first and ask questions later. Unfortunately for you things did not go as planned. Half your ships were destroyed by direct energy weapons of all thing. On the up side, you now have their point of origin and are about to teach them a lesson on why the Turians are the military arm of the Council.

Good luck, Admiral.


// Sys boot...
// Reactor: Online
// Sensors: Online
// Weapons: Online
--- Systems: Nomial ---

Primary Directive: Explore
Secondary Directive: Adapt
Tertiary Directive: Survive

ALERT: Advanced Non-Human Lifeforms detected

WARNING: Impact to sub-group C-17. Hostile intent confirmed. Calculating response.

Good Luck.
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Ooooh, I wants. Now if only I could decide which thread sounds most amusing... The Grey Goo one, X-Com one, or the Mass Effect one.
The general idea is that all three threads are pitted against each other. The problems arise with the fact that A) I have no clue how to manage a monstrosity like that, and B) it is very reliant on an honor code of 'no peeking.' This is something I've wanted to do for some time since I heard about cross-posted quests on here and SB. But again, how the hell do you manage that? You'd be running 2 or 3 (2.5?) quests and I can barely stay consistent with the one I'm doing now.

Any ideas?
I meant 'out of those three threads, which would I want to be a part of'... Because, yah, that could drive someone insane with a bad system but it could also be super fun for a player. ^_^
(Joke idea)

Cat Quest

You are cat. Cat is good. Cat is love. Fluffy fur. You are cat.

[] Cat
[] Cat
[] Cat
I'll be honest, come up with a plot and setting and try to play it straight and I'd jump on it. There was a Cerberus quest I read quite a while ago that spent the first six or seven chapters as essentially "you are a puppy, go play". Then a magician found you and shit happened, but that's besides my point. It was filled with daws and was fluffy as hell (although half of that was because we dodged a few Bad Ends by pure chance), but it was fun and a nice change.
I'll be honest, come up with a plot and setting and try to play it straight and I'd jump on it. There was a Cerberus quest I read quite a while ago that spent the first six or seven chapters as essentially "you are a puppy, go play". Then a magician found you and shit happened, but that's besides my point. It was filled with daws and was fluffy as hell (although half of that was because we dodged a few Bad Ends by pure chance), but it was fun and a nice change.
Or it could end up like Moid's floor tile quest.