PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

Sothoth says:
...So that's why Apeiron's got all that tech. Omni-Tinker, with Armsmaster's Efficiency power, would open a lot of doors for him.

Is it bad that I'm kind of relieved now that we know what his range is now? Even if it is practically infinity?

I still remember the last post about The Celestial Forge or whatever, is this saying that Apeiron's not a native of this world? Would honestly makes sense considering how fast he's building up his tech seemingly without any idea of the cape scene.

[I am of two minds about this OP. I put in Da Rules that people should message me if they want to apply for a continuation of their previously made topic. Except, this has a different focus than the last one and is also 3 topics away from the last. So, for all intents and purposes, this is a different OP which serves as a sequel to the previous one.]
OhNoMyUsername (VerifiedDragonFanboy) says:
Wait, so. Generic Worm fanfiction. Did some random thinker in another world write up a story about Earth Bet? Is this an example of infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters? Is this just an extremely elaborate prank?

I ask these questions not because I actually care much about the answer, but because it felt like something I should ask.
DayzInADaze says:

"Apeiron" is Greek for Boundless

And considering how he shouted First blood in like, perfect Ancient Greek, I wouldn't be surprised if he's literally a demigod on top of the pile of bullshit he uses for a throne.

Edit: checked the list again, he has a thing called Divine Child- Hephaestus or something
So he's an actual demigod too apparently
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TwoPlusTwoIsFish says:
@OhNoMyUsername(Verified Dragon Fanboy) when faced with the concept of infinity, why do people constantly think that there is a finite amount of universes or that something cannot happen? it is infinity, go far enough and you WILL find a world where we are just words on paper, just like we go far enough to find princess Gwenevere, who to us is but a show but to them is reality. the real question is what is the titular WORM stand for? I highly doubt that it is meant to be a derogatory statement for the characters of the story. since iterative improvement states powers are supplied by shards, are they shards of this worm? If so, what does it mean? Why has some alien godlike entity deigned to give us mere mortals a fraction of their power? And why must it come in moments of stress? to torment us so? Are they treating all of humanity like ants, and will pour molten aluminum in our anthill to make a pretty sculpture when they are done watching us scurry around? Or are we like bacteria in a petri dish, with them using our mortal perspective to find new ways to use their powers that they have probably had for eons? Is the force behind Apeiron's powers like some sort of multiversal wildlife protection agency, sending him to stop this worm from using the metaphorical bug spray on us? Why else would one with such overwhelming power as Apeiron be sent to this world if there was not a threat of equal magnitude?
GhostBoy (Verified Zombie) Says:

So.. I found this wonderful little gem

-Strategy Trance (Brockton's Celestial Forge) (100CP)[a]

At will you may go into a trance in which your mind speeds up, your eyes glaze over and you start to instinctively analyse your current situation, any data points about your enemies, environment, your available powers and tools and their uses. You can then use all that information to instinctively construct hypothetical scenarios of possible resolutions to the encounter. After the trance ends you will have boosted competence to follow through with any plans you made within the trance, almost as if your instincts are guiding you.

The trace does not leave you defenceless, two things protect you during it, firstly a few external seconds of trance can be up to 10s of minutes of internal time. Secondly you will immediately wake up from the trance if you are attacked or if you would have wanted to be woken from it at any time for some other reason.

This perk is further boosted by any other mental perks you have and synergies and integrates aspects of all your mental perks to enhance the trance in some way or another.
Given that the other perks are "Worm" and "Generic Worm Fanfiction" methinks this one is us. Hi Big Brother! *waves at the sky*

Wonder if they'll notice me.
RandomDude88 says:
@ DayzInaDaze, just compare amount of greek and geek powers Apeiron have (or can have), and you will realize your mistake. :p
Lethe (Verified ???)
@GhostBoy Thou hast been noted.

[Aisha couldn't resist trolling. And she's likely convinced Survey to help her, hence the ??? Tag.]
[So, I'm going through the CF v3 looking for interesting shit and I thought I'd check scp foundation stuff. I notice a distinct lack of scp-248. EDIT: Also this, scp-294. Cup of Joe anyone?
on a different topic you'd think the companions in the forge would make more of a reaction. Here's one]
GhostBoy (Verified Zombie) says:

--- Domain: Assistants (1) (31 Perks) ---

Wait what? And to be more specific...

-Leonardo Da Vinci (Europa Universalis) (200CP)

You stand in the presence of one of the greatest inventors of this age, jumper. He is well known for his efforts to build a helicopter and a solar powered beam weapon, even in renaissance times. While he lacked the technology to bring his visions into reality and thus, died scorned, you will certainly be able to bring him the tools and the tech he needs to become the best inventor in the multiverse

Excuse me, WHAT??
So, unless I miss read something, not only can the Endless Ape's power summon a literal teams worth of Assistants it can summon dead people back to life. Yeah sure the list has literal aliens, spirits and AI and what not but Leonardo Da Vinci!! Who next, Thomas Edison? Einstein? Hero?
[Also shouldn't there be more companions in the forge? I've seen pokemon, digimon, house elves and even servants summoned in other forge fics but I can't find them in the v3]
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TwoPlusTwoIsFish says:
@GhostBoy (verified zombie)
I think that be in the version 3 of the forge, and I believe Apeiron has v1. would kinda make sense if the second and third version would be given to him if he triggers again. also looked at v1 and noticed Apeiron can potentially get that 1200 point power, the description:

Maker (1200CP)

You gain an alternate form of a maker, broad, Immensely strong and around 12 feet tall. You also gain supernatural powers of creation, able to make impossible things from practically nothing. Though it may take many years of practice, you will be able to master the art of crafting life from clay, Forge magic spells from ideas of the mind, and matter from nothing. Creator's spark: If you ascend and receive a Planeswalkers spark, you will find your knowledge of crafting extends unto the impossible and the laws of reality. You may eventually create new worlds from the void and forge new forces such as a unique form of magic or entropy as you create the new plane.
so does this mean Apeiron can become greater than LITTERAL GOD? I mean infinite growth would lead to that, but this just confirms it like WOW. and what is a Planeswalker spark anyway?
Unfiltered_Imagination says:

Sigh it sounds like something that would potentially allow one to travel from one universe to another. Plane, dimension, reality, universe... whatever.

Also, wow... I mean, TwoPlusTwo said it better than anyone really, infinite universes means there was always going to be one that had something like another universe writing about our one. But to see that, and actively messing with ours and letting us know is... well...

That's a lot to think about.

Also, calling it now, Strategy Trance must be something important enough to be used as a power, but Ape of Iron doesn't have it as a power... so it must be something... ah, described in the fic itself? My guess is this 'Strategy Trance' happened whenever he gained a new power and it got shoved into his head.
InsertUsername (Verified User) said:
Ugh. I hate it. I hate it so fucking much. Vague wording. References to "well-known things" that cannot be found even in the data from Aleph. And especially the fact that there's almost no order or classification in those docs. But after the last seven hours [from the release of the docs] I don't have any energy left to express it. Because when The Big Boss wants the review "ASAP and I mean it"... Let's just say that's not an easy work. At all.

@ TwoPlusTwoIsFish
>I believe Apeiron has v1.
Why? I think I missed something.

>would kinda make sense if the second and third version would be given to him if he triggers again
Not necessarily. He clearly not a parahuman, so I don't see why he would follow the rules of parahumans.
PizzaDeliveryGirl (Verified Cape) says:
If v3 references this universe, stands to reason v3 isn't used in this universe. Thus, he must have the earlier version.
Unfiltered_Imagination says:
The existence of other versions and the 'Strategy Trance' specifically implies to me that Ape of Iron isn't the only one who is currently using this Celestial Forge. There being only one version of the forge at the time of the... creation of the fic (god that's so fucking weird), but time went on and whoever created it (maybe multiple people), made updates as... other people started using it.

One other thing, but does anyone feel like the Celestial Forge is cutting things out from a greater whole? Like there should be other perks that aren't solely related to crafting (save for the freebies), there are numerous references to other perks and abilities within these documents that just don't show up anywhere else.

So... presumably, the Celestial Forge is a collection of crafting-based perks and there might be some sort of general... document, or multiple documents for worlds with perks in them that aren't just crafting or freebies. The references to 'post-jump' and 'post-spark' imply this as well.
InsertUsername (Verified User) said:
>So... presumably, the Celestial Forge is a collection of crafting-based perks
Not really. The 'Strategy Trance' that was mentioned is perfect example of the power that doesn't related to craft. And there many other, like 'Fashion', 'Juggernaut' or anything from '(Essential Body Modification Supplement)', that MAYBE indirectly related to craft. At most.
Though, maybe at first the creator tried to make a collection of crafting-based perks, and just got sidetracked in the process.
OhNoMyUsername (Verified Dragon Fanboy) says:
I hope that wasn't what happened, because the idea of some random entity with, presumably, MORE power than this 'Celestial Forge' getting sidetracked halfway through a project is not a comforting one.
Unfiltered_Imagination says:
Hey is there any fictional settings around that has verifiable omnipotence in the form of crafting?

Cause... ya know... all of this shit makes everything and anything plausible.
Unfiltered_Imagination says:
@InsertUsername (Verified User)

Well, going by the name, that was the theme of the entire thing, forging/crafting. Tailoring is a form of crafting and fashion would be making what you craft look good or specifically the clothing you make, look good. The essential body supplement is... well, a supplement... maybe something that one 'adds' onto if they wish for a 'jump' or what not... it wasn't in the first version of the Forge, so it might've been something added on later as you said...
InsertUsername (Verified User) said:
>fashion would be making what you craft look good or specifically the clothing you make, look good
I talking about the perk named 'Fashion': "Your clothing and entire body acquire defensive properties equal to the most superior protective items you have currently equipped."
How that's related to crafting things? I mean I can come up with some indirect corellation like safety measures, but that definitely not a perk that INTENDED for crafting.
Unfiltered_Imagination says:
@InsertUsername (Verified User)

It something that would greatly help someone who does craft however, especially when they can make some pretty bullshit clothing that is more durable than any set of Tinkertech armor in the world. It ain't a direct crafting perk, but it definitely greatly supplements one who does.