Pretender (Worm/Dominions 4)

Grace 2.2
The girl was torn asunder.

Her tears dripped into the waters of her stone basin as she stared blindly into space. A hand stretched out and flung magic at an enemy. Two smiling people showed her around and made her feel welcome. All conscious thought was ravaged by indecision as she became lost in a sea of memories. Her memories.

Armies marching to war and crying into Emma's shoulder. Transmuting the sky into holy fire and staring at the wreckage of her mother's flute. Tearing open the bowels of the world to rip out dead gods and being shoved into the locker.

Blind and confined. Staring into the void and the void staring back. These memories were even less her own than the war and death and pain. This was… something else. It was real. She grasped at it and saw again and again and again. Born, raised, praised, pampered, blinded, crippled, bound, possessed, speaking, speaking, speaking, drowning. Again and again for years upon years.

That pain tore her back to the present moment. She was sitting on her living room floor and staring at her hands. Taylor's hands. Not the hands of the blind little girls. Nor the hands of the craftsmen and artisans; empowered for an afternoon to work the wonders of their…

Of her.

"What am I?"

The words slipped out unbidden as she sat and truly thought about her situation. She was not like other Capes. Other Capes didn't have an accurate image of the world floating in their head. She'd checked both counts there; the weather patterns were a little slow to update but they seemed to more or less match reality.

Other Capes didn't see things that weren't there but were actually there. Well, okay, apparently some did but not like her. The gems were real... but only for her. They were a hard limit on what she could do and they were in some way external to her. Then there was her father, and the man she'd rescued…

Taylor blinked a few times. That had been… today. A few hours ago. Right? Yeah. Only… she stared at her hands in confusion. In her head she could see him moving about and it was light outside. Had her… moment really lasted that long? There was…

Well, that was the other point. The other thought. She had memories that definitely weren't hers. They were memories of worship and war, of power and prostration, of faith and fury. She could grow stronger and she knew how. It would work. But… at what cost?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

"The new Parahuman calls themselves 'Oracle'. We have reason to believe they have a connection to our own 'Pretender', as well as the theorised individual we've tentatively codenamed 'Vulcan'." Dennis yawned as Armsmaster droned on about the situation briefing. Another new Cape in the bay wasn't exactly hot news. There were a lot showing up recently.

There'd been Browbeat, then Pretender, then maybe this 'Vulcan' guy, then the creepy dude who totally had a stalker crush on Shadow Stalker, of all people, and now this. Actually, come to think of it that actually was quite a lot for just a month or so...

The trouble was that the senior Cape talking about it made it just so boring. Which was strange because he'd skimmed the materials and it really shouldn't be. This one was interesting. Apparently this Cape had gathered a whole bunch of poor migrants and homeless people together in order to feed them. Oh, and demand that they worship said 'Oracle' like a god.

"As you can see in the first attached incident report there has already been an altercation with the Empire. Hookwolf and a group of cronies were observed entering the premises and then leaving with one of their number injured." And that was weird. Hookwolf was a, heh, prickly sort of guy at the best of times. The rest of the time he was just a raging asshole.

"We'll be sending a group over to talk to them. Thinker and Master-resistant Stranger powers only. I've also requested support from Dragon and she's agreed to send us a remote drone to assist. Kid Win and myself will likewise be putting together some telepresence devices." Chris looked quite pleased to be mentioned in the briefing, Dennis noted. All of this was probably moot since there was no way he'd be on this team.

"First priority is determining if Oracle has any Master or Trump abilities. It's also possible 'Vulcan' and Oracle are actually the same entity in which case Pretender can be considered already compromised." Both Carlos and Missy winced at that. They'd both quite liked the girl. Dennis had found her to be a little bit nervous but an alright sort; the ABB incident had proven she was reasonably dependable.

"If any of you encounter Oracle you are advised to immediately retreat and notify it on the Protectorate channel." And that was the sound of sweet, sweet freedom! Meeting over! Victory for Team Clockblocker! "And Clockblocker, I'd like you to stay behind for a moment." Shit!

Everyone else filed out; leaving the two sitting alone in the room. Then, after a moment, Armsmaster removed his helmet and laid it on the table. He looked as tired as ever underneath but there was also a certain shrewdness to his expression.

"Dennis. In light of recent events I need to ask you if there was anything… odd… you might have left out of your report on the… incident." Clockblocker tried hard to maintain his poker face even under his mask. He was sorely tempted to freeze it but that would have stuck him in place. Armsmaster continued; apparently without noticing. "Anything that you may have thought was too strange to be considered… believable." In that moment Dennis almost felt his heart stop.

"... no, sir. Nothing like that." There was a horrible pause as the lie fell from his lips and then Armsmaster nodded.

"Alright. You can go." Dennis fled as soon as possible as Armsmaster put his helmet on. He had no way of knowing that the man's HUD had printed his last statement across the bottom. Nor that the word 'False' was flashing beside it in bright red letters. Even if he had, though…

There was a small, ivory pendant pressed against his skin underneath the costume. He could feel the faint coolness of it as he moved. Dennis remembered a blast that he hadn't seen coming and the miracle of miracles that, at the end, he'd been alive. Burnt, bruised and in a lot of pain… but alive.

In the report he'd credited his survival to freezing anything that touched him; negating the flying debris and managing to crawl free before time resumed. Because who would believe that a tiny unicorn pendant had saved his life?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

There was a moment as Taylor held the item she'd just made and frowned. Something was… where was she? When was she? Her hands twitched. She'd seen… a future. From the usual third-person perspective of someone who… followed her. There had been a Ward in it, and a number of... soldiers? And an explosion. She hadn't been able to make out the details. They'd all…

And then she'd had the urge to make this well up from deep inside her. When she had there had been another… moment. Her mind was fragmented. She was losing herself in the… in…

Taylor sat at her desk in the back of the old church with a cold sweat running down her back. She was… yes. This was the present. The moment was here. Her past few weeks had been plagued by these… temporal disconnects. She'd been catching glimpses of the future; distinct and always terrible. But also the past. Her memories felt so real and she felt like she was unravelling.

She was in the old church in Alejandro's neighbourhood. He and Diego were in the church hall nearby and were handing out the daily ration. She could see from the point of view of the dozen or so, out of the hundred people gathered there, that had faith. Real faith. Diego was the firmest in his devotion but Alejandro was a close second. The more she'd done for them the more he'd trusted her until that had ignited into the fire of genuine belief.

Why was she doing this? Taylor had to fight against her perfect memories for a few moments; helped by the prayers that flowed into her over food. That's right. Strength came from worship. She was the Lone Pretender to the Thrones. The more people who called her name in prayer the more powerful she would be. And then…

Part of her memories spoke to her of raising armies, summoning creatures and marching upon the world. That wasn't what she wanted. All she wanted was for her dominion to spread across the Bay and outside of it. There were… powers in her memories that could help fix things.

With absolute clairvoyance she could rout the gangs. When her altars were established across the city her nature would change it. Already she could feel her essence twisting and her strengths changing as her nature tried to match her actions. She wasn't a true Pretender yet. Whatever that… no. She knew what it was.

Someone knocked on the door and a fearful young man entered. He bowed to her first, a habit she was trying to break them out of even as Diego encouraged it, and then began to speak in terrified Spanish. Taylor was quite certain that she didn't speak Spanish. But he was a devout believer so it didn't really matter. She didn't listen to what his mouth said but instead focused on what his heart told her.

"Lady Oracle, there is a big man with many tattoos and a scary mask demanding to see you. He seems very angry!"

Lung. And just like that Taylor remembered a moment.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pretender blinked a few times and then shook her head. Beside her Clockblocker grinned and Kid Win looked a little sheepish as he nudged his friend.

"See? Feels weird, but not bad. Figured you should know what it's like now in case I have to freeze you on a mission or something." Mission… like what they weren't on now. She'd been scheduled for a few more patrols with the Wards at her request. They probably thought she was considering joining up more seriously. Which…

Taylor couldn't say that she wasn't thinking about it. Because she was. However, the reason she wanted to do more patrols was to build a rapport with the Wards and see if any might be receptive to… well, if she thought about it bluntly the only term she could use was 'converting'. It still made her feel a little dirty.

In the back of her head she saw the man she'd saved desperately praying to his makeshift altar. She could tell he had some minor mental problems and it seemed that his worship had claimed the area for… well, her. In the process his mental state had improved. She knew that was because of his faith in her, and his location, although she didn't quite understand how she knew that.

For every perfect memory there was another vague understanding or confident yet baseless assertion that came with her powers. She knew so many things that made no sense to her at all. It felt… like déjà vu. That was a feeling she was getting more and more these days.

"Right. Ah. Sorry. Just… feel a little dizzy." Clockblocker nodded and pretended to stroke an invisible beard.

"Ja, dat is so. Side effects of time freezing may include nausea, headaches, fatigue, and erectile dysfunction. Please consult your doctor to see if time freezing is right for you." There was a moment of confusion and then confused laughter. "Okay, so I'll admit that one got away from me a bit. I was trying to start with the Freud impression but it became an infomercial in the middle." Kid Win shook his head as their chuckles died down and elbowed his friend again.

"C'mon, man. You're making us look bad in front of the newbie. Don't worry about him, Pretender. Nobody thinks he's funny." As the other Cape did his best over-the-top insult reaction Taylor had a thought and reached into her pocket. In the confusion of the meeting she'd almost forgotten it.

"This is for you, Clockblocker. I made it the other night." The two boys stared at the proffered amulet and then glanced at each other. After a moment of hesitation Clockblocker reached out and took it.

"Oh. Gee. It's so, uh… Unicorney." Kid Win snorted as Clockblocker desperately tried to find something nice to say about it. "Not sure it really suits my, ah, look. What's it made out of?" Taylor grinned under her helmet and felt the urge to be just a little mischievous.

"Unicorn horn. Obviously. What else would it be made of?" It wasn't entirely false, either. She'd actually made it from a piano key that had transmogrified itself into this shape during the construction process but she was pretty sure it was actually ivory now. "It's lucky. And I had a… bad feeling. Just humour me?" After a moment he shrugged and slipped it into one of the pouches on his costume. That would have to do.

Taylor didn't know when her premonition was meant to happen. Or if it would at all. Or if what she'd done would even help. Still. "So, what are we doing today while the heroes are off being heroic?" It was hard to be so jovial but these two seemed to respond better to that. The thought was genuine, at least.

Armsmaster, Miss Militia, Velocity, Triumph, Dauntless, Assault and Battery were all moving out today for a joint event. She knew this because they'd been ordered to go somewhere well away from their altercation. Taylor was pretty sure they were going after the bomb tinker that had broken Lung out last week. Thus it was that she and the two Wards ended up patrolling the boat graveyard and rooting out transients. The worst you could run into here were Merchants and they were… well, to be honest, a major non-threat.

Between Kid Win's laser pistols, Taylor's Frost Pebble Staff and Clockblocker's ability to generate instant cover they could pretty effortlessly take out 'Skidmark'. And Squealer specialised in vehicles. Big, loud, easy-to-spot vehicles. If she was anywhere nearby they'd know long before she saw them. So it was pretty safe. Besides, they were doing well.

The usual process was for them to find a camp of gang members or hobos, or both in many cases, and then Taylor just sort of existed in their general vicinity until they ran away screaming in terror. Anyone with a suspicious bag or bundle was tagged and bagged by her and Kid Win.

If they found anything illegal the tinker had these little balls that he slapped on them which made them float into the sky. He said they were collected by remote drone and delivered to a drop point; in this case the Brockton Bay Police Department: Narcotics Division. Clockblocker seemed mostly around for moral support but he did a reasonable job of that.

Taylor paused mid-step and looked to one side with a frown. Then she sighed. "Guys, we've got a problem." She pointed through the wreckage to the North. "There's a few dozen gang members that way and two Capes." One felt like Squealer. The power surging off the vague figure in her head was relatively small compared to the other; probably Skidmark.

"... well, dicks. We should call it in.." Clockblocker pulled out his communicator and then frowned. "Huh. No signal. Weird." Kid WIn grabbed his and frowned as he messed with it.

"Yeah. That is weird." Then he checked his computer-gauntlet and the frown only intensified. "I can't reach my drone, either. I think we're being jammed." Taylor blinked a couple of times then turned her head slowly. Another mass of entities had entered into the range of her clairvoyance.

"Um. The ABB are here. They're coming from the South." Both Wards froze when she said that and looked at her with faces of abject horror. Communications down and they were very nearly in the middle of a gang war. "I think we should leave. Fast." All three of them began to jog to the West as Taylor felt the people getting closer and closer.

Then a vehicle burst out of the wreckage to their right. It looked like a seven-wheeled tank; three on either side and one big one at the front because, well, why not right? Taylor and Kid WIn broke left but Clockblocker broke right as it opened fire with the heinously large machine guns on top. She hadn't felt it coming!

Kid Win did something and a forcefield like frosted glass burst up around them; it didn't block the shots but seemed to apply a perpendicular force to them that sent them veering wildly in other directions. It lasted for all of six seconds before the device on his shoulder crackled and began to pour black smoke out. Taylor hit the young man with a flying tackle and felt several shots curl around them; the influence of her own amulet twisting some away and a few more slamming into her side.

The hoodie tore but the enchanted metal underneath held; Squealer had clearly gone for lower calibre so she could have more guns. Her side still stung like a bitch, though. They landed behind a piece of twisted metal and bullets sprayed wildly overhead as the tank fired on them for what seemed like an eternity. Then, suddenly, the vehicle was gone; it had kept shooting as it drove off until it was out of sight and moving towards the invading ABB. She could hear the crunch of metal being twisted underneath.

"Nobody inside it…" Taylor pushed herself up and checked her side. That was going to bruise. "I couldn't sense it." Then she glanced around. "Where's Clockblocker?" He'd disappeared in the chaos of the moment; they'd all just sort of started sprinting when the wrecking tank had smashed through.

"Fuck." It was weird hearing Kid WIn swear, but he seemed rather shaken by that encounter. "We need to find him. But…" Taylor closed her eyes and felt. Her senses were vague at the best of times but there was a battle going on now and that made things a lot more complex. She could hear the massive guns on the machine roaring in the distance as unloaded a hail of bullets on the invading gang members.

"I can find him. My defenses seem to work on bullets and I have stealth-enhancing gear. You go call the Protectorate." He looked agonised, hesitant even, until she screwed up her power and pushed it at him. "Go, now!" After a moment of her command ringing in the air he scrambled to his feet and dashed off.

Clockblocker's aura was further towards the group of Merchants now. Her boots muffled the sound of debris beneath her and she could vaguely feel enemies moving all around. Things had become very chaotic very quickly. Then, suddenly, there was an explosion and she instantly knew where he was.

She burst into a sprint and came across the site of it. Clockblocker was partially embedded into the base of a wall from how hard he'd been flung into it and there was an awful mess around him. Dozens of charred corpses littered the area and the epicentre was a surprisingly intact body. It was almost like a statue; frozen in a charcoal visage of pain and terror with a huge hole in its torso where the blast had ripped out of it.

Taylor knelt beside him and went to check for a pulse when he coughed suddenly. Then he turned his head to look at her.

"Anyone get the number of that truck?" She let out a little sigh and resisted the urge to punch his arm. Probably some broken bones in there. Still, if his sense of humour was intact then he shouldn't be that hurt.

"What happened?" She gestured at the blast site; ruined corpses and macabre statue and all. Clockblocker shrugged and then made a noise of pain.

"Tank-thing had guns on the back so I had to keep running. Ran into the middle of this group. Was trying to fast-talk my way out of it when one of 'em started screaming and the next thing I knew his chest was glowing red. Boom." He coughed hard and wiped the blood away from his mouth. The mask and outfit was ruined. He was lucky to be alive. Her eyes flickered to a spot of white on the ground nearby.

"Okay. Just stay down. Kid Win's gone for help, and I think we'll be safe here." Taylor reached out and picked up the unicorn pendant. He seemed to be staring at it. Then he slowly put his hand out and she dropped it into it. "... for luck." Clockblocker nodded slowly, still staring at the thing in his hand.

"... yeah. Luck."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oracle stood slowly. She wasn't sure how long her moment had lasted but Lung wasn't in the room with her so it can't have been long. Then she walked over to the boy and put a hand on his shoulder; giving the knowledge of her commandments to him. He nodded and moved out; all fear banished by feeling her voice inside him.

Taylor, meanwhile, was terrified. The explosions that day had occurred when the ABB's tinker had set off a number of bombs in a bid to create enough chaos to escape the Protectorate's attack on her. It had failed and, worse still, irritated Lung enough that he didn't rescue her. The damage had been relatively low; confined as it was to the gangs of Brockton but it had stirred up enough trouble for the man that he'd just let her be sentenced to the Birdcage.

Now he'd come to her. She didn't know why but she would see him anyway. And if he was here to offer violence to her flock… Cool mist poured off her fingertips at the thought. If Lung wanted a fight she wouldn't give him one. A fight implied conflict, two opponents of similar strength clashing with each other.

He might think he was a dragon but she knew what real dragons were like. Some part of her had killed them, too. More than one. Not her… Taylor had never killed anyone. But she knew how easily she could. Even so… if Lung was here to hurt her people?

Then the dragon would find out just how outmatched he was in the face of a god.
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It's a fun puzzle, putting things together while Taylor struggles to do the same. Were you inspired by the last few chapters of Worm?
It's a fun puzzle, putting things together while Taylor struggles to do the same. Were you inspired by the last few chapters of Worm?
It's going to grow less confusing with each update in this section, and I'm aiming to make the series of events clear by the end.

What's happening to her now is a consequence of perfect recall combined with a form of precognition and conflicting sets of memories. She's in the present remembering a past where she saw the future and it's messing with her head.
So can anyone explain to me what happened? I tried rereading the last chapter and now I'm even more lost.

If would be best to just assume I'm a toddler because, honestly, that's not too far off.
So can anyone explain to me what happened? I tried rereading the last chapter and now I'm even more lost.

If would be best to just assume I'm a toddler because, honestly, that's not too far off.
In order?

The events of Apotheosis 1.5 happen. Taylor has an existential crisis.

One week later the Protectorate goes after Bakuda while Pretender, Clockblocker and Kid Win patrol the docks and boat graveyard rooting up drug addicts and transients. They get caught in a skirmish between the ABB and Merchants (for unknown reasons) and Clockblocker is caught in a bomb Bakuda had stuck in a Merchant (somehow). Bakuda is captured during this event.

Two weeks after that, three weeks on from Apotheosis, Diego Martinez hears the voice of god. Grace 2.1's first scene happens.

At some point up until now a mysterious shadow entity starts stalking Sophia Hess and Pretender visits Faultline to offer a dodgy mercenary contract.

One week after Grace 2.1 is most of 2.2; with the situation being confused by Taylor's brain refusing to let her stay in the same time period. She recalls things that happened while also remembering things that are happening right now that she saw happen in the past. Lung has come to visit her. It is now four weeks after Apotheosis 1.5
In order?

The events of Apotheosis 1.5 happen. Taylor has an existential crisis.

One week later the Protectorate goes after Bakuda while Pretender, Clockblocker and Kid Win patrol the docks and boat graveyard rooting up drug addicts and transients. They get caught in a skirmish between the ABB and Merchants (for unknown reasons) and Clockblocker is caught in a bomb Bakuda had stuck in a Merchant (somehow). Bakuda is captured during this event.

Two weeks after that, three weeks on from Apotheosis, Diego Martinez hears the voice of god. Grace 2.1's first scene happens.

At some point up until now a mysterious shadow entity starts stalking Sophia Hess and Pretender visits Faultline to offer a dodgy mercenary contract.

One week after Grace 2.1 is most of 2.2; with the situation being confused by Taylor's brain refusing to let her stay in the same time period. She recalls things that happened while also remembering things that are happening right now that she saw happen in the past. Lung has come to visit her. It is now four weeks after Apotheosis 1.5
...Why would do this? Who hurt you? /jk

Thanks it helped clear things up, looking forward to more.
The girl was torn asunder.

I just found your story, and I like it very much! Everthing fits together very nicely, so there's no single thing to praise.

One thing I would advise is not to move too quickly - Taylor's interactions with everyone are the most interesting parts of the fic! (Not that you have been moving too fast, but just something to keep in mind.)

Looking forward to the next chapter!
I like it, but minor nitpick; girls that are sacrificed to the water fountain Oracle not only have their eyes gouged out in Dom4 lore, but also their hands and legs amputated.

In other slightly less relevant news: Dominions 5 was announced. Yay.
I like it, but minor nitpick; girls that are sacrificed to the water fountain Oracle not only have their eyes gouged out in Dom4 lore, but also their hands and legs amputated.
They're rendered unable to move but what form that takes is unclear.
Born, raised, praised, pampered, blinded, crippled, bound, possessed, speaking, speaking, speaking, drowning.
It's mentioned here. As far as I'm concerned their arms and legs are broken at the very least.
In other slightly less relevant news: Dominions 5 was announced. Yay.
Semi-relevant. It may have some changes for what I'm doing here.
Glad to see this update again; I like this story even though the only thing I know about Dominions is what I've picked up from this. The timeline is confusing just from the text itself, although your later explanation covered it, which is good enough for me. I'm looking forward to more of this.
It's going to grow less confusing with each update in this section, and I'm aiming to make the series of events clear by the end.

What's happening to her now is a consequence of perfect recall combined with a form of precognition and conflicting sets of memories. She's in the present remembering a past where she saw the future and it's messing with her head.
I feel that works a hell of a lot better when it can be read all at once. And well, there was a bit of a gap between the last two, soo I think it might take a while to get the whole thing.
Grace 2.3
Amy put the helmet on. Her brain chemistry immediately began to adjust her towards a more normal, stable emotional state. She took the helmet off. The effects stopped, and then began to reverse. She put the helmet on. Same changes; effects without a cause as her brain suddenly realised exactly what it had to do in order to repair the damage to her psyche. She took it off again and stared at the damn thing.

It had been a… present. Of sorts. Not a cheap one, either, but apparently there was a full refund offered on it if it didn't work. Which it… well, it did. She had no idea how. But it worked. White metal with a faint sort of scale pattern. There was a red stripe that had been painted down it with a white circle and a red cross inside that in the centre of the forehead guard.

The helmet was surprisingly light. Extremely durable. Then there were the… other aspects. The changes to her brain chemistry were real but the rest didn't make any sense. She could see better in the dark when she put it on. Not quite perfectly but much like she imagined… no, much like she knew a cat could. She'd checked.

Then there was… well, she put it back on and took the cheap lighter out of her pocket again. Lit it up and poked her finger into the flame. Watched as it danced over her skin and pulled it out several seconds later when she began to feel the warmth. That shouldn't have happened. She didn't understand this stupid thing! And yet…

She couldn't deny that she felt better when she put it on. More… grounded. Vicky's mood swings didn't seem to hit her as hard. The stress from work was vastly reduced even if it didn't stop her from just worrying. That niggling little feeling that she was doing something wrong, that she was being selfish by just sitting her and playing with her new toy didn't go away. It was more like… well, like she didn't care.

Which wasn't exactly true. She did. It bothered her. But not like it had before. That near-compulsive urge to go back to the hospital was… manageable. After sitting there for some time she stood up and grabbed her phone off her desk. Then she flopped back down on the bed as she dialled.

"Amy." Carol answered in her usual fashion but it didn't seem to bother her like it normally would. She could feel her body try to adjust itself in reaction to her anxiety and then ramp back down again as soothing confidence flowed into her from the helmet.

"The helmet should help Mark. It's… odd. But it seems to work as advertised. Maybe even better." When they'd been sold it the girl, Pretender, had said it was meant to improve 'morale' in general. As far as she could tell with her powers it just encouraged a positive mental state and acted against negative ones; but without the sort of side effects you'd expect from that. She didn't feel reckless or anything. Just… self-assured.

"Good. I'll order another one, then, since she branded that one for you." The cost wasn't much of an object to Carol given how much she earned, Amy knew that much, but she still made it sound like that kind gesture on the part of that stranger had been a terrible inconvenience for her. "Goodbye, Amy." Then she had hung up without so much as a thank you.

Amy sat up and sighed. Not too long ago that might have seriously bothered her. But now… after some thought she took the helmet off. A few minutes later it went back on again and she frowned. That was concerning. Although she didn't think it had legitimately addictive properties built into it the effect was… rather pleasant. Going without for any length of time might be less so. For now, she resolved to take it off when she slept at the very least.

Still. She did take it off so she could look at the front of the helm; tracing the cross with her fingers. They'd said that their powers had let them change the colour, albeit with a bit of effort apparently, but they hadn't been able to pattern it. White alone would have been fine, and yet they still took the time to do this. It was a little crude, and yet…

Amy smiled. The gesture was thoughtful. She would have to find a way to return the favour.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Upon reflection Taylor wasn't exactly sure how she'd arrived here. Only a month ago she'd just been intending to sell her items to New Wave and maybe Faultline. Which she had done. Then there had been that incident at the boat graveyard with Kid Win and Clockblocker and things had sort of… escalated.

At first she'd just intended to help people. After that she'd realised that just feeding them wouldn't be enough. They had to be protected and that meant being more visible. More powerful. So she'd made some new items, come up with a sort of stage persona to use, contacted Diego for the first time… and then in the meantime Faultline had contacted her.

Now she had far more money than she knew what to do with sitting in a sort of 'Cape account', she was pretty sure that she was an honest-to-goodness cult leader, she'd somehow managed to indimidate Hookwolf into leaving her alone long enough for them to move into this old church with the elderly priest's sincere and heartfelt goodwill and now, right now, Lung was coming into her office.

The Ring of Warning had been put away for now since it had refused to shut up. Instead she was wearing the levitating one, the fire eating one and one of the spare poison ones for good measure. If he attacked her… well, she didn't really have a plan so much as a desperate hope that she could beat him if she got in a clean touch.

Then he was suddenly in the room. It hadn't happened quickly; Diego had opened the door for the big scary man and he'd walked through it. Yet suddenly seemed like an appropriate verb to apply to literally anything that Lung did. The man was tall but felt taller, wide but felt wider, muscular but felt… well, even more muscular. Something about him was just more.

Oracle hovered in place and did her best to face him calmly. It wouldn't do to tremble. Looking weak in front of Lung was definitely a bad idea. A young man calmly followed after him, walked around the gang leader and then knelt beside her so she could put a hand on his shoulder. Lung scowled.

"I will speak to you alone." The young man did not react until Taylor put words into his head. His pronunciation was slightly off but that was to be expected.

"Honoured guest, Antonio does not speak English. This Oracle place the sounds into his head and he speaks them without comprehension. Without a voice, the Oracle may not speak to you unless you accept her into your heart." And that was entirely true; although she suspected that the young man was slowly learning to understand just from her guidance alone.

"... fine. I will trust your word on this." He didn't look happy to say that, though, and Taylor felt like she ought to be a lot more nervous about that. Strangely, she wasn't. Her entirely justified fear wasn't transferred across to Antonio and although Lung was incredibly dangerous her mind was just filled with the memories of other, far more dangerous dragons that had underestimated her in the past. Well… not exactly her.

Lung looked like he wanted to sit but there wasn't anywhere for that. She'd moved out from behind the desk and was fixed in place before him; the hem of her robe clearly above the ground. After a moment of pointless staring he spoke again. "One of the Empire bastards visited you last week. Are you with them?" That sent all sorts of alarm bells firing in her head and she quickly instructed her mouthpiece.

"Our congregation is primarily Hispanic, honoured guest. They wished to do our people violence, and we came to an accord." That seemed to both satisfy and annoy Lung. Taylor was starting to get the feeling it was hard to not annoy him.

"... you pay me half." Taylor blinked under her cowl and remained silent until Lung grumpily elaborated. "Give me half of what you're paying them. The ABB will keep those Nazis off your back." Oh. Oh no. This was… not good.

"Unfortunately, this Oracle must decline your gracious offer." That got his hackles up. The man stomped forward and loomed over the both of them. Antonio, to his credit, didn't flinch; although she could feel him trembling under his hand.

"No? I think you meant 'Yes', bitch. I don't care what little game you're playing here but it ends now. You're not in Empire turf, you're in mine and around here what I say goes!" He was fuming and smoking slightly as heat shimmered off him. Taylor knew that he was pyrokinetic and that it got stronger as he did. How powerful was he in his base form?

"We believe that your policy is a rule of strength, yes? Then we shall give you proof of our credentials." Under the cloak it was hard to tell that she'd braced to leap at him; the ring of levitation maintaining her at a stable distance above the ground even as she launched herself forward. Lung swung wildly as flame burst into the world and she felt his arm connect with her side and fling her across the room.

Antonio scrambled to help her up only to find her rising unaided with the help of the levitation effect. That was really useful, actually. The fires that had appeared flowed away as their rings devoured them; with Lung on his way in she'd instructed that the spare kept in the church hall for emergencies be given to the young man she knew would be serving as her voice. In the middle of the room Lung had collapsed sideways; she walked up and tapped him again for good measure.

He'd hit her, and not lightly either given how much her side stung, but she'd hit him too. Lung wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. When he did, she…

It was at that moment Taylor realised that she had absolutely no idea what to do with him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Gallant was sitting in the van. That was his primary contribution to the mission. To be fair, it was an important one. He was charged with monitoring Armsmaster's emotional state on-site with his powers and notifying of any irregularities. Meanwhile, Dragon was monitoring the op remotely and would, at his suggestion or at her own discretion, 'escalate the situation'.

Nobody who would be physically in the area of the operation had been informed what measures had been taken specifically to counteract any potential Mastering, just in case, but it was hard not to have faith in Dragon's abilities. She was sort of the poster child for terrifyingly efficient.

Even so. With so many people on site picking out just one was… rough. Especially given the general feeling of this place. All of these people were so… content. It wasn't an overwhelming emotion like the sort he saw with Vicky's aura but that didn't mean anything in particular. Whatever effect that could be at work on these people may just be more subtle than that.

"Approaching the entrance. Gallant, do you have a read on me?" Dean started and moved to stare at the various camera feeds. There was one from Armsmaster's helmet and chest cameras each as well as the external feed from the van and even a couple from stealth drones circling overhead; one in colour and another in infrared. It felt like overkill but it did make a little easier to pick out the feelings that were probably Armsmaster.

"I've got you, sir. How's it look in there?" There was an audio feed but he wasn't listening in on it until they knew more. Armsmaster's voice was being synthesised by… some mechanism that had made his eyes go cross-eyed when they'd started to explain how it worked to him.

"... normal. Like a church running a community event on any given Saturday." Someone was calmly leading him through the building as he looked around and seemed to be talking animatedly. The hall was packed with people who seemed to be glancing at Armsmaster curiously but almost entirely without any particular fear or concern. Mostly they were lined up with bowls in hand.

At the far end of the room was a huge metal pot. Actually, it looked kind of like a cauldron; Dean only knew what that was because of those wizard kid books that he'd never had the heart to tell Vista that he didn't actually like all that much. They were ladling soup into the waiting bowls and didn't seem to be running out. The view switched over to infrared for a moment as Armsmaster investigated it further; the whole thing seemed to be both full and warm but with no visible source for the heat.

"Confirming presence of one of Vulcan's items." Different vision modes flickered across the display while Dean listened to Armsmaster report back. "Generating heat without any visible mechanism, the volume of liquid inside doesn't seem to be decreasing and I can't detect anything I'd recognise as a circuit." So it was literally an unlimited pot of soup. That was… bizarre.

"Moving onward. I've been granted an audience with 'Oracle'. I'll be switched the feed to full filtered. Gallant, stay focused." Even though nobody else was even in there Dean still couldn't stop himself from nodding before wincing with embarrassment. Well… at least nobody was in there.

On the screen Armsmaster was stepping through an opened door and into one of the strangest scenes that Gallant had ever seen. He stared at the display then wiped his eyes to double check what was going on. They seemed to be in an office with visible scorch marks on the floor and walls, which was odd enough on its own, but the other occupants were just as weird.

There was someone in a thick black robe that seemed to be floating in mid-air. They had one hand stretched out and resting on the shoulder of a kneeling Hispanic man to their right. When Armsmaster flicked between his various vision modes the first oddity was that they seemed to be invisible on the infrared scan; as far as that particular wavelength was concerned the robe was unoccupied.

"Greetings, Master of Arms." And at that moment Dean was certain that Dennis had burst into laughter but had no idea why. "This Oracle welcomes you to our congregation. How may we help you?" Armsmaster's emotions were… he was pretty sure they were fluctuating a little, but nothing unexpected yet.

"I'm here on behalf of the PRT to talk to you about your… 'congregation', and your intentions here. Is everything alright? Your office seems to have suffered some… damage." He glanced down at the burn marks as he said so. When Oracle began to talk again it was only then that Dean realised that the person in the robe wasn't actually talking; the kneeling young man beside them was instead.

"We had a visit from Lung earlier. He felt that he could intimidate us into submission. We disagreed with his assessment." That made Gallant's blood cold; he was having trouble differentiating between the people at this distance, especially with the cluster of happiness and relief in the hall, but the robed person certainly felt calm. At least he thought so. Their mouthpiece seemed as serene as if they were just discussing the weather.

"I see. May I ask what happened to him?" Oracle turned their head slightly and Gallant absolutely felt that. Several people suddenly felt elated and then began moving quickly.

"We have motion and emotional stimulation from some of the followers." He reported in at once and looked over at the infrared drone; trying to figure out where they were in the building and where they were going.

"I have them, Gallant, stay focused on the meeting." Dragon's cool voice came over his earpiece and he forced himself to take a few deep breaths. He only caught the latter half of Oracle's response.

"... to you, of course. We are happy to cooperate with temporal authority." That was… time? Time authority? Dean didn't quite grasp what they were trying to say, there.

"We appreciate your candor, Oracle, but there are some concerns regarding your flock. I hope you can understand how this situation appears from an… outside perspective." For a few moments the figure is silent and then the young man beside them nodded.

"Of course. You fear that we are ruling our people through force of powers rather than faith. We are certain that many of our congregation will be entirely willing to volunteer for whatever examinations you wish." The relief from Armsmaster was almost palpable, and very distinct.

"Thank you for your cooperation. A Parahuman acting as the focal point of a church is no small matter and we hope to achieve a peaceful resolution here. I do have to ask what you intend to do going forward?" After a few moments the young man smiled up at Armsmaster and Gallant could feel his glee bubbling upwards. He genuinely enjoyed this. Dean almost felt like he should go to some normal church services to compare them to… whatever this was.

"We intend to allow any who wishes to come here. They will be provided food, given shelter, and protected. This Oracle has no desire to use them as tools or weapons. In all things we ask that they act with peace in their minds and mercy in their hearts. As long as we are not acted against we have no intent of acting in turn; but even if we are compelled to motion our followers shall remain quiescent." There were an awful lot of words in there Dean wasn't entirely sure about but Armsmaster seemed relieved.

"Very well. I'll return later to discuss the matter of exams for your followers. And I'll see if I can arrange for delivery of some food or blankets here to make up for the inconvenience." Relief seemed to come from Oracle as well when he said that; for as inhuman as they behaved their emotions were pretty normal.

"We thank you for your consideration. Please take good care of our gift. We do not wish any harm upon him." After a few more basic pleasantries Armsmaster began to head out and Dean finally relaxed; watching his senior's progress and noting the small group following in his wake. As they came out to the van the telepresence drone sitting in there with Gallant hummed to life and opened the rear doors then moved out to meet Armsmaster.

Moments later they both stepped back in; each carrying one side of a litter that was being supported by the drone on the other side. Laying on the makeshift carrier was… Lung. Unconscious, apparently unharmed and very shortly full of drugs as Armsmaster carefully injected him with something and began to apply restraints.

"How were the readings?" It took long enough for Dean to realise that he was being spoken to that Dragon replied for him. Or perhaps Armsmaster was talking to her all along.

"Stable on your end. No unexpected spikes. Gallant?" He must have been talking to her because now it was his turn.

"Um… stable, I guess. I think Oracle might be able to communicate with them remotely because they were really excited before they went to get... " He glanced down at the shackled ABB leader. "Uh… Lung. But their emotions feel… normal. It's not like when Vicky's around someone, or when I blast someone. If they were being Mastered it's either on all the time or incredibly subtle. I'm not sure." Armsmaster removed his helmet and frowned.

"I didn't get any response from my psychic shielding. Which could mean so many things that it's basically worthless as a result. We'll have to investigate the converts…" The vehicle hummed into life as Dragon began to drive it back for them. It had been equipped to self-drive and for full remote control. Again, just in case.

"Well, we'll be in Master-Stranger quarantine for a while either way. Lung will have to be as well. Containment will be tricky…" Dean didn't want to interrupt the boss' thoughts but there was something curious that he had to ask about.

"Sir, what was with the… Oracle was talking through that guy. It was… well, it was kinda creepy." Armsmaster shot him a rueful look as he sat down and buckled up.

"I was warned going in that Oracle couldn't speak directly to us. Of course, I had no idea what they actually meant by that until I got in. I wanted to ask about it then but I thought we should ask the ones we interview first." Right. That… made sense, he supposed. "Still. We have Lung. And not a mark on him…"

Armsmaster pulled out a screen from the side of his chair and began to tap on it with a deepening frown. "Can't see any major injuries at all from the preliminary scans. Have to do blood chemistry when we get him back…" His expression only seemed to darken then.

"... sir? Are you alright?" Gallant only spoke to the older man after much hesitation. Which was understandable given the face he was making.

"Fine. This is just very… familiar to me." He put his helmet back on and a moment later he seemed to be talking to someone else; though the sound was being purposefully muffled. When he was done he took it off again and let out a heavy sigh.

"... Dean." Gallant straightened up when addressed. Armsmaster was looking right at him. "How' have Panacea and Glory Girl been lately?" Well, that was a bit out of left field.

"Oh. Uh. Good. Fine, I guess? Vicky is still Vicky, but she's been a bit happier lately." She'd told him that her dad was recovering from a pretty dark place but he wasn't exactly going to say that, not even to his direct superior. "And Amy seems less stressed since they got that helmet from Pretender for her." Armsmaster nodded; expression unreadable.

"Alright. Suggest to both of them that they might like to try and avoid Pretender for a while. The same goes for you. I'll have a proper meeting with all of the Wards about it after I've met with her again. We've got to sort out a few things." Dean nodded but felt fairly lost. He knew there was meant to be some sort of connection between Oracle and Pretender via whoever made those strange items for the both of them but even so, something about that statement felt ominous…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

At her desk Faultline suddenly sat up straight; discarding the bits of wood she'd been messing around with moments ago. For a few moments she seemed to be listening to something. Then she burst into raucous laughter and hit the intercom.

"Gregor, get the gang in here right now! We've got word from the P-Net." She chuckled over their tongue-in-cheek nickname for their benefactor's chosen communication method and was just leaning back in her chair as the intercom began to crackle at her.

"Elle too?" That gave her a moment of pause. She frowned briefly before leaning in and hitting the button again.

"Yeah. Elle too." She had long enough before Newter arrived to relax and then Emily and Elle arrived shortly after with Gregor bringing up the rear. The blonde girl was smiling and had flowers braided into her hair; the floor around her feet transforming into grass as she walked and vanishing as she stepped away. The gold-and-blue amulet was very clearly visible on her chest against the green robe.

They'd expected a significant decrease in power from her and they'd got it. In exchange she was almost always lucid enough to communicate with them and had been amazingly stable for weeks now. If they needed her power then she could take off the amulet but in the meantime she seemed ecstatic to be able to interact with everyone without any difficulty.

That had been the final straw that had broken her resistance to Pretender's little contract. Elle was wonderful to be around in her better moments and now those moments had been stretched out indefinitely. Newter had automatically gone and cuddled up to her; happy to take in the human contact just because he could. Because he didn't have to worry about it. Green and gold rings glittered on all of their hands.

"Good news. Word from upstairs is that Lung is down and out. That means the ABB only has Lee left. Could be some good business for us if we wanted to work independently for a bit. Thoughts?" Gregor went into his usually thoughtful consideration while Newter jumped up and grinned.

"Awesome! Let's rob 'em blind while it lasts." That was the rub, wasn't it. Gregor shook his head and rumbled into speech.

"We should wait a few days to see if it sticks. Otherwise… it could be a lucrative venture. More lucrative if we could get paid for doing it. Unfortunately, I suspect our only customer in that regard would be the Empire and I have no particular desire to reach out to them, nor respond to any overtures in kind." That was a sobering thought. Their contemplation was broken by Elle.

"Um… if we do, then I'd like to help. I need more practice working with my powers while I have this on." She gestured to the amulet and then smiled at all of them.

"... yeah, I'm keen, boss." That was three for five, and Gregor's concerns seemed to be mostly logistical. "But we should wait a bit. See if Coil will pay us to mess with them a bit, maybe? He seems the sort to take advantage of this." Ugh. There was a snake if there ever was one; and she wasn't just saying that because of his dumb-looking costume.

"Alright. If Lung's still locked up in a few days and we don't hear from anyone wanting us to mess with them we'll…" She trailed off for a few moments and then shot out of her seat. "Fuck. Fuck! We have to go right now. Newter, go start the car!" He didn't question her at all; leaping away from Elle and flitting out of the doorway. By the time she was in the hall he was out of sight and the other three were following behind her.

"What's happening?" Gregor called out after her as they ran but, to his credit, he moved with as much alacrity as he could manage. There was a ripple in the air and the environment twisted; a calm rolling hill flowing into reality via the hallway in front of them and terminating in what appeared to be the downstairs garage. Spitfire had picked Elle up and was carrying the girl with them; both of their faces red from their respective exertion.

Faultline praised her people in the depths of her heart as they dashed down the hill and through the door at the bottom of it; the distorted terrain already transforming back into the club. Even with their shortcut Newter had arrived before them, probably by literally leaping down the stairwell, and their vehicle was running. She opened the door and took the wheel; slamming the garage opener while the others piled in. The vehicle's roof scraped a little against the rising door as she gunned it out of there.

"Pretender just promised us five thousand if we can reach her location in five minutes." A lot of money and yet not a lot at all; but she knew the girl wasn't actually all that wealthy. It wasn't why she was hurrying. Faultline's people were important to her and even if she'd charged a pretty penny for the service the weird little Tinker had still helped them.

"She says that her church is being attacked by the Empire."
Another update so soon? Neat!

If I'm interpreting this right, Faultline was notified after Lung was taken down and then a couple of minutes later the Empire attacked. When the Protectorate showed up, they saw burn damage from Lung, so either the Protectorate was in and out in a hurry during the time that Faultline was having her conversation and somehow missed the Empire as they were leaving, or the Protectorate didn't show up until after the Empire attacked. Hopefully the timeline will get a little less confusing going forward.

I'm also curious as to what Taylor is doing with the whole Pretender vs Oracle thing. Is she keeping the Protectorate in the dark about this deliberately? If so, why? Something to explain during the Empire attack segment, I guess. Faultline seems to know that Pretender is running a church, so if nothing else at least some of her followers know about both of her identities.

Events are going as follows:

A) Taylor introduces herself to the local non-villain groups. The Protectorate thinks she is two capes.
B) ...make that three capes.
C) Open a soup kitchen! Taylorism has been founded in the city of Brockton Bay! Taylor is now four capes. The Protectorate is worried that she has Mastered herself.
D) Defeat Lung.
E) Apotheosis.
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If I'm interpreting this right, Faultline was notified after Lung was taken down and then a couple of minutes later the Empire attacked. When the Protectorate showed up, they saw burn damage from Lung, so either the Protectorate was in and out in a hurry during the time that Faultline was having her conversation and somehow missed the Empire as they were leaving, or the Protectorate didn't show up until after the Empire attacked. Hopefully the timeline will get a little less confusing going forward.

I'm also curious as to what Taylor is doing with the whole Pretender vs Oracle thing. Is she keeping the Protectorate in the dark about this deliberately? If so, why? Something to explain during the Empire attack segment, I guess. Faultline seems to know that Pretender is running a church, so if nothing else at least some of her followers know about both of her identities.
She told Faultline after the Protectorate had left with Lung. Namely, he'd been taken into custody. And it was a little while after the fact: which will become obvious in the next part. Then the Empire attacked.

Taylor was hoping to be able to work publicly with helping the Protectorate and her business while distancing herself from her own Cape cult. Faultline actually didn't know about this. Taylor's message was literally, "Empire is attacking my church come help."
I'm tempted to make a list of the 'minor powers' Taylor could theoretically grant anybody with the lowest level items, since items are probably her road to success here, but I also don't want to potentially spoil too much.

EDIT: I'll just do it in a spoiler next time I play Dominions 4, if TotalAbsolutism doesn't mind. :tongue:
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I'm tempted to make a list of the 'minor powers' Taylor could theoretically grant anybody with the lowest level items, since items are probably her road to success here, but I also don't want to potentially spoil too much.

EDIT: I'll just do it in a spoiler next time I play Dominions 4, if TotalAbsolutism doesn't mind. :tongue:
Construction 2 or lower, no Blood items. Have fun.
I'm tempted to make a list of the 'minor powers' Taylor could theoretically grant anybody with the lowest level items, since items are probably her road to success here, but I also don't want to potentially spoil too much.

EDIT: I'll just do it in a spoiler next time I play Dominions 4, if TotalAbsolutism doesn't mind. :tongue:
There's a Dom4 content browser here.
There's a Dom4 content browser here.
I saw, but have the list anyway for quick and sloppy reference and my own fun.

I'll mostly keep to the items that enhance the wielder, for some attempt at brevity. There are a wide variety of armor-piercing/negating, poisonous, or elemental weapons, and shields and armor that are just really tough or light. Any resistance you see listed below can also be found as a weapon effect, along with things that target inanimate/magical beings for extra damage and other such things.

The ones I can recall being shown so far will be in bold.

Trinkets: Items you can make at the start of the game, require no research.

Fire Sword- "The offensive skills of the wielder are enhanced."
Ice Sword- Enhanced defensive skills.
Enchanted (Sword/Spear/Pike/Shield)- Accuracy and quickness, specifically with the item.

Berserker Pelt- Reduced defense, in return for a berserker rage that increases strength and battle ability.
Boots of Long Strides- Made from the skin of unborn calves, run with 'unsurpassed speed'. (In game mechanics, Map Move +1)

Ring of (Fire/Tamed Lightning/Frost)- Resistance to Fire/Shock/Cold, described as total or almost total. (+15 resistance)
Bear Claw Talisman- Increased strength and morale (+5 and +2 respectively) and 'a woman wearing it will grow a deeper voice and maybe even a beard'.
Skull Talisman- The ability to animate skeletons, and a single skeleton guards the wearer at all times.
Snake Ring- Everyone in Faultline's Crew has one. 'Almost total immunity' to poisons and the ability to poison enemies by touching them. (+30 poison resistance)

Lesser Magic Items: Require construction 2. Significantly more items.

Sceptre of Authority- Grants the wielder an 'aura of authority' that lets them command more men. Also, can combust people at range via a spell.
Smasher- Hammer. Extra damage against lifeless beings; mechanical constructs and certain undead.
Star of Heroes- Morningstar Technically a flail. Destroys ordinary armor and shields on hit, magical ones resist.
Faithful- Sword that gives good luck in battle.
Dwarven Hammer- 'When used in the forge, it will help the smith produce magical wonders.'
Bane Blade- Sword; wounds fester and rot in moments. Has a two-handed version.
Rod of the Leper King- Can lead the undead, BUT the wielder is diseased. (+50 undead command)
Serpent Kryss- Poison resistance, and is extremely poisonous itself.
Knife of the Damned- Curses anyone that touches it, including the wielder. Much higher chance of permanent afflictions.
Lightning Rod- Shock resistance, bonus when constructing Corpse Men.
Ice Pebble Staff- Can freeze enemies at range, cold resistance.
Halberd of Might- Enhanced physical strength. (+4 Strength)
Piercer- Very powerful and armor-negating crossbow that can be used underwater.
Staff of Flame Focus- Fire-based rituals can be projected further.
Doom Glaive- Curses those hit, and causes them to age to death within minutes.
Lead Shield- Enchanted to protect its wielder from hostile magic.
Shield of Valor- Symbols of power on the shield protect the bearer from missiles.
Crystal Shield- Makers the caster more powerful in all paths of magic at the start of battle.

Dragon Helmet- Probably what Amy has. Gives the wearer fire resistance, much greater morale, and the ability to see in the dark.
Horror Helmet- The helmet Pretender used. Makes the wearer extremely scary. (+5 Fear)
Ivy Crown- Lets the wearer move through forests without stopping, and summon more vine men when summoning said treepeople from the forests. (Forest Survival)
Mistletoe Garland- Gives the wearer both poison resistance and good luck.
Fire Plate- Makes the wearer resistant to fire, and enhances morale.
Robe of Missile Protection- Repels incoming missiles with strong gusts of wind.
Mirror Armor- Has an enchanted mirror on its chest that gives magic resistance.
Copper Plate- 'Almost total immunity' to lightning. Both the first melee attacker and the wearer are struck by lightning from the armor when the wearer is hit.
Shambler Skin Armor- Allows the wearer to breathe both air and water.
Dire Wolf Pelt- Enchanted to increase the attack and defense skill of the wearer and protect them from cold.
Ranger Cloak- Makes the wearer blend into their surroundings.
Boots of the Behemoth- Boots so heavy they require four strong men to carry into battle. The wearer can trample smaller enemies in a charge.
Boots of Giant Strength- Enhanced strength when worn.
Birch Boots- Made from hide and birch, partial resistance to both cold and poison and lets them move through mountains easily.
Ranger's Boots- Gives Forest Survival, lets the wearer move more stealthily, and makes them recover from fatigue very quickly.

Burning Pearl- Grants partial protection from fire and increased attack skill.
Fire in a Jar- Contains fire that can be used for one Fire combat spell in the place of a fire gem, plus cold resistance.
Ring of Warning- Taylor uses this one. Warns of impending danger. In game terms, twice as many bodyguards during assassination attempts.
Ring of Levitation- This one too. Lets the wearer levitate a foot above the ground. Can evade being destabilized, IE by earthquakes.
Eye of Aiming- Permanently replaces an eye with a magic gem. Greatly improves the eyesight of the remaining eye. Enhanced precision.
Amulet of Missile Protection- Self-explanatory.
Amulet of Breathing- Lets the wearer breathe underwater.
Gossamer Cloth- Made from 'dreams and hopes'. Allows the wearer to hide units with 'glamour and shadows'. Up to 25 are made invisible.
Ring of Water Breathing- The Amulet of Breathing, except water magic.
Bracers of Protection- Increases the strength of the wearer's armor and their defense.
Lodestone Amulet- Enchanted to give extra magic resistance.
Wound Fend Amulet- What Elle is probably wearing. An enchanted lapis lazuli stone that grants both physical and mental health.
Pendant of Luck- Dennis has (will have?) one. A unicorn pendant that gives good luck in battle.
Cat's Eye Amulet- An amulet which gives the wearer darkvision and increases stealth ability.
Barkskin Amulet- Flesh of the wearer turns rough and barklike. Less vulnerable to cuts and bruises, weaker to fire.
Cat Charm- Grants enhanced reflexes. Also, 'a woman wearing this amulet will become more beautiful and a man wearing it will become weak and feminine'.
Enormous Cauldron of Broth- What Taylor is using to feed her followers. Endless food supply. Refills itself when emptied.

EDIT: I removed some of the superfluous numbers, but kept some for comparison. It's a bit sloppy, but so is the list.
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EDIT: I removed some of the superfluous numbers, but kept some for comparison. It's a bit sloppy, but so is the list.
Regarding numbers, a plus four to strength is a massive boost. It can be the difference between a normal person and a veteran soldier. I use the basic math behind HP to determine roughly how destructive various things are with ten damage being more or less enough to kill your average person. In Dominions a clean blow with most magic weapons by a competent fighter generally means instant death.

The fluff text is just as important to me as the mechanics, though. It's why the Ring of Fire has that unique effect and why the Wound Fend Amulet can help Elle. It's why that cauldron can feed theoretically unlimited numbers of people even though it can only sustain a hundred soldiers: though I handwave that in my head as being to do with time spent marching versus eating and so on.