[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[x] "Honestly, there are a lot of things I could wish for. To have the power to protect the people I care about, to help people in need, to finally do something meaningful. I only have so much potential like you said, so I shouldn't waste it. But wishes like those... I can do all of those things myself once I'm actually a Magical Girl can't I? In that case, wouldn't it be better to just make myself as strong as I can be to achieve those goals with my own hands? Kyubey, I want to use all of my potential as best as I can. So my only wish... is to be a Magical Girl!"
[X] Do you have any more questions?
-[X] "Even if most Magical Girls wouldn't have the sheer Potential to get rid of Witches, couldn't we chip away at the problem gradually? If Witches are born from despair, then all we have to do is have several Magical Girls try Wishing to interfere with their 'birth'."
-[X] "Oh, right, what are our transformation trinkets called and how important are they? Is there any special maintenance needed? If it gets destroyed, will I cease to be a Magical Girl?"

I figure this way, Hinako has enough info to have a bout of insightfulness and realize Meguca & Witches are closely connected.
[x] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
[x] Wish to connect to people. Your parents, your sister, old friends from Nagaoka, new friends in Urahama you haven't even met yet, your fellow magical girls here and elsewhere who fight witches. You want to forge and preserve bonds to keep important people in your life.
[X] Do you have any more questions?
-[X] "Oh, right, what are our transformation trinkets called and how important are they? Is there any special maintenance needed? If it gets destroyed, will I cease to be a Magical Girl?"

[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[x] "Honestly, there are a lot of things I could wish for. To have the power to protect the people I care about, to help people in need, to finally do something meaningful. I only have so much potential like you said, so I shouldn't waste it. But wishes like those... I can do all of those things myself once I'm actually a Magical Girl can't I? In that case, wouldn't it be better to just make myself as strong as I can be to achieve those goals with my own hands? Kyubey, I want to use all of my potential as best as I can. So my only wish... is to be a Magical Girl!"

Do we have anything to do in the morning? Is it that bad an idea to stay up late asking questions? If so then this is my vote.
Do we have anything to do in the morning? Is it that bad an idea to stay up late asking questions? If so then this is my vote.
Don't worry, Kyubey will make the time to explain the necessities to her if she makes a Wish, such as the function of her Soul Gem as well as the whole Grief Seed system to make sure she can survive as a magical girl. ;)

On a side note, probably going to leave the vote open for a while as this vote is quite important and it could determine where this quest is ultimately going. It'll probably end sometime around noon EST tomorrow I'm thinking, unless I wake up earlier and there's an obvious landslide.
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Given the nature of Wishes, even straight-up Wishing "I wanna be a Magical Girl" inadvertently diverts some of her Potential/power into generating unique abilities and effects.

Sure the end result would still be a super-talented Magical Girl when it comes to universal/common Meguca powers, but a Wish like that would probably give her outfit modification and other stuff.

Though I'm not fully sure why people want to blow Hinako's one-and-only Wish on basically "Make me a super-talented Magical Girl". What unique powers she does get won't be very strong, she'll be heavily reliant on mastering skills to properly equal other Meguca's combat potential.

Kyoko, without access to her Wish Magic, was initially super-screwed and had to compensate by going all-in with mastering/refining her Magic Weapon abilities.

Pretty much the only limitations behind a Wish is one's knowledge/intention and one's Potential. There's no truly impossible Wish, just ones that require absurd amounts of Potential.
Given the nature of Wishes, even straight-up Wishing "I wanna be a Magical Girl" inadvertently diverts some of her Potential/power into generating unique abilities and effects.

Sure the end result would still be a super-talented Magical Girl when it comes to universal/common Meguca powers, but a Wish like that would probably give her outfit modification and other stuff.

Though I'm not fully sure why people want to blow Hinako's one-and-only Wish on basically "Make me a super-talented Magical Girl". What unique powers she does get won't be very strong, she'll be heavily reliant on mastering skills to properly equal other Meguca's combat potential.

Kyoko, without access to her Wish Magic, was initially super-screwed and had to compensate by going all-in with mastering/refining her Magic Weapon abilities.

Pretty much the only limitations behind a Wish is one's knowledge/intention and one's Potential. There's no truly impossible Wish, just ones that require absurd amounts of Potential.
If such a wish goes through, then I hope I'm not spoiling anything by saying that Hinako would be able to do whatever a magical girl can do. :V

In all seriousness, no matter what wish Hinako ends up making it will never be as simple as what you're worried about, and there will always be a Wish magic to go along with it. Maybe if she had a lower amount of Potential her Wish would stifle her abilities as a magical girl, but generally speaking she could Wish for just about anything reasonable and get something positive out of it.
We seem to be insecure about reliance on our family and such, and don't think we're of use to them. I think a simple and straightforward wish is best. We want to be useful. Maybe something like...

[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
[X] Wish for your Friends and Family to be protected from Witches and their familiars.

[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
[X] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"

It hits our biggest insecurity and works to fix it, so it makes sense in character, as well as opens up options for interesting powersets. I don't think trying to break the system is a wise option since we honestly don't have enough info to tackle that in character, and just wishing to be a magical girl is kind of a waste in terms of potential powers and building off of what we can scout about Hinako as a person so far.
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I would think that "just make myself as strong as I can" would direct all of her potential toward making all her normal abilities stronger. More super strength, more durability, more speed, more soul gem capacity, better healing, and so on. Since wishes work more on intent than wording and it's fairly clear what the intent is this should be approximately what happens. I'm not sure what unique magic she would get if any, but if she did get something I would expect it to be as strong as her other abilities. Unlike other magical girls we aren't spending magic on other things and letting the leftover grant us our magic, but directing it all towards that purpose.

I wouldn't object to a more specific wording than "So my only wish... is to be a Magical Girl!" like "I wish to be a powerful magical girl!" but I don't think it's needed.
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[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[x] Wish for your Friends and Family to be protected from Witches and their familiars.

[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
[X] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"

... I simply don't want to waste our wish on simply choosing a bad fate. At least this is interesting and something that would push us forward even when we will discover the truth.
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I would think that "just make myself as strong as I can" would direct all of her potential toward making all her normal abilities stronger. More super strength, more durability, more speed, more soul gem capacity, better healing, and so on. Since wishes work more on intent than wording and it's fairly clear what the intent is this should be approximately what happens. I'm not sure what unique magic she would get if any, but if she did get something I would expect it to be as strong as her other abilities. Unlike other magical girls we aren't spending magic on other things and letting the leftover grant us our magic, but directing it all towards that purpose.

I wouldn't object to a more specific wording than "So my only wish... is to be a Magical Girl!" like "I wish to be a powerful magical girl!" but I don't think it's needed.
You are absolutely correct! It's just like you said, intent matters. Like I mentioned previously, the idea is that our more unique abilities would result from our preconceptions about what exactly a Magical Girl is. I was inspired by Prisma Illya's "Magical Girls can fly can't they?" scene.

Trying to become "As strong as I can" is just a reasoning that if our potential were focused wholly on ourselves we'd simply be naturally more powerful than those who made larger and/or more external wishes. I tried to place emphasis on "So my only wish... is to be a Magical Girl!" by building up to it over the course of the vote.

A wish to be a strong magical girl puts the focus more on your power right? Raw power can go a long way, as demonstrated in Imperatrix Mundi if you've read that, but I was aiming more for versatility with this wish. Of course that doesn't change the validity of my earlier reasoning on the usage of our potential!

In the end the ultimate interpretation is decided by the QM. But like he said, it's be hard for us to make a bad wish that we couldn't benefit from.
[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[x] Wish for your Friends and Family to be protected from Witches and their familiars.

... I simply don't want to waste our wish on simply choosing a bad fate. At least this is interesting and something that would push us forward even when we will discover the truth.
It's really not that bad. The QM definitely won't screw us over just because we didn't focus our wish on our family.
It's really not that bad. The QM definitely won't screw us over just because we didn't focus our wish on our family.

I'm into that mostly because it is a shielding wish that will have long term positive effects, which may give us something to cheer up about after we discover the truth.

Edit: it may be also seen by us as a way to repay our family for what they did to us.
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It's less about thinking we wouldn't get good powers and more that the powerset and intent of the wish doesn't hit on our personality, and I'd just prefer if made a wish that both follows our established desires in-character and gives us a stronger, more concrete motivation.

As mentioned above, having a purpose outside of being a strong magical girl will give a jumping point for recovering after infohazards and anything else, as well. I don't think we'll take it well if we use our wish specifically to be a strong magical girl, and then learn that being a strong magical girl just turns you into a strong witch later. With the intent of the wish being to be useful or helpful to others, or to protect people, we have a reason to keep going laid out for us that also doesn't let what we know about ourselves go to waste.
It's less about thinking we wouldn't get good powers and more that the powerset and intent of the wish doesn't hit on our personality, and I'd just prefer if made a wish that both follows our established desires in-character and gives us a stronger, more concrete motivation.

As mentioned above, having a purpose outside of being a strong magical girl will give a jumping point for recovering after infohazards and anything else, as well. I don't think we'll take it well if we use our wish specifically to be a strong magical girl, and then learn that being a strong magical girl just turns you into a strong witch later. With the intent of the wish being to be useful or helpful to others, or to protect people, we have a reason to keep going laid out for us that also doesn't let what we know about ourselves go to waste.
I think the wish is fairly in character for what we've seen so far. It's not about becoming a "strong" Magical Girl for strengths own sake or anything like that, strength is simply the result, not the focus. I actually covered wishes meant to help or protect others, especially those we care about in the vote itself, and then reasoned that none of those things are beyond our own ability to achieve if we had the power to do so. As a Magical Girl we can protect our family, we can help those in need and we can fight against the dangers lurking beneath the notice of mundane society.

The intent is still to be useful and helpful, it's just a more personal approach rather than an indirect one. I don't think anything is wrong with that.
I think the wish is fairly in character for what we've seen so far. It's not about becoming a "strong" Magical Girl for strengths own sake or anything like that, strength is simply the result, not the focus. I actually covered wishes meant to help or protect others, especially those we care about in the vote itself, and then reasoned that none of those things are beyond our own ability to achieve if we had the power to do so. As a Magical Girl we can protect our family, we can help those in need and we can fight against the dangers lurking beneath the notice of mundane society.

The intent is still to be useful and helpful, it's just a more personal approach rather than an indirect one. I don't think anything is wrong with that.

You are relying too much on assumption when we can make things clear.

If you want these things, you should modify the opening comment of your vote.
I think the wish is fairly in character for what we've seen so far. It's not about becoming a "strong" Magical Girl for strengths own sake or anything like that, strength is simply the result, not the focus. I actually covered wishes meant to help or protect others, especially those we care about in the vote itself, and then reasoned that none of those things are beyond our own ability to achieve if we had the power to do so. As a Magical Girl we can protect our family, we can help those in need and we can fight against the dangers lurking beneath the notice of mundane society.

The intent is still to be useful and helpful, it's just a more personal approach rather than an indirect one. I don't think anything is wrong with that.

There's nothing wrong with leaving the motivation in the implications and getting a different result through wishing to be a magical girl - I just prefer the method that's less subtle with intent of the wish and will hopefully let us reflect on our wish with more resolve later on. Regardless of intent in terms of what powers we'll get and such, the wording focusing on the prerequisite of being a magical girl to protect our family and be useful to others is more vulnerable to crumbling after infohazards than simply wishing for it without the focus on being a magical girl.

I'm not really sure how to word exactly what I mean - maybe because it's almost 4am :V - but to try and put it more succinctly, it's the difference between implying to our subconscious that being a magical girl is the only way to accomplish our goals, and just becoming a magical girl to accomplish those goals faster. I'm still probably botching the wording a bit, but hopefully that makes more sense? I don't think something as small as that will get us killed or anything and I might be thinking about it too much, but I think it's just better to lean on the safe side when possible.

I also think that wishing specifically to be useful or to protect others will result in different effects tailored specifically to that goal and make it more effective overall at doing that. A jack of all trades vs. master of one kind of situation. Both are valid routes, mind you, I just prefer the latter.
[X] Make a Wish and become a magical girl
-[X] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"
Here's the current tally everyone:

[ ] "Honestly, there are a lot of things I could wish for. To have the power to protect the people I care about, to help people in need, to finally do something meaningful. I only have so much potential like you said, so I shouldn't waste it. But wishes like those... I can do all of those things myself once I'm actually a Magical Girl can't I? In that case, wouldn't it be better to just make myself as strong as I can be to achieve those goals with my own hands? Kyubey, I want to use all of my potential as best as I can. So my only wish... is to be a Magical Girl!"
-3 Votes (Maximum Power, LordRich505, RedKnite)

[ ] Wish for your Friends and Family to be protected from Witches and their familiars.
-3 Votes (Neebles, MedievalParadox, darknessworld)

[ ] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"
-3 Votes (Neebles, darknessworld, Jrin)

[ ] Wish to be able to cure the despair that creates Witches, you'll strike at the root of the problem!
-1 Vote (veekie)

[ ] I wish I could replicate everything, magical or not, I'll learn about, so that I could use them together to make something greater.
-1 Vote (darknessworld)

[ ] "Even if most Magical Girls wouldn't have the sheer Potential to get rid of Witches, couldn't we chip away at the problem gradually? If Witches are born from despair, then all we have to do is have several Magical Girls try Wishing to interfere with their 'birth'."
-1 Vote (Khutlord)

[ ] Wish to connect to people. Your parents, your sister, old friends from Nagaoka, new friends in Urahama you haven't even met yet, your fellow magical girls here and elsewhere who fight witches. You want to forge and preserve bonds to keep important people in your life.
-1 Vote (Neinet)

Gonna need some more votes, otherwise I'll have to hold another tie breaker vote. :p
[X] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"
[x] "I wish I could create hope and inspire others, and always be useful to them, no matter the situation!"