[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[X] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"
Vote Results
[-] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[-] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"
[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[X] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"

It's fine though. You win some you lose some. I don't think I've seen this kind of wish win before so I'm eager to find out what the result will be!
Vote Results
[-] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[-] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"

And then Hinako became a Grief Seed, forever being useful to other Magical Girls by 'creating' hope in their souls~

But seriously though, I couldn't help going "Welp she'll be real useful and hope-inspiring to her fellow Meguca as a Grief Seed". Shame nobody wanted to pump Kyubey for more questions, dealing with Grief and avoiding Witch-Out will be Hinako's biggest issue after all.

Do we have to wait for the update, or are you willing to give us the basics of her powers now?
And then Hinako became a Grief Seed, forever being useful to other Magical Girls by 'creating' hope in their souls~

But seriously though, I couldn't help going "Welp she'll be real useful and hope-inspiring to her fellow Meguca as a Grief Seed". Shame nobody wanted to pump Kyubey for more questions, dealing with Grief and avoiding Witch-Out will be Hinako's biggest issue after all.
Hey, don't worry about it. Like I've been saying, I'm not going to monkey's paw your wish like that, especially since none of the Wishes have been odd enough to warrant weird effects like Kirika's warped personality or Homura's single month of usefulness.
Do we have to wait for the update, or are you willing to give us the basics of her powers now?
I'm still designing her powerset, outfit, and such right now. To be completely honest I didn't expect this vote to win, so I have less of a head start on getting an idea of what her powers will be than if the voters had chosen the magical girl or protection wishes. This should be an interesting one, to say the least.
My first bandwagon! Am I a cool kid now? :V

Shame nobody wanted to pump Kyubey for more questions, dealing with Grief and avoiding Witch-Out will be Hinako's biggest issue after all.

Honestly, I just don't think we have the tools to effectively get to the infohazards through questioning Kyubey. He's not gonna want to answer the question directly or he'll be scaring off a potential contract. Not only that, but we don't know there's anything off about being a Magical Girl and have no reason to believe so, so in-character we don't have much a reason to ask questions that would lead to those revelations. Plus it just isn't fun to lawyer Kyubey into the answers we want for the next few updates. If we really want to try and rip that band-aid off early, we could try and see if veteran meguca in the area know and can tell us in the best way possible, but I think trying to build up a strong support system and clear motivation to keep us chugging when we get to that revelation naturally is the best route.
Alright, if anyone's curious, created a character sheet page for Hinako which can be found in the Informational tab. It lists only what she's capable of now or what she's aware of. It does technically spoiler what her outfit and weapon are going to be, but it's going to be revealed in the next chapter anyways.

Going to start writing up the next chapter shortly. ;)
Flowing intricate emerald robes embroidered with unknown but beautiful designs. A sunburst is present on the front of the hood. Embroidery and the sunburst alternate between the colors white and black. Thigh-high white stockings are hidden underneath the robes, as well as short green ankle-strap heels.

All right, everybody, let's flash back to your high school English class, because it's Symbolism Time!

The alternation of white and black on the robe is obviously the interplay of hope and despair inherent in all meguca- which is more present in us, due our wish. The stockings+heels underneath the robes symbolize hiding one's developing sexuality under a cover of... something, austere maturity, maybe? I dunno. The fact that emboridery is unknown but beautiful represents Ruri's views on the puella magi system, or magic in general: something mostly unknown and yet oddly attracting. And, depending on the shape of the hood, Ruri's being blinded by her own hope? Or something?

And that's all I have.
Chapter 4
[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[X] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"

Saturday, January 1st 2011

While you still have many questions, you don't want to take up too much of Kyubey's time. Who knows how many magical girls he has to help out in the city, while he's taking the time to indulge in your curiosity.

"Um..." Kyubey continues to stare hopefully at you as you think.

You think long and hard about what to wish for, with many ideas popping in and out of your mind. You could just wish to be a magical girl, but while that might make you more powerful as a magical girl, you can't be too sure. And with an opportunity like this, you have to be sure.

You could wish to protect your friends and family from all harm... but would you have enough Potential for that? If a strong enough Witch could possibly defeat you, then could a Witch bypass protections made by you? You aren't certain, and that worries you. Would that be a waste of a wish?

As you ponder all these thoughts in your head, an idea begins to form. You've always wanted to help, you know that. Maybe... maybe you could use your wish to help you be more useful to others? Kyubey did say that using your wish on something you personally want could result in you being a better magical girl, so perhaps this would be for the best? But do you deserve to use your wish on just yourself after all your loved ones have done for you?


Kyubey sighs in your head.

Ruri Hinako, it's okay if you can't decide right this instant... I understand that this is a lot to take in! I'm sorry to have to pressure you about this, however could you please give me an answer? I really do have to get going if you decide not to become a magical girl tonight, as I'll have to try and find someone else in the area to help put a stop to the local Witches before they get too out of hand.

Kyubey's voice has a reassuring tone to it through all this, but all it does is make you feel worse about yourself. He's been nothing but helpful, yet you can't even give him an answer on whether or not you'll become a magical girl tonight. You could put it off, sure, however some part of you doesn't want this opportunity to slip away from you. If you let this opportunity go, will you wake up tomorrow thinking it was nothing but a dream?

"I-I'm sorry Kyubey. But I think I have a Wish, if you're still offering..." Once more, Kyubey perks up and stares attentively at you, tail swishing in time behind him.

This is your moment of truth, you suppose. You reword your wish in your head countless times before you come to one that resonates within you deeply. This is it. You steel yourself and stare into Kyubey's exotic-looking ruby eyes and prepare to tell him your wish.

"I wish that I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"

Something clicks within you as you recite this to Kyubey, and Kyubey himself takes this opportunity to jump up and reach his long ears towards your chest, and-

emerald green light flashes throughout the room, an unseen wind rushes all around you, and you can do nothing but stare at the ceiling as it becomes smaller and smaller, you feel lighter and you feel like you're losing something before it settles back into place and

Thank you Ruri Hinako, for your wish has successfully reduced entropy!

-you open your eyes. Why are you on the floor? D-did Kyubey grant your wish? You look from side to side and see Kyubey sitting calmly next to you, as if awaiting your reaction. Sitting up, something clinks as it falls from your chest onto the floor.

Wrapping your fingers around it, you bring it up to you and take a good look at the mystery object. It's... it's...

It's beautiful.

What sits in your hand is a softly glowing emerald gem wrapped in intricate golden filigree. On it lies the symbol of a sunburst both on the top of the gem, as well as inlaid near the bottom. What is this, you wonder?

That, Hinako, is your Soul Gem!

As if reading your mind once more, Kyubey tells you this.

"M-my Soul... Gem?" The words sound foreign, yet seems so right when it comes to describing what lays in your hand before you.

That's right! A Soul Gem is a gem birthed when a girl makes a contract with a Messenger of Magic such as myself. It is proof that one is a magical girl, the source of her magical power!

You continue to stare at your Soul Gem in almost a daze. This is the source of your powers? You have magic now?! How do you use it?

As if reacting to your intent, an emerald green light bathes your vision as you feel your Soul Gem leaving your hand. When you come to, you find that you're not wearing what you were wearing before, yet it's just as comfortable if not more so than your pajamas.

Standing back up - steading yourself in the process - you look towards your mirror and see what could only be described as a magical girl, or some kind of priestess you suppose.

You're dressed in flowing and intricate green robes that just about completely cover your form, which includes a hood to cover your head in. A white sunburst outlined in black is present on the front of the hood, and you can't help but to trace our fingers along the metallic filigree that makes up its form.

Flowing down your robes from the sunburst are dozens of strange yet beautifully embroidered designs, also in white and black but without the filigree. You can feel the thigh-high socks - stockings? - that you're now wearing underneath your robes, as well as the short green ankle strap heels that you're standing on. Despite wearing heels it feels completely natural to you, as if you could run a marathon in these things without missing your step.

... Wait a moment, what are you holding in your right hand? You hadn't noticed earlier as it just felt right. Bringing it up so that you could see what you're holding, you find that you're looking at some kind of silvery... rod thing. It can't be much longer than half your forearm, honestly. Is this supposed to be your magical girl weapon? It's also just as intricate as the rest of your outfit and how your Soul Gem was.

Speaking of, you grasp at the gleaming emerald gem that's inlaid into the center of your collarbone, much bigger than when it was in it's prior form. You can't physically take it out, yet you intuitively know that you could return it to it's ovular-shaped form at any point without ending your transformation. Dropping your hands, you turn back to Kyubey, who seems to have been patiently waiting for you.

"This... this is amazing!" You really do feel like you could take on the world like this, but you know that's probably a bad attitude to have. Instead, you bask in the feelings of the gift of magic Kyubey granted you. You... are a magical girl now!

Why of course it is! Congratulations Hinako, you have become a magical girl!

You can't help but smile widely at his statement.

There are things you should be aware of, though. The most important thing is that as you use your magic, your gem will become darker. If it gets too dark, you'll lose your abilities as a magical girl!

You can't help but gasp a little at that. Okay, okay, you have got to be careful about using your magic then. But if that's the case, then how do you-

In order to restore and purify your Soul Gem, you have to use use what's called a Grief Seed, which is what Witches drop upon being defeated. It will clean your gem for a while until it gets filled up, which is when you'll have to get rid of it otherwise it may rehatch into a Witch and become stronger than before!

-oh, so that's how it works. Huh. Also another foreign term which seems just right. Weird. It looks like these Grief Seeds are like non-rechargeable batteries for your Soul Gem, and that you should get rid of them if they get too full. Seems simple enough, you think.

If you ever need to get rid of a Grief Seed, you can always contact me telepathically like how I am talking to you now! You can do it anytime and anywhere, and it's yet another ability a magical girl naturally possesses. In fact, if you ever team up with another magical girl, you could communicate to them like this as well!

"Oh, that's good! Let me give it a try..." You think really hard, before letting up a bit and letting up a bit and trying to do it in a way that feels natural.

... Like this? you telepathically relay.


Wow, this is a useful ability!

You know, if you'd like I could spend some time tonight helping you hunt a Witch. You should be able to pick up on a Witch's trail using your Soul Gem, though I'd be happy to guide you through your first Witch hunt!

Hm... maybe you should? It would be nice to have Kyubey showing you the ropes before going to bed, and you have to admit you're quite excited to use your magic for the first time! It is rather late, but what with having gained magical powers you feel like you'll have the energy for this potential outing.

What should you do?

[ ] Go out on a Witch hunt with Kyubey
-[ ] Do you try to do anything special with your magic while hunting this Witch, or should you just let Kyubey tell you what to do? (Write-in)
[ ] Don't go on a Witch hunt tonight and go to bed
[ ] Do you have any questions for Kyubey before you go on a Witch hunt or go to bed
[ ] (Write-in)
So fun fact, both "Soul Gem" and "Grief Seed" is pronounced in English in Madoka Magica, which is why no one ever questions Coobie about the whole "Soul" part of "Soul Gem".

Also in the future, assume that those two terms are always spoken in English as I'm probably not going to italics them past this chapter.
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*snip coobie manipulations*

I can physically feel the lies dripping off of it's probably non-existent tongue. It pressuring Hinako into the contract via guilt trip, in particular.

As for a game plan? In character, Hinako would probably agree to QB's suggestion. But I don't want it to sink it's hooks in any further. As such, I'll vote for:

[X] Don't go on a Witch hunt tonight and go to bed
-[X] You don't want to go out right away. You new to this whole thing, don't really know your new abilities, and on top of that are low on sleep. Maybe tomorrow morning?
I did not know that AN info. That actually explains a lot...

[X] Go out on a Witch hunt with Kyubey
-[X] Let Kyubey tell you what to do. He knows a lot more about this than you do. If he's offering to teach you, you should accept his offer.

The way I see it, there are plenty of Magical Girls out there who don't get Cubes-approved personal guidance. We can benefit greatly from this.

I wonder how much of this our wish could be responsible for? Kyubey is acting very helpful and I'm getting some serious Dark Souls primordial serpent vibes from him. Perhaps he hopes we can be useful, eh?

Edit: Funnily enough, the very reason I want us to go hunt a Witch is the same reason i'm usually against doing so right after contracting. It's too dangerous to go in blind against a foe as powerful as a Witch could be. But with Kyubey going out of his way to teach us himself, we won't be as uninformed and unprepared as some other Magical Girls would be.
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[X] Ask Kyubey if he can introduce you to any friendly, more experienced Magical Girls in the area who would be willing to help you on your first hunt.
-[X] Experiment with your powers on the way there, being careful with how much magic you use. See what your instincts tell you and ask how to learn what you can do more efficiently.
-[X] If there aren't, ask when they'll be available and how to contact them. You don't think you want to throw yourself into witch hunting without another Magical Girl to help. Still try to experiment and ask questions about your powers, but be more conservative since you don't know when you'll be able to refresh.

I think having a actual, human person we can ask questions and get support from is the most urgent matter, so we don't feel so isolated with all the self-loathing on our shoulders and are less vulnerable to manipulation by Coobs. I also think it'll be good to have a vague idea of what our powers are before getting into any engagements.

Invisitext spotted:

But do you deserve to use your wish on just yourself after all your loved ones have done for you?

emerald green light flashes throughout the room, an unseen wind rushes all around you, and you can do nothing but stare at the ceiling as it becomes smaller and smaller, you feel lighter and you feel like you're losing something before it settles back into place and
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[X] Ask Kyubey if he can introduce you to any friendly, more experienced Magical Girls in the area who would be willing to help you on your first hunt.
-[X] Experiment with your powers on the way there, being careful with how much magic you use. See what your instincts tell you and ask how to learn what you can do more efficiently.
-[X] If there aren't, ask when they'll be available and how to contact them. You don't think you want to throw yourself into witch hunting without another Magical Girl to help. Still try to experiment and ask questions about your powers, but be more conservative since you don't know when you'll be able to refresh.

Oh, right, we need friends. Or someone to tell us coobs is a manipulative fucknuts, at any case.
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[X] Go out on a Witch hunt with Kyubey
-[X] Let Kyubey tell you what to do. He knows a lot more about this than you do. If he's offering to teach you, you should accept his offer.
-[X] Try to reshape your weapon in something pointer, or to empower it with your magic, while you search for the witch, so that you'll know how to engage it.
I wouldn't worry too much on what friends we can find now for this hunt.
Kyubey isn't going to bring us to a witch we cannot defeat, otherwise we would just die, which is something we know he doesn't want now.
He is here because there aren't enough magical girls in the city.
I wouldn't worry too much on what friends we can find now for this hunt.
Kyubey isn't going to bring us to a witch we cannot defeat, otherwise we would just die, which is something we know he doesn't want now.
He is here because there aren't enough magical girls in the city.
This is exactly what I was thinking too. We have an opportunity here and it'd be a waste to squander it.
I wouldn't worry too much on what friends we can find now for this hunt.
Kyubey isn't going to bring us to a witch we cannot defeat, otherwise we would just die, which is something we know he doesn't want now.
He is here because there aren't enough magical girls in the city.
This is exactly what I was thinking too. We have an opportunity here and it'd be a waste to squander it.

Hmm. You're both right. I still would heavily prefer if we weren't alone, though. Not because I think we'll die - I just don't want us to be isolated for any longer than necessary. Can we compromise with something like this?

[X] Ask Kyubey if he can introduce you to any friendly, more experienced Magical Girls in the area who would be willing to help you on your first hunt.
-[X] If there aren't, ask when they'll be available and how to contact them. After all, what's a magical girl without a team?

[X] Go hunting, either with Kyubey or with another Magical Girl, depending on if anyone else is available.
-[X] Experiment with your powers on the way there, being careful with how much magic you use. See what your instincts tell you and ask how to learn what you can do more efficiently.
-[X] Let Kyubey or whoever else accompanies you take the lead.