PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

[ @snrbryjm how many PHO handles do you have lol?]
[It always feels weird to have a forum be like, 4 people, especially when its something a lot of people are interested in. I have a few I actually 'have' and use for longer convos a lot or have characters but the rest are random names to populate the internet sphere since I post a lot here]
I find it sort of nice to consider CF versus since theres always the question of 'why are these people fighting?' in the back of my mind, and for the CF it tends to be 'they wouldnt start it' or 'this is someone who absolutely deserves it'.

Anyway, this is all considering them as individuals, however they are a team. Who could face the combined might of the Forge, if anyone? We don't know half of their powers, but we've already seem some interesting power combinations with Apeiron and Proto Aima, so there are definitely some strange power interactions in the rest of the Forge.

Simple Combos with what we've seen:
Proto Aima+Kat/Ape/Fleet?: Acts as an offensive weapon and boosts everything, though is probably incredibly painful. Survey probably wouldn't get much as a Thinker, the Matrix isn't biological and she seems to have a Manton limit, and Lethe probably wouldnt get much either as the Stranger/Stealth one.
Aperion+Lethe: Functionally invisible Hell-Tech. Need I say more?
Survey+Anyone: Thinkers are demons
Fleet+Matrix:Giant robot and the guy with (at least) dimensional air strikes. I think they'd be friends
Apeiron+Survey: Specifically for their Stranger effects. Seriously, god damn.
Kat+Apeiron: Lung-killing Kat with an Apeiron level stick to hit shit with and air support.

Power interactions with Apeiron are already strange though. Back to the age old question of Boosting vs Altering.
Okay, so, using the last topic as a jumping off point, I have a suggestion inspired by a series of videos I've been watching recently, found here.

My proposition is to frame it as an Aleph company that makes fighting games based off of Capes on Bet, and now, someone who's played the games on Bet has decided to do something similar here, based in Brockton.

So it's basically just Cape and gaming geeks discussing how certain Capes in the Bay can be translated into FGC characters.
Oh, and we have reached a milestone. For me, at least. This PHO Blacksmithery thread now has 50 pages worth of content. that's 1250 worth of posts. Thank you very much.
sagitarius - Build the Roster: Alter-Earth Fighterz 5 - Bay of Madness (Claimed - Martian_Tech)
[Well, seeing as no one is suggesting anything else (though that might be due to timezones, but whatever), I'm putting my new idea forward. How would you guys take the various Capes of the Bay (and a few from outside) and turn them into FGC characters?]


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♦ Topic: Build the Roster: Alter-Earth Fighterz 5 - Bay of Madness
In: Boards ► Just for Fun ► Video Games (Cape based or otherwise)
Antares_Snipe (Original Poster) (FGC YouTuber)
Posted on Apr 28th 2011:
As the topic of this thread might have suggested, I'm doing another one of my "Build a Roster" discussions to get some ideas for my next video. Specifically, this time the topic concerns a theoretical Alter-Earth Fighterz 5.

Now, I'm well aware that this series is pretty niche on Bet (in no small part because the 9 of the time were in the first game), but it is a very solid fighting game. A lot better than... pretty much every one of the PRT approved FGCs out there. That's not a high bar, mind, but hear me out.

The premise of the game is that a villainess, Cyverse, is obsessed with stress testing how well the heroes and villains of any given city can fight when in limited situations. Not the most concrete motivation in the world, but hey, it acts as a good premise for us to have a great fighting game, so meh.

The first three games have all focused on different cities, their heroes and villains, plus some guest heroes and villains from out of the city being focused on. Now, before I start things off with my usual returning characters bit, I just want to take a moment to explain the core mechanics of this game.

The A-EF series is made by Arc-Sys, which may be familiar to other FGC fans out there, as they also made both the Guilty Gear and Blazblue games. A-EF's combat system is very similar to Blazblue, with the added caveat of being a team fighter game, with three characters to a side.

All characters have a Light, Medium and Heavy attack button, as well as a Power button, which has the various Capes use their powers to their greatest extent. It uses a four bar meter system. Each character has various Specials (which can be boosted to X-Specials for one bar), Supers (which uses 2 bars) an Ultras (requiring a full meter.

That out of the way, lets get to the Returning characters, and for the A-EF series, there's really only four that has remained constant through all four previous games:

The main villain, of the game. Cyverse is a cyberspace Tinker who uses her tech to somehow trap select Capes into a cybernetic world, where she then forces them to fight, putting extra restrictions on them to make it more "fair". Cyverse is a very Set Up heavy character, creating and scattering traps on the stage to shut down enemy mobility and help her juggle them.

If it wasn't clear already, the rest of these will be the Triumvirate. As might be expected, Legend plays like a Zoner character. His Power button lets him shoot projectiles that follow a path depending on the directional input. He also has a quick escape special that lets him move in his breaker form for short distances.

Alexandria is, oddly, the Shoto of this entry. Very well rounded, and with access to projectiles when using the power button while grounded, involving tossing a bunch of ruble. In the air, Alexandria can use the power button to remain in place for extended periods, where she has access to shielded, directional rush attacks.

And now, the big one. For good reason, Eidolon is consistently in the top tier of this series due to his gimmick. Unlike other characters, he doesn't technically need to burn meter in order to use his X-Specials, Supers and Ultras.

Rather, he uses his meter to permanently change his Specials to X-Specials, and having the right ones unlocked will let you combo into a his Supers. Having all of them unlocked lets them combo into his Ultra.

The in-story explanation is that Eidolon has to unlock powers before he can switch to them, due to something Cyverse did. He always starts with a Combat Thinker power to use mixed martial arts, and the X-Specials he unlocks are each based off of one of the other Power classifications, with the exception of Changer and Tinker.

With that out of the way, let me give my proposal for my newest character. And if the topic title also, didn't give this away, this theoretical entry would be based in Brockton, and there's really only one choice for Cape, if we're talking Brockton Bay.

Apeiron: Apeiron is pretty much the quintessential choice in this situation. The guy's arguable Triumvirate level in terms of what he can do. I imagine Apeiron being a Stance Fighter, using his power button to go from a Rushdown with his Lantern Shield, to a Puppet Fighter with his automatons, and a Zoner with his mixtures.

Due to his medical technology, I'd also give him a healing assist.

His Supers will definitely include (what I'm pretty sure is) his fusion mode with Proto Aima, boosting all of his attacks while his meter (and possibly health?) is drained, as well as his Tripredacus bike's full power lazer blast.

I'd also give him two Utras: An even stronger transformation into his reptilian form, which locks him into a new Grappler stance, and of course, his Final Slash.

And that's all for me here. If you guys have any ideas on who would be a good pick (preferably with how you would translate their powers and skills into a 2D fighting game), or even if you disagree with my idea for Apeiron, I'd like to hear your thoughts.


Factions: Gaming enthusiasts, Cape geeks, Indie game makers, possibly some Wards and younger Protectorate members who might fall into those other categories.

Got another topic here for you @CorEagle . And here's hoping we can get enough topics in the future to reach 100 pages too.]
[Eh, I said it was first come, first serve, right? As long as all the appropriate fields are done, the format is correct, and the content not horrendously bad, I'll threadmark it. Done, @sagitarius ]
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DiAlbatross says:
I think that he would have more of a 'building-up steam' mechanic as an homage to him being a Tinker and his absurd declaration of "3 days old technology." We know that Tinkers usually need boatloads of time to get heroing, but Apeiron's speed and quality of building ironically makes him a great video game character, especially in fighting games. Like, making him have this mechanic would probably the first time where the game wouldn't undersell or oversell his powerset.

[I have no idea what FGCs are, but I played Touhou Hisoutensoku for over 683 hours. Does that count?]
[FGCs are fighting games. So stuff like Street Fighter, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Smash Bros. to an extent, Dragon Ball Fighterz, and the aforementioned BlazBlue and Guilty Gear, as well as the Persona 4 Arena games, which were made by the same companies too.]

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Antares_Snipe says:
Interesting idea. Do you mean something like getting upgrades to his Specials whenever he fulfills certain conditions then? Maybe whenever he hits an X-Special, the next time he uses it, it's automatically the boosted version, and gets a new X-Special that's even better? Has a lot of potential to snowball, but then, so does Eidolon's gimmick.
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RandomUsername says:
I mean, they could use Apeiron's actual gimmick as an ingame mechanic, that is, his commitment to contracts.
How would you translate that into a fighting game? I have absolutely no idea, as i come up with things without thinking them through.
*Edit: Grammar
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AnAngryPinecone says:

Mabie you could have some sort of material acquisition mechanic? Some fighting games have destructible intractables right? Mabie make it so that every time he uses one of those he upgrades his toolkit visually and mechanically. He'd probably have to start out very underpowered, and gradually improve until he becomes basically unstoppable. Enemy ults could knock him down a level or two, and at high level low health he can do that transformation thing.

[yes the suggestion is a slightly modified Steve from super smash bros]
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EvilToster says:

Definitely separate characters. I already picturing Lethe being agile and stealthy - as if she is invisible as long as she is not attacking - with her specials being various sword techniques. I mean cmon, if Leet's sword can make him adequate fighter surely Apeiron-grade one can make you sword master?

[I am not sure if anyone ever mentioned that Aisha is armed with a goddamn sword but methinks its rather important thing to note that she has Apeiron-grade Sharp Object. Last time I heard, thing like this sliced Ward apart and it was more than 3 days ago...]
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VerifiedCape (Verified verification tag)
But, like, Khepri tho. Aegislash, the bug clouds, turning up against bakuda with aegislash 2.0, now on the end of a string edition? She could nearly be an alt skin for Shion TATARI tbh.

[FGC actually refers to the collective fandom that follows fighting games. It's slightly weird seeing it used sensibly and understandably but still not quite right like this tbh.]
[FGC actually refers to the collective fandom that follows fighting games. It's slightly weird seeing it used sensibly and understandably but still not quite right like this tbh.]
[Ah, my bad then. I'm pretty much just dabbling in the FGC scene, so I don't know the full ins and outs of it.]

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MysticEyes_of_DepthPerception says:
Ooh, Melty Blood. I see that some of my people are here as well.

That said, much as I love the franchise, I do think that Lady Khepri would be more suited to a playstyle similar to Arakune. Having her power button summon bugs around the screen in preset patterns while she goes in for kill the up close. Could make it a fusion of both though, but that would need a lot of balancing to not make it seriously OP.

Speaking of, though, I have an idea for the two more of the Undersiders. Tattletale and Grue are sadly not included, as Tattletale... doesn't seem like the kind who'd even get into a fight, and Grue is hard by definition, cause you usually can't see wtf he does, even if the results show that he's probably at least a decent cqc fighter.

So now let's move on to my other ideas:

Hellhound: For obvious reasons, giving Hellhound her customary three dogs would be too much, so I say limit it to just one. Have her be a puppet fighter that can use the power button to either switch control to her dog on neutral, or have it make follow ups when used right after a combo or special.

Her other two dogs could be part of her Supers, and her Ultra would probably be having all three... er... dogpile the enemy. That part would probably need to be censored.

Regent: Regent, I would say, could become something like an odd mix between a zoner and puppet fighter, except his puppet is the enemy themselves. Now, of course, just having someone who can take control of the enemy character would be ridiculously OP, so how about explain it away as Cyverse nerfing him so that his power is linked to his Ape-tech taser? Have it shoot out a bolt (maybe make it so that close range ones are quick, but longer range ones are more telegraphed) that does little damage if it hits, but gives him a short time to input commands that the enemy character has to follow.

Essentially, his whole thing would be using his power to make the enemy trip over themselves in order to give him an opening to exploit with the rest of his kit. Hard to use, but when done properly, can let the player trap enemies into a situation where they have very little time to pull a reversal.
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RandomBullshitGo says:

I see that everybody has forgotten the local protectorate, which isn't very surprising actually...
So let me suggest Armsmaster, Miss Militia and of course, Dauntless.

Armsmaster would be a decent shoto character. He's got his halberd for close range, his halberd for long range, his halberd for anti-air attacks and his halberd/armor for burst attacks. (lol)
Can't really think of a good Super/Ultra tho. Maybe he can run over his opponent with his bike? [Like catwoman from Injustice?]

MM is obviously a zoner. For her Super/Ultra, she could basically do a bullet curtain or/with higher caliber weapons. I mean, obviously she's got some serious guns...
She's been seen with various types of combat knives so maybe she could have some CQC options as well.

As for Dauntless, he's got his arclance, shield, boots and armor which gives him a lot of options.
He's well rounded so he could be a shoto. He's got good CQC and the arclance can extend so he's got ranged/anti-air options as well. His boots and armor would give rushing/aeriel options as well.
He could also be a charge character which would fit well with his power. He's got his shield and armor so durability isn't an issue either.
He could also be a counter type with his shield to weather attacks and his lance to weave combos.

For all three heros, their supers could include containment foam, because come on, they're the protectorate!

Now, some people might not like this but I'm suggesting these two names anyway.

Lung and Kaiser.

Lung could be a powerful grappler/charge type with his power. He could start of normal-sized and ramp up through the fight into a bulky form (which would make him a difficult character to both master and counter). He's got plenty of fiery options for supers and his ult should of course be him going all 'Dragon of Kyushu' on his opponent.

Kaiser could do really well as a charge or a zoner character with his power.
He could also be an interesting mix-up character. (Mix-up characters usually possess numerous moves that have a similar or even identical startup animation that is then followed up by attacks that must be blocked or dodged in different ways.) [Source:]

Now if we get a game with these two, and I get the chance to beat the stuffing outta them in the only way I know how, then that's totally a coincidence. Just sayin.

Also, did you think I would forget Matrix!? Well, you thought wrong!
The obvious choice for The Matrix would be zoner, because GUNS! But if we give him a lightsaber he'd do well as a shoto too. He's got jetpacks/teleporting for aerial/burst attacks or dodging and he could have missiles for ranged AOE attacks. His super could be anything from a generic giant laser beam to something like heavy artillery fire.
His ult should definitely be him firing the mother of all artillery salvos with a full-broadside of energy weapons in his Gundam-mode!

[It's been ages since I've played any kind of fighting game, so I relied heavily on Google sensei. Pls let me know if I made any mistakes.

Also we really need someone to post here as Uber/Leet/Regent lol. They'd never miss something like this]
[Leet and Uber on everyone's shit lists though, plus Leet too busy playing with powers he has no business to play with and Uber too busy... I dunno, attempting to understand March's plans? So I doubt one of them would show up here. Now Regent though...]
[You know, I'm sort of tempted to make up something like Armsmaster rigging his bike to blow before ramming it into someone to act as his Ultra. Maybe make it so that it was a failed maneuver used during Lung's first big rampage in BB to explain why few people remember it.

Also, I've just come to realize that Miss Militia can basically just be Noelle Vermilion.]
[Leet and Uber on everyone's shit lists though, plus Leet too busy playing with powers he has no business to play with and Uber too busy... I dunno, attempting to understand March's plans? So I doubt one of them would show up here. Now Regent though...]

[I completely forgot about that with everything else goin on lmao. And I guess Regent would be too busy dealing with his new found humanity and Lisa.]

You know, I'm sort of tempted to make up something like Armsmaster rigging his bike to blow before ramming it into someone to act as his Ultra
[This might look a budget version of Apeiron's own stunt with his bike tho]
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MojaveCourier says:
Speaking of Apeiron, who's going to be the secret boss, the overpowered character to make you rage and isn't actually playable normally? Apeiron certainly seems worthy of the role.
RandomBullshitGo says:
oh that one is easy March.
I think she would be hard to balance as a videogame character, even though the role would fit like a glove.
She's a thinker primarily so how would that affect into her combat style? Does she know any martial arts? We saw her with a sword but we don't know how well she can use it. What kind of Supers would she have?
Her ult is obviously going to be the OP hax dimensional attack. But compared to that, any other move she would have seems kinda lackluster...