Pretender (Worm/Dominions 4)

Taylor - 'Story of my life...'

Going to guess that's not the only thing that will cause her issues.

Incidentally, besides sounding crazy what's to stop her from posting on the Internet that she's a god and wants worshipers so she can help them?
The fact that she has no idea that she's a god and wants worshippers so she can help them, to say the least.

What happens if she summons something that requires magic command/undead command?
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What happens if she summons something that requires magic command/undead command?
She can be considered to have Superior Undead and Magic Leadership personally. Otherwise, it'll just stand around and await orders. Or dissolve, as appropriate.
Considering what they are, they're remarkably nobodies in canon.
I intend to make use of them, given how thematically appropriate they are as antagonists. Don't expect the Nine any time soon.
I'm guessing Taylor will gain Dominion through people acknowledging her as a hero, or something.

Perhaps if she does some really weird power shenanigans she can gain a rep next to Scion or something.

I'm also guessing Taylor just cant Frog Prince Scion, or something equally cheese.
I intend to make use of them, given how thematically appropriate they are as antagonists. Don't expect the Nine any time soon.
I suppose they would be a different game crossover's conflicting gods...

As for the Fallen, they've been used decently in a couple of fics, so I'm interested to see how it goes.

I'm also guessing Taylor just cant Frog Prince Scion, or something equally cheese.
Here's hoping she can, just assumes things like that wouldn't work on the major Worm threats and never tries.
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I'm guessing Taylor will gain Dominion through people acknowledging her as a hero, or something.

Perhaps if she does some really weird power shenanigans she can gain a rep next to Scion or something.

I'm also guessing Taylor just cant Frog Prince Scion, or something equally cheese.

Because Scion isn't magical the most effective way to kill him would be to destroy his mind with Astral Magic. Some spells from that school are really nasty.
I'm also guessing Taylor just cant Frog Prince Scion, or something equally cheese.
She could, he'd just change back a moment later.
Because Scion isn't magical the most effective way to kill him would be to destroy his mind with Astral Magic. Some spells from that school are really nasty.
I'm not just assuming things have no resistance to Magic, mind. Scion's is probably pretty decent just given his size; something like the Tarrasque, which isn't a Magic Being and has no Paths, has an eighteen just by dint of being a giant monster. There's still methods, of course.

Her bigger issue would be defending against him. Dominions defensive enchantments aren't really up to the task.
Would Scion have anyway past Body Ethereal? I mean, obviously enough hits and its enough to go through. But I'm imagining that with Blink, or Phoenix Pyre with the limited immortality and the Blink spell should be able to get around that.

Of course, actually damaging Scion would be difficult.
Would Scion have anyway past Body Ethereal? I mean, obviously enough hits and its enough to go through. But I'm imagining that with Blink, or Phoenix Pyre with the limited immortality and the Blink spell should be able to get around that.

Of course, actually damaging Scion would be difficult.
Hm. I was about to say Ethereal isn't effective against AoE attacks, but then I realised all of the ones in-game are magical.

Ethereal and Luck would provide good protection, but then you're just rolling two dice to see if you survive each time. Phoenix Pyre would help but she'd probably need to pack on Reinvigoration to make it really work. Then, with all of that said, she still has to hurt him, yes.
The only potentially damaging thing I can think of are Soul Slay, various mental effecting spells and illusions like Confusion and the like. Perhaps giving Alexandria a few more devastating artifacts.

Hilariously enough, enslave mind.

A lot of the Thaumaturgy path would potentially work well.
I'd argue that Scion's closest analogs are Doom Horrors, which have the highest natural MR of anything in the game. That said, they're still vulnerable to Soul Slay and the like even though you'd think that Soul Slay wouldn't affect beings as alien as they are.

Amusingly, by game mechanics massed Stellar Cascades would be the most effective weapon you could use against him; assuming he doesn't have infinite protection, of course.
Would Scion have anyway past Body Ethereal? I mean, obviously enough hits and its enough to go through. But I'm imagining that with Blink, or Phoenix Pyre with the limited immortality and the Blink spell should be able to get around that.

Of course, actually damaging Scion would be difficult.
Hm. I was about to say Ethereal isn't effective against AoE attacks, but then I realised all of the ones in-game are magical.

Ethereal and Luck would provide good protection, but then you're just rolling two dice to see if you survive each time. Phoenix Pyre would help but she'd probably need to pack on Reinvigoration to make it really work. Then, with all of that said, she still has to hurt him, yes.

Scion: "Oh, I can't seem to hurt her..."
The only potentially damaging thing I can think of are Soul Slay, various mental effecting spells and illusions like Confusion and the like. Perhaps giving Alexandria a few more devastating artifacts.

Hilariously enough, enslave mind.

A lot of the Thaumaturgy path would potentially work well.
I'd argue that Scion's closest analogs are Doom Horrors, which have the highest natural MR of anything in the game. That said, they're still vulnerable to Soul Slay and the like even though you'd think that Soul Slay wouldn't affect beings as alien as they are.

Amusingly, by game mechanics massed Stellar Cascades would be the most effective weapon you could use against him; assuming he doesn't have infinite protection, of course.
The most effective weapon/spell would be via Blood Magic; namely, casting into Inferno or Cocytus. Although Scion can travel dimensions for various reasons he'd have difficulty getting out of there. However, Taylor doesn't do blood magic.

As for Fatigue methods; definitely not going to work. He doesn't have high protection at all, but all you could do is put his avatar to sleep and then next turn the main body would tell it to remotely purge, or just rebuild it, and it's awake again.
Scion: "Oh, I can't seem to hurt her..."
He's more likely to slowly scale up and investigate why that is the case.
Because Scion isn't magical the most effective way to kill him would be to destroy his mind with Astral Magic. Some spells from that school are really nasty.
I'd argue that Scion's closest analogs are Doom Horrors, which have the highest natural MR of anything in the game. That said, they're still vulnerable to Soul Slay and the like even though you'd think that Soul Slay wouldn't affect beings as alien as they are.

Amusingly, by game mechanics massed Stellar Cascades would be the most effective weapon you could use against him; assuming he doesn't have infinite protection, of course.
Yeah, Scion being like Doom horrors in his true form and level of power?

But what of "Horror Mark"? In game it can't be removed, but only increased, causing bigger chance of being attacked this month? Also with stronger mark stronger horrors are attracted until Doom horrors hunt him to any corner of multiverse. "Eater of gods", "Hunter of Heroes", "Slave to unreason", etc.

In tabletop game Earthdawn that inspired horror, it was hard, but mark could be remove. Not in dominions, it is death sentence.

Also spell "Curse" could help. Permanent bad luck, resulting in crippling injuries.

The most effective weapon/spell would be via Blood Magic
Summoning Horrors? Spell "Damage reversal" that prevents damage and sends it to attacker instead? Still... Scion can get magic resistance check to not get hurt, but Taylor or whatever is protected that way.

Sort of like King (is it right name) who once ruled Slaughterhouse nine? He could send damage done

to him to peoples he touched past 24 hours?
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Horror Mark might screw him over long term, but he's strong enough that it'd probably take quite some time and anyone who's interested in getting him dead inside a human lifetime might be in for disappointment.

Also there's the small issue of Horrors being able to Horror Mark people themselves, and think about the fallout of having a Horror Attack show up when Scion is shooting an Endbringer. It'd be bad if we got Legend Horror Marked or a lot of other people too. That shit has the potential to spread like a plague that summons potentially Endbringer tier monsters. Which it kinda is.
Yeah, Scion being like Doom horrors in his true form and level of power?

But what of "Horror Mark"? In game it can't be removed, but only increased, causing bigger chance of being attacked this month? Also with stronger mark stronger horrors are attracted until Doom horrors hunt him to any corner of multiverse. "Eater of gods", "Hunter of Heroes", "Slave to unreason", etc.

In tabletop game Earthdawn that inspired horror, it was hard, but mark could be remove. Not in dominions, it is death sentence.
Well, even the doom horrors aren't anywhere close to as powerful as Scion. Those with the True Ethereal trait might be slightly hard for him to deal with if he is unable to do any magical damage (though if I recall correctly there is a small chance of normal damage affecting them), but that probably does not matter much. Even if he can't kill them, he can probably heal faster than they can damage him

Also spell "Curse" could help. Permanent bad luck, resulting in crippling injuries.
Twice as likely to get crippling injuries probably don't matter for Scion and he can probably instantly heal those anyway.

Summoning Horrors? Spell "Damage reversal" that prevents damage and sends it to attacker instead? Still... Scion can get magic resistance check to not get hurt, but Taylor or whatever is protected that way.
I'm pretty sure that passing the MR check means that the target takes damage as well. Otherwise the damage reversal spell would grant complete immunity to damage.

That shit has the potential to spread like a plague that summons potentially Endbringer tier monsters. Which it kinda is.
Even the most powerful horrors (the doom horrors) aren't anywhere close to as powerful as the endbringers.
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Well, even the doom horrors aren't anywhere close to as powerful as Scion.
When Scion has all shards and is traveling through space to another planet? No. Here? Just maybe weak enough... and doom horrors might not be limited in interdimensional travel, so they could not attack avatar of scion, but his actual body on another parallel Earth.

Parahuman's shards are programmed so that travel to worlds with shards is forbidden and Scion being blind spot to precog and other extrasensory perception. Doom horrors and maybe Taylor... no such limit?

But, yeah. Too much collateral damage with human getting marked by random horror attack. Lets leave marking for "Humanity lost, let him not escape unhurt, he will die with us".

On ethereal quality.... Shadow Stalker gives any clue how to deal with this, she used variant of etherialness? Scion wouldn't attack only by hitting you with his fists, but his golden light that could count as supernatural/magic enough.

With Taylor's scales being all 0, beside magic 1 one. Brocton bay being all scales at -1, except magic at -3... wouldn't state of city slowly improve in all scales, not just magic, anyway, as she spreads her dominion over whole city?

And rituals that search for Places of power which make gems... when she gets them... how fast could she find those places, as in what area they cover? Street, district, whole city, more?

As aditional sources of gems, once supplies start running dry. Weren't Temples and other holly places also creating astral pearls as there are no holly gems? Astral is also connected to divine as it summons angels and divine national summons.

Of course, normal temples you build don't make pearls. Ones making them are found ancient temples, or special temples found in nation's starting province, which are part of their backstory and can make any gem beside pearls depending on story.

Few mage creatures that could live underwater sent to go explore the sea? Sea has mostly water, but also nature, astral and death gem producing sites for example?
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If Dinah tries to use her power to find a solution to coil, would she eventually self-convert to Taylorism? Cuz if Taylor knows where Dinah is at all times wouldn't it be useless for coil to try to kidnap her? Since then his secret bases would no longer be secret. Would this even work?
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When Scion has all shards and is traveling through space to another planet? No. Here? Just maybe weak enough... and doom horrors might not be limited in interdimensional travel, so they could not attack avatar of scion, but his actual body on another parallel Earth.
No, Scion in his limited form should be far more powerful as well. While Doom Horrors are very impressive compared to normal humans with swords, they are not at all impressive by the standards of powerful parahumans, much less Scion.

Take the Eater of Gods for example. Even in its strongest form, its attacks are no more damaging than those of an elephant. It does admittedly attack six times as fast, with much greater skill and the attacks are better at penetrating armor, but that is still not anywhere close to a significant threat to Scion (and as I understand it, that is true regardless of whether it attacks the avatar or his true body).

But, yeah. Too much collateral damage with human getting marked by random horror attack. Lets leave marking for "Humanity lost, let him not escape unhurt, he will die with us".
"Humanity lost, let him die slightly faster due to having to use a small amount of energy to deal with horror attacks" maybe.
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If Dinah tries to use her power to find a solution to coil, would she eventually self-convert to Taylorism? Cuz if Taylor knows where Dinah is at all times wouldn't it be useless for coil to try to kidnap her? Since then his secret bases would no longer be secret. Would this even work?
Taylor might feel Coil's "dominion", sort of? Like this district is always occupied with peoples loyal to him. Search if there is anything interesting?

Right now, would throw a dice on yes/no, weighted toward no.

Still... what would Dinah see in Taylor's future?
Taylor might feel Coil's "dominion", sort of? Like this district is always occupied with peoples loyal to him. Search if there is anything interesting?

Right now, would throw a dice on yes/no, weighted toward no.

Still... what would Dinah see in Taylor's future?

That certainly answered ... something, not my question tho.

Let me sort my thought process:

Taylor has superscience around herself and her command units.

Parahumans always register as command units.

If one of her command units gets kidnapped, she'll still know where they are and has an estimate of the enemies around them.

Coil wants to control Dinah.

Dinah doesn't want to be controlled by Coil.

Coil's greatest defence is his anonymity and his secret lairs.

Thus someone always knowing where Dinah is, is her best insurance.

The question now is if she can use her power to pick up on that.

And if yes, if she can self-convert to Taylorism to get that insurance.

At least that's what I got from the story about how it works, I might be wrong.
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The question now is if she can use her power to pick up on that.
I'm pretty sure this is the failure point.

To actually work out that there's a specific person who can keep track of her requires her to ask the right questions. Same for who the person is. Where the person is. How to get to them past Coil. How to get to them without tipping Coil off and making things worse.

All of these things take multiple questions, sometimes even multiple days worth, to work out. And Dinah is still a kid who doesn't understand things like binary questions, probability, and crap like that, so she's going to waste a lot of questions and (more importantly) time. Hell, she doesn't even know how to keep her damn mouth shut, but seeing as her parents are so stupid that's not her fault.

And the biggest problem is that while she's trying to work all this out, Coil is perfectly capable of snatching her in broad daylight, asking her his own questions ("Chance you will find help this week?"), forcing her to tell him what she's doing through torture if he really thinks something is wrong, then just dropping that reality and keeping the info for himself.

Almost the only way around this would be Dinah accidentally stumbling across the answer in a single day, doing everything she needs to, and Coil not knowing about it for two days just so he can't throw a spanner in the works.
Taylor has superscience around herself and her command units.
Not exactly. She has a certain level of Awareness within any area that her Dominion encompasses, where her Dominion basically the area where people are faithful to her, mostly. In the game, both gods and prophets automatically generate said Dominion, which is (probably) why she has a sense around where she is and where her father is. Dominion can also be generated by having temples and having priests actively preach, but she doesn't have either of those yet.

Edit : Or at least this is my best guess on how it would work going off on how Dominion based awareness works in the games. A scout report is almost always better.
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