Pretender (Worm/Dominions 4)

You know... Taylor could get in contact with Scion very early. Monitored and followed by him secretly? Entities would very interested into replicating her abilities?

Entities still have to play by rules of physics... sort of. No matter and energy creation, but pulling them out of parallel dimension Earth. For example. Some very high level, laws of physics we have yet to find out and probably not having good enough brain to understand.

Taylor with simple nature item of wineskin that always makes wine out of nowhere... or something crazy like spell "Second sun" or "Sea of ice"...

Scion: Just what is going on there? Where is she getting all that energy and matter.? I planned crippled mind control shard for her. Not that!?
Now all she needs is for this curiosity to turn into fanatical devotion.
Well entities are said to be like gods... and yet are like children, too...

They have anti-gravity, space warping and all other crazy powers, quantum computers covering continents for calculations if needed? Knowledge of some high tech species that sent artificial objects into space and maybe colonised own solar system....

But to travel to another planet they drain energy from many, many Earths to blow up one and ride shockwaves to new locations.... WhAt?!?!'!?!

Than again could Taylor be mistaken for another entity that was passing by or even for Scion's partner??? Oh no... he finds his partner brain dead, unable to deal with being alone, so he looks for next nearest replacement to his partner...

---tomorrow on news, Scion seen giving flower to some girls, photoshop or just weird???---
*of course Talor looks very confused on image*

and now going to borrow Man in blacks neuraliser to use it on myself :confused:
*pity there is no smiley hitting head onto wall in this forum?*
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But to travel to another planet they drain energy from many, many Earths to blow up one and ride shockwaves to new locations.... WhAt?!?!'!?!
IIRC they use Vista's, Legend's, and Purity's powersets to travel from planet to planet.
They detonate the planet to both say "we took everything interesting from here so don't bother" to other Entities and to disseminate their offspring, because every time Entities end a Cycle and explode a planet it shatters their bodies into lots of baby Entities.
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But to travel to another planet they drain energy from many, many Earths to blow up one and ride shockwaves to new locations.... WhAt?!?!'!?!
Fanon. They don't 'drain energy', they just pop the planets as part of their propulsion system and, well, part of what Sydonai said.

IIRC they use Vista's, Legend's, and Purity's powersets to travel from planet to planet.
Probably more. I mean, given the utterly ridiculous number of shards that make them up, there's absolutely nothing to say it's those and only those shards that do it, especially since 2 of those are the Warrior's and one was the Thinker's, so there flat out has to be more of them. The core point is correct though.
Fanon. They don't 'drain energy', they just pop the planets as part of their propulsion system and, well, part of what Sydonai said.

Probably more. I mean, given the utterly ridiculous number of shards that make them up, there's absolutely nothing to say it's those and only those shards that do it, especially since 2 of those are the Warrior's and one was the Thinker's, so there flat out has to be more of them. The core point is correct though.
Generally just space and gravity warping. Get up to speed and coast. Most energy efficient way.
Apotheosis 1.4
The world glistened like a jewel beneath her as she pulled herself into the sky. All around her lines of magic flowed inwards from a dozen thrones, from a hundred sites of power, from a thousand priests, from a hundred thousand worshippers.

As she rose her eyes fixed on the thing she couldn't see but knew was there. Hands outstretched called out to the power below and shining pearls flew into formation around her by the hundreds. Space warped and twisted and the sky split open to reveal the abomination.

It dwarfed her, dwarfed the land, dwarfed the seas, dwarfed the stars. So she grew. Splitting and spreading; forming hands and eyes in mass to focus upon it and direct her power. Light and heat and wrongness flashed out from it to cross the void between them; hewing towards the lands below. Her hands reached out…

Taylor sat up straight in her seat so fast that she nearly fell out of her chair. Someone was knocking on her door. She looked around frantically; her hammer was sitting on her desk along with a half-finished ring, and she was still in the same clothes from yesterday.

"Ah… I'm up, dad! I'm up!" The knocking paused and she breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that months of not sleeping had caught up with her. Rather, she'd exhausted herself. Until now she'd always taken breaks between her crafting sessions; trying to make two straight in a row had knocked her out for… at least eight hours, it looked like.

"You feeling alright? It's not like you to miss your morning run." Four months ago he would have come in to check on her. After the incident she'd impressed her need for privacy on him. She was glad he was respecting that but… it stung a little to know she was shutting him out.

"Yeah. Tired. Slept in. I'll be down for breakfast in a moment." She could see his worried expression turn into a bitter frown. Taylor clenched her fists for a moment before relaxing. What could she do? What could she say?

"Okay. Don't let it get cold." He paused for a moment and she knew he wanted to say something else. But he didn't. From her point of view she could see through the whole house; all these walls might as well not be there. Yet… it seemed like the ones between her and him just grew every day.

Taylor changed into fresh clothes and pocketed her rings and amulet. Meditating on her powers, looking for gems, making items… it was easy. It made sense to her. That was just doing things. Dealing with her father, though…

She knew that she loved him. He tried so hard, even though neither of them knew what to do. Yet there was so much that they didn't talk about. Knowing what she was doing, why she was doing it… that wouldn't make him feel better.

Breakfast was a quiet, awkward affair. Almost laughably so. The whole world spun in the back of her head, and yet she couldn't breach the distance formed by a kitchen table. He asked about school and she answered, truthfully, that things were better. Only because of her, though. That, and she wasn't going more often than she was nowadays.

In the end he left for work and she left to catch the bus. Only as soon as he was far enough away she doubled back into the house. The evening after her library trip she'd finally recalled the old clunker of a desktop computer they had and used it to see if Miss Militia had responded to her. Luckily she had, and had offered a two o'clock meeting with a couple of the Wards that Friday. Today, now.

There'd been a slightly funny offer of a letter to her parents if she needed to be removed from school. Taylor had declined. Winslow didn't really seem to care much about her skipping classes. With the gang population they had that was unsurprising.

She'd split the few days she had between searching for more gems and making items. The former was becoming harder… none of the places she'd checked in the last two weeks had any. Taylor had found herself going further and further afield in the hopes of picking them up. Her main project might well have to be shelved indefinitely until she knew what New Wave wanted.

For now, though, she had a few hours left. First she pulled her boots out of the closet and put them on. Her relief was almost palpable as they devoured her remaining physical exhaustion. Didn't do anything for the fuzziness in her head, though. Oh well. She fished the unfinished out of her pocket and she opened up her jar of red gems.

Usage of the hammer had proved to be kind of funny. She smashed one of the red gems underneath it; striking until it had been crushed to a red powder. Then she placed the unfinished ring in the powder and began to infuse it with power. The gem dust gathered on the item and once it had fully covered the surface she struck it with the hammer.

For all of the extra effort added, although not time, this was only barely more efficient than the usual way. Still; when you were tight for gems it was the best way. When she was finally done she wiped the sweat off her brow and smiled with self-satisfaction. The band looked goldish and she was pretty sure that was meant to be a ruby. Were either of those true? Maybe it would be valuable for other reasons…

Not that she'd be selling these just for the materials. That would be rather wasteful. Now then… time to head out. Change pants, rings on, amulet on, helmet bundled up in her new cloak and then both into a brown paper bag before heading out of the house. She waited until she was at least a block away from home before slipping into an alleyway and changing again.

Taylor couldn't help but smile as she jogged through the city. Running felt pretty good ever since her change happened. She didn't lose breath in the same way as she once had, especially not with her boots on, and whatever muscle pains she acquired quickly went away when she stopped. Thus, she got to enjoy the feeling of running without the pain. It might be the best bit about her powers.

Her look had started coming together a bit more with her completion of another item. She still wore all of her items from before, along with a pair of old jeans, but now she had a brand new black cloak on over top as well. It had stung a bit to use the green gems but she had consoled herself through the fact that it was only three of them thanks to her hammer. The loss of her old dressing gown had been less distressing; especially since she'd managed to make it form a hood in the process.

As she ran her boots muffled the sound to almost nothing; she cut through an alleyway and crossed some broken glass that almost miraculously failed to crack underfoot. The cloak, meanwhile, was constantly shifting its colours and apparent textures to match her surroundings as she moved. The result was that… well, she was rather difficult to see coming. Or going, for that matter.

It made hurrying a little it more convenient; which was quite good given that she was very nearly running late for her meeting with two of the Wards.

Thoughts for another time. She came to a halt at the edge of the park where she was meant to be meeting the two Wards and began to scan the area. A public place had been suggested for fairly obvious reasons. They'd definitely stick out and… yup.

Miss Militia was standing beside a young man in a red costume with a shield shaped like a capital 'A' emblazoned on his chest and a young girl in what appeared to be a green armoured vest. The former was holding Taylor's staff loosely in one hand and twirling a green-black switchblade between the fingers of the other. That was a relief, actually. Even if she hadn't really thought that they'd keep it.

Taylor pushed her hood back and made sure to jog leisurely towards them in direct line of sight. Compared to their fairly professional looking costumes she looked rather out of place. As she approached Miss Militia spotted her and waved, then turned and spoke to the others.

"Hello! Sorry if I kept you waiting." She slowed her jog to a walk once she was close enough for them to hear her and then stopped just in front of them. The girl offered her a smile and Taylor returned a nod; it was the best she could do with her helmet on.

"Not at all." Miss Militia offered the staff to her, still one-handed, and Taylor likewise took it and held it at her side. Then the hero looked to her companions and gestured at them in turn. "This is Aegis and Vista." Both Wards, of course. Some sort of flying brute and… she honestly wasn't sure what the latter did. Her mind flickered back to her room for an instant, where a hastily prepared makeshift pin board had hasty notes about most of the city's capes. That said… distance manipulation? Taylor was pretty sure that was her handwriting but even so…

"It's nice to meet both of you. You can call me Pretender." Taylor offered a hand and Vista was the first to shake. Aegis stood there for a moment, seemingly hesitant, and then followed suit.

"Isn't there a Ward by that name in Las Vegas?" He spoke up shortly thereafter; glancing over at Miss Militia for confirmation. She nodded; much to Taylor's surprise. It had felt like a fairly safe bet for a name, and had also felt strangely appropriate.

"Just one of a few things to discuss. My intention was for the Wards to go about a usual round of patrolling with you and I accompanying them. Once we've cleared up a few minor matters I'll leave the three of you and you may speak to them further on your own." Well, Taylor knew she wasn't changing her name. Besides, the other Pretender was all the way over in Las Vegas; they could just deal with it.

"Sounds good to me. So… lead the way, I guess." Taylor fell into step beside the trio as they walked; Aegis and Vista only sticking with them until they reached the street. Then the two took to the rooftops; the former by floating up there in a way that made her feel jealous, and the latter simply by waiting a few moments and then rising two stories in a single step.

"Cape names aren't trademarked." The sudden, seemingly non-sequitur statement from Miss Militia confused her for a moment. "I would recommend you pick a different one, although we can't force you to do so." They probably could, actually. In a manner of speaking. All they'd need to do would be to have a press release assigning her a different name.

"I'll think about it." There had been a few alternatives that Taylor had been considering, but… well, they all seemed rather arrogant. This one was more appropriate to how she felt about her situation. "We're on opposite sides of the country, though. I don't think anyone would confuse us." That she'd never heard of them seemed to be justification enough for her to keep the name.

"True enough. Still, they were first." Eh. It wasn't a big deal. Not like she was going around calling herself Hero or something. "That's a minor matter, however. There's something else we need to talk about." Taylor quirked an eyebrow automatically before realising that the other woman couldn't see under her helmet.

Miss Militia retrieved a fairly fancy phone from her pocket and flicked through it for a moment before handing it to Taylor. She looked through it with a growing pit in her stomach. "We were forwarded this by Sarah Pelham, Lady Photon, of New Wave. Apparently they were contacted by a new Tinker-Trump that wanted to meet with them to discuss purchasing some of the items listed there."

They were hers, of course. In retrospect she really ought to have expected this. "Try not to be upset with them. They reached out to us out of concerns regarding the… legitimacy of this offer." Or, to put it another way, they were afraid she was trying to trick them. Which was a valid fear, she supposed.

"Am I in trouble?" Part of the reason she'd reached out to independent groups rather than the PRT was concerns over the legality of her selling her items. Particularly when she was technically a minor. This must be why Miss Militia had come herself instead of just sending her staff with Aegis.

"That depends on a few things. Since nothing has yet changed hands there's no problem, is there?" But there might be. To her surprise Miss Militia smiled at her; at least she seemed to, under the scarf. "New Wave was a good choice. Brandish's legal expertise will serve you well. Do you intend to sell to anyone else?" Taylor considered lying to her, but… that didn't feel very wise.

"Yes. But none of the weapons. And not to any of the gangs, either." The older woman seemed to approve of that, and nodded appreciatively.

"Sensible. Why did you not want to approach us?" That made her flinch. Taylor hadn't expected her to be so direct about it. Even if it was… well, okay, it was pretty clear that she didn't want to deal with them for some reason.

"... I was concerned you'd want me to divulge my real identity if I was to sign up with or do business with you. For now, at least, I'd prefer to keep that to myself." There was a tiny bit more to it than that, but it was nothing more than unfounded suspicions that she'd feel bad to air here.

"I see. Well, that was a valid fear. If you joined the Wards program then we would need parental permission. Which, of course, would require us to know your civilian identity." Taylor had thought as much. Being bound by the Protectorate's oversight would make it harder for her to manage her own time. "But if you wish to retain your independence then we ought to be able to do business. I'd advise you to seriously consider joining the Wards, however."

"I'm still thinking about it. My situation is…" Taylor waved a hand vaguely. "Complex. I'm still working out some elements of my power that aren't especially straightforward." The powers she was working towards aside most of her abilities were very hard to use without killing people.

"That is something we could help you with." Miss Militia's weapon flickered from one hand to the other as she spoke; she frequently holstered it in one form or another only for it to return to her hands. It looked like she didn't really notice. "When I first joined the Wards I had some difficulties with my ability. They provided me with support and a safe place to practice."

Taylor considered that for a moment. That sort of thing hadn't actually occurred to her. Miss Militia seemed to take note of her quietness and nodded. "I'll leave you to consider that. Aegis and Vista can tell you a bit more about what it's like to be a Ward; I haven't been one for a long time." She put a hand on the younger girl's shoulder for a moment. "And if you're having any concerns or difficulties, don't hesitate to contact me."

"Thank you. I… I appreciate it." Aegis landed beside them and Vista flickered from rooftop to ground. Miss Militia said her farewells to both of them and then went on her own way. Taylor looked over to the two and they stood there awkwardly for a moment. "Ah… so… do you want to continue with your patrol? I mean, as long as you don't mind me tagging along."

"We don't mind at all!" Vista was very cheerful, as it turned out. She took Taylor by the hand and pinched at the space between the ground and nearby rooftop. It was still quite strange to see in action. "C'mon, you can walk with me." Just like that she was pulled through the space warp and up on to the roof.

The patrol was interesting, at least. Aegis and Vista explained the perks of becoming a Ward as they walked; the latter pulling the edges of buildings together so they could step between them and the former walking alongside them. Mostly, as Aegis explained, they just wandered around and kept an ear out for trouble.

"So, MM didn't tell us what it was you… do... Just that you're some sort of Trump-Tinker-Striker-Thinker-Soldier-Sailor." Taylor was about to answer Vista when the last two words caught up with her brain. She tried to give the younger girl an incredulous look, but the helmet made it hard. Still; she seemed to get her point across.

"Well, last two aside…" She paused thoughtfully. "No, actually, I think I can probably make a boat at some point. So I guess just forget the second to last one." Aegis chuckled; both at the joke and, presumably, Vista's surprise. "I think Tinker-Trump would actually be fine. Given enough time I can improve my powers and invest them into objects."

Vista whistled appreciatively. Even Aegis looked impressed but it was kind of hard to tell given he was also wearing a full-face helmet. "What? I mean… I know that's not exactly normal and all, but it took me three months just to figure out how to make most of the stuff I have on; let alone actually doing it."

"Even so. Any Parahuman with the ability to increase in strength over time is a valued asset. Just look at Dauntless." Taylor tilted her head; most of her research had been focused on the villains more than the Protectorate members of the Bay. Of course she knew who Dauntless was, it would be hard not to, but the details of his powers.. Not so much.

"Oh, he has a bunch of gear that he progressively boosts over time. Apparently he started out with this dinky little taser staff and now it's this super cool lightning spear!" Well, Vista certainly was enthusiastic. Aegis floated around in front and began moving backwards so he could explain.

"There's differences, of course. Your items can be used by other people. Kid Win was going crazy over tha-" There was a sudden roaring from down the street and Taylor's internal headcount suddenly dropped by ten people. The sound turned out to be a wave of fire pouring out of the front of a building.

By the time Vista had created a path for them Aegis was already hurtling towards the building. He dropped to the ground beside a stunned bystander; patting them a couple of times on the cheek until they focused on him. Taylor began to sprint as soon as she reached the ground and shortly overtook Vista. As she approached the pair ahead she heard Aegis asking the man to call nine-one-one.

She dropped her staff as she walked past him and straight into the doorway before he could so much as call out. Flames danced over and around her; tongues of fire licking over her legs and arms and faced. Everything was bright and slightly warm, but no worse than that. Her hand stretched out and the fire surged; the parts she touched pouring towards and into the gem atop her ring.

It was unique amongst the resistance rings she could make. Neither the electrical nor the cold ones did this. Everywhere she walked flames were torn away and consumed by the red jewel shining on her hand. She turned around and saw Aegis standing in the doorway, presumably staring at her in shock.

"Come on. There might be people upstairs, and I can't fly." He started, and then nodded; moving over to follow in her lead as she cleared a path for them through the flames. The effect only worked on the parts that touched her; the fire skittered across her gear and was devoured by the ring. Their route remained open for a time but then the raging inferno closed up behind them again.

Taylor put a hand under her chin and dipped her head; the ring did nothing for the smoke, but it didn't seem to be causing her a lot of trouble. They scoured the room on the lower floor without much luck. There were people to be found. None of them would be called survivors. Clothes and skin had already been charred black.

They left the dead behind and moved into the stairwell out back; he gingerly tucked his arms under hers and lifted her upstairs without much difficulty. No telling if that stairwell could take her weight still. There was more smoke and less fire here; clearly it had started in the room below. Aegis began to slam his shoulder against one of the sturdier while calling out for anyone to answer them.

She pushed him aside and pressed her left hand to the door. The wood blackened under her palm as she pushed harder until she was able to force it through and fumble around for the deadbolt on the other side. As soon as she got it she pulled her hand back and Aegis kicked out; shattering the normal lock and knocking the door open.

"Check on him! I'll do the other rooms." The room appeared to be an office, and it was occupied a portly Caucasian man who was coughing so hard from all the smoke that he couldn't have called out for help. Aegis rushed in as Taylor moved on and checked the other doors; all unlocked. The rooms looked to be for meetings or some such thing; none were occupied.

"Clear?" Aegis called out to her as she rushed back into the office and she nodded. He turned to the windows, security bars across the outside, and then looked back to her and the man. One of the panes of glass was smashed and spoke was pouring out of it. "We need to get him out of here." Made more difficult by the likely need for him to carry both of them downstairs before the building collapsed from the fire.

Their problem was quickly rendered moot as the window cracked. Bars and glass bent aside as the hole widened greatly; walls buckling under the expansion. Smoke rushed out of the room and Aegis immediately picked up the civilian by the shoulders. "Get the legs, and let's get out of here!" They lifted together and walked out of the new opening to find themselves beside Vista on the main street.

Moments later there was a creak as part of the building's front collapsed in. Under the weight of surging flame and the stress of Vista's time and life-saving alterations the floor had finally given way. Taylor walked over to where her staff was and picked it up again while the Wards checked on the one they'd saved.

Steam began to hiss and rise from the inferno as she aimed her staff at the burning building. Every time she evoked its power a blast of cold air surged out from inside the fire. It didn't feel much more effective than tossing a bucket of water but it was all she could do. Sirens heralded the approach of fire engines.

By the time they arrived the fire had close to burnt out. Not due to Taylor's efforts; there had been a secondary blast of some sort barely a minute earlier that had resulted in a kind of implosion that caused the remainder of the building to collapse inwards and the flames to be reduced to embers. They went in even so; extinguishing every trace in order to make sure that nothing spread.

Taylor stood with Aegis and Vista as paramedics checked the man they'd saved. Smoke inhalation, and some overheating, but he'd be more or less fine. The other two had called in for further instructions; they were to wait until someone from the Protectorate arrived to debrief them, and had politely asked Taylor do the same.

"Thank you." Aegis broke the silence. They'd been sort of standing around awkwardly staring at the burnt-out ruin as the fire crews picked over it. Police would probably be arriving soon to assess the scene. "I'm not sure we would have gotten to him without you." She flushed under the helmet, and shook her head.

"I'm sure you would have. You two are the professionals." Whereas she'd rushed into a burning building and relied on an untested item to protect her. She'd not have found the man without Aegis' help, nor got out without Vista.

"Sure we are; but that doesn't mean we can't be grateful, right?" Vista grinned and Taylor felt… good. She would give joining up serious consideration once she was finished with her preparations. There were things to be done, first.

The three of them got into a conversation about her ring that gradually segued into the possibility of business for the city's fire department; an avenue she hadn't considered. Yet, as Taylor chatted idly with them while they waited she couldn't help but pay notice to something unpleasant.

Clearly this fire had been an intentional thing; if the sudden blast of fire hadn't been enough of a sign then the secondary explosion definitely was. She didn't know why this place in particular was targeted but she did know one thing. Someone had come into the range of her perception not long after the second blast. She didn't recognise them specifically but she did recognise one thing in particular.

Their Parahuman aura was near-identical in size to Armsmaster's.
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Ah, I see. You stop having power level debates by having it be canon that the Entities ate a Dominions world. Cunning. :V


Their Parahuman aura was near-identical in size to Armsmaster's.
Er, is this supposed to mean something? I assume it's a reference to Tattletale, but I don't remember her actually seeing them. I don't remember her seeing any unmasked parahumans yet, for that matter. Except maybe Sophia.

It made hurrying a little bit more convenient; which was quite good given that she was very nearly running late for her meeting with two of the Wards.
"I'm still thinking about it. My situation is…" Taylor waved a hand vaguely. "Complex. I'm still working out some elements of my power that aren't especially straightforward." The powers she was working towards aside, most of her abilities were very hard to use without killing people.
Not sure on this one.
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I don't know why you would think that.
I got Bakuda right away.
Their Parahuman aura was near-identical in size to Armsmaster's.

Yes, Bakuda is connected with explosions.

However, we finish with something strongly linked to Armsmaster. Near identical even.

That was concerning, actually. She'd had her suspicions ever since seeing Armsmaster but now that she could compare with Lung and Miss Militia too they'd all but been confirmed. There was something about Parahumans that made them register differently to her strange extra sense. Like they radiated some sort of aura of power. Armsmaster's had been rather tiny. Miss Militia's had been bigger. Lung's had been massive.

That (to the best of my knowledge and Ctrl+f) is the only real comparison we have for Aura.

Working off that I would say that any of the less direct powers such as thinkers or tinkers might be comparable.

Maybe, for all we know this could be linked to shard XP or something of that sort.

Lungs fought everything, Miss Militia was a child solider and Armsmaster spends as much if not more time tinkering than fighting which would leave him on the low end of the combat XP.

We have no indication of how fool proof this aura sight works and it can clearly be somewhat inconsistent as has been mentioned in story.

Explosions can happen without Bakuda.
He mentioned in a nonstory post that tinkers have a really small aura because they don't have much power, just knowledge. So if you had that post it would be obvious, but well, Taylor doesn't know that yet.
I am sorry but if its not in the story it doesn't really count. Its just not practical to read all the comments.
Same here.

There was an implosion device.
Alright. Let me rephrase that, Implosions can happen without Bakuda.

The implosion described fits fairly in line(from the description) with what can be done with conventional explosives, meaning it would be well within the capabilites of the E88 or Coil.

Bakuda is the crazy bitch that makes blackholes, time bombs and flesh to glass transformations.

Frankly this sounds too mundane to really fit her.

Yes the author has said otherwise, but this is more to do with the way the story is written and the character(Bakuda I mean) is portrayed.

That being that the bomb feels too boring to be Bakuda and the authors reveal relying on a plot device that was previously established as unreliable and using ambiguous information(the aura looking near identical to armsmaster).

Also the implosion stage of the bomb ought to have been a clue, yes.

If your going to use something as a means of identifying people in a semi reliable way you should not emphasize its unreliability. (the Aura thing I mean)
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Loving the story, by the way.

That's not an error, but I suspect it might be a Britishism.
It's not. I don't know why they thought it was something notable.

I don't know why you would think that.
I got Bakuda right away.

I am sorry but if its not in the story it doesn't really count. Its just not practical to read all the comments.
I had forgotten that, but still picked up on the implication right away. She'd recognize Armsmaster's aura if it were him, Bakuda is on the list of potential culprits any time something blows up, and they are both Tinkers so it wouldn't be weird for them to have a similar aura. I don't think the story needs to spell it out any better than it already did.
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I am sorry but if its not in the story it doesn't really count. Its just not practical to read all the comments.
I'll never intend for my comments between story posts to be a necessity for any conclusions I expect to be drawn from the story itself.
had forgotten that, but still picked up on the implication right away.
As demonstrated.

Loving the story, by the way.
Thank you.
Eh... ascended pretender, who has won a war and is becoming Pantokrator... it got eaten by full entity? Entity that is just going to land on planet, so most shards not yet thrown away... and possibly so old Scion's ancestors, before Scion's bloodline thought it might be efficient to travel in pairs, for different perspectives. One attacking planet and one defending it?

.......... hopefully I drawing too much out of this... it was just new Pantokrator getting eaten out by Doom horror and not entity, but it got out of it's stomach now and attacked to Taylor by luck...

other wise power level of scion.... just keeps rising and breaking scales if not going even barely by rules of physic, but able to say "Let there be light" and there is Second sun around Earth......

edit: then again... scion should be hard to kill even in cannon without dominions magic. Just what is stopping him from making multiple avatars. If in losing battle to let avatar be killed and remake him far away. Scion eating parahumans to regain that shard, or travel to world with shard and touch it to reabsorb it, parahuman looses power... no one can kill scion already since all shards are crippled to disallow travel to worlds with shards or too similar ones? Avatar is only weakness... and lack of imagination...
Still... Taylor really should change her name in future. Imagine her looking at list of names of god made by AI players, each with dozen of titles, while she has not impressive name and no titles?

Even if later shows her face publicly and goes by own birth name...
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