Punching through the Masquerade (Modern Magical Cultivation Quest)

[ ] Plan: Pay the Bills and sort out the Tier 1 Research

Yeah, I don't see any reason to put extra effort into our job just yet. Maybe later if we need more money for something.
Moratorium's done!

[X] Plan: Pay the Bills and sort out the Tier 1 Research
-[X] Work your regular shifts at Allmart:
-[X] Try to recreate the event as it happened:
-[X] Experiment with the Ember burning in your chest:
-[X] Reread the Inquisitor's diary:
Well that's neat, not how I expected the MC to discover cultivation but it was pretty cool regardless.

[X] Plan: Pay the Bills and sort out the Tier 1 Research
-[X] Work your regular shifts at Allmart:
-[X] Try to recreate the event as it happened:
-[X] Experiment with the Ember burning in your chest:
-[X] Reread the Inquisitor's diary:

The focus on figuring out how cultivation works is nice. Both in trying to figure out understand the diary, figure out what the Ember is and then recreate what happened makes sense. Also still need to make a living so the job is kinda necessary.
Yeah, being able to hit the ground with this running and start figuring out how all this works seems very important.
Alright, looking pretty cut and dried so far. I think I'll close the vote in about another hour here and get started on the next update.
Adhoc vote count started by Useless Writer on May 15, 2023 at 5:23 PM, finished with 9 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Pay the Bills and sort out the Tier 1 Research
    -[X] Work your regular shifts at Allmart:
    -[X] Try to recreate the event as it happened:
    -[X] Experiment with the Ember burning in your chest:
    -[X] Reread the Inquisitor's diary:

Vote closed, dice rolls commencing
Useless Writer threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Working a regular work week Total: 13
1 1 4 4 2 2 6 6
That's... About average?

Actually, it's exactly average come to think of it.
I fucked up, ignore that. Requisite dice holder post, refresh the page in a few moments to find the proper results on this post
Useless Writer threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Working at Allmart Total: 16
5 5 6 6 5 5
Useless Writer threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Trying to recreate the event Total: 23
5 5 3 3 5 5 6 6 4 4
Useless Writer threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Experimenting with the Ember Total: 9
4 4 5 5
Useless Writer threw 6 6-faced dice. Reason: Inquisitor Diary Book Report Total: 23
4 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 6 6 5 5

Oh my, the dice gods are kind to us today. Excellent results for the first three categories, and well above average on the last one.
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Do I detect our ??? stat going up between actions 2 and 3?
Trying to recreate the event = Pleghm(4) + ??? = 5
Experimenting with the Ember = ??? = 2

Great results.
Recreate the event seems to be our Cultivation Technique, while Experimenting is figuring out how to use our Cultivation Base (Which seems to be Hellfire from what I can see here?)
Turn 1 Results
((Results pages will list the results of actions in this order. Research, Social, and Work. From most dice used to least. As new action categories open up, this order will change))

It's a surreal moment when you find yourself sitting down to write out a thorough academic report on an eyewitness account of magic of all things. Or, well, as thorough a report as you can make given the single source of dubious quality you find yourself working from. While there are a dozen different wild theories you could crack off with, you restrict yourself to the salient details.

  1. There was, at one point of human history, a religious organization that through some unknown means had attained the ability to conjure fire that came into conflict with the Catholic church through the investigations of the Spanish Inquisition. Whether the religious organization or those who fought them within the church have survived to the modern day is as of yet unknown, whether the early christian faith or other religious organizations had contact with this Organization, henceforth refered to as the Fire Cult, is unknown. Given historical references to pyromancy in many ancient religions, it is possible this knowledge was once widespread but is no longer in common practice.
  2. Given reports from the eyewitness account and subsequent experimentation, it is fully possible for a human to produce and manipulate fire in ways contrary to modern physical laws. How these methods work, where the energy comes from, and the method by which it was originally learned is unknown.
  3. It is theoretically possible for a human to manipulate their physical form through the utilization of the same method that allows them to conjure fire. Reports of humans withstanding bullets and bending steel with their bare hands might be representations of the least forms of these techniques as the eyewitness presumed the individuals in question to be early apprentices within the Fire cult. Therefore, assuming this hypothesis is correct, the bound demons referred to by the eyewitness could simply be Humans who had shaped their forms in ways a superstitious mind would view as demonic.
You purse your lips as your pen rests on the last point you have listed on the page of the notebook you started keeping. Looking down at your crippled legs, you can physically feel the cold metal of the plates keeping your ruined femurs and tibias together. Standing out in sharp relief to the pleasant warmth of the rest of your body.

Perhaps it's foolish, but you desperately hope the last part is true.
(Your incredibly limited knowledge has been organized, new options unlocked.)

The process of trying to recreate the original event is taxing to say the least. Days pass you by as you try to recreate the symbol. Your wastepaper basket filling up with sheets of printer paper marked with flawed symbols and your fingers rapidly filling up with bandages as you keep stabbing yourself with a pin to bleed onto the ultimately faulty symbol.

You were honestly close to giving up for this week when your most recent product blackened slightly and the Ember within you stirred. Not growing like it had in the first place. But stirring ever so slightly.

Taking this minute success with the grasp of a drowning man upon the hand of a rescuer, you return to your work. Taking the shape that'd worked slightly and fiddling with it. Shifting the thickness of the lines and the degree of the angles until finally. You found a shape that worked perfectly. With a final prick you'd long grown desensitized to, the drop of blood falls slowly through the air and splatters against the paper, igniting the cheap sheet of printer paper and stoking the Ember that smoldered within your soul. Compared to the ancient parchement that'd stoked the Ember nearly to the point of immolation, this only caused it to grow slightly. From perhaps the size of a chicken egg to the size of two chicken eggs sitting nestled together.

After furiously circling a copy of the successful symbol several times on a fresh book of graph paper you'd purchased after filling a previous copy with duds. You spent the rest of the day trying to fiddle with Embers within you. Thinking really hard at the Embers mostly. It was... challenging to say the least. But eventually with enough focus you managed to slowly shift one of the Embers around slightly. Slowly but surely bringing it from its spot in your center to the edge of the skin of your stomach. Working off of a hunch, you placed your hand in an open cup beneath the warm mote of energy lingering just below your skin and pushed. With an imagined "pop" a small ball of fire emerged and rested in the palm of your hand.

You'll happily admit to staring for a very long time at the merrily crackling ball of fire hovering impossibly above the skin of your palm. It was Beautiful in ways you couldn't possibly describe. It was only when a distant part of yourself noticed that the room around you was pitch black that you came back to reality. The moment your focus slipped, a strange zorping sensation occured and the fireball winked out of existence. As if it had never been.

Shaking the pins and needles out of your sleeping limbs and massaging the crick in your neck. You start bumping around to find a light switch as you considered what just happened.
(Method of Generating new Embers discovered, new options unlocked, new action category unlocked)

Work was, perhaps mercifully, completely mundane. No issues, no unpleasant customers. Just pure, unfettered normalcy. You had no idea how much you had needed that.

(No change to financial situation, no monetary problems developed)

((Next turn options will drop tonight, now pardon me while I go eat something))
Hrm, so the value of the medium the Sigil is written on matters. Ancient Parchment is enough to effectively kill a mortal (Protagonist surviving because Plot Power and talent presumably), while a cheap sheet of printer paper is effectively worth 'One Point' of Ember, which is still handy at our current level because we're still operating on nickel-and-dime standards.

Blood is a catalyst, which does lead to the worrying possibility that this is where the human sacrifice shtick comes from in the face of the unethical. Presumably, the destruction of the medium the Glyph is inscribed into can be tied to the fragility of the medium itself as well. That being said, printer paper is more than enough for our present needs at least, though we need to determine the costs and applications as well.
It might not be a direct matter of value (though obviously once we meet the cultivator economy better paper for the purpose will be more expensive, yet it's unlikely in the extreme that they use mortal money). A material difference, degree or type of processing, power level of the tree or animal killed to create the writing surface... it could even be that the Inquisitor intentionally tried to fuck over anyone trying to use the symbol to cultivate by adding more power than a new cultivator can usually handle. Or something else entirely.

But I'm fully expecting cultivation to be an expensive endeavor, whatever form that takes. I'm just glad we're allowed to have plot-driven strokes of luck without paying for them.
Presumably, actual proper Cultivation in this paradigm requires dedicated structures and whatnot that can be re-used, but those subsequently probably require more blood or other resources to trigger.

Which leads to the nasty inclinations, when it's faster and easier to just use other people's blood on your behalf. After all, if life is cheap and you are strong, why not use the uninitiated to pay for your power?

Fortunately, the Modern Age is such that showing weakness for a short period of time is not necessarily an immediate risk of horrible death from your rivals striking. That kind of thing is noticeable after all. Have a long way to go before any of this is a real concern though, when fucking cheap printer paper and ink are good enough to double our Embers apparently (Though this is also partially our bonus apparently making us more efficient than someone else using this method is)
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Hoo boy, gotta love family reunions that get sprung on you out of nowhere. Heaven forfend I want to get some sleep tonight. I'll start writing up choices for the next turn in a minute here, but first.

Cryptic GM time.

Hrm, so the value of the medium the Sigil is written on matters. Ancient Parchment is enough to effectively kill a mortal (Protagonist surviving because Plot Power and talent presumably)

Close, but not quite, I will say the medium is important

(Though this is also partially our bonus apparently making us more efficient than someone else using this method is)

Your mystical potence boon has not been utilized yet

I'm just glad we're allowed to have plot-driven strokes of luck without paying for them.

Cultivating at this level likely won't kill you unless you do something stupid.
Hoo boy, gotta love family reunions that get sprung on you out of nowhere. Heaven forfend I want to get some sleep tonight. I'll start writing up choices for the next turn in a minute here, but first.

Cryptic GM time.

Close, but not quite, I will say the medium is important

Your mystical potence boon has not been utilized yet

Huh, we don't even qualify for our Potence boon yet, interesting. We'll need to do some further Experiments.

"What are you doing this is all mysterious"

"The Scientific Method didn't exist when this was popularized and I'll be damned if I don't use it here!"
Huh, we don't even qualify for our Potence boon yet, interesting. We'll need to do some further Experiments.
Admittedly, we only just figured out how to actually generate more Embers/Hellfire with intent. Hopefully from this point onward it will start to apply. Our version refers to Stoking the Flames of Rebellion, and hopefully that's what we just learned to do.
Second week of March, Turn 2
With possibilities bubbling forth from your mind and a pair of Embers jostling around in your core. You find yourself, perhaps unsurprisingly, eager to get an early Start on Sunday morning. A whole universe of possibilities expands before you. You only have to reach out to take them.

(You have five actions to spend this turn)

Work: Gotta pay the bills somehow. (You can only use one action here at present)

[ ] Work your regular shifts at Allmart: Another week in retail hell (Covers your living expenses, the paltry change left after bills are dealt with is barely enough to buy a few candy bars, or a bottle of cheap wine once a month if it's on sale and you haven't incinerated a set of work clothes)(Uses Blood and Black Bile)(May upgrade stats used by this job) (Costs one action)

Social: Talking to people isn't so bad, if they can stop staring at your cane for two minutes

[ ] Ask around for extra shifts: While the thought of spending more time behind a register then you have to is almost physically painful, you also need money. Asking your coworkers if anyone wants to give up a shift might get you a little deeper into the black or out of the red. (Opens up the possibility of working more next turn, granting some disposable income, possibly improves relationship with coworkers, locks in additional actions should you agree to take on the extra shifts) (Uses Blood)(Costs one action, possibly more next turn)

[ ] Ask to be put on the overtime desired list: While likely to cut significantly into your free time. Your manager is always looking for real go-getters willing to break their backs for a few extra hours. (Guarantees a variable number of extra shifts at Allmart for the next four turns, likely to damage health from lack of rest, improves relationship with manager, slightly improves chance of promotion) (Uses Blood) (Costs one action)

[ ] Suck up to the Manager: While he's an irritating, self-important little shitheel. Trying to get along with your manager will improve your odds of actually getting promoted at this shitty job. (improves relationship with manager, significantly improves chance of promotion, potentially damages relationship with your coworkers) (Uses Blood and Yellow Bile) (Costs one action)

Research: You discovered a way to create new embers, and with that a whole new variety of possibilities, but perhaps there's more you could learn?

[ ] Research methods of pyromancy: Being able to see the future, the past, or things that exist in the Here and Now could be very useful to expanding your capabilities and the frustrating lack of knowledge you have about the Fire Cult. Looking up how these forms of divination were done might be exceedingly useful to creating reliable methods of your own. (opens up new Occult options) (Uses Phlegm) (Costs three actions)

[ ] Write in Reading option; There are a thousand possible lines of inquiry you could pursue with the new revelations you've uncovered, it's so hard to tell which ones might be relevant. (GM's note: You currently have access to what might be found in your local library. Subjects that may require rare tomes might be incredibly limited in what you can find given your current lack of academic credentials and disposable income. Write in what subject you intend to research, what you might hope to find and how many actions you wish to commit.) (Uses Phlegm)

Occult: While a part of you might find it silly to call what you're capable of doing Magic, there's no real better way of describing it... for now...

[ ] How big is my brazier anyway?: You currently have two Embers rattling around in your... core? Soul? Brazier, we're going with that for now. You're going to start making Embers until you feel like you can't hold any more. (Reveals your current limit for Embers) (Requires you have at least one Ember) ( Uses Yellow Bile and Black Bile) (Costs one action) (More actions equal more Embers, but might waste them if there's a hard limit on how many you can hold)

[ ] How important is the medium?: You are able to create a single Ember from a sheet of printer paper, pencil lead, and blood. While the blood feels vital for the process, what about other possible mediums? (Reveals whether or not a particular medium is more or less useful for creating Embers) (Requires that you have at least one Ember) (Uses Phlegm) (Costs one Action per medium tested)
- [ ] Butcher's paper (No cost to your finances)
- [ ] Clay (Moderate affect on your finances)
- [ ] Brass (Major affect on your finances) (Possibly dangerous)

[ ] How do I shoot fire?: You were able to hold an Ember in your hand, while theoretically you could just huck that at someone or something if the need arose, from the descriptions in the inquisitor's diary imply that you can do more then just chuck firey balls around. (Unlocks an offensive spell) (Requires you have at least one Ember) (Uses Phlegm) (Costs one action)

((No Moratorium, vote will be called in fourteen hours))
[X] Plan: Working Up To Better Mediums
-[X] Work your regular shifts at Allmart: Another week in retail hell (Covers your living expenses, the paltry change left after bills are dealt with is barely enough to buy a few candy bars, or a bottle of cheap wine once a month if it's on sale and you haven't incinerated a set of work clothes)(Uses Blood and Black Bile)(May upgrade stats used by this job) (Costs one action)
-[X] Ask around for extra shifts: While the thought of spending more time behind a register then you have to is almost physically painful, you also need money. Asking your coworkers if anyone wants to give up a shift might get you a little deeper into the black or out of the red. (Opens up the possibility of working more next turn, granting some disposable income, possibly improves relationship with coworkers, locks in additional actions should you agree to take on the extra shifts) (Uses Blood)(Costs one action, possibly more next turn)
-[X] How big is my brazier anyway?: You currently have two Embers rattling around in your... core? Soul? Brazier, we're going with that for now. You're going to start making Embers until you feel like you can't hold any more. (Reveals your current limit for Embers) (Requires you have at least one Ember) ( Uses Yellow Bile and Black Bile) (Costs one action) (More actions equal more Embers, but might waste them if there's a hard limit on how many you can hold)
-[X] How important is the medium?: You are able to create a single Ember from a sheet of printer paper, pencil lead, and blood. While the blood feels vital for the process, what about other possible mediums? (Reveals whether or not a particular medium is more or less useful for creating Embers) (Requires that you have at least one Ember) (Uses Phlegm) (Costs one Action per medium tested)
--[X] Butcher's paper (No cost to your finances)
-[X] How do I shoot fire?: You were able to hold an Ember in your hand, while theoretically you could just huck that at someone or something if the need arose, from the descriptions in the inquisitor's diary imply that you can do more then just chuck firey balls around. (Unlocks an offensive spell) (Requires you have at least one Ember) (Uses Phlegm) (Costs one action)

I'm thinking we try Butcher's Paper this turn, then take some extra shifts next turn to test out Clay.
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Nice, let me whip something up.

[X] Plan: Expanding Outward
-[X] Work your regular shifts at Allmart:
-[X] Research methods of pyromancy:
-[X] How big is my brazier anyway?

Pyromancy seems like a good gateway discipline, and this brings us up to apparently 14 effective Research Actions in two weeks, Camilla is a study beast.

I don't think we need a spell or new mediums just yet though, but we should always be grinding more Embers when we can. Hopefully opening up the divination method early pays off in spades.

A shame we don't have many options to expand our social circle yet, but we're still splashing around the shallows of Mystery, this too shall pass.
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