I like this habit we have of easily agreeing to good votes.

[X] Stop home and grab your Grief Seed before heading out. If we're in trouble, we best have our own in case Nanako can't spot us.
[X] See if your Anti-Witch properties are any use for detecting Witches. Try to focus the same energy that melted familiars into your senses.
[X] Fight alongside her
[X] Balanced
-[X] Use your magic shot against enemies who are still far away or that try to stall in the distance. When you or they close in, use your beam sword in melee or trow it if a strong enemy has exposed weaknesses you think you can use, or if it seems like it is retreating. Always follow the instructions of your senpai. If you think there are attacks you can't dodge, use your shield.
-[X] If your beam sword or shots don't put out as much damage as needed, switch to summoning Nanako's weapon and use that.
[x] Neebles

Its quite amusing, from the look of her friends in Nagaoka they're all fans of her older sister.
Vote Results
[X] Stop home and grab your Grief Seed before heading out. If we're in trouble, we best have our own in case Nanako can't spot us.
[X] See if your Anti-Witch properties are any use for detecting Witches. Try to focus the same energy that melted familiars into your senses.
[X] Fight alongside her
[X] Balanced
-[X] Use your magic shot against enemies who are still far away or that try to stall in the distance. When you or they close in, use your beam sword in melee or throw it if a strong enemy has exposed weaknesses you think you can use, or if it seems like it is retreating. Always follow the instructions of your senpai. If you think there are attacks you can't dodge, use your shield.
-[X] If your beam sword or shots don't put out as much damage as needed, switch to summoning Nanako's weapon and use that.

And this vote wins.
Enetious threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ??? Total: 81
81 81
Enetious threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Witch Difficulty Roll Total: 64
64 64
Random thoughts: next time we train, we should see if we can enchant both our weapon and Nanako's weapon. If we can, it could lead to some interesting combinations and make us a lot more flexible in combat, especially the latter.

Speaking of Nanako's weapon: What criteria does her weapon fall under that allows us to copy it? We can't think up our own randomly, so that leaves a few options:
  • We can copy the weapon of any Magical Girl we meet
  • We can copy any Magical Girl weapon that we've seen
  • We can copy weapons of Magical Girls that have good intentions (re: hope)
  • We can copy weapons of Magical Girls that we have inspired hope in (we attempted to befriend Nanako before trying to summon her weapon)
  • Something else I can't think of
I guess its technically possible some of those apply to mundane weapons as well (for instance, we may be able to create a baseball bat if we meet or help a baseball player,) but I don't really think that's the case. It might be helpful to find out what exactly we can recreate for future use. If we can, say, copy a weapon just by meeting a Magical Girl, we can casually social as many Magical Girls as we can find to up our arsenal with ease.
Maybe we need to have a positive relationship with an MG to copy their weapon? So we could copy the weapons of allies, but not enemies.
Speaking of Nanako's weapon: What criteria does her weapon fall under that allows us to copy it? We can't think up our own randomly, so that leaves a few options:
Maybe we need to have a positive relationship with an MG to copy their weapon? So we could copy the weapons of allies, but not enemies.
I'm not a betting man, but I have a feeling our weapon works similar to Projection magecraft from the Fate franchise. If we can imagine it, we can create it. Maybe we should try experimenting with making different weapons from anime/manga or just stuff we make up in our head.
Aaand I'm back. Sorry for the delay, however I took a break over the weekend due to sickness. I'll try to get an update out later today and resume my daily updating schedule, don't worry. :)
I'm not a betting man, but I have a feeling our weapon works similar to Projection magecraft from the Fate franchise. If we can imagine it, we can create it. Maybe we should try experimenting with making different weapons from anime/manga or just stuff we make up in our head.

That's a good idea, too! We couldn't imagine one off the top of our head during training I think, but we might be able to replicate fictional things that we can picture in our heads clearly.

Aaand I'm back. Sorry for the delay, however I took a break over the weekend due to sickness. I'll try to get an update out later today and resume my daily updating schedule, don't worry. :)

Don't worry about it! I hope you're feeling better - be sure to take care of yourself!
That's a good idea, too! We couldn't imagine one off the top of our head during training I think, but we might be able to replicate fictional things that we can picture in our heads clearly.

Considering we were able to replicate the stick, I think things are pointing towards this.
Chapter 11
[X] Stop home and grab your Grief Seed before heading out. If we're in trouble, we best have our own in case Nanako can't spot us.
[X] See if your Anti-Witch properties are any use for detecting Witches. Try to focus the same energy that melted familiars into your senses.
[X] Fight alongside her
[X] Balanced
-[X] Use your magic shot against enemies who are still far away or that try to stall in the distance. When you or they close in, use your beam sword in melee or throw it if a strong enemy has exposed weaknesses you think you can use, or if it seems like it is retreating. Always follow the instructions of your senpai. If you think there are attacks you can't dodge, use your shield.
-[X] If your beam sword or shots don't put out as much damage as needed, switch to summoning Nanako's weapon and use that.

Sunday, January 2nd 2011

Checking the time with your phone, you see that it's 4:37 PM. You haven't been training that long, but it certainly felt a whole lot longer. Right now, Nanako's going to be taking you out on your first collaborative Witch hunt!
Let's hope it goes better than the last one...
You're just exited back out onto the paved path of the park - both in your civilian wear of course - when you speak up.

"Um, Nanako-senpai? I was just wondering... how do 'territories' work? I-I know you said that one girl was talking about it to you, but do you know what the whole deal with it is?"

Nanako turns to look at you apprehensively, as if she were afraid to encroach upon this topic.

"Well... I'm not sure if I fully believed in what she was telling me, but apparently many magical girls claim certain parts of their cities as their territory, where their rule is law and generally most of the Grief Seeds in that area go to the territory holder under threat of violence."

You let out a little gasp at this. T-these girls are acting just like Yakuza, not magical girls!

"... A visiting magical girl once told me how it can even get to the point of entire cities falling under a magical girl's territory, like that artsy Mitakihara City in the Miyagi prefecture. Rumor has it that a single magical girl controls the entire city, which is simply absurd.

Here in Urahama, the only magical girl I've met that's pulled the territory excuse on me was the one I had already told you about, though the duo down in the south-west might count as well."

That's horrible! You can't imagine what it's like for other magical girls in places like this Mitakihara City, if a single magical girl can get away with with extorting so many people like Nanako...

"N-Nanako-senpai, does this mean that all magical girls have territory? Do you have territory? ... Do I-I?"

Nanako take a few moments to think to herself, before responding.

"Hm... I can't say I know, Hinako-san. What would you consider a 'territory'? Is it just what I had described, or is it also areas where certain magical girls have the most presence in? If it were the latter, then perhaps you could call this area o-our territory, even if we don't stoop to the level of certain other magical girls."

O-oh, that doesn't sound too bad, b-but...

"Y-you'd be okay with sharing with me?"

Your senpai looks away slightly and blushes.

"Of course! I-I am your s-senpai, after all!"

... Best. Senpai. Ever. You flash her a bright smile and she gives you a small one in return.

But, oh, the murkiness of you Soul Gem reminds you of something that'll be important to have in this upcoming hunt.

"Oh, um, Nanako-senpai? Could we stop by my house and pick up my Grief Seed before we go out looking for Witches? Just in case, I mean."

Nanako's eyes widen in surprise a bit.

"Y-yes, that would be fine, Hinako-san. But... are you sure it'd be wise to show me where you live? You've only known me for less than a day, and I'm another magical girl..."

Nope. Even you've only known her for mere hours - though it feels a lot longer than that, strangely - you've already decided that she'll be your friend!

"I'm sure, Nanako-senpai!" you respond resolutely, staring into her eyes.

"O-oh..." That's all she gets out in response, turning away from the intensity of your gaze with another blush.

Taking the lead once you exit the park, you start in the direction of your new home.

"Hey, Nanako-senpai?"

You think you've gotten an idea, but you're not too sure if it'll work or not.


"When we're looking for Witches... do you mind if I try something? You know how my magic is kind of related to hope, right? Well, I want to see if I can sense Witches so that they're easier to find."

Nanako's lips twitch into a mirthful smile almost against her will, as if she were containing her amusement at something.

"W-well, I don't see any issue with it. I could spot check with you, if you do pick up something."

... Eh? You wonder what she's talking about...

???: 81
Reaching your home, which is a simple yet spacious two story thing colored in all white, designed modernistically you were told what with its blocky shape with a slanted roof. You decide to invite your new friend in.

"Feel free to come in, Nanako-senpai! Just leave your shoes by the door."

Nanako kind of apprehensively fidgets in place, before quickly moving to follow you. She kind of stops at the entrance of your home, before you reach out to grab one of Nanako's hands and pull her gently into the household. She lets out a little "meep" at this.

"There's no need for you to wait outside, it's okay!"

Letting go of her hand once she's out from the slightly chilly weather outside, you close the door and slip out of your flats before heading towards your bedroom. You pass through the foyer and into the living room - which is connected to the kitchen - before you speak up again.

"Feel free to sit down while you wait, though it shouldn't take long!"

You say this while gesturing towards the couch that's facing the flat screen television you were watching this morning. Nanako makes no moves, just fidgeting around while scanning her surroundings as the unknown environment it is to her.

You make your way into your bedroom - which is on the second floor - and scan your room for the missing Grief Seed...

[Birdcage Witch: 1025/2000]

A-hah! It was just laying on its side on top of your desk, where you left it this morning apparently. Taking it and depositing it into one of your pockets, you exit back down into the living room and see that Nanako hadn't moved from her spot.

... You're definitely going to have to remedy that in the future; she should know that she's always welcome here, both as your magical girl senpai and as your friend!
Suki-chan and Tsubasa-chan always had the same issue whenever your sister wasn't around to greet them.
You give her a smile, and taking out the Grief Seed momentarily you wave it at her, showing her that you've retrieved it. Nanako gives a small, awkward smile of her own as she glances back towards the entrance.

Making your way back out with a slight skip to your step, you lead Nanako outside before locking your front door with your house key.

... Now, how are you supposed to do this? Stopping once your exit out onto the sidewalk, you concentrate. You concentrate on the feeling of hope, of the feeling that your abilities gave you whenever you burnt away at familiars or that Witch and channel your magic...
Your intricate rod burns it's way through the dissipating remains of the familiar.
... but nothing happens. There isn't any pulse searching for Despair, nor is there an internal radar showing you the path towards any nearby Witches. You do feel something similar to when you bestowed hope to Nanako, except a bit more burny, however nothing happens.

Oh, that's a bit disappointing, but considering how easy it was to find that Witch last night, it's not as if it's all that important or pressing.
Witch Roll: Nanako Interrupt
Nanako nudges you from your trance and points north.

"The nearest Witch is that way," she quietly says with mirth coloring her words.

... Oh, apparently your super awesome magical girl senpai already has an ability like that, who'd have thought? You give Nanako a bright smile in response.

"I didn't know that you could do that, Nanako-senpai! That's amazing!"

Nanako flushes a bit at the praise, but holds her position pointing towards the nearest Witch that she spoke of.

"We should go, before the Witch moves too much."

You nod your head readily in agreement, and you both set off towards the Witch.

Witch Difficulty Roll: 64
It took a few minutes to reach after transforming, but before you is the roiling barrier of the Witch. It's much more apparent than the one belonging to the Witch you fought last night, what with this one being wide open with a spinning slanted line depicted in the center of it.

Nanako looks a bit wary for some reason, but you're sure that between the two of you, you'll be fine!
You can still hear the haunting laughter of the Birdcage Witch's Labyrinth, mocking you...
"... This Witch is a bit tougher than normal, but I've dealt with worse on my own. Are you ready, Hinako-san?"

You give her an affirmative, but Nanako doesn't move to enter the Witch's barrier just yet.

"Now before we go into the Labyrinth, could you try and concentrate on the Witch's... pattern, I suppose you could call it? It should be rather intuitive using your Soul Gem. Every magical girl and Witch gives off it's own unique magical pattern, and you can use this to track individual trails of magic."

You grasp at the Soul Gem imbedded onto your chest and concentrate like your senpai asked of you. She said that it should be intuitive, right?

You can almost feel the magic within your immediate vicinity, and like Nanako had told you each magical signature you can "sense" - or perhaps a better word would be to "read" or "understand", since the magic around you has been there the whole time within your senses - has its own unique... patterning to it.

It's difficult to put into words, but you know that if you ever have to find Nanako or this Witch again and if they were nearby, you'd be able to do it.
(Discovered Ability: Magic Sense I)
"I... I can feel it, Nanako-senpai. I mean, you and the Witch. Is this what you used to find this Witch?"

Nanako sends an encouraging yet slight smile your way.

"That's good. With practice, you could learn how to sense Witches from further away. I'm not all too great at it myself, but luckily another facet of my abilities allows me to work around it, such as in the case of finding us this Witch."

Oh, so Nanako's using some other magic to track Witches. It really makes you curious as to what kind of magic she has in comparison to your own.

You untense your face from it's concentration and smile back at Nanako, happy to have learned something else from your senpai.

"Thanks for the help, Nanako-senpai! I really appreciate it!"

You give her a slight bow in appreciation, unable to see her reaction.

"Y-yes, well, why don't we go and take care of this Witch Hinako-san? With the two of us working together, it should be no problem at all for us."

You stop your bowing to see that Nanako is already facing and stepping towards the Witch's barrier, and you hurry to follow.

Slipping into the roiling miasma of dark energy, you fall and fall and fall through a cacophony of imagery you couldn't hope to understand before blinking and finding yourself in a large expansive plain of velvet-like material with hills of what looks to be wood of all types and colors. Darkly colored drapes cover the horizon.

Ahead of you quite plainly is a large group of familiars, waddling from side to side with no apparent goal in mind. You can't really make out the details of them from here, though.

"Tell me Hinako-san, but where should we go to try and find the Witch? Try to sense the magic of the Witch, and tell me your thoughts."

She's looking you expectantly, like a teacher waiting on their student for something. She probably already knows the answer to this, of course.

Hm... you reach out your senses to try and get a grasp on things, but all you sense around you - with the exception of your own pattern and Nanako's - is the Witch's unique signature. You guess the Labyrinth is made of the Witch's magic, so it makes sense.

But wait, it gets... deeper, or more stronger just north of them, towards the familiars you saw. Is the "core" of the Witch that way?

"W-well, I think the Witch gets... Witchier down that way."

You point off in the direction of the familiars. Nanako gives you a silent nod and an approving smile.

"That's correct, Hinako-san. While it happened to be in the direction of the familiars this time, some Witches can be tricky to find without sensing them out, or their familiars may play a more unique role to the Witch that they don't congregate nearby it."

... Huh, Nanako is really good a lecturing, you note. She'd make a great teacher! Nanako continues, holding a finger up.

"You'll find that most of the time, the Witch is in the deepest point of their Labyrinth. If a Witch ever tries to bait you to go upwards in it's Labyrinth, you're probably going in the wrong direction."

You can totally believe her on this, considering the general weirdness of a Witch's Labyrinth.

Chiming echoes out towards you, and you turn to see the familiars that you noted earlier waddling towards you and Nanako. The familiars are squat things, held together by what looks like metal triangles. At the very top of them lies a singular trumpet.

"Hinako-san, do you think that you could cover me while I thin them out?"

You give her a nod and level your weapon at the familiars. Taking this as a signal, Nanako jumps into the sky towards the group and brandishes her bladed whip. Spinning in the air, her dress flutters with the petals flaring out and the blades of her whip circles around her at high speeds.

As Nanako lands in the center of their group and blends a large portion of the familiars to dust, you're already running towards them while shooting your magic shots at the familiars furthest from Nanako. Your shots splash into them as they shatter and wisp away from the impacts.

One of the outliers that aren't in range of Nanako's massacre immediately turns to you and emanates a low note that would come from a trumpet, and all of a sudden visible rings of some strange material shoots out at you.

Just barely dodging around the initial ring, an audible "boom" explodes out from behind you as you blast the familiar with another one of your shots. That sounded deadly, in more ways than one!

Another couple familiars rear their trumpets towards Nanako and you lash out with a medium-sized shield to come to a stop between them and Nanako. It seems like there's some kind of charge time to these things' attack, otherwise your shield wouldn't have been able to make it.

As Nanako finishes off utterly slaughtering any and all familiars in her range, the two trumpets echo out and rings smash against your shield. It develops a few visible cracks, but it holds as the rings steam off the shield.

You send the shield careening into the familiars whose shots you block and smash them into the ground with it, shattering them immediately.

Just as you catch up, Nanako flourishes her whip to a stop as there's nothing but the dissipating remains of the familiars left, snapping it back into it's stiffened sword-like form.

"Good job, Hinako-san! It's very nice to see how variable you can be with your barriers, if you can maneuver them like that."

You flush at the praise.

"Y-you too, Nanako-senpai, you took out so many familiars like it was nothing! Most of them didn't even get a chance to attack you, and you looked incredible flying through the air at them like that!"

And you're not lying, seeing her jump headfirst into battle like that was quite the sight to behold. Nanako flushes back at you, and looks towards the direction of where the Witch most likely resides.

"It was nothing... I've had a lot of practice, I'm sure you'll get to that point as well, Hinako-san... Now, why don't we move on and find this Witch?"

You give her a quick nod and follow her lead deeper into the Labyrinth.

Another few groups of familiars laters, and you find yourself in a near identical part of the landscape in this Labyrinth. You know that this is where the Witch's magical signature is the strongest, however.

While you were fighting familiars, you got clipped by one of the trumpet familiars' attacks, but it ended up being more concussive than anything else causing you little damage. You're glad that your body is much stronger now that you're a magical girl, otherwise who knows what that would've done to you?

"Hinako-san," Nanako blocks you with her hand to stop you from progressing. "The Witch, it's here."

Almost on cue, the Labyrinth begins to rumble and a gargantuan amalgamation of orchestral instruments descends from the ceiling - which was overcast by shadows hiding the Witch from view - and classical music begins to play.

The bows of various instruments slide across it's form, trumpets blare out and tambourines rattle. It'd almost be beautiful if it weren't for the fact that it were coming from a monster such as this Witch.

"Hinako-san, dodge!"

Remembering your impromptu training session with Nanako earlier, you immediately jump to the side with your enhanced strength and agility as a flurry of sharpened bows and giants keys from a piano pierce and destroy the ground where you and Nanako once stood.

I'll try and ambush it from behind, see if you can't distract it! you hear echo out in your mind.


You're not sure if you could have taken this Witch alone, if you're being completely honest with yourself. With how it's hovering in the air and bombarding you and Nanako - constantly shifting it's form with various instruments taking the forefront - your melee attacks probably wouldn't have worked and it doesn't seem to have wings like the last Witch you fought. And it's huge.

Jumping with all your strength in your legs from place to place, you pepper the Witch with your comparatively tiny shots of magic, which do pierce away and burn through the Witch but it doesn't damage enough of it to affect it.

In response to your attacks though, the Witch immediately ceases it's orchestral symphony and blares it's instruments in a horrendous cacophony of screeching, setting it's sights completely on you ignoring Nanako on it's other side.

What amounts to giant bricks and needles destroy wherever you're standing, and you're forced to change position almost constantly as it continues to attack you relentlessly over your slight towards it, circling the floating Witch.

But it's too fast with it's attacks - much faster than before even - and eventually you come to the sight of giant piano keys filling your vision. You're forced to deploy a large shield in front of you, pumping in as much magical energy as you can muster into your rod, in order to safeguard yourself.

Hinako-san! Nanako cries out in your mind.

A large translucent green shield pops into existence between you and the keys, and the giant monochrome colored bricks crash into your shield with great force. Since you only just managed to form the shield, it's still attached to your rod which causes you to be tossed back a not insignificant distance as cracks web through your strongest shield.

You crash hard against a wooden mound as the keys melt into smoke from it's extended contact with your shield. The Witch pauses in it's bombardment and it's screeching ceases for a moment, as if it's anticipating to see your demise at the hands of it's attack.

Everything hurts, but you're fine! You feel pretty beat up from the impact, but you should be able to keep going... did you make a slight crater in the wood from that?! Groaning, you continue to hold up your shield and pop yourself out of the crater in the deep brown wood, splinters falling away from your outfit.


Nanako comes up from behind the Witch and twists in the air like she did before, but at more of an angle to bring her blades down vertically onto the Witch. Her bladed whip expands to double its size, glowing with the soft blue of her magic, and the Witch is cleaved in two.

The Witch almost sutters in the air, as if it can't comprehend that it's form was now divided into two, before abruptly falling into it's component parts and splintering into pieces on the ground below it.

Your surroundings slowly fray away as reality reestablishes itself, and you find yourself back where you and Nanako found the Witch's barrier as if nothing had happened.

You shakily regain your bearings and look around for Nanako. It doesn't take long, and you see that she's wounding her whip back into it's handle staring at you in concern.

"I-I'm fine, Nanako-senpai! I just feel a bit beat up, is all..."

Nanako ignores you and makes her way to your side, examining you for wounds. You're kind of sore and shaky admittedly, and she moves her hand over your back for a few moments, hands glowing blue.

And you feel much better now! It probably didn't cost her much magic considering how little it took to heal whatever damage you crashing into that mound of wood did to you, but she didn't have to do that.

"O-oh, thank you Nanako-senpai, but I-I could have done it myself..."

She looks at you in surprise.

"... You know how to heal already?"

She stares at you, squinting her eyes in equal parts suspicion and concern. She continues.

"Hinako-san... could you please enlighten me as to why you know how to heal yourself?"

... Eheheh. You didn't really think this through, did you? How could you possibly tell your new friend how you almost died the day before, after all? You feel like you're going to be scolded if you tell her what happened, but you'd feel bad if you lied to her about it.

What do you tell her?
[ ] The truth, and nothing but the truth
[ ] Just tell her that Kyubey told you how to do it, which is technically true
[ ] Lie and say you discovered it on your own by happenstance
[ ] Backpedal and pretend that you weren't referring to magical healing
[ ] (Write-in)

Who gets the first Grief Seed? Do you and Nanako cleanse yourselves before handing off the Grief Seed to its recipient?
[ ] You get the first Grief Seed since you only have one
-[ ] Suggest that they both cleanse with the seed before you receive it
[ ] Nanako gets the first Grief Seed since she did most of the work
-[ ] Nanako suggests that you both cleanse with the seed before she receives it

You still have another Witch to hunt today. Do you change anything up, or test out anything new while hunting the second Witch?
[ ] No, continue what you've been doing
[ ] (Write-in)

Do you do anything else?
[ ] (Write-in)

Aaaand I'm back, and should be able to continue with the daily updates barring certain things happening.

So, normally it would've taken a lot more to take out that Witch, and even Nanako wouldn't have had an easy time of it if she were alone. But factors like Hinako's magic's nature caused the Witch to go into a frenzy in self-preservation, allowing Nanako to not be bombarded by the Witch while allowing her to deal the finishing blow without any harassment. Ain't that neat? Not so neat for Hinako, though...

Here's the current Grief levels and such. Do note that both Hinako and Nanako will be cleansing regardless of the votes, if their Grief levels are high enough.

[Soul Gem: 801/1750]
[Birdcage Witch: 1020/2000]

[Orchestra Witch: 0/4000]
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You do feel something similar to when you bestowed hope to Nanako, except a bit more burny, however nothing happens.

Hmm, a hint for something to experiment with later? I'm thinking we should try the "Anti-Witch Augmented Search" now that Hinako has unlocked Magic Sense I. If nothing happens (again), oh well, but there's clearly something to that "burny sense" thing.

[X] The truth, and nothing but the truth
[X] Nanako gets the first Grief Seed since she did most of the work
-[X] Nanako suggests that you both cleanse with the seed before she receives it
[X] No, continue what you've been doing
[X] Now that you can sense Witches normally, maybe try using your Anti-Witch magic again to boost the result.
[X] The truth, and nothing but the truth
[X] Nanako gets the first Grief Seed since she did most of the work
-[X] Nanako suggests that you both cleanse with the seed before she receives it
[X] No, continue what you've been doing
[X] Now that you can sense Witches normally, maybe try using your Anti-Witch magic again to boost the result.
[X] The truth, and nothing but the truth
[X] Nanako gets the first Grief Seed since she did most of the work
-[X] Nanako suggests that you both cleanse with the seed before she receives it
[X] No, continue what you've been doing
[X] Now that you can sense Witches normally, maybe try using your Anti-Witch magic again to boost the result.

[x] Neebles
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I'm wondering whether it's really wise for us to tell Nanako that we almost died the other night. She seems rather high-strung as it is - maybe she's awkward around other people, maybe she likes us, maybe she's just anxious about having a kouhai - and I don't know that giving her reason to worry about us is the best course of action right now. We don't have to, and shouldn't, lie to her, but I also don't think we should tell her "So yeah, I figured it out when I almost died last night" either if we don't have to.

[X] "I figured it out on my own," and say no more about it
[X] Nanako gets the first Grief Seed since she did most of the work
-[X] Nanako suggests that you both cleanse with the seed before she receives it
[X] No, continue what you've been doing
[X] Now that you can sense Witches normally, maybe try using your Anti-Witch magic again to boost the result.
Glad to see you back! Hope you're feeling better. Don't pressure yourself to write if you're still not 100% though - take care of yourself!

I wonder what this roll was. Something's telling me that this was a roll for whether Purple is stalking us and therefore now knows where we live, buuuuut that might be my paranoia speaking.

[X] Don't be too specific, but tell the truth. Tell her you got banged up during your first Witch hunt on your own, since you didn't get to practice your magic beforehand.
-[X] If the mood turns grim, add on how helpful Nanako's lessons were. You've improved a lot!
[X] Nanako gets the first Grief Seed since she did most of the work
-[X] Nanako suggests that you both cleanse with the seed before she receives it
[X] Continue like before for the most part, but when you get to the Witch, double down on playing tank/support role.
-[X] Witches seem to focus on you because of your magic, so focus on giving Nanako openings by keeping aggro on you while dodging attacks with shields ready. Throw beam swords if you get an opening, but play it safe and prioritize dodging and shielding.
-[X] Tell Nanako your current strategy ideas and let her critique it if she has any ideas.
[X] Now that you can sense Witches normally, maybe try using your Anti-Witch magic again to boost the result.

I wanted to change the wording a bit on explaining to Nanako what happened. I think giving her all the details is unnecessary and will just upset her, but we don't have to tell her the nitty-gritty of it to be truthful. Also added a clause to our fighting strategy from new info.
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Nanako looks a bit wary for some reason, but you're sure that between the two of you, you'll be fine!
You can still hear the haunting laughter of the Birdcage Witch's Labyrinth, mocking you...
"... This Witch is a bit tougher than normal, but I've dealt with worse on my own. Are you ready, Nanako-san?"

You give her an affirmative, but Nanako doesn't move to enter the Witch's barrier just yet.
Woah, did Hinako transform into a copy of Nanako!? :o

You can still hear the haunting laughter of the Birdcage Witch's Labyrinth, mocking you...
Also noticed the invisitext here accidentally. Hopefully Hinako will overcome the trauma after a few smoother Witch battles.

[X] Don't be too specific, but tell the truth. Tell her you got banged up during your first Witch hunt on your own, since you didn't get to practice your magic beforehand.
-[X] If the mood turns grim, add on how helpful Nanako's lessons were. You've improved a lot!
[X] Nanako gets the first Grief Seed since she did most of the work
-[X] Nanako suggests that you both cleanse with the seed before she receives it
[X] Continue like before for the most part, but when you get to the Witch, double down on playing tank/support role.
-[X] Witches seem to focus on you because of your magic, so focus on giving Nanako openings by keeping aggro on you while dodging attacks with shields ready. Throw beam swords if you get an opening, but play it safe and prioritize dodging and shielding.
-[X] Tell Nanako your current strategy ideas and let her critique it if she has any ideas.
[X] Now that you can sense Witches normally, maybe try using your Anti-Witch magic again to boost the result.
[X] The truth, and nothing but the truth
[X] Nanako gets the first Grief Seed since she did most of the work
-[X] Nanako suggests that you both cleanse with the seed before she receives it
[X] No, continue what you've been doing
[X] Now that you can sense Witches normally, maybe try using your Anti-Witch magic again to boost the result.