[X] Yes, you must figure out your new friend's tastes in literature!
[X] Ask to our senpai what does she think of what we showed up to now. Did she has an idea on what kind of powers you have?
[X] Try to repeat the process that allowed you to copy your senpai's weapon, only this time don't think only about her, but about something she and you could find useful in a fighting situation. Shape your magic in the first form it takes in your mind.
[X] Try to see if you could push your magic on your uniform to increase your protection. If you can, try to do the same with your senpai.
[X] Ask your senpai if she can train you in combat and dodging. Try to see if you can clone or summon another of your weapon.
It's nothing, really. It's just that the probability of rolling what I did for Nanako was really improbable, along with the fact that it fits in quite nicely with the typical magical girl cliche of yuri undertones. Not that I'm against it mind you, just that it was laughably improbable. :V
Being more serious, would it be a reasonable assumption for Hinako to think her magic has Anti-Despair properties? If she already thinks she has Anti-Witch properties, then she would have to wonder what about Witches/Familiars makes her magic so effective.
That's a reasonable assumption, yes.
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I think we should push our efforts on combat capabilities for now. Also, it's more likely that we would destroy grief seeds and maybe even the soul gems.

Soul Gems are a firm no from me unless its some freak do-or-die situation, but I don't there's too much harm in shooting a used-up grief seed with hope and seeing what it does before handing it off to Kyubey. Definitely not right now, though.

Interesting that we'd probably be under Purple's tutelage if we didn't meet Nanako first. I wonder if we could use our status as a potential ally to try and come to a peaceful resolution instead of having to defend ourselves? We certainly have the powerset to try, assuming she's more hardened from trauma and Magical Girl life rather than a straight-up sociopath. Hope therapy time?

[X] darknessworld

Pretty much what I was gonna go for, but worded way better :V
This update was super cute! All the innocence and hugging reminds me of the early parts of Imperatrix Mundi and Memento Mori, but that certainly isn't a bad thing. :D

[X] Yes, you must figure out your new friend's tastes in literature!
[X] Ask to our senpai what does she think of what we showed up to now. Did she has an idea on what kind of powers you have?
[X] Try to repeat the process that allowed you to copy your senpai's weapon, only this time don't think only about her, but about something she and you could find useful in a fighting situation. Shape your magic in the first form it takes in your mind.
[X] Try to see if you could push your magic on your uniform to increase your protection. If you can, try to do the same with your senpai.
[X] Ask your senpai if she can train you in combat and dodging. Try to see if you can clone or summon another of your weapon.
[X] Yes, you must figure out your new friend's tastes in literature!
[X] Try to repeat the process that allowed you to copy your senpai's weapon, only this time don't think only about her, but about something she and you could find useful in a fighting situation. Shape your magic in the first form it takes in your mind.
[X] It seemed as though you used magic to calm Nanako down? Ask her if you could try to replicate that.
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[X] Yes, you must figure out your new friend's tastes in literature!
[X] Try to repeat the process that allowed you to copy your senpai's weapon, only this time don't think only about her, but about something she and you could find useful in a fighting situation. Shape your magic in the first form it takes in your mind.
[X] It seemed as though you used magic to calm Nanako down? Ask her if you could try to replicate that.
If it shares the anti-Witch qualities of her other magic it does seem to work as an emergency swarm clearer.

Potentially, but the cost isn't anything to scoff at. We definitely need more of a Grief Seed stockpile before we use it in anything short of life-and-death.

After the training, if everything goes well, we might want to try purging multiple Witches with Nanako. We could do with as big of a stockpile between the two of us as possible for the hostile Meguca. We should also only try to keep 1-2 seeds on us at once and leave the rest home in case we get targeted.

Also, something that just occurred to me: when we can, we should ask Coobs if he's going to be recuiting more magical girls around here anytime soon, and if he is, give him consent to share our contact info/connect us and any new meguca via telepathy. If Purple couldn't snatch us up, she'll probably try to recruit anyone else that gets contracted if we don't get to them first.
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I have some suggestions if no one minds.

[X] Yes, you must figure out your new friend's tastes in literature!
[x] Maybe you should wait for Nanako-sempai to calm down first?
-[x] Hold her hand and ask if she's alright.
[x] In general: End the practice session if your corruption hits or exceeds the half way mark. You need to be careful.
[X] Ask to our sempai what does she think of what we showed up to now. Did she has an idea on what kind of powers you have?
-[x] Listen to Nanako-sempai! Try out any suggestions if she has them.
[x] Otherwise try these out?
-[x] Maybe try something defensive. See if you can conjure a barrier or a shield.
-[x] Use your rod and try to levitate an object. Like a log or a rock. If you succeed, see how well you can control it. If you can drop it safely or even hurl it.
-[x] Try different projectiles with your rod?
--[x] Think of a wind/air blade and launch it with a slashing motion.
--[x] Think of freezing an object and target a log or the ground.
--[x] Isolate a log from anything flammable and try to set it on fire.
--[x] Think Nanoha style magic and try multiple guided shots?
-[x] Try some self buffs with your magic or thanks to your wish maybe you can use spells to buff Nanako!
Vote Results
[X] Yes, you must figure out your new friend's tastes in literature!
[X] Maybe you should wait for Nanako-sempai to calm down first?
-[X] Hold her hand and ask if she's alright.
[X] In general: End the practice session if your corruption hits or exceeds the half way mark. You need to be careful.
[X] Ask to our sempai what does she think of what we showed up to now. Did she has an idea on what kind of powers you have?
-[X] Listen to Nanako-sempai! Try out any suggestions if she has them.
[X] Otherwise try these out?
-[X] Try to repeat the process that allowed you to copy your senpai's weapon, only this time don't think only about her, but about something she and you could find useful in a fighting situation. Shape your magic in the first form it takes in your mind.
-[X] Try to see if you could push your magic on your uniform to increase your protection. If you can, try to do the same with your senpai.
-[X] Maybe try something defensive. See if you can conjure a barrier or a shield.
-[X] Use your rod and try to levitate an object. Like a log or a rock. If you succeed, see how well you can control it. If you can drop it safely or even hurl it.
-[X] Try different projectiles with your rod?
--[X] Think of a wind/air blade and launch it with a slashing motion.
--[X] Think of freezing an object and target a log or the ground.
--[X] Isolate a log from anything flammable and try to set it on fire.
--[X] Think Nanoha style magic and try multiple guided shots?
-[X] Try some self buffs with your magic or thanks to your wish maybe you can use spells to buff Nanako!
[X] Ask your senpai if she can train you in combat and dodging. Try to see if you can clone or summon another of your weapon.

... yep, all these had three votes (formatted so that it looks a bit nicer). Guess it's time for SCIENCE, then.

Enetious threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Naivety Roll (Low = More Naive Total: 5
5 5
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Chapter 10
[X] Yes, you must figure out your new friend's tastes in literature!
[X] Maybe you should wait for Nanako-sempai to calm down first?
-[X] Hold her hand and ask if she's alright.
[X] In general: End the practice session if your corruption hits or exceeds the half way mark. You need to be careful.
[X] Ask to our sempai what does she think of what we showed up to now. Did she has an idea on what kind of powers you have?
-[X] Listen to Nanako-sempai! Try out any suggestions if she has them.
[X] Otherwise try these out?
-[X] Try to repeat the process that allowed you to copy your senpai's weapon, only this time don't think only about her, but about something she and you could find useful in a fighting situation. Shape your magic in the first form it takes in your mind.
-[X] Try to see if you could push your magic on your uniform to increase your protection. If you can, try to do the same with your senpai.
-[X] Maybe try something defensive. See if you can conjure a barrier or a shield.
-[X] Use your rod and try to levitate an object. Like a log or a rock. If you succeed, see how well you can control it. If you can drop it safely or even hurl it.
-[X] Try different projectiles with your rod?
--[X] Think of a wind/air blade and launch it with a slashing motion.
--[X] Think of freezing an object and target a log or the ground.
--[X] Isolate a log from anything flammable and try to set it on fire.
--[X] Think Nanoha style magic and try multiple guided shots?
-[X] Try some self buffs with your magic or thanks to your wish maybe you can use spells to buff Nanako!
[X] Ask your senpai if she can train you in combat and dodging. Try to see if you can clone or summon another of your weapon.

Sunday, January 2nd 2011

Taking a moment to calm yourself down a bit - and it's so difficult to do so since your super awesome magical girl senpai helped you figure out part of your powers - you reflect back to when you peeked into Nanako's bag... for research you see.

You were still a bit dazed from that shockwave that hit you face first so you couldn't really think about it too much at the time, but you got a clear enough look at the cover of Nanako's book.

Well, you say book, but really it was a manga! It's cover was colored a magenta with a tag denoting that it was "Volume 3", and it featured two high school girls in their uniforms holding each other's hands together in front of them while staring deeply into one another's eyes.

One girl was slightly taller than the other and had long black hair in a hime cut, and the other was slightly shorter with slightly curled medium-length red hair. The title clearly presented on the cover was "Oh, Why Does The School Princess Have To Be This Cute?".
Naivety Roll: 5
... It seems like just a fun high school shoujo manga to you! Maybe the two girls featured on the cover are best friends, or something? I-Is that what good friends are supposed to do?
Your old friends in Nagaoka were always more interested in what your sister was doing, anyways.
You know that your friends back in Nagaoka were always on your case for being too touchy-feely, but m-maybe you just weren't close enough friends with them? Nanako doesn't seem to mind your touch, in any case. D-does that mean Nanako wants to be better friends with you?

Steeling your will, you get closer to your... overloaded?... newfound friend and try to mimic what your saw on that cover.

Intertwining your fingers with her loose hands, you bring them up in between the two of you and stare intently into Nanako's eyes. Just knowing that you're there for her, and that you're her friend should be enough to calm her down, right?

Nanako's legs shudder a bit, her pupils dilate as she stares back into your eyes, her face leaves no room for anything but her massive all-encompassing blush, and then she promptly passes out and falls onto the soft grass ground beneath her, hands still intertwined with yours.


When Nanako comes to a few minutes later, you're brushing away dirt from her hair with her head on your lap.

Nanako stiffens, and then scrambles away a few feet back, hiding her beat red face in between her bare arms stuttering nonsensical things.

"N-Nanako! A-are you okay? You passed out, and I-I didn't know what to do!"

You look at her with worry apparent in your eyes.

"H-H-H-Hinako-s-san," she barely manages to get out.

"Y-yes, I'm here!"

You scoot on over to her prone position and take one of her hands in between both of yours.

"I-It's okay, Nanako-senpai. I don't know what was wrong, but I-I'm here for you!"

If anything, this manages to make her stuttering worse, and you quickly let go and try to let the other girl get her bearings.

"I-I'm sorry, Nanako-senpai! U-u-um, do you maybe, n-not... like me?"

"N-n-no! I-I mean, y-yes, I-I mean..."

She just continues to hide herself away from the world, and you decide that it's probably best to let her calm down on her own.

... It seemed like she doesn't not like you, you think. That's a plus! You're just happy that you didn't damage your newfound friendship with her.

Another five minutes pass as you watch the breeze whistle through the treeline and the birds that flock from one portion of the "forest" to the next. You can see why Nanako likes this place, it's really serene!

"... H-Hinako-san, I apologize for my reactions earlier. It w-wasn't your fault or anything like that... but can we just pretend that I never acted that way and continue with your training, f-for now?"

She ends her last sentence with a slightly hopeful tone, face still flushed from earlier.

"Of course, Nanako-senpai. I-I didn't mean to cause you to react that way, but I'm glad that you're okay!"

Her flush deepens, but she gives no other outward reaction to your words other than a nod.

As you get up Nanako does the same, and you move more towards the center of the clearing.

"U-um, Nanako-senpai? Do you have any ideas that you think I should try out? I have a few myself, but I'd love to hear your thoughts!"

Nanako stiffens her face hard, as if to push down another response, before relaxing.

"Y-yes, I do have a few ideas, Hinako-san."

Nanako walks back towards the treeline and comes back with a stick. The stickiest of sticks actually, with the cliche two-pointed end and everything! She hands the stick over to you, and you take it slightly confused.

"Could you try and recreate this stick with your magic? It seems as if your magical girl weapon can copy things, like how it could copy my own weapon."

That's a great idea! And you say as much.

"That's a great idea, thanks Nanako-senpai!"

Having picked up your weapon from when you were sitting down with Nanako, you heft it up - in the opposite direction of Nanako just in case - and channel energy down into it concentrating on the stick in your other hand.

It takes less than a second before a glowing translucent stick identical to the one in your hand appears at the end of the rod. It took basically no energy at all, double checking with your Soul Gem that rests at the center of your collarbone.

[Soul Gem: 223/1750]

You wave it around it a bit, but it does nothing because it's a stick on a rod.

"H-Hinako-san, why don't you try detaching it from your weapon instead?" suggests Nanako, as her lips twitch in bemusement.

... Yeah, you could try that! Concentrating like with your magic shots, with a plop it disconnects from the rod and falls into the grass below.

"... Huh," you plainly react.

You try to reach out with your mind and will in order to try and move the stick, and it succeeds! The stick hovers in front of you, before you send it flying at the battered log that you've been abusing.


The stick breaks and dissipates on the surface of the log, but not without blasting out a little chunk of it to take along with it.

You jump a bit at your success, and you most certainly did not squee a bit. Nanako just looks at all of this with a fond smile on her face.

Getting an idea, you try and point your rod at the battered log and try to make it levitate like with your stick.




"U-um, H-Hinako-san, what are you trying to do?"

You can just hear the giggling in her voice as she asks you. You cease your efforts and turn back to look at her with red slightly coloring your cheeks.

"Er, I was trying to move the log, you know, with my mind! I-It didn't really work out like with the stick, though..."

This time Nanako audibly giggles, before she immediately ceases it as if just realizing that she did what she did.

"Hinako-san, maybe that only works with the things you make with your magic? I can do the same with my whip, and many magical girls can do the same with their weapons as well if they're willing to spend the extra magic."

As if to demonstrate, she lets go of her bladed whip and it just sits there in the air before she grabs it again.

Huh, weird, you didn't exactly feel any extra magic drain from telekinetically controlling the things made from your magic.

"Maybe you should try and see if you could guide your magic shots as well?"

You're so glad you have Nanako as your senpai.

"Alright, I got this!"

You point your rod into the air and fire off a few shot, and to your surprise they're relatively easy to move around in the air with your magic! You twirl them around one another in various patterns. They do wink out of existence after around thirty seconds have passed, however.

Nanako gives a short clap as if to applause your shots' performance, and you give her a wide smile in return. Nanako blushes a bit and turns her head to the side for a moment.

"... J-Just one more thing Hinako-san. Could you try making another copy of your weapon with your magic? I can do the same..."

She demonstrates this by creating another bladed whip in her other hand, with wisps of her blue five petaled flower symbol momentarily appearing and coalescing around it. She gives it a quick whip into the air as if to demonstrate that it works, before dissipating it.

You got this, you aren't going to let your senpai down!

You drop the stick gently into the grass beside you and you focus on creating another one of your rods with your magic. It feels almost instinctual, flowing your magic this way, and before you know it another rod appears in your left hand. It took a bit of magic, maybe around the same amount as your magic beam sword, but it worked!
(Discovered Ability: Create Intricate Rod I)
You happily wave both rods - with both ends facing towards the ground and into the air - at Nanako, and she gives you an encouraging smile and slight nod back.

You toss the extra rod into the air and try to control it with your magic... and it works! Though you immediately feel a slight drain on your magic in order to control it telekinetically like this. Huh, that didn't happen with the stuff you made with your rod...
(Discovered Ability: Intricate Rod Telekinesis I)
Letting it drop into your hand, you're tempted to give Nanako a hug in recompense for all she's done for you, except you should probably just let her be for now if her previous reactions were anything to go by. Maybe she just isn't used to touching other people, unlike those two friends on the cover of her manga?

"So, uh, do you have any more ideas Nanako-senpai, or should I get started on some of the things I thought of?"

"No, it's fine Hinako-san. Go ahead, most magic use is instinctual anyways, I believe in you."

You blush from the notion of her believing in you. Y-you won't let her down!
You couldn't live up to Kyubey's belief in you... but maybe you can with Nanako's?
First you try and recreate the process of making Nanako's weapon out of your magic, but this time you try and impose something else in it that you could use in a fight.


Nope, you just got Nanako's weapon again. It felt like, for a moment, that you could do something with it, that it was malleable, but nothing happened. You dismiss it before any more magic is drained unnecessarily.

Next up, let's try and make it harder to hurt you!
You could have used some more protection last night...
You try channeling magic into your magical girl uniform, but you find that it's already magic and nothing is really fitting in or happening.

... It makes sense, you guess. Maybe instead of that, you could try and make some kind of magical shield or barrier instead? Like in magical girl anime!
Flaming familiars rake across your body as you desperately try and come up with something that'll protect you.
You shake a bit, drawing a concerned look from Nanako, before you use your extra rod to try and force magical energy to your will.

Channeling energy down into the rod, you sort of flatten out the energy to force it into a flat circular pane of emerald translucent energy, and it works... kind of.

You found that the more magical energy you used, the larger the shield became. You maxed it out to see what you're capable of, of course, but you know that you could probably make a barrier of an appropriate size in a pinch.
(Created Incomplete Formation: Round Shield)
The largest size covers most of your body, and is quite large. If it weren't for the fact that it doesn't really have any weight due to it being made out of pure magical energy, you likely wouldn't be able to hold it up as you are.

Before it disappears, you decide to try something. Instead of telekinetically moving your rod, you move the shield up into the air in front of you while the rod sort of hangs off the side of it. You giggle a bit at the sight.

You will for the rod to detach from here, and it does! The rod rolls onto the soft grass while the shield is still kept in place. You move the shield around in the air with ease for a little bit, until it winks out around the thirty second mark.

You turn back to Nanako to gauge her reaction, and you see that she looks positively ecstatic.

"H-Hinako-san, well done! I've never seen a magical girl able to create barriers like you can, so this is a great discovery!"

You beam with pride. With this you could help protect your new friend, surely!
And you'll never get hurt like you did last night ever again.
With this done, you try to finish up the rest of your ideas. First you try and project a sort of "wind blade" from your rod with magical energy, but the energy refuses to conform to that and you end up shooting another magic shot instead.

You then try freezing and lighting the log on fire with your magic, both from a distance and up close. That doesn't work either. You shrug, you still got something really useful out of this, so you can't really complain.

A passing thought of somehow enhancing either yourself or Nanako flitters through your mind, but you would have no idea on how to do such a thing. You already know that your "hope" magic that you accidentally used on Nanako earlier didn't really do anything to enhance her...

Ah well!

"Nanako-senpai, I'm done!"

You wave at her as you dismiss your second rod from existence in a flutter of emerald green sunbursts.

Nanako is still brimming with curiosity and excitement after you showcased your ability to create barriers earlier. Then you get another idea.

"U-um, Nanako-senpai? C-could you m-maybe..."

You tap your fingers together, rod still in one of your hands, and continue.

"C-could you maybe help me become better at fighting and... dodging? I-I'm not really good at it you see..."

Nanako quickly nods her head, getting serious.

"Y-yes, of course Hinako-san! It's very important for a magical girl to be able to do those things, especially if you don't want to waste any magic unnecessarily."

She positions herself so that she's facing you, with her bladed whip in hand. Her whip shimmers a bit, before becoming blunted.

"T-this is what's called 'Enchantment Magic', every magical girl can do it. I used it to blunt my weapon so that I don't hurt you... I'm not going to hurt you, I'll make sure of it!"

Why do you suddenly feel uneasy?

"First we're going to focus on dodging. Just because you can use magic to make barriers, doesn't mean that you should waste the magic to do so when you could instead avoid a blow. S-so... are you ready Hinako-san?"

You tentatively nod, getting ready to move at a moment's notice.

Nanako brandishes her newly blunted whip and allows it to creep through the air around her. You've got a bad feeling about this...

(Developed Skills: Dodging I, Combat Training I)
[Soul Gem: 601/1750]

"Ow ow ow," you yelp in pain, as Nanako applies a cloth covered in saline solution to some of your small scrapes and bruises. Apparently she came prepared, since she had the stuff in her bag.

"D-don't worry, Hinako-san, it'll heal up in no time at all. Magical girls heal faster than normal people, after all."

"Owie." The salt in the saline stings as she dabs it on your very minor wounds.

"You did great though, H-Hinako-san. I'm sorry I ended up hurting you, I know I promised..."

... Nope! You literally asked for this, she's not allowed to feel guilty about it. You tap her on her nose, and she stiffens a bit looking surprised.

"I-It's not your fault, Nanako-senpai! I'm barely even hurt, see? I-If anything I should be thanking you for all the help. S-so, thank you! I-Is there anything that I could do to make it up to you?"

You stare at her with admiration as you await her response. Nanako blushes a bit at your attention.

"W-Well, you could help me hunt a couple of Witches, and I could show you the ropes in real combat. This way, we'll both have an extra Grief Seed on hand too..."

Nanako sounds unsure of herself, as if she expected her offer to be refused.

You know that you'll have to fight another Witch eventually, even after last night... But if there's anyone that you trust to get you through it, it's Nanako!

"Of course! I-I mean, yes, that'd be great, Nanako-senpai! I'm not sure if I could've done it alone again, either..."

Nanako gains a thoughtful look, before placing a hand comfortingly on your shoulder.

"Don't worry Hinako-san, I-I'll be there every step of the way!"

You positively beam at her and glomp her into another hug, and after a few seconds she awkwardly starts patting you on the back, cloth still in hand.

When you go Witch hunting with Nanako-senpai, how do you proceed?
[ ] Let her do all the fighting while you support
[ ] Fight alongside her
[ ] Fight mostly on your own with her supporting you when you need it, as a learning experience
[ ] (Write-in)

And how will you support/fight?
[ ] Melee
-[ ] (Write-in)
[ ] Balanced
-[ ] (Write-in)
[ ] Ranged
-[ ] (Write-in)

Is there anything else?
[ ] (Write-in)

[X] How do territory scuffles work? Do you have our own territory? Does she? Or do you share? Is there some kind of magic border we know not to cross, or do we just need to be careful?
The yuri dice strike again. Fun fact, I had already come up with what was on that cover, and combined with Hinako's naivety roll and the vote to hold Nanako's hand... yeah. The quest has a couple more tags now, so that's a thing. :)

And so Hinako gets better at using her powers! She even got some important training into dodging and fighting, so that's nice. No more stumbles or awkward rolls across the ground for her... probably!

As for her new abilities:
Create Intricate Rod I (20 Grief per use)
Intricate Rod Telekinesis I (10 Grief/minute)
Incomplete Formation: Round Shield (Variable cost)
-Small: Around a foot in diameter. Size of a buckler. (10 Grief per use)
-Medium: Around three feet in diameter. Size of a classic shield. (40 Grief per use)
-Large: Around five feet in diameter. Size of a circular tower shield. (100 Grief per use)

And her new skills:
Combat Training I
Dodging I

Hinako also discovered how long her incomplete formations last (30 seconds), so that's useful. She can also control her energy constructs telekinetically for free.

The Witch hunting vote doesn't necessarily apply to the second Witch they'll fight, if you want to change things up. I encourage writing in useful applications of Hinako's current repertoire of techniques, with the knowledge that her stuff is really effective against Witches regardless of its form, as well as her free telekinesis on her constructs.
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[X] Stop home and grab your Grief Seed before heading out. If we're in trouble, we best have our own in case Nanako can't spot us.
[X] See if your Anti-Witch properties are any use for detecting Witches. Try to focus the same energy that melted familiars into your senses.
[X] Fight alongside her
[X] Balanced
-[X] Use your magic shot against enemies who are still far away or that try to stall in the distance. When you or they close in, use your beam sword in melee or trow it if a strong enemy has exposed weaknesses you think you can use, or if it seems like it is retreating. Always follow the instructions of your senpai. If you think there are attacks you can't dodge, use your shield.
-[X] If your beam sword or shots don't put out as much damage as needed, switch to summoning Nanako's weapon and use that.
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Nanako's legs shudder a bit, her pupils dilate as she stares back into your eyes, her face leaves no room for anything but her massive all-encompassing blush, and then she promptly passes out and falls onto the soft grass ground beneath her, hands still intertwined with yours.

Oh goodness, my snippet was canon wasn't it? Geez Hinako, keep this up and you're gonna obliviously win her heart. I can imagine Hinako being just dense enough to not comprehend that Nanako is more-or-less her girlfriend.

As for the actual vote... I have no particular clever plans, just that "Fight alongside Nanako" and a Balanced approach is fine by me. Though, boss, could we write-in having Hinako test if her Anti-Witch properties makes her especially good at tracking them down?
[X] Fight alongside her
[X] Balanced
-[X] Use your magic shot against enemies who are still far away or that try to stall in the distance. When you or they close in, use your beam sword in melee or trow it if a strong enemy has exposed weaknesses you think you can use, or if it seems like it is retreating. Always follow the instructions of your senpai. If you think there are attacks you can't dodge, use your shield.

So, since it would be a simple enough thing to test... how about a Write-In having Hinako see if her Anti-Witch properties makes her really good at tracking them or something? If it fails nothing is lost, and if it succeeds that's an incredibly valuable piece of info.
Small adjustments to @darknessworld's vote:

[X] Stop home and grab your Grief Seed before heading out. If we're in trouble, we best have our own in case Nanako can't spot us.
[X] See if your Anti-Witch properties are any use for detecting Witches. Try to focus the same energy that melted familiars into your senses.
[X] Fight alongside her
[X] Balanced
-[X] Use your magic shot against enemies who are still far away or that try to stall in the distance. When you or they close in, use your beam sword in melee or trow it if a strong enemy has exposed weaknesses you think you can use, or if it seems like it is retreating. Always follow the instructions of your senpai. If you think there are attacks you can't dodge, use your shield.
-[X] If your beam sword or shots don't put out as much damage as needed, switch to summoning Nanako's weapon and use that.

Better safe than sorry with the seed. Added a clause in case the shot and swords aren't efficient, since we essentially got punished for relying on them in the last fight; Nanako's weapon is semi-expensive comparatively, but will probably do better, so I think it's good to add it as a plan B, at least. Also included @Kkutlord's suggestion.