Quest Idea Thread

I'm curious, has anyone here read the Death Gate Cycle? That series could make for a pretty awesome quest, especially if done before the series actually starts.
Come to think of it, a roman-style republic quest would be neat

A dynasty playing as dynastic patricians who fight to get elected and stay elected?

Hmm, I was more thinking of a game where we play more as the state itself instead of a single leader character. Maybe playing it as if the players voting are the senators voting.

That removes a lot of the republic nature of it, since republic senators care a lot more about public approval ratings than feudal nobles,, who can get away with anything short of revolt. No bribing other senators, forming blocs and dealing to get your desired leader or policy enacted.

The Roman senators were all basically representatives of noble families, so they have their own house to administrate, but can only affect the republic by voting or buying votes. The more powerful ones buy up the influence of the weaker, to form a political party.
Continuing this tangent here.

What do you folks think of a Roman republic-style quest? The whole politicking with senate will make some difference than with the standard CK quest I think. How you guys think that should be handled?
Continuing this tangent here.

What do you folks think of a Roman republic-style quest? The whole politicking with senate will make some difference than with the standard CK quest I think. How you guys think that should be handled?
Someone else, @Mortifer ?, made a quest where he picked five people on the forum as plan makers, and the voters could could only support one of the plans. The plan makers had unknown objectives, and are allowed to lie and cheat to get votes. That's pretty much the perfect representation of a republic, just add in the option to vote in a new plan-maker every 5 votes or something.
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Someone else, @Mortifer ?, made a quest where he picked five people on the forum as plan makers, and the voter could could only support one of the plans. The plan makers had unknown objectives, and are allowed to lie and cheat to get votes. That's pretty much the perfect representation of a republic, just add in the option to vote in a new plan-maker every 5 votes or something.
United States quest.

You are one of the representatives of the people of the United states of Artemis (Not typo). You have the world's largest economy, the world's strongest military and the world's dumbest politicians.

Try to not drive the damn thing into the ground on your first turn and maybe get someone in office who isn't s gibbering idiot.
Outdoor Survival Quest (Pact/Wildbow)

It was just supposed to be an ordinary weekend, you and a couple of your friends camping in the outdoors for a couple days. Drinking beers, doing a little fishing, and enjoying some nature in the Pacific Northwest, but this new area you decided to go to had some unexpected surprises and dangers. Now you're trapped in the middle of nowhere with some blood thirsty monsters, and the only people that got your back are your three friends. Working together you just might survive the danger that's coming your way. You're not completely helpless however as unknown to your friends you happen to be a practitioner and are focused on a particular field:

[] Nature Spirits
[] Boogeymen
[] Time Spirits
[] Elementals
[] Devils
[] Angels
[] Write-in

In the desire for survival you decided to seek shelter at:

[] A Mansion from the 1800's Vampires
[] A Ghost Town Abyss
[] The Ranger Station near the Mountain's Peak Wendigos
[] A glade where a whole bunch of trees have fallen down Goblin Hold
[X] Elementals
[X] The Ranger Station near the Mountain's Peak Wendigos
[X] Nature Spirits
-[X] more specifically, the nature spirits related to microorganisms.
[X] A glade where a whole bunch of trees have fallen down Goblin Hold

I know nothing about either setting! What could possibly go wrong?

I kinda want to do a quest where you play as a young Alma Wade that managed to escape the Origin Facility.

But I would rather do it as a crossover really.

Any ideas?
[X] Elementals
[X] The Ranger Station near the Mountain's Peak Wendigos
[X] Binding
[X] A Mansion from the 1800's
[X]Goblin binder
[X]A Mansion from the 1800's
[X] Boogeymen
[X] A Mansion from the 1800's Vampires
[X] Nature Spirits
-[X] more specifically, the nature spirits related to microorganisms.
[X] A glade where a whole bunch of trees have fallen down Goblin Hold

I know nothing about either setting! What could possibly go wrong?

Decided to make a Thread for it.
Battlestar Galactica: Cylon Infiltrator Quest

You can barely suppress the surge of intense sensation flooding your brain as a complex system of bio-electric and chemical processes begin to fire off in what humans would call an emotional response. To know that ten long years of work across the Twelve Colonies of Kobol by thousands of your brothers and sisters is finally about to come to end is more than enough to cause chemical imbalances in the organic processor that is your brain to launch itself into overdrive. You have experienced emotions and sensation you have never felt before as the moment of reckoning approaches. You have been around humans long enough, in addition to all the research you studied before your mission began, to know what some of the emotions running thorough your head are.

You feel fear at the thought of some unforeseeable catastrophe bringing ruin to everything you and your people have worked on for over a decade. You know enough about fear and have experienced it before, but the kind you feel now is different. You are used to the cold, logical fear of discovery and failure, which helped to keep you focused and alert during your mission, but this new kind of fear is the complete opposite. It is irrational and self-destruction in its intensity and comes from your mind discarding logic and probability in favor of chaos and doubt.

Another emotion that is becoming stronger by the moment is anxiety, as you mentally count down the seconds until the first attack begins. This emotion is one that you are not quite as familiar with, but, nevertheless, have felt before on several occasions while you waited for one part one thing or another to advance your mission. This time, the anxiety is stronger than ever, and you notice that it is starting to keep you physically behave in compromising ways such as constantly tapping your fingers against the stainless steel side of your coffee mug or glance rapidly at ever clock at Picon Fleet Headquarters.

However, the final emotion that is dominating your brain is one that you have little experience with. The strange feeling brings a sense of euphoria that make you feel slightly lightheaded and barely able to keep a silly grin off your face. You feel a spring and bounce in your steps as you walk through the corridors of the massive orbital station and center the section reserved for Colonial Intelligence personnel with a swipe of your ID card, sixteen digit pass-code and retina scan. Stepping into the primary operations center, you are greeted by the now familiar sight of a massive chamber dominated by information screens and swarming with personnel, both military and civilian. This place has been your post for the last five years, ever since you worked your way up to your current rank through sheer talent and manipulation. You feel your chest swell with pride at knowing that you have outsmarted the best humanity had to offer and made the ones who were supposed to protect their species from exactly what you have done dance to your tune.

Smiling despite your best efforts, you casually stroll down the main walkway toward the center of the vast chamber.

"Afternoon, Major, I have the reports from morning watch," one of the humans, a Junior Lieutenant who transferred to Colonial Intelligence less than three months ago, greets you with an oblivious smile and a, rather lazy and bored, salute.

You return the poor fool's pleasantries before indicting the stack of paper the woman is holding with your mug of coffee.

"Same to you," you reply with a comforting smile designed to put her to ease. "Anything interesting I should know?

You already know the answer to that question, but you would like to gouge just how much these men and women supposedly responsible for the safety of humanity know about the divine punishment that is about to brought upon them in just a few minutes.

"Uh, I believe there was a report that Thomas Zarek will be having his parole hearing tomorrow," the woman replies in a distracted mumble as she quickly sifts through the stack of reports before finding what she was looking for with a triumphant grin. "Ah, here it is. Oh yes, there was also a report about Armistice Station going dark earlier today."

You have been practicing lying and mastering control of your facial expressions for so long, first during your infiltration training with your people and, later, with Colonial Intelligence, that the words do not cause the slightest expression to creep onto your face except a slightly bored nod. Armistice Station going dark could only mean that the operation is proceeding exactly as planned, which would mean that you will only have less than an hour before the first attack begins. The timer is already ticking down and you still have to secure one final objective before your part in this grant operation comes to an end.

"Hmm, I wouldn't worry about Zarek getting out on parole anytime soon, but its worth keeping an eye on in case any of his old buddies decide to try something stupid," you murmur thoughtfully as the human hands you the abnormally heavy stack of reports and you begin to pretend to skim through them. "As for Armistice Station, I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet. That hunk of junk haven't been properly maintained for decades and it's not exactly a high priority on the annual budget plan."

Nodding to yourself absentmindedly, you move to hand the papers back to the lieutenant and feign a bit of confusion when she puts her hands up to forestall you, exactly as you predicted she would. You already know exactly why she is refusing to take the reports back, but you would hate for your cover to be blown at the last minute, right when everything had fallen into place. You quirk an eyebrow up questioningly while taking another carefree sip of your bitter drink.

"Lieutenant, reports go to the watch commander, which should be Colonel Davis, not me," you feign ignorance with a helpful smile before you put on a frown and pretend to glance around the operations center. "Speaking of Colonel Davis, where is he anyway?"

Of course, you already know that the unfortunate Colonel Roger Davis is currently stuck down on Picon after police caught him for driving while intoxicated, which should make you current watch commander and, by proxy, director of Colonial Intelligence. The only obstacle between you and total command is now Vice Admiral Janet Franklin, who is currently still asleep in her quarters and will not report to the operations center for another four hours.

Which is more than enough time for you to arrange a little accident in the confusion of the first attack wave.

"Sorry, ma'am, but Colonel Davis was...," the woman begins to reply before hesitating in obvious embarrassment and discomfort. You give her a prodding glare, which immediately makes her gulp and glance around the room before leaning in and continuing in a low whisper. "Colonel Davis was arrested for drunk driving earlier today, ma'am."

You resist the urge to laugh at loud at how absurdly incompetent these humans are and simply give the lieutenant a deadpan stare of disbelief before releasing an explosive sigh and slapping your face with the stack of reports in mock exasperation.

"Gods, frak me sideways," you mutter mutter angrily. "Who's the watch commander, then? Where's Colonel Austin? Who did she turn over command to when her shift ended?"

The lieutenant seems to shrink back in fear at your fake anger, but, nevertheless, somehow still summons the courage to reply. Of course, you already know why the last watch commander is gone, but these games of appearance are important. Besides, you also find it amusing to outwit your supposed creators and mock their heathen deities whenever you can without compromising your mission.

"Colonel Austin had to attend to a family emergency planet-side, ma'am," the woman replies meekly, knowing that what she is describing is a clear breach of protocol that could end careers and result in people much higher rank than her face court-martial. Glancing around helplessly before glancing back to you, she finally concludes her report of the situation. "I're the watch commander right now, Major."

You close your eyes at her answer and sigh deeply while trying your hardest not to laugh at how well your plans are coming together. It had been quite easy to get Colonel Jessica Austin out of the way, especially with a little help from your brothers and sisters down on Picon. Outright murder, or any such malicious actions, against the family of a senior Colonial Intelligence officer would normally set off all sorts of red flags, but a simple car accident leaving her husband and child in critical condition would take days before a formal investigate is launched, even under the best of circumstances. Nobody usually cares if some senior officers are, coincidentally, stuck on Picon for a few hours, but, then again, none of them had the smallest idea that their civilization would be coming to an end within the hour.

You made sure of that.

"Unbelievable," you mutter in mock exasperation and pretend to glance around the room to see if anyone is listening in on the conversation before you lower your voice to match that of the lieutenant. "Who else knows about this fiasco?"

The lieutenant's eyes widen and she quickly glances around the room at several other officers in quick succession before turning back to you. You mentally jot down the names and faces of the others just in case you need to act on covering your tracks later before giving the young human a prodding look. The woman hesitates a moment, no doubt to weight the cost and benefit of lying about who knows about this scandal, before she sighs lightly and shakes her head.

"I...I don't think anyone else overheard exactly what happened, ma'am, but Colonel Austin did leave in a hurry and she looked really upset," the woman whispers softly while avoiding your withering gaze. "I haven't told anyone anything, if that's what you are wondering, Major."

You remain silent just long enough to make the junior officer uncomfortable while you inspect her face for any potential tells that might reveal deception, but, eventually, you give her a satisfied nod. The less people know the specifics about your activities, the better chance you have of escaping detection. Sure, it might not matter now that humanity is on the brink of destruction, but you know better than to let your guard down at the last hurdle. Disasters and accidents happen despite the best of plans, and you have to be prepared for the worst, in case the attack fails to completely cripple the colonial military and descends into another full-scale war.

"Hold off on the report, for now. I want to avoid a public relations quagmire, for the time being," you order softly while giving the poor woman a stern glare that seems to make the color drain from her face. "Return to your post and don't talk to anyone about this. I'll go inform the Admiral so she can decide how to handle this."

The woman sighs in obvious relief and nods eagerly to your illegal request without thinking twice about its possible ramifications.

"Understood ma'am, I swear to the gods of Kobol that I won't say a word," she replies and gives you a jerky salute before turning on her heels and awkwardly walking back to her duty-station.

You suppress the urge to smirk in triumph as the last part of your plan falls into place. A quick glance at the nearby clock shows you that the attack is scheduled to commence in roughly half an hour, which should be just enough for you to make it to the Admiral's quarters and decapitate Colonial Intelligence during the chaos of the first attack wave. With a bit of luck and help from God, you should then be free to assume control of whatever is left of Colonial Intelligence once Picon Fleet Headquarters is destroyed.

"Captain Ming, take command of operations while I'm gone," you declare to the entire room as you turn to glance at the spineless worm of a human you made sure was the current ranking officer present. "If anything pops up, contact me immediately."

You note the look of shock on the face of the man you just made temporary director of Colonial Intelligence and the looks of loathing the other officers in the room are directing toward their much hated superior officer. A small part of your mind wonders whether or not Ming would buckle under the pressure like you hoped he would when the attack begins, but you quickly decide that it does not really matter in the long room.

"Y-yes, ma'am, understood," Ming stutters nervously before glancing around the room like he has never seen it before.

For an instant, you feel an urge to stay a bit longer and watch the man fail miserably, but you quickly push that notion aside and turn to leave the room. The walk to the Admiral's quarters is a short one, designed to allow the commanding officer to quickly get to the operations center in the event of an emergency. As you walk down the crowded corridors toward your final objective, you start to take idle sips of your now cold drink as you begin to wonder how many of the thousands stationed on this station will survive the hour. In the years that you have spent here, you have not met a single human you would even consider worth saving from the fate destined for their entire violent and irresponsible race. The worst of the worst have willingly committed all sorts of heinous acts of violence against their own people without a second thought, while the others simply turn a blind eye to the transgressions of their kin.

All are equally guilty in the eyes of God and all will be subjected to His divine retribution in a few short moments.

A few minutes after you left the Operations Center, you finally pass through one final security station before coming within sight of your destination. Vice Admiral Janet Franklin, director of Colonial Intelligence, served in the first Cylon War and worked her way to her current rank through lots and lots of backstabbing and blackmail, but is, otherwise, a rather model officer who genuinely seems to have humanity's best interest in mind, even if that vision has her as some kind of shadowy puppet master pulling strings she should have no business even being anymore close to.

She actually taught you a lot about the tricks of the trade, but her own ego has blinded her to the fact that you have outsmarted her all this time. It will be good for the student to finally show her hand and reveal the truth. You are certainly looking forward to the moment when that arrogant sack of old flesh and bones finally realizes how badly she had miscalculated her schemes. You might even let her live long enough to see the final fate of her entire wretched species and know that she was responsible for it through her own hubris.

Grinning in anticipation as you finally reach the airlock to her personal quarters, you take a moment to make sure everything is in order before tapping your knuckles on the steel door.

"It's unlocked, so come in," a voice drifts through the thick blast door, prompting you to quickly unseal the hatch and pull the heavy door open to reveal the absurdly luxurious quarters that stand as a testament to the decadence of your target.

Admiral Franklin herself, an aging woman with short gray hair, is sitting behind her desk in casual fatigues while a bottle of expensive liquor purchased using government budget stands before her. Glancing up with a bored expression, Franklin gives you a lazy smile and waves you into the room.

"Lucy, come in, come in! Care for anything to drink?" The woman asks idly with that irritating tone she loves to use to make herself sound like she knows more than she actually does. You shake your head politely at her request, drawing a snort of amusement from the Admiral as she pours herself another measure before sealing the bottle and putting it back into her desk. "So, Major, what brings you to my room this early in the morning?"

You smile faintly as you casually take a seat from her and drop the stack of reports onto her desk.

"Have you heard about Colonel Davis, Admiral?" You ask innocently while mixing in a hint of disgust into your voice. "I assume you have heard by now?"

Franklin snorts again in that arrogant manner she loves and which she knows you despise.

"Of course I do," she mutters in a bored manner as she picks up the stack of reports and begins to idly sift through them. "Nothing happens in the Twelve Colonies without me hearing about it first."

You resist the urge the scowl and prove to the woman just how little she actually knows about anything, but you quickly suppress your emotions and put on a thin smile.

"Of course, ma'am," you reply diplomatically and pause before you continue. "Then, I take it, you have decided on a course of action?"

The Admiral glances at you with an amused grin before turning her attention back to the reports. She remains silent for several awkward minutes, but you do not fall for her bait and simply wait patiently for her to finally drop the ruse and advance the conversation. After what seems like hours, the woman finally glances back at you and gives you an overly innocently smile.

"I do find it interesting that the esteemed Colonel was only caught because the police were acting on an anonymous tip," she mutters offhandedly before her smile turns into a dark grin. "I underestimated just how ambitious you were, Lucy."

You do not even bother to keep the grin off your face as you reply.

"Colonel Davis was a disgrace to the uniform, ma'am. It was my duty to report him to the authorities so that he could be tried for his crimes," you declare confidently without missing a beat. "I'm sure his replacement will do a far better job than he ever did."

Franklin's face remains passive throughout your explanation and for several seconds afterward as she seems to mentally weight her options before she finally replies.

"Be that as it may, Major, Colonel Davis was still a useful tool that I could leverage to my advantage, but you threw a wrench into my plans," the elderly Admiral explains in a friendly tone and pauses to glance at you again before the friendly smile suddenly drops from her face and her voice turns icy as she continues. "I don't like arrogant upstarts throwing wrenches into my plans, Major."

You resist the urge to tell the stuck up bitch to come up with better plans than and merely bow your head apologetically as though you had miscalculated the situation.

"I-I'm sorry if that's what happened, Admiral," you reply while adding a feint hint of uncertainty and fear to your voice to make the Admiral think she is in control of the situation, when, in reality, you could snap her wrinkly neck like a dry twig faster than the rotting hunk of meat she calls a brain could even react. "I...I thought that it would-"

By this point, Franklin has abandoned all hints of pleasantry as she regards you with disgust like a predator musing over whether to simply eat her prey or toy with it first. You feigned attempts at apology seems to goad her into even higher levels of arrogance than you thought possible, and she interrupts your fake attempt at appeasement with a disgusted snare.

"I could have you arrested for sedition and thrown in the brig for this, Major," Franklin hisses menacingly as she nods toward the intercom on her desk before slowly reaching into her drawer and drawing out her service pistol. "I could even put a bullet into your head right now and no one would say a damn word. You'd just disappear without a trace and no one would ask any questions. It wouldn't be the first time I had to put someone like you in your place."

You pretend to swallow nervously and lean backwards into your chair like you want to get as far away from the Admiral as possible. You eye the pistol laying on her desk with feigned fear while mentally preparing to either make a grab for the weapon or simply draw your own from the holster you unbuttoned before even entering the room. You are not really concerned with getting shot, since a Resurrection Ship has been hidden in-system for years without being detected, but you would rather maintain your cover to keep your options open.

Besides, getting shot still hurts like frak and you have no particular desire to experience it anytime soon.

"I-I-I..Admiral, I-," you stammer pathetically to play on the human's ego. "I-I didn't-"

You are spared another egotistical rant from Franklin by the sudden blare of the ship intercom. You can barely suppress the smirk of anticipation as you realize what is about to happen next. Franklin snares in annoyance at the interruption and glares daggers at you for a moment before finally keying the intercom without taking her eyes off of you.

"This is the Admiral," Franklin declares evenly as her entire tone suddenly shifts back toward the calm and confident guise she puts on for the public. "What is it?"

"Admiral Franklin, this is Captain Ming, acting watch commander," the familiar voice sounds through the intercom and you feel your excitement raising as you detect the blatant fear and uncertainty in the man's voice. "DRADIS just detected multiple unscheduled jump signatures. We can't get an exact count due to unknown interference, but they're not responding to hails or broadcasting any Colonial registrations."

You try desperately to make the smile off your face at seeing Franklin's appearance break down, at least for an instant, into shock and doubt before she quickly musters herself and regains her composure.

"Declare emergency state level 2 and alert all Colonial military assets immediately," the Admiral immediately orders, all memory of her conversation with you forgotten in light of this new development. "Order all personal to combat stations and recall all off-duty personnel from Picon. I'm on my way now."

Franklin does not even wait for Ming to confirm her orders before she turns away from the intercom and raises to her feet. You are starting to suspect she might have actually forgotten about you as you watch her grab her uniform and haphazardly throw it on before she finally glances back at you. The snare of disgust returns, but to much lesser degree.

"Don't think for a second I'll forget this, Major," she mutters in a sinister tone as she begins to button up her uniform. You note in the corner of your eye the fact that Franklin has not yet grabbed her pistol on the desk, but the Admiral herself does not seem to realize that fact yet. Franklin seems to take your inaction as fear and uncertainty, because that arrogant smile returns and she waves for you to rise to your feet.

"You want to take Roger's job?" She asks in a much softer tone as she shifts tactics and offers you a way out that would no doubt be to her benefit instead of your own had you simply been an overly ambitious officer like she believes. "Then show me what you can do. Who knows? I might even overlook this little act of treason if you perform well."

What do you do?

[ ] Kill Her
Take the head off the snake and leave Colonial Intelligence in chaos.

[ ] Subdue Her
The director of Colonial Intelligence might make a useful tool in the future.

[ ] Play Along
No reason to blow your cover just yet when the humans have no hope of averting the coming attack.

[ ] Write-In