[X] Neebles

The hero we needed! Good lord, I didn't know where to start with that, but this plan looks very workable.
Vote Results
[X] Help Rio clean up the glass - she shouldn't have to worry about cleaning up after that. Try to use your hope magic on her if you can.
[X] Take Rio and Nanako out for ice cream.
-[X] Tell Rio you'll explain what just happened when you get there.
-[X] If she seems reluctant, tell her you can show her your magic later, but you also want to treat her to make up for, y'know, breaking into her house and all.

[X] On the way over:
-[X] Ask Rio about herself while you walk. What does she like to do? What school does she attend? And anything else casual we can think of. Don't push her on her family situation unless she brings it up herself.
-[X] Let Rio take over the conversation when possible so you have some breathing room to telepathy Nanako.
-[X] Tell Nanako that you both need to try and befriend her so she has someone safe to talk to. You live alone at the moment, so you can let her stay with you if we need to. You're gonna see if your sister has any advice on what to do while you see what's up.
-[X] Text your sister on the way over asking if you can call her in a few minutes - a friend is in trouble and you need some advice.
-[X] Continue conversing with Rio.

[X] When you get there:
[X] Pay for everyone else's ice cream.
[X] If your sister says you can call, or if she doesn't respond yet, excuse yourself and call her. Tell Nanako to start explaining Magical Girls and that you'll be back in a minute and call.
-[X] Explain that you ran into someone else today while hanging out with your new friend, and you have reason to believe their father is abusing them. You want to get them out of that situation ASAP, but you don't know how, short of letting her stay with you for a couple days. Does best sister have any ideas?
-[X] If she says she can't talk, text her for advice while explaining Magical Girls and Witches to Rio. Make sure to emphasize how dangerous Witches are.
EDIT: Mischief dice is mischievous.
Enetious threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Mischief Roll (Higher=Success) Total: 71
71 71
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I feel so validated but also extremely nervous LOL

I suspect Rio will probably contract regardless of what we do in the long run now that we're establishing a long-term connection with her, but hopefully she can at least make that choice in a safe environment with information that Kyubey probably would've either danced around or ignored entirely. We have enough hints to at least be wary of Coobs hiding information from people, so even if we don't know the worst of it yet we can try to pass that wisdom down to Rio. Since she has potential to contract based on the AN, if we left them to their own devices she'd probably end up contracting when she's in immediate danger due to her family, and I don't want her to have to take on that life in a high-pressure situation.

At the end of the day, unless she has kind relatives or something to take her in, a contract might be the most sound long-term solution to escaping her family - we can't hide her forever, and even if we could uprooting her life in one day will end with it's own trauma, we don't have evidence for law enforcement even if Rio was okay with contacting them (and, honestly, I don't know about Japan but CPS in my country is extremely unhelpful anyways,) so I think all we can do is try to set her up to make an informed decision with a support system. If she chooses not to, we'll see what best sister has to say, and we can at least let her stay with us in the short term until we figure something else out.
Wasn't able to get the update out today/yesterday (time-zone depending), as it seems like this'll be a longer chapter. In recompense, here's a small preview to tide everyone over until I finish up the chapter. It should at least be a little bit insightful towards Rio's situation, I think.
"Hinako-san, there's something I should tell you while Rio isn't here."

And now she has your full attention. You turn and look at her expectantly, hands loosely clasped together and outstretched towards the ground in front of you.

"While I was in the Witch's Labyrinth, I found Rio-san's mother being guided by familiars, which were probably escorting her to the Witch. She was talking to them as if they were other people, and the things she said, even if she was under the effects of the Witch's Kiss..."

Nanako pauses, looking a bit unsure before continuing.

"I can safely say that it isn't just Rio-san's father that's abusing her. She seems to hold a lot of resentment towards Rio-san for reasons unbeknownst to me, and I wasn't willing to let her stay in the clutches of the Witch's familiars any longer... I'm sorry, Hinako-san."

That's... you can't say you hadn't considered the possibility. You had hoped that maybe it was just the father, but both the mother and father? They both seem on good terms with one another too, if Rio's earlier comment on them meaning to go out tonight is true. Why is all of their hostility directed towards Rio?!

"I-It's not your fault, Nanako-senpai! I just can't believe that they both would be like that to their own daughter... She seems so nice, too."

Nanako just nods in agreement. She seems to be looking over at the two unconscious forms of Rio's parents with a look that makes it seem like she just bit into a lemon.
:thonk: If I remember correctly, one of PMMM quests the QM based this off of was Memento Mori, and the protagonist of that (accidentally) seduced everyone she met.

Why not continue the tradition here? :V

She didn't.

But she did make some actions that can be seen as questionable. Like taking a friend who passed out to her home, giving to the friend's family a fake message that said she was going to remain at her home, and sleeping with her friend after a discussion to calm her down (nothing lewd happened, don't worry, and it was an accident)

Like, in this situation, she would have brought this girl to her home without a doubt, even if it was technically illegal.

But her mental situation was from the beginning very different from ours.

However, I will be interested to see if also this protagonist will eventually gain a similar mindset in the future.
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Chapter 13
[X] Help Rio clean up the glass - she shouldn't have to worry about cleaning up after that. Try to use your hope magic on her if you can.
[X] Take Rio and Nanako out for ice cream.
-[X] Tell Rio you'll explain what just happened when you get there.
-[X] If she seems reluctant, tell her you can show her your magic later, but you also want to treat her to make up for, y'know, breaking into her house and all.

[X] On the way over:
-[X] Ask Rio about herself while you walk. What does she like to do? What school does she attend? And anything else casual we can think of. Don't push her on her family situation unless she brings it up herself.
-[X] Let Rio take over the conversation when possible so you have some breathing room to telepathy Nanako.
-[X] Tell Nanako that you both need to try and befriend her so she has someone safe to talk to. You live alone at the moment, so you can let her stay with you if we need to. You're gonna see if your sister has any advice on what to do while you see what's up.
-[X] Text your sister on the way over asking if you can call her in a few minutes - a friend is in trouble and you need some advice.
-[X] Continue conversing with Rio.

[X] When you get there:
[X] Pay for everyone else's ice cream.
[X] If your sister says you can call, or if she doesn't respond yet, excuse yourself and call her. Tell Nanako to start explaining Magical Girls and that you'll be back in a minute and call.
-[X] Explain that you ran into someone else today while hanging out with your new friend, and you have reason to believe their father is abusing them. You want to get them out of that situation ASAP, but you don't know how, short of letting her stay with you for a couple days. Does best sister have any ideas?
-[X] If she says she can't talk, text her for advice while explaining Magical Girls and Witches to Rio. Make sure to emphasize how dangerous Witches are.

Sunday, January 2nd 2011

... Why is Rio taking it upon herself to clean up a mess that was created when one of her parents hurt her so badly? Why does she seem so unperturbed about everything that just happened?

Rio starts making her way to the sight of where she was struck, and you make a decision.

"A-ah, Rio-san, I can take care of that for you," you carefully move to intercept her, hands held out for the broom and dustpan in her hands.

Rio just looks at you, confused.

"Well... I'm always supposed to clean up after my own messes so that means I have to do it, right?"

Yeah, you definitely need to call your sister for help. You aren't equipped to deal with this kind of thing!

You hold up a finger upwards in front of you.


You take your magical girl weapon in hand and will it to recreate the dustpan in Rio's hand, and subsequently form another intricate rod to manifest a broom as well. You ready the translucent green cleaning tools and kneel down to start cleaning up. This counts as practice, right?

Rio stares at your mystical tools of cleaning with wonderment and excitement, her task momentarily forgotten.

"Nanako-senpai, could you..." you gesture to the broken bottle in the unconscious man's hand, and Nanako quickly moves to follow your request seemingly relieved to be doing something.

As you sweep up the glass remnants from the floor, you can see that the bristles formed on the freshly formed broom are acting perfectly naturally. You give a quick flick through them and feel that they're a perfect match to the bristles on any other broom.

"Hey, hey, can you teach me magic Onee-san?"

Oh, that's right. You never gave her your name, now did you?

"U-um, well, I'm not sure. I'm still kind of new at this myself..."

Rio slackens a bit, and you feel like you've just kicked a puppy without meaning to.

"I-I mean, my name is Ruri Hinako! And I was planning on asking Nanako-senpai to go out to get ice cream with me after this, d-do you want to come too?"

You hear Nanako give a low strangled noise for a brief moment, for some reason.

W-well, only if you're fine with it of course! But I think it'd be good to get Rio-san out of this house for a little while at least... you briskly send to your senpai telepathically.

"Well, Mother and Father were supposed to go out tonight so they might be a bit mad already..."

... It's fine, Hinako-san. I just hadn't expected you to invite me out like that so suddenly, replies Nanako.

"Well, um, I'll show you some more magic later if you come! A-and I kind of want to make up for, you know, breaking into your house and all..."

... You sound like a dastardly criminal when you put it that way. What would your parents think of you now? At least you're doing it for a good cause, though!

Rio thinks this over while you sweep up the last bits of glass from the floor. There were a few splotches of blood that you were able to brute force scrape from the ground with the ethereal bristles before it really set in, but you think you got everything.

Looking for a trash can, you reflect back on Rio's current state. The school uniform she's wearing consists of a washed out dark blue and white checkered skirt wrapped around a predominantly white long-sleeved sailor top trimmed with the same blue; a winter uniform. Her left sleeve is utterly ruined, cut in many places and soaked in her blood.

Detaching the dustpan from your weapon into a trash can in the kitchen, you let the energy making it up dissipate. You absentmindedly to the same for the broom and second intricate rod before untransforming in a flash of green light.

This seems to have convinced Rio, as after detransforming...

"Alright! Can I really go along with you two?" she asks in a hopeful tone.

"Of course!""Of course, Rio-san." Both you and Nanako echo out at the same time. It seems that while you were throwing away the glass remains Nanako moved Rio's father into a chair that's facing a television.

"Though... you may want to change out of that, otherwise we'd draw attention," Nanako points out, looking at Rio's ruined sleeve.

Rio looks at it as if she's only just noticing that it's a problem, before running her hands through her hair in frustration.

"Ahhh! I didn't realize, and I only have a few of these too!"

She quickly runs off into a hallway and bolts into an open door before slamming it shut.

A moment passes.

"Um... I guess we'll just wait then?" you mumble to no one in particular. Rio seems to be in high spirits and is quite energetic, if a bit distractible.

"There there," Nanako playfully reassures you as she lightly pats your shoulder. You can't help but giggle a bit at this.

Okay... so what are you going to do about this whole situation? You doubt that everything could be solved just by taking Rio out for ice cream, and sooner or later Rio will have to come back to this... you couldn't call a place where Rio gets hurt like she did a home. What could possibly motivate someone to harm their own child?

"Hinako-san, there's something I should tell you while Rio-san isn't here."

And now she has your full attention. You turn and look at her expectantly, hands loosely clasped together and outstretched towards the ground in front of you.

"While I was in the Witch's Labyrinth, I found Rio-san's mother being guided by familiars, which were likely escorting her to the Witch. She was talking to them as if they were other people, and the things she said, even if she was under the effects of the Witch's Kiss..."

Nanako pauses, looking a bit unsure before continuing.

"I can safely say that it isn't just Rio-san's father that's abusing her. She seems to hold a lot of resentment towards Rio-san for reasons unbeknownst to me, and I wasn't willing to let her stay in the clutches of the Witch's familiars any longer... I'm sorry, Hinako-san."

That's... you can't say you hadn't considered the possibility. You had hoped that maybe it was just the father, but both the mother and father? They both seem on good terms with one another too, if Rio's earlier comment on them meaning to go out tonight is true. Why is all of their hostility directed towards Rio?!

"I-It's not your fault, Nanako-senpai! I just can't believe that they both would be like that to their own daughter... She seems so nice, too."

Nanako just nods in agreement. She seems to be looking over at the two unconscious forms of Rio's parents with a look that makes it seem like she just bit into a lemon. You speak up again.

"Nanako-senpai, I think we should try and become friends with her while we're out, at least so that she has someone she could safely talk to about all of this... I'm living by myself right now, so I could let her stay over my house if she needs ever too."

Nanako looks surprised at this revelation.

"You live all alone? But your home seems so..."

You wave it off with one of your hands.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Mama and Papa travel a lot, and Onee-chan is off at university, but it's not like I'm alone most of the time. We video call each other a lot!"

This seems to placate Nanako's curiosity somewhat, and you continue.

"Anyways, while we're out I'm going to try and see if Onee-chan has any advice on this... she was always more of a people person than me, so she might be able to help!"

Nanako looks a bit unsure at this, but seems to take your word for it giving you a small smile at your enthusiasm.

The two of you wait here like this while muffled sounds echo out from Rio's room, Nanako kind of shifting a bit as if uncomfortable by the wait looking from you to the hallway Rio sped down. In no time at all, Rio comes rushing out wearing some plain white shorts and a yellow top that has short sleeves with paler form-fitting long sleeves coming out the ends of them.

She kind of leans forward on her toes and back with an excited smile on her face.

"So, are we ready to go or what?"

The sun is setting now, and a beautiful skyline of yellow and orange greets all of you as you exit Rio's house and make your way to a local ice cream parlor that you know of. Mikadzuki, you think it was called.

You still remember the last few times your sister visited you in the hospital. She'd always bring you something to take away from the monotony of hospital living, and she often got you Mikadzuki for dessert. Their ice cream was absolutely heavenly, nothing like the stuff you'd get in a carton!

Rio skips across the generous sidewalk, trailing glittering patterns as the pavement lights up beneath her. S-so it was totally fine if you were enamored with it the other day, as apparently even long-time residents like Rio is - you think - like to play with it!

You can see a sleek monorail speed past in the distance and the everpresent shifting electronic billboards littering the tallest buildings in the inner-city.

"S-so, Rio-san," you pipe up, drawing her attention. Rio stops her skipping in anticipation of your question.

"Yes? What is it Onee-san?"

Agh, this is somehow so much more difficult that when you were introducing yourself to Nanako. Maybe it has something to do with how Rio has this sort of... energy about her? And didn't you tell her your name already?

"W-well, I was just wondering, what kind of things do you like? I-I like to watch anime, and I like fixing things! L-like through sewing, or with glue. I used to be in the crafts club in elementary school, actually..."

You don't know where you're going with this. You're terrible at small talk, which is why you always preferred your sister taking the lead in conversations like this.

Nanako seems somehow worse than you when it comes to interacting with other people like this, so you can't really blame her for keeping her silence. Actually, ever since the two of you started interacting with Rio, Nanako's been unusually quiet and closed off... almost stoic-like even. She was much more open while Rio was changing, but still!

"Oh! I love coffee, that's the good stuff! I also like playing the trumpet, and I'm in the music club at school. Akiha-chan always says that I'm great at making sweets, but I think she just likes mooching off me whenever I make something in home economics."

... Does she really need coffee for the extra energy, or does she just like the taste? You're not sure, but you shudder to think of how she would be like on the extra caffeine that coffee provides.

Nanako decides now is a good time to chime in.

"Rio-san, I noticed that you were wearing your school uniform earlier, was there any particular reason for that? Today's only Sunday after all."

That is a good question, you think. You're unfamiliar with what school uniform it is, as it's certainly not your own school's.

Rio just gives an embarrassed chuckle, rubbing the back of her head with one of her hands.

"Eheh, well I was just so excited to go back to school that I didn't realize it was only Sunday. I didn't have to go out today, so I didn't bother changing into something else."

Oh, you guess that makes sense. Time for your own question though, as your curiosity is killing you!

"Ah, Rio-san, what school do you go to? I'm new to the area, so I'm only starting school here tomorrow."

Nanako opens her mouth to respond to your question, but halts herself as Rio chimes in.

"Oh, I'm a first year at the Urahama Women's Academy! The middle school division I mean, I'm definitely not in high school yet."

... Huh, so it's just like Urahama Middle School, but only for girls? Or is it more exclusive or expensive to go to?

"I hear that school's pretty expensive to go to, Rio-san. I mean no offense, but did you get a scholarship from them to go there? I know that getting offered a scholarship from that school is pretty rare..."

And Nanako comes to the rescue, as if she were reading your mind. Despite her assurances though, it did sound a bit rude but it doesn't look like Rio took any offense to it.

"I'm not going there on a scholarship, no. My grandma always wanted me to go there, and when she passed away she arranged things so that I could go to UWA. My parents weren't too happy about it though..."

Rio gets a bit somber at this. You see that she's referring to her grandmother far more endearingly than her own parents, so she must've been close to her.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry Rio-san, that was insensitive of me. I hadn't realized..."

Rio waves her hands in front of her.

"No, no, it's fine! Grandma wouldn't want me to feel down like this, and she wouldn't want anyone else to feel bad about it. She was... she was a great person. And she left me with so much, more than I deserve really.

But that's enough of that! What do you like to do, Nanako-san? I know I already told you guys what I like, so how about you?"

While this is going on, you swipe out your phone and get started on texting your sister. Knowing her, she'll get back to you almost immediately. Seriously, she doesn't kid around when she tells you that you can contact her at any time, so you have to be careful not to text her during her classes lest she start texting away when she's supposed to be paying attention.

"W-well, I like flower pressing, though that's more of a hobby than anything. I also like to read ma-books in my free time..."

'Hey Onee-chan! Do you mind if I call you in a few? One of my friends is in some real trouble, and I need some advice.'

You shoot off a text to your sister, anticipating the response that's sure to bombard your notifications.

"Oooh, that's fancy! I hear flower pressing's really hard to do, is that true?"

Nanako looks really out of her comfort zone right now, so you'll probably have to jump into the conversation sooner or later to save her.

"... No, flower pressing isn't all that difficult if you know what you're doing. It's a bit costly, but once you have the materials necessary for it it's just a matter of patience."

'Of course!'
'Your beloved Onee-chan is here to help.'
'Give me a call whenever, I'm free.'

Aaand there's the bombardment.

'How was your date?'
'Did she treat you or did you treat her?'

You groan into your hands. Why, Onee-chan, why? Why must she betray you, as so? You mean, you did treat Nanako to lunch, but that proves nothing!
Mischief Roll: 71
"'How was your date?' ... 'Did she treat you or did you treat her?'"

You give a small yelp and jump a bit as you realize that Rio's behind you reading off the screen of your phone as you held your face in your hands. When did she get behind you?!

"Were you on a date earlier today, Onee-san?! How'd it go?"

Rio is all sunshine and rainbows while you're here shrinking in on yourself. Whyyyy. Nanako is suddenly staring at you intently, seemingly really curious as to your answer. There's a strange look in her eyes, though.

"I-I-I... you know you can call me by my name, right Rio-san?"

You deflect a bit to buy yourself some time to think. How awkward would it be to explain to Nanako about the teasing ministrations of your sister?

"O~kay Hinako-chan, how'd your date with this girl go?"

Agh, now you're being referred to as '-chan' by your junior too... not that you overly mind, but most people do due to social precedent. Well, it's probably not as important out of school anyways.

"I-I, my sister was just teasing me! I made the mistake of letting her know that I was meeting Nanako-senpai today for lunch, and she ran with it..."

Nanako goes as red as a tomato, turns around and starts stuttering things under her breath that you can't quite make out. No no no, you don't want to scare off your new friend! Onee-chan, why?!

Rio brings a hand up to her mouth in realization.

"Ah! I didn't realize... how'd your date go though? Who paid for whose meal?"

Et tu, Rio?

"I p-paid for her lunch, but that's not the point! I-It wasn't a date, I-I was just being nice since she was offering to help me out and all..."

Rio seems to realize the state that she's driven the both of you into, and looks a bit apologetic.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have butted in like that, but I couldn't help it! How could I ignore the throes of young love?"

She kind of rests her cheek into her hand. "Young love"? She's younger than the both of you! You check your phone again as you feel it buzz in your hand.

'Did you treat her?'
'C'mon, you can tell me!'
'You know I was joking about the date part though, right?'

Agh, you have to respond before she gets any ideas.

'Sorry, was talking to friends. And yes, I treated her since she did me a huge favor.'

While you were painstakingly typing this out, Nanako's finished stuttering and seems content to just live out her life as a tomato shifting her face away from view. Wait, Nanako! You forgot to apologize!

"Sorry Nanako-senpai! Onee-chan didn't mean it, she was just joking! I'm sorry you had to hear that."

Nanako takes a few seconds to process your words before responding.

"... It's fine, Hinako-san," she kind of mumbles out, before raising her voice to a proper level. "It's fine. I'm just not used to teasing like that, that's all..."

Oh, that's great! It doesn't seem like she hates you now or anything, and she's looking at you again if a bit more flushed than usual.

You're coming up to Mikadzuki now as you all round a corner street. The shop itself is connected to a line of other shop-owned buildings and has a sort of polka dot cover over the front of the building. The glass front of the storefront sheens in the glow of the setting sun.
There's a flier taped to the glass offering a half-off special to couples this weekend.
Do you plan on doing or saying anything else when you get your ice cream?
[ ] Yes
-[ ] You'll give Nanako a hug to reassure her that you're still friends
-[ ] Ask Rio about her school
--[ ] Is Akiha one of her friends?
-[ ] Ask Rio what her family name is, since you never caught that
-[ ] Ask your sister something else while you're on the phone with her
--[ ] (Write-in)
-[ ] (Write-in)
[ ] No
[ ] The ice cream here's pretty pricey, take advantage of Rio's misconception to get the couple's discount
When talking to Rio about magical girls, do you encourage or discourage her from becoming one if she happens to have Potential?
[ ] Encourage Rio to become a magical girl if she understands and accepts all the dangers that come with the lifestyle
[ ] Discourage her from becoming a magical girl
-[ ] Why shouldn't she become a magical girl? (Write-in)
[ ] Don't encourage or discourage her either way
[X] When you get there:
[X] Pay for everyone else's ice cream.
[X] If your sister says you can call, or if she doesn't respond yet, excuse yourself and call her. Tell Nanako to start explaining Magical Girls and that you'll be back in a minute and call.
-[X] Explain that you ran into someone else today while hanging out with your new friend, and you have reason to believe their father is abusing them. You want to get them out of that situation ASAP, but you don't know how, short of letting her stay with you for a couple days. Does best sister have any ideas?
-[X] If she says she can't talk, text her for advice while explaining Magical Girls and Witches to Rio. Make sure to emphasize how dangerous Witches are.
And the chapter finally arrives... well, mostly anyways. Cutting it off here since it's getting pretty long, and to allow the opportunity to add on anything else in reaction to anything in this chapter.

You get to see how Rio acts when not interacting with her parents or when she's not in her household. Quite the ray of sunshine, no?

Current Grief Levels:
[Soul Gem: 211/1750]
[Birdcage Witch: 1015/2000]
[Easel Witch: 143/1500]
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You're coming up to Mikadzuki now as you all round a corner street. The shop itself is connected to a line of other shop-owned buildings and has a sort of polka dot cover over the front of the building. The glass front of the storefront sheens in the glow of the setting sun.
There's a flier taped to the glass offering a half-off special to couples this weekend.
Do you plan on doing or saying anything else when you get your ice cream?
[ ] Yes
-[ ] You'll give Nanako a hug to reassure her that you're still friends
-[ ] Ask Rio about her school
--[ ] Is Akiha one of her friends?
-[ ] Ask Rio what her family name is, since you never caught that
-[ ] Ask your sister something else while you're on the phone with her
--[ ] (Write-in)
-[ ] (Write-in)
[ ] No
[ ] The ice cream here's pretty pricey, take advantage of Rio's misconception to get the couple's discount
When talking to Rio about magical girls, do you encourage or discourage her from becoming one if she happens to have Potential?
[ ] Encourage Rio to become a magical girl if she understands and accepts all the dangers that come with the lifestyle
[ ] Discourage her from becoming a magical girl
-[ ] Why shouldn't she become a magical girl? (Write-in)
[ ] Don't encourage or discourage her either way
I want to take advantage of the couple's discount anyway, say is Hinako middle class or high class in terms of wealth?
I mean her parents work overseas so they would made a lot of money.

You take your magical girl weapon in hand and will it to recreate the dustpan in Rio's hand, and subsequently form another intricate rod to manifest a broom as well. You ready the translucent green cleaning tools and kneel down to start cleaning up. This counts as practice, right?
Hope that does not waste Grief.

-[ ] Ask Rio about her school
--[ ] Is Akiha one of her friends?
-[ ] Ask Rio what her family name is, since you never caught that
Would like to ask those in depth questions to see how much they know about Rio's abuse.
For the sake of Nanako's sanity, we should probably let our wallet take the loss of buying without the discount. The ship tease is hard to resist, though. Also, my paranoia is making me worry that this might be where Rio's parents were going to go tonight. It seems a little less fancy than what they'd go out to do as a couple, but...

It's also nice to get confirmation on our staff being able to take the form of anything we can visualize, since I think it was implied but never directly stated.

Do you plan on doing or saying anything else when you get your ice cream?
[X] Yes
-[X] You'll give Nanako a hug to reassure her that you're still friends
-[X] Ask Rio about her school
--[X] Is Akiha one of her friends?
-[X] Ask Rio what her family name is, since you never caught that

[X] Don't outright encourage or discourage being a Magical Girl either way, but emphasize the risks over the benefits, for the sake of honesty.
-[X] Mention that Kyubey hides information from people for reasons you don't know - he didn't tell Nanako about bad Magical Girls, but he did tell you, so he either hides things when it's convenient or you have to ask the right questions. There may be more catches that you aren't even aware of.
-[X] Witches are extremely dangerous, even for Magical Girls. At the end of the day, risking your life every night is the cost of your wish, and it's not as glorious as on TV.

Simple vote, I don't want to tack too much else on. Can't think of anything else to add to our conversation with best sister, either.

I'm still on board with letting Rio make her own decision on become meguca and supporting her through it. If we tell her not to, that might just make her do it anyway without our advice or support, but obviously I'm not gonna actively encourage it either. If she really wants to do it, I don't think we can reasonably stop her, so let's just cover our bases with making sure she's wary of the circumstances. She seems like the go-getter type outside of her family situation, so if we left her to her own devices I don't doubt she'd dive in head-first.
I want to take advantage of the couple's discount anyway, say is Hinako middle class or high class in terms of wealth?
I mean her parents work overseas so they would made a lot of money.
Around the upper end of middle class, they travel on their company's dollaryen. A point where money isn't a problem and they can splurge sometimes, but they still have to keep track of their expenses. Hinako's stipend specifically is much larger by consequence of having to purchase things for herself on her own, but it isn't infinite.
Hope that does not waste Grief.
It does, technically, but not much. Much like the stick in Nanako's clearing, completing the formation of uncomplicated mundane objects takes very little magical energy. Also I've been putting the Grief levels of everything in the "AN"s as of late, or you could check the character sheet if you ever want to check up on Grief levels. ;)
So this is pretty tangent to this current update, but I noticed something that might be a clue to our magical abilities:
You spend a while just laying against the wall some more, trying to ignore the puddle of your own blood, before heading back home with Kyubey hanging onto your shoulder. You're crying, apparently. You were and still are. You can't help it, for as much as the idea of magic appeals to you you failed to use it to even save yourself. This is why you need to be taken care of by Mama, Papa, and Onee-chan. You Wish you could do more...
???: 45

I think maybe our abilities let us grant minor Wishes. Since the power behind a wish is Hope after all.
uncomplicated mundane objects
Interesting we could throw them as distraction, may look weak and normal but witches and magical girls cannot afford to ignore it since made of our magical powers.

Say in order to create magical version of stun grenade does Hinako find schematics and its looks online for it?

[x] veekie
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Say in order to create magical version of stun grenade does Hinako find schematics and its looks online for it?
I mean, you can certainly try whenever Hinako has the downtime. But I would recommend that you first try and think over how Hinako's made her Completed Formations in the past and make your own deductions from there; she's never needed schematics before after all. ;)
[X] The ice cream here's pretty pricey, take advantage of Rio's misconception to get the couple's discount
Do you plan on doing or saying anything else when you get your ice cream?
[X] Yes
-[X] You'll give Nanako a hug to reassure her that you're still friends
-[X] Ask Rio about her school
--[X] Is Akiha one of her friends?
-[X] Ask Rio what her family name is, since you never caught that

[X] Don't outright encourage or discourage being a Magical Girl either way, but emphasize the risks over the benefits, for the sake of honesty.
-[X] Mention that Kyubey hides information from people for reasons you don't know - he didn't tell Nanako about bad Magical Girls, but he did tell you, so he either hides things when it's convenient or you have to ask the right questions. There may be more catches that you aren't even aware of.
-[X] Witches are extremely dangerous, even for Magical Girls. At the end of the day, risking your life every night is the cost of your wish, and it's not as glorious as on TV.