Punching through the Masquerade (Modern Magical Cultivation Quest)

Have to step away again, the damage was enough to nearly kill it, it didn't have a contingency for this so it's going to try and flee.

It's still not dead?

Yeah, it'll try to run, and it'll catch a Blastburn then, Camilla is not going to let this fucker lick it's wounds until it's bound to fuck off, and if it's running, we won't catch the Empousa in our Blastburn.

EDIT: 5 Stat Damage
Alectai threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Stat Damage vs Blizzard Spirit Total: 5
3 3 2 2
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It's a lot of damage, but we're tough enough it's, like, only half health, I don't think we'll have permanent effects from that...particularly if we use magic to treat it. Given our healing spell is fire magic, it might even be extra effective.
If my math is correct, we'll have to blow an action on regaining favor. Only 1 left right now, and Hearth's ease costs 2.
We did 176 Health and it's still alive and able to attempt a Retreat good lord.

Holy Fuck this thing was a proper Raid Boss. Unless it was more "This is the health it would have had even in the height of it's power, its just that its stats and attacks were badly impaired by attacking in literally the worst time, but it still had its base health"

Even so, this thing seems beefy enough that it would have had a Rep, which means bagging it is going to make Curie one of the Notable Up and Comers.
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Holy Fuck this thing was a proper Raid Boss. Unless it was more "This is the health it would have had even in the height of it's power, its just that its stats and attacks were badly impaired by attacking in literally the worst time, but it still had its base health"

Per what the QM said, it's the latter, but this thing still would have killed us dead if we didn't really level up in the last turn. We would have needed to use the nuclear option to survive.
Blizzard Spirit: It's not fair! I was told that the heathen would be a neophyte cripple!
Camilla: Looks like you're the only cripple here, buddy. Now, you may be seeing St. Peter soon, but let me give you a taste of hell.
*tosses Blastburn, puts on shades, doesn't turn her back on the explosion because she's not an idiot and needs to make sure that spirit is DEAD.*
I don't think it was pointed at us by the Powers That Be, because they'd send something stronger if they did. No, I think this was somehow, something from really far away got Camilla's scent, and hunted her with laser focus. The real question is "What is it that tipped it off? Like, narratively?" It was specifically coming for her, knew roughly where she was but not her exact position until it spent a few weeks searching. Was it the failed Air Element investiture? But that got deflected before it could lash out. Is it just that it sensed the Promethean Flame we've got and tracked us because it wanted some? We don't know!

But hopefully we'll find out, assuming it doesn't just get erased without a trace anyway and leaves us with no loot for the danger and the trouble we took upon ourselves because of a bad RER roll.
A disasterous finish. For the Spirit.
Alright I'm back for a moment, and I'm opening a vote because the Spirit is crippled and babbling words in a dozen ancient languages begging for mercy. You could finish it off, but opportunities abound.

what do you do?

[ ] End the Blizzard Spirit: Drop an Ember on it's now revealed and prostrating form. (Spends an Ember, kills the spirit)

[ ] Hear it out: You only recognize the Latin in the babbled tongues the Spirit speaks. But it seems to be speaking coherently. See if you can reason with it. (Opens Dialogue with the Blizzard spirit)

No Moratorium. Voting will extend to 11pm cst. Expect the next update tomorrow afternoon.
[X] Hear it out: You only recognize the Latin in the babbled tongues the Spirit speaks. But it seems to be speaking coherently. See if you can reason with it. (Opens Dialogue with the Blizzard spirit)

I'm willing to hear it out, we've got it by the throat, and now is the time where it buys its life.

EDIT: Presumably, it realized we still had gas in the tank, and it couldn't escape the Empousa with the damage it took, and resorted to bargaining?

Do we know enough to be able to hold it to any agreement beyond the moment? We explicitly studied two books on Spirit Wrangling that we should at least have a rough idea of how this kind of thing works, right?
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[X] Hear it out: You only recognize the Latin in the babbled tongues the Spirit speaks. But it seems to be speaking coherently. See if you can reason with it. (Opens Dialogue with the Blizzard spirit)

We are not going to be cheap.
[X] Hear it out: You only recognize the Latin in the babbled tongues the Spirit speaks. But it seems to be speaking coherently. See if you can reason with it. (Opens Dialogue with the Blizzard spirit)

We are not going to be cheap.

Unprovoked battles where you take massive losses tend to involve eating all the shit, yeah. At the very least, we should be able to banish it from our presence for a long-ass time, and given even a year of build up, I think we could probably take it even in its prime.
Do we know enough to be able to hold it to any agreement beyond the moment? We explicitly studied two books on Spirit Wrangling that we should at least have a rough idea of how this kind of thing works, right?

You can take a rough stab at it. Sadly the damage it's taken will keep it weak for decades. But there are opportunities to be had here. This being, after all, was once a cultivator. An Early period Cultivator at that. It has forgotten or lost much. But it still remembers enough to be of value
[X] Hear it out: You only recognize the Latin in the babbled tongues the Spirit speaks. But it seems to be speaking coherently. See if you can reason with it. (Opens Dialogue with the Blizzard spirit)

Do we have to spare it if we take its bribe? Can't really trust it not to make trouble again.
You can take a rough stab at it. Sadly the damage it's taken will keep it weak for decades. But there are opportunities to be had here. This being, after all, was once a cultivator. An Early period Cultivator at that. It has forgotten or lost much. But it still remembers enough to be of value

Should damn well hope so.

And oof, I guess Spirits may have shittons of HP, but anything they loss is not an easy fix, is it? We brought this thing to a veritable inch from Dissolution and it has no way out but to beg for its life, it's just fortunate that we're not particularly bloodthirsty or intent on any enslavement.

EDIT: Actually, would our Daimon of Knowledge be able to translate for us? Knowledge of Languages should be one of the things it has in its pocket, right?

[X] Hear it out: You only recognize the Latin in the babbled tongues the Spirit speaks. But it seems to be speaking coherently. See if you can reason with it. (Opens Dialogue with the Blizzard spirit)

Do we have to spare it if we take its bribe? Can't really trust it not to make trouble again.

Apparently we've knocked it down to the Spirit Equivalent of Level 1 from all the damage we did, barely better than our Generic Elementals except it what it Knows. That's a major asset mind you, but that's the only asset it can bargain right now, and as the victory with power to spare and it being in a state of total defeat, we have a lot of leverage.
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[X] Hear it out: You only recognize the Latin in the babbled tongues the Spirit speaks. But it seems to be speaking coherently. See if you can reason with it. (Opens Dialogue with the Blizzard spirit)
EDIT: Actually, would our Daimon of Knowledge be able to translate for us? Knowledge of Languages should be one of the things it has in its pocket, right?

You would call your Daimon of Knowledge up to translate as a matter of course, Latin is great but difficult to converse in since your focus is primarily in the written format.
You would call your Daimon of Knowledge up to translate as a matter of course, Latin is great but difficult to converse in since your focus is primarily in the written format.

Got it.

So, since this is probably a free action, if you have a sec, can you explain why this thing jumped Camilla? Now that it's decidedly in her power?
Got it.

So, since this is probably a free action, if you have a sec, can you explain why this thing jumped Camilla? Now that it's decidedly in her power?

The full details will be in the post tomorrow assuming you don't kill it. But it desperately wants some Embers, the pain it's in is providing clarity from it's madness. If it'd been capable of asking you for Embers, it would have, but it's not an effective tortured hunting dog if it can just ask for help.
The full details will be in the post tomorrow assuming you don't kill it. But it desperately wants some Embers, the pain it's in is providing clarity from it's madness. If it'd been capable of asking you for Embers, it would have, but it's not an effective tortured hunting dog if it can just ask for help.

Hah, fair enough. Good thing that we didn't end up spending any! We've got a lot to spare!
[X] Hear it out: You only recognize the Latin in the babbled tongues the Spirit speaks. But it seems to be speaking coherently. See if you can reason with it. (Opens Dialogue with the Blizzard spirit)
[X] Hear it out: You only recognize the Latin in the babbled tongues the Spirit speaks. But it seems to be speaking coherently. See if you can reason with it. (Opens Dialogue with the Blizzard spirit)