I don't think we have enough potential to manage what you are proposing. Also, it is maybe a little too meta for us to wish something like that.

Personally, I think we shouldn't wish for a power, but for something our character would care about, so that she could find something to not despair about when she discovers what the fate she chose was.

Which is part of the reason I'm having her ask more specifically about Witches, like what they are and why nobody makes Wishes to mess with them. Like sure, Hinako definitely isn't pulling a Law of Cycles, but personally avoiding Witch status seems a lot easier than curing/preventing others.

That and I'm amused by the idea of Witch Girl!Hinako running around, beating up Witches, and annoyedly trying to explain to other Meguca she's not a threat when all she can speak is Witch Runes. It'll be super confusing having the humanoid Witch shrug her shoulders and chuck Grief Seeds at people.
Besides, if we're going with older style, I totally want Hinako to have a Wish messing with the Witch/Grief System. Maybe Wish for "Eternal Sanity" as we can play as a Witch Girl, or something like "Never Witch" and end up with a Doppel.
I don't think we have enough potential to manage what you are proposing. Also, it is maybe a little too meta for us to wish something like that.
Hm, I wouldn't say such wishes are out of the question, if worded correctly and if Hinako manages to wrangle out the necessary information from Kyubey somehow... or she could just put off the wish for another time until she obtains information from another source, who knows? ;)
EDIT: Obviously it would remain within a certain level of power, if it succeeds, and possibly not in the way one would think.

Really though, just about any wish or power that could result from said wishes I could more than likely make pretty interesting, I think.
Personally, I think we shouldn't wish for a power, but for something our character would care about, so that she could find something to not despair about when she discovers what the fate she chose was.
There may or may not be some context clues lying around. Probably. Maybe. Who knows? :whistle:
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[X] Yes, you do have more questions
-[x] "Why did you choose me?"
-[x] "What's stopping me from making a wish to get rid of the witches and not becoming a magical girl?"
-[x] "On that note, how does your wish granting power work?"
-[x] "What is a witch and where do they come from?"
-[x] "if I accept, what will I be able to do?"
-[x] "Are there any other Magical Girls in the area? You know so I know if I'm going to be fighting alone or not."

let's let all of the questions out of our head and into the open, this weird weasel rabbit thingy seems to answer questions well enough,
Hm, I wouldn't say such wishes are out of the question, if worded correctly and if Hinako manages to wrangle out the necessary information from Kyubey somehow... or she could just put off the wish for another time until she obtains information from another source, who knows? ;)
EDIT: Obviously it would remain within a certain level of power, if it succeeds, and possibly not in the way one would think.

Really though, just about any wish or power that could result from it I could more than likely make pretty interesting, I think.

There may or may not be some context clues lying around. Probably. Maybe. Who knows? :whistle:

I just hope something like "Eternal Sanity" or "Never Witch" don't just result in Hinako consciously being a slave to her own madness or straight up dying respectively.

Hmm... could we get away with something like "Make Sorceresses"? If we're gonna make a Wish, we might as well go for something cool and exotic that screws with the system.
I just hope something like "Eternal Sanity" or "Never Witch" don't just result in Hinako consciously being a slave to her own madness or straight up dying respectively.

Hmm... could we get away with something like "Make Sorceresses"? If we're gonna make a Wish, we might as well go for something cool and exotic that screws with the system.
I'm not going to outright punish the players if they make a wish like that, don't worry much about it. Much like how I'd get creative with even the simplest and most mundane of wishes, if necessary. :p This applies to characters other than Hinako as well, underestimate no one.

I would however avoid trying to make a system within a system that has little to do with the primary system, otherwise you'll just get something that you weren't gunning for, so to say. That's not to say that it would be bad - heck it might come out really good what with the Sorceress=Magic User relation - but with Hinako's Potential creating a new system wholesale is out of her capabilities.
That and I'm amused by the idea of Witch Girl!Hinako running around, beating up Witches, and annoyedly trying to explain to other Meguca she's not a threat when all she can speak is Witch Runes. It'll be super confusing having the humanoid Witch shrug her shoulders and chuck Grief Seeds at people.

I would prefer to see her live, though, instead of giving up on what she is to become a witch, even if it would be still her the one in control.

@MedievalParadox I find your vote a little too hostile considering kyubey hasn't done anything to us.
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I'm not going to outright punish the players if they make a wish like that, don't worry much about it. Much like how I'd get creative with even the simplest and most mundane of wishes, if necessary. :p This applies to characters other than Hinako as well, underestimate no one.

I would however avoid trying to make a system within a system that has little to do with the primary system, otherwise you'll just get something that you weren't gunning for, so to say. That's not to say that it would be bad - heck it might come out really good what with the Sorceress=Magic User relation - but with Hinako's Potential creating a new system wholesale is out of her capabilities.

So what you're saying is, we just have to Wish for her to hijack the normal System. Hmm, would Doppels be easier because they're a less destructive means of releasing Grief, or would basically fusing the Magical Girl with her would-be Doppel be easier?

I can just imagine the Incubators having a conniption that some random girl managed to completely up-end their system because she actually asked and showed surprising insight.

Better than the girls who literally became God and Devil respectively, but still. Though overall, Wishes to mess with the Grief/Witch System... well, we already have a "Grief Controller" Quest, so that's out.

Ooh, what about Wishing to hijack the Familiars and reprogram them? Logically, if she can subvert the proto-Witches and evolve them, then there'll be anti-Witch forces capable of operating forever without Grief Seeds.

What's the worst that can happen from subverting bits of Soul and weaponizing them? /New species of spiritual horrors born purely to hunt Witches, thus targeting Meguca because they can sense Meguca are proto-Witches.
So what you're saying is, we just have to Wish for her to hijack the normal System. Hmm, would Doppels be easier because they're a less destructive means of releasing Grief, or would basically fusing the Magical Girl with her would-be Doppel be easier?
I will say right now that it is theoretically possible for Hinako to craft a wish that'll allow her to use Doppel with her Potential... to some extent, possibly under certain conditions and possibly not mitigating any and all consequences that Doppel implies. Good luck trying to get enough concrete information from Kyubey in order to make the wish make sense IC though. :V

And no, I don't mean that something intrinsically bad will happen to her if she somehow manages to get a Doppel form some way or another, just something... neutral, kinda. And that's just speculation, as it would really depend on the wording of the finalized wish along with the intent to go along with it from Hinako's end.
Ooh, what about Wishing to hijack the Familiars and reprogram them? Logically, if she can subvert the proto-Witches and evolve them, then there'll be anti-Witch forces capable of operating forever without Grief Seeds.

What's the worst that can happen from subverting bits of Soul and weaponizing them? /New species of spiritual horrors born purely to hunt Witches, thus targeting Meguca because they can sense Meguca are proto-Witches.
Familiars require the lives of human beings in order to hatch into a Witch. Just sayin'. :p

And eh, we already know that it's possible to subvert familiars and even Witches completely and utterly by Yuuki Sasa's example in Extra Story and Sadness Prayer.
Ooh, what about Wishing to hijack the Familiars and reprogram them? Logically, if she can subvert the proto-Witches and evolve them, then there'll be anti-Witch forces capable of operating forever without Grief Seeds.

... Do you want to play smt with witches?

I mean, it can work, but, if we were to fail, we may doom the city, Japan, or even the entire world. So this is something we should really think throughout before committing.
It is an interesting idea, thought.
... Do you want to play smt with witches?

I mean, it can work, but, if we were to fail, we may doom the city, Japan, or even the entire world. So this is something we should really think throughout before committing.
It is an interesting idea, thought.

Personally I'm more of a Persona fan (just look at those Doppel awakening scenes!), but treating corrupted souls drowning in their own madness as pets is either hilarious enough it blows pass ethnics or deranged enough Meguca attack on principle. So... it'll certainly be interesting.

Familiars require the lives of human beings in order to hatch into a Witch. Just sayin'. :p

And eh, we already know that it's possible to subvert familiars and even Witches completely and utterly by Yuuki Sasa's example in Extra Story and Sadness Prayer.

I mean, surely we can feed them other Familiars or even Witches, neither of which are human in any way whatsoever. So totally guilt-free and okay, not like we're feeding the souls of little girls to our Famimons, that'd be crazy~

Ahem... as for Sasa, she was cheating with straight-up mind control, she didn't reprogram them or grant any form of sanity to them. They were nothing more than obedient attack dogs in her hands. What I wanna do is make a Roche from Witch Quest or actual Witch Girls. /Looks at Kazumi Magica's Best Girl

And that's just speculation, as it would really depend on the wording of the finalized wish along with the intent to go along with it from Hinako's end.

The phrasing itself, the intent behind it, and the associations connected to it. It is impossible for Puella Magi to end up with the exact same power-set, even Wishing for it would still affect the result.

If we want our Witch/Grief System Wishes to be their most effective, Hinako must figure these things out. So admittedly... just have her ask why Soul Gems are called Soul Gems, and have her put two-and-two together regarding why Soul Gems generate stuff that Grief Seeds absorb.
[X] Yes, you do have more questions
-[x] "Why did you choose me?"
-[x] "What's stopping me from making a wish to get rid of the witches?"
-[x] "On that note, how does your wish granting power work?"
-[x] "What is a witch and where do they come from?"
-[x] "if I accept, what will I be able to do?"
-[x] "Are there any other Magical Girls in the area? You know so I know if I'm going to be fighting alone or not."
-[x] "Why and how is this all hidden from everyone?"

Not sure what 'and not becoming a magical girl?' part meant so didn't include it.
@MedievalParadox I find your vote a little too hostile considering kyubey hasn't done anything to us.

Look, It's not meant to be hostile but it is supposed to be questioning. who wouldn't have at least one of these questions?

Not sure what 'and not becoming a magical girl?' part meant so didn't include it.

Well no more witches mean no more need for magical girls, so wish away the witches and you have no need to become one of the magical girls.
Oho, a new PMMM Quest? Count me in! I've always wanted to participate in one from the beginning.

[X] Yes, you do have more questions
-[x] "Why me specifically? You mentioned that you choose girls with high potential, am I really that special?"
-[x] "Actually, are there any other Magical Girls in the city? I don't know if the two of us alone are enough to protect a whole city, especially if you can't beat Witches by yourself."
-[x] "Could I make a wish to get rid of all the Witches? Is something as major as that even possible to wish for?"
-[x] "How does your wish granting power work? Do you have rules or restrictions, like no bringing back the dead or taking over the world?"
-[x] "What are Witches anyway? Do you know where they come from?"
-[x] "What kind of powers would I have if I became a Magical Girl?"
-[x] "Other than Witches is there anything else we'll have to fight, like Dark Magical Girls, secret government conspiracies or aliens?"

Building off of MedievalParadox's vote, I feel like this might be a good one. Still inquisitive but comes off less aggressive.

It is my hope that we can learn a lot before contracting. That way we can avoid the big reveals being during moments of emotional vulnerability, cultivate a better working relationship with Kyubey rather than creating animosity with him, make an informed decision going into this whole mess, and not get unfortunately caught up in the traditional cycle of despair.

As for what I want us to wish for when that decision comes around, I'm wondering if it would be possible to think: "Hm, if magic isn't just stories but is instead actually real and the world is so dangerous, maybe I can make someone who's more used to this real too?" And then just wish a fictional Magical Girl like Nanoha into reality. Might be beyond our potential, but that'd be pretty cool. If there's a No Crossovers rule for what we can wish for, I'll have to think of something else. But that's fine because we aren't even at the wish section yet! :D

Edit: After rereading everything we have so far, I decided to alter my vote to make more sense. Embarrassingly enough, I actually included a few things that had already been covered. Whoops!

Edit 2: A later vote had some good points I decided to incorporate, though I admit I removed the life expectancy question. It felt just a little too much like it was reaching. I mean maybe we'll ask after the danger question is answered on it's own, but I didn't think it fit well with the rest of the questions. I tried not to get too hung up on phrasing otherwise, I reckon the QM knows how to translate vote-to-dialogue just fine.

Edit 3: After further consideration I've decided to return my vote to it's original state. I don't think it necessarily needed anything more, it was pretty solid as it was. I still think we can ask those other questions later if we want to, but they aren't as immediately important. As for the danger question in particular, I realize that's already been mostly covered. Pretty sure hidden monsters causing murders and suicides is enough to give the idea that yes, this is dangerous.
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If there's a No Crossovers rule for what we can wish for, I'll have to think of something else. But that's fine because we aren't even at the wish section yet!
Hinako could wish for whatever she wants, barring bringing the dead back to life. She could definitely "create" life though - even life with its own Potential/abilities as demonstrated all throughout Kazumi Magica. But would it be a good idea for Hinako and her personal abilities (since she'd be offloading a good chunk of her Potential to another source), and would she have enough Potential to actually empower a created person? 🤔

Regardless, welcome to the quest! Was just about to create a post beggingasking for more votes, too.
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Hinako could wish for whatever she wants, barring bringing the dead back to life. She could definitely "create" life though - even life with its own Potential/abilities as demonstrated all throughout Kazumi Magica. But would it be a good idea for Hinako and her personal abilities (since she'd be offloading a good chunk of her Potential to another source), and would she have enough Potential to actually empower a created person? 🤔

Regardless, welcome to the quest! Was just about to create a post beggingasking for more vote, too.
In that case, maybe her very own Pikachu would be better lol. After all, what's better than one Magical Girl mascot? Two, including a Magical Girl mascot that's also a Pokémon! :V

And thanks for the welcome, I'm really happy to be here. Being around at the beginning of a Quest for once might be just what I need to inspire me to make my own as well.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to carefully reread everything again like I usually do when I'm this excited.

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not serious about the Pikachu thing. If we created something living with our wish I'd definitely prefer it was closer to my first suggestion. Although considering the potential issues such a wish could have since our potential isn't ridiculously high or anything, I'd also be fine with a different type of wish.
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[X] Yes, you do have more questions
-[x] "Why me specifically? You mentioned that you choose girls with high potential, am I really that special?"
-[x] "Actually, are there any other Magical Girls in the city? I don't know if the two of us alone are enough to protect a whole city, especially if you can't beat Witches by yourself."
-[x] "Could I make a wish to get rid of all the Witches? Is something as major as that even possible to wish for?"
-[x] "How does your wish granting power work? Do you have rules or restrictions, like no bringing back the dead or taking over the world?"
-[x] "What are Witches anyway? Do you know where they come from?"
-[x] "What kind of powers would I have if I became a Magical Girl?"
-[x] "Other than Witches is there anything else we'll have to fight, like Dark Magical Girls, secret government conspiracies or aliens?"
[X] Yes, you do have more questions
-[x] "Why me specifically? You mentioned that you choose girls with high potential, am I really that special?"
-[x] "Actually, are there any other Magical Girls in the city? I don't know if the two of us alone are enough to protect a whole city, especially if you can't beat Witches by yourself."
-[x] "Could I make a wish to get rid of all the Witches? Is something as major as that even possible to wish for?"
-[x] "How does your wish granting power work? Do you have rules or restrictions, like no bringing back the dead or taking over the world?"
-[x] "What are Witches anyway? Do you know where they come from?"
-[x] "What kind of powers would I have if I became a Magical Girl?"
-[x] "Other than Witches is there anything else we'll have to fight, like Dark Magical Girls, secret government conspiracies or aliens?"
-[x] "Why and how is this all hidden from everyone?"
-[x] "How dangerous is being a magical girl? What is the average life expectancy?"
-[x] "You said you were a Messenger of Magic are there others?"
-[x] "Why only girls?"
-[x] "How are you talking to me without moving your mouth?"
-[x] "What can you do with your magic?"
-[x] "How did you get in my house?"
-[x] "Can you shapeshift into whatever you want?"

I've never been part of a quest during the question phase before! I want to ask every single question that I had while watching the anime, but it might be a bit mean to make you world build an entire alien civilization as well as explain how intersex and trans people fit into magical girls. I'll content myself with this.
[X] Yes, you do have more questions
-[x] "Why me specifically? You mentioned that you choose girls with high potential, am I really that special?"
-[x] "Actually, are there any other Magical Girls in the city? I don't know if the two of us alone are enough to protect a whole city, especially if you can't beat Witches by yourself."
-[x] "Could I make a wish to get rid of all the Witches? Is something as major as that even possible to wish for?"
-[x] "How does your wish granting power work? Do you have rules or restrictions, like no bringing back the dead or taking over the world?"
-[x] "What are Witches anyway? Do you know where they come from?"
-[x] "What kind of powers would I have if I became a Magical Girl?"
-[x] "Other than Witches is there anything else we'll have to fight, like Dark Magical Girls, secret government conspiracies or aliens?"
-[x] "Why and how is this all hidden from everyone?"
-[x] "How dangerous is being a magical girl? What is the average life expectancy?"
-[x] "You said you were a Messenger of Magic are there others?"
-[x] "Why only girls?"
-[x] "How are you talking to me without moving your mouth?"
-[x] "What can you do with your magic?"
-[x] "How did you get in my house?"
-[x] "Can you shapeshift into whatever you want?"

I've never been part of a quest during the question phase before! I want to ask every single question that I had while watching the anime, but it might be a bit mean to make you world build an entire alien civilization as well as explain how intersex and trans people fit into magical girls. I'll content myself with this.
That's a pretty good vote! I was wondering if anyone else had anything they'd like to add. I'll edit my earlier vote to include your additions. The more questions the better! I like your idea of bringing up questions you had watching the anime too. For me, I guessed Soul Gems might be literal from the get go, so you can bet that the moment Cubes says Soul Gem I'm gonna vote to ask how literal he's being with the term.

I was also curious about what relation Magical Girls Might have to Witches when I noticed the similarities between Grief Seeds and Soul Gems. They both fill up with grief/corruption/darkness, they're both shiny jewel things in fancy casing and they directly interact with each other. As someone who was generally unfamiliar with Magical Girl tropes and loved darker plot twists, it seemed like a possibility at the time. It helps that TES made me think trapped souls when I heard "Soul Gems" too.

That on the other hand is harder to swing for a vote later, since my mindset was a result of things like Dark Souls and Fate/Zero colouring my view. It'll definitely be harder to "discover" the witch bomb pre-contract than the lich bomb. Maybe we'll get a good opportunity out of all those questions we just asked though.
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It'll definitely be harder to "discover" the witch bomb pre-contract than the lich bomb. Maybe we'll get a good opportunity out of all those questions we just asked though.

I would think "What are Witches anyway? Do you know where they come from?" is likely to give us an opening of some sort. I think it would be pretty difficult to give satisfying and true answers to that and any questions that arise from it without letting the witch bomb out. Or maybe I'm underestimating Kyubey's wiliness.
-[x] "Why only girls?"
-[x] "Why only girls?"

... He didn't said anything about it only be for girls. I don't know from where this came from.

-[x] "How dangerous is being a magical girl? What is the average life expectancy?"

I don't think this is a question a teenager who hasn't seen someone close to them die would ever ask.

Now, I'm changing my vote

[X] Yes, you do have more questions
-[x] "Why me specifically? You mentioned that you choose girls with high potential, am I really that special?"
-[x] "Actually, are there any other Magical Girls in the city? I don't know if the two of us alone are enough to protect a whole city, especially if you can't beat Witches by yourself."
-[x] "Could I make a wish to get rid of all the Witches? Is something as major as that even possible to wish for?"
-[x] "How does your wish granting power work? Do you have rules or restrictions, like no bringing back the dead or taking over the world?"
-[x] "What are Witches anyway? Do you know where they come from?"
-[x] "What kind of powers would I have if I became a Magical Girl?"
-[x] "Other than Witches is there anything else we'll have to fight, like Dark Magical Girls, secret government conspiracies or aliens?"

However, I don't think asking from where witches came will achieve anything useful, even if I still think it makes sense to ask.

Kyubey would probably only say they came from despair, curses and familiars. They can probably sell to us the idea of witches as primordial forces of evil.
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I would think "What are Witches anyway? Do you know where they come from?" is likely to give us an opening of some sort. I think it would be pretty difficult to give satisfying and true answers to that and any questions that arise from it without letting the witch bomb out. Or maybe I'm underestimating Kyubey's wiliness.
I'd say he wouldn't outright say it just yet, but I don't think he'd hide it if we pushed after whatever he does answer the initial question with. Maybe he'll be curious about how a well-informed person would handle life as a Magical Girl?

I think the "worst" he'd do is frame it in a way that doesn't cause a hostile response. Something along the lines of, "Should a Magical Girl's Soul Gem become entirely corrupted with grief, the darkness will overpower her soul and create a malevolent avatar formed of curses. This entity is what is known as a Witch."

Add in little comments like "Many great Magical Girls have met unfortunate fates like this." and "These tragedies are all too common." And you have Kyubey coming off not as a cold alien, but a sympathetic person. If pushed, maybe a line about how "No one has ever successfully reverted a Witch to what they once were." Or "The best you can do is honour their sacrifice and keep fighting for what they believed in."

It's scary how easy it is to twist how one of the most horrible secrets of the system appears without even lying about anything.

... He didn't said anything about it only be for girls. I don't know from where this came from.
That's a fair point. I think i'll go over my vote one last time to change the phrasing there. And here I was thinking i'd caught everything minor like that! Guess that's what happens when it's 2:00 am. Although it does make me a little giddy seeing how well my initial vote idea is catching on. Goodnight for now, I look forward to seeing how all of this will develop while I'm asleep.
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Vote Results
Winning vote is:
[-] Yes, you do have more questions
-[-] "Why me specifically? You mentioned that you choose girls with high potential, am I really that special?"
-[-] "Actually, are there any other Magical Girls in the city? I don't know if the two of us alone are enough to protect a whole city, especially if you can't beat Witches by yourself."
-[-] "Could I make a wish to get rid of all the Witches? Is something as major as that even possible to wish for?"
-[-] "How does your wish granting power work? Do you have rules or restrictions, like no bringing back the dead or taking over the world?"
-[-] "What are Witches anyway? Do you know where they come from?"
-[-] "What kind of powers would I have if I became a Magical Girl?"
-[-] "Other than Witches is there anything else we'll have to fight, like Dark Magical Girls, secret government conspiracies or aliens?"

Now time to get to writing. :)