Pretender (Worm/Dominions 4)

Yeah, lore strongly implies multiple past Pantokrators, what with the Wheels and all, and some of the past Pantokrators might even be Pretender Gods, or at least are hinted to be. The Neter of the Underworld's own description has him being given rulership of the world by a previous Pantokrator, but all the other descriptions of the rebellion of the gods for various Neters describe the Pantokrator as the one who was killed and dismembered.

The thing about Pretender Gods isn't that they're Pretending to be Gods, it's that they're Pretenders to the throne of Pantokrator.
Personal Headcannon is that there's been at least three Pantokrators before, because the current Dominion game is Dominions 4.
Yeah, but that's what I was saying. Aren't they 'pretending' to be gods until they 'win' their war and actually become a god?

Given how many of them are basically just guys like Zeus and Ra with divine heritage and powers. It's important to note they're not called Pretender gods, they're just called Pretenders. As far as the nations who serve them, and really the world at large is concerned, many of them ARE gods, and the ones that aren't are powerful beings of equivalent stature, demon lords and ancient monsters and the like. What they are, as I said, is Pretenders to the Throne of the Pantokrator.
My complaint about term god being over used was meant more Pantokrator not being God. It didn't create whole multiverse, Earth, hells and so on, there were multiple Pantokrators.

General use of term gods in literature, games and film.

Scion in his state when travelling to another planet (and hence having all his powers)... I would still consider limited and not deserving term god, especially capital G. Entities didn't create universe, it still has limited energy reserves... actually even with infinite universe entities would die out, as in their wars for resources they were making own homeworlds barren, until they decided to leave homeworld? :wtf:

God is... person who made simulation/dream/universe/etc, can change anything as it wishes with no limit, can know anything on world and can't be removed... well unless it wishes, I guess?

... I don't know... mind just appears to exist out of nowhere, gets bored in empty void, makes sandbox game like maybe minecraft or dwarf fortress... just keeps observing what is going on there, can act if it wishes. No modding limits and full access to console?

usually god of ancient religions... like Zeus... more like human mage then something... more... divine?

edit: also as time goes. current gods with time are not that special. You are cave man? Gods of fire, storm and such concepts are important to you.

You are in far future, control several galaxies, with every star there covered in Dyson sphere and have all kinds of ultra-tech? You will laugh at old religions with how small thinking they were...
And yet there are still things you can't do... does something greater then you can exist? how universe came to be? Is it possible to reverse entropy? And such questions...
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God is... person who made simulation/dream/universe/etc, can change anything as it wishes with no limit, can know anything on world and can't be removed... well unless it wishes, I guess?


If there exists a being that can become all seeing and hearing, and can kill you by thinking hard at you if you don't call him 'God,' believe you me, there's plenty of people who are going to call him God. And as far as everyone cares he will be God.

Take your preconceived notions of a 'God' being an entity that creates, adjusts and maintains the world, existing as an inviolate and inviolable guarantee of all that is, was and will be. Take this interpretation of the word 'God' as descended from the faiths of Abraham and first codified within the Jewish holy books, and forget it.

The gods of Dominions use an older but far from archaic meaning of the word, born of polytheistic faiths that see different gods in different things, all of them important, all of them dangerous and all of them critical to your very survival as a person, as a family, as a tribe and as a species. Those you worship, lest you gain their wrath, rather than their blessings. This is the interpretation the game uses.

The term 'god' is old, and has long been used to refer to beings whose actions affect the world and those actions can be seen even if they themselves cannot necessarily be seen or heard directly. Dominions uses it as part of a title. As such it's a proper noun and ought to be capitalized as per the rules of the English language. 'God' has more meanings than 'the title by which the god the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths is called.'
No matter how hard, if you can kill it, and if it happens from time to time to being with that name... no capital G from me. Might be good to know of it and be on some what good terms (no spitting in his face if met face to face?).... but falling on knees and worship it, might be go too far, especially it is rarely affecting your everyday life in obvious way???

Still this talk getting too long? I usually don't care much or any about religion and ignore it.
An awake rainbow forger? You'll never become the Pantokrator with that kind of build :V
Getting away from god terminology, my assumption on the gems is that there was an initial burst of Magic! Gems! when Taylor started out, and over time it'll diminish to a more normal background. Maybe it also started local and will spread, but in a hundred, (or a thousand) years it'll be regular Dominions level of generation.
Making gemgens would not make much sense for her anytime soon even if they were available. It would take many years for them to generate more gems than what she would have gotten if she spent the forging time on gathering gems instead.
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She clearly set the site rate to ultra high before she started playing anyways.
She clearly set the site rate to ultra high before she started playing anyways.
There is mention that search site spells will find.... nothing.

But also no gems existing before Taylor becoming pretender? So maybe natural locations like volcanoes and geysers will become magical sites in couple of months or years??? No idea on that. Looking at future gem's and sites explanation with suspicion on what is going on there.
The EB's should be either untouchable, unreachable, or just wouldn't be able to be harmed by horrors. Then everyone on the planet gets marked when Ziz figures out what the fuck is going on.
Most Horrors would have some difficulty harming them, but I can at least guarantee Ziz has no way to replicate the effect of a Mark.
Is this meant as 'no way to replicate' or 'is not crazy enough to replicate'?
It's slightly difficult to replicate something you can't interact with that's been placed on something you didn't know you had in a way that you have no mechanism to observe.

This sort of thing is the essence of the OCP issues here. Ziz could see some of the effects of magic but has no way to percieve the intermediate cause. The primary cause would be Taylor doing something but everything else that happens between her making a gesture and a bunch of electrons suddenly deciding to flow in a way that creates a lightning strike would be imperceptible to her.