Pretender (Worm/Dominions 4)

Why does she not move to africa or something? Warlord turf.
Misreplied with this but figured you deserved a more in-depth explanation: The most awful yet entirely true thing to say to that is that she doesn't care about those people.

Sure, in a general sense she cares about them in that if you asked her about them she'd probably feel bad but in a day-to-day sense she cares about her father foremost, some of the people they know second, and the Bay in general first. Taylor being kind of bad at understanding the concept of triage in any reasonable is pretty much canonical; that lesson was hard-learned for her. So, even though she could probably get stronger faster and do the most good there, staying at home seems to make more sense to her.

Otherwise her main issues would be logistical and strategic; lack of money to get there, lack of a spot to get fortified and going, lack of loyal troops (summoned or otherwise), lack of trusted lieutenants (capes or summons) and so on. If she had enough of those things then it might become a viable strategy so long as she stays well away from people like Moord Nag until she's good and ready to take her out via a super stealthy ghost assassin.

Not least of all, though, Taylor isn't entirely open to the idea of her divinity yet. On some level she knows what she's become but until she's able to admit it to herself that sort of thing is unlikely to happen.
Oh I get that. Just wondering how you can make it internally consistent without obvious handwaving.
Sorry for any confusion here, I thought I was replying to entirely the wrong fellow for a moment there and made a long explanation about warlords in Africa which had nothing to do with your entirely fair concern!

As for how I'll do that... I'll be honest, I don't know how well I'l manage it. I'm going to try and keep the income values as consistent as I can once this early setup period; with appropriate windfalls for appropriate events. The city flooding, for instance, would create an awful lot of Death (Purple) and Water (Blue) gems. As the seasons turn hot Fire (Red) and Nature (Green) will become a bit easier to find at possible expense of some other types. The hardest to locate will probably remain Air (White) and Astral (Pearl).

In the end, I'll just have to do my best to make it seem reasonable. Without intentionally handicapping myself by literally rolling to see how many she can find each week or month I'm unsure how else I might do things.
The thing is nobody else can see the gems so she is either gunna have to find a way to find them faster or allow people to see them if she wants to gather them in a decent time period.
I'm sure the general populace, esp. in a place like Brockton Bay, would be interested in healing and defensive artifacts.
... with appropriate windfalls for appropriate events. The city flooding, for instance, would create an awful lot of Death (Purple) and Water (Blue) gems. As the seasons turn hot Fire (Red) and Nature (Green) will become a bit easier to find at possible expense of some other types. The hardest to locate will probably remain Air (White) and Astral (Pearl).

In the end, I'll just have to do my best to make it seem reasonable. Without intentionally handicapping myself by literally rolling to see how many she can find each week or month I'm unsure how else I might do things.

You could have fire gems be available in an area Lung rampaged through. Air where Stormtiger had been active. Purple where the gang fighting was going on. And so on. If her power changes the residue of shard powers into equivalents, it would bring her to the conflict areas.

If she wins a fight, more gems.
The thing is nobody else can see the gems so she is either gunna have to find a way to find them faster or allow people to see them if she wants to gather them in a decent time period.
She found a relative fortune in the Bay because nobody else could see the gems, so obviously the easiest way to get more would be to take a month-long trip to another city or two.
You could have fire gems be available in an area Lung rampaged through. Air where Stormtiger had been active. Purple where the gang fighting was going on. And so on. If her power changes the residue of shard powers into equivalents, it would bring her to the conflict areas.
If she wins a fight, more gems.
Also, combing through the sites of Endbringer Battles should yield loads of gems.
This is generally really, really bad for the world.
Like end game is full of nations:
----throwing magical "nukes",
----endbringers like creatures/supercombatants at each other,
----breaking reality
Big brother watches the world type of spells (Strands of arcane power and The Eyes of god), put "Second Sun" into sky, freeze the sea ("Sea of ice" spell... with oceans frozen... should this be rewritten to work as artificial Ice age?), cover world in darkness ("Utterdark", almost everyone beside demons and undead is blind in fight, random attack in world by shades) and accelerate ageing of everything in world ("Burden of time")....
---fantasy world wars equivalent
---massive undead and demons armies summoned, while Lovecraftian horrors loyal only to own hunger for souls join the fun
---evil nations kidnapping hundreds/thousand virgin girls to kill for summoning vampires, above demons and horrors, as well as all kinds of nasty blood magic

The 'long buildup' isn't actually all that long, to be fair; given these gems literally didn't exist within the Wormverse over, oh, three to four months ago.
... yeah gems are worrisome in how are they going to be explained to have sense... especially as you said magic site searching spell would find no sites??? Not even natural places like volcano, geyser or springs?

Magic comes back with return of god, there are no magic sites at moment, as magic field just appeared on Earth?

But as magic field gets stronger (whole world is at drain 3, Taylor's dominion is magic 1) through some places will magical energy flow better or worse, some even collect magic into crystallised form/magic gems? Like no volcanoes gives fire gems at moment, but after year or 2 it will become magic site as magic grows in the world and work as in game?

Will it be something like that?
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Oke but >>>>>Parahuman<<<<<<

Edit: sorry did not see your second reply.
In addition to the other reasons:
  1. She doesn't have the resources to move there.
  2. She doesn't have the ability to move there without her father's permission (and while Danny can be a shit father at times, I'm damn sure he's not going to be happy to send his daughter to that hellhole).
  3. She likes living where she does and wants to help her town.
  4. She'd pretty much be killed as soon as she tried anything, because while it's a great place for warlords that also means it's a great place for the warlords that are already entrenched there.
An entirely logical and consistent serious of events that I do not intend to explain any time soon has caused Taylor to effectively become one of these.
A likely story :p

(seriously, you should probably make sure that at least someone who isn't you has had a chance to peek at this logical and consistent series of events to make sure it is indeed logical and consistent. If it is logical and consistent enough, you can foreshadow it for extra bonus points.)
Considering that godhood is involved, it's just as valid to say the last god decided to throw stuff at Taylor and see what happened. Literal in-story ROB, in other words.
A likely story :p

(seriously, you should probably make sure that at least someone who isn't you has had a chance to peek at this logical and consistent series of events to make sure it is indeed logical and consistent. If it is logical and consistent enough, you can foreshadow it for extra bonus points.)
Someone has.
Considering that godhood is involved, it's just as valid to say the last god decided to throw stuff at Taylor and see what happened. Literal in-story ROB, in other words.
Please. Have a little faith in me. I'm not that lazy.
Please. Have a little faith in me. I'm not that lazy.
Doesn't have to be lazy. I meant that if you wanted to you could give a previous god a reason, motivations, an explanation for how it works, etc, and have them behind it. In the end, without trying to be insulting, it all boils down to ROB.

Hell, you can virtually say the same for parahumans in general, given how bullshit their abilities are and how far above them entities can be. It just replaces the 'god' part with 'bio-technological species', but that's a mouthful...
Considering that godhood is involved, it's just as valid to say the last god decided to throw stuff at Taylor and see what happened. Literal in-story ROB, in other words.
Gods in Dominions are far from omnipotent. There is plenty of lore describing how the previous supreme god mentioned in the first story post took various precautions against potential threats. So, while he was powerful enough to decisively dominate the Dominions world, it seems that he was not so powerful that he could afford to completely disregard the threat posed by others.

Setting up the premise of this story in the way you mentioned is probably far beyond his ability. Especially since the message you get upon winning the game implies that the supreme god knows little about what exists outside the Dominions world.
Gods in Dominions are far from omnipotent. There is plenty of lore describing how the previous supreme god mentioned in the first story post took various precautions against potential threats. So, while he was powerful enough to decisively dominate the Dominions world, it seems that he was not so powerful that he could afford to completely disregard the threat posed by others.
Actually no, a Pantokrator is literally omnipotent.
Nobody and nothing can oppose them at all until they choose to leave the world of their own free will.
That's the entire point of the Ascension War, the reason that all of the Pretender Gods want to become the next Pantokrator, or at least stop anyone else from becoming the next one.
Actually no, a Pantokrator is literally omnipotent.
Nobody and nothing can oppose them at all until they choose to leave the world of their own free will.
That's the entire point of the Ascension War, the reason that all of the Pretender Gods want to become the next Pantokrator, or at least stop anyone else from becoming the next one.
There is lore that clearly implies that they aren't literally omnipotent. For example the lore for the Keeper of the Bridge pretender describes how the Pantokrator carefully guarded his citadel of power by only having it accessible by a single bridge and guarded by a keeper that never sleeps. Other examples include people managing to hide important things from him. Combined the many pieces of lore on the subject makes an interpretation of the Pantokrator as literally omnipotent not very viable.

The point of the Ascension War does in no way rely on the Pantokrator being literally omnipotent. You don't have to be omnipotent to kill or imprison all your rivals. So, whether you desire the great (but not literally omnipotent) power that comes with being the Pantokrator or just wan't to avoid the terrible fates Pantokrators tend to subject potential rivals to, there is plenty of incentive to make sure that no one but yourself obtain that title.
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Term "god" starts to be sooooooooooooooo overused if gods can be killed, world not made by them and are not that much better morally then random human... among other limitations of their power and knowledge.
Term "god" starts to be sooooooooooooooo overused if gods can be killed, world not made by them and are not that much better morally then random human... among other limitations of their power and knowledge.
I'm not sure. From what (admittedly little) I understand of the crossover, it seems to me like the Gods there are capital G gods, it just works a little differently: One of them has to be the last one standing for it to properly count, and they die (only) when they want to which starts the argument all over again, once they're the last god standing they've got power and knowledge over everything but until then there's multiple gods so each has their own slice of the pie (so to speak). Anyone can feel free to correct me on this, as I'm in no way an authority on the subject!

As for 'not that much better morally than random human'...

Traditionally, gods are pricks first, self-important second, and benevolent somewhere after vengeful. Don't take 'morally ambiguous' to detract from potential godliness. I think (but don't quote me on it) that this was actually one of the major differences when Christianity came about, as their god (or their interpretation, depending on how you want to look at it) was supposed to be better (towards people) than most of the others around, although this still included plenty of "You did something I didn't like, now I'm going to make your life suck because I can."
Nah, that's what they are trying to become.
A "Pretender God" is "One who pretends at Godhood".
To be fair to Pretender Gods, they are insanely strong. The mere fact that a theoretically mortal Pretender can start potentially start with multiple magic paths above five already puts them above anyone that isn't Kurgi, the Slave to Unreason. Even then, a supposedly mortal mage Pretender can start with Astral 10 and more besides; meaning they have more magical power than a timeless immortal monstrosity responsible for some of the most powerful artefacts in the game and who makes it a habit to consume the minds of other powerful beings.

The bit to remember about the title isn't 'Pretender', it's 'God'.

Also worth recalling that the Lore referring to past Pantokrators likely isn't referring to the same one every time.