PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

SevenFootByTheSea says:

Well, one other major issue with restaurant in Brockton Bay is that the best asian restaurant tends to also be (un)official ABB meeting places. Likewise with european food and Nazis. So, I would strongly recommand to take the food "to go" for those cases...

... And this is also frustrating when all you want is a good curry but there is a crazy mad bomber out there.

Quick anectode, for the out-of-towners: this is also the reason why we no longer have a "Best restaurant of BB" competition. The first (and last) year the Mayor tried to organize that, the gangs got pulled in the competition and they started to be awfully competitive.
Let's say it ended up hillariously wrong.
>Private message from Mr. Goatman:
I see you're interested. Everything we know is here. We're organizing transport for people like you. This.... it's really happening.

Thank God. Thank God.

[Note: this is intended as a private message to Sveta to be tacked onto the end of the post, not viewable to other posters. I'm not sure if these are allowed or not. It seemed fitting that C53's are trying to get organized about this and are feeling each other out online to get information spread. If this isn't suitable feel free to ignore it. And yes, everything we know is in that link.]
[Uh, don't know if this is the right way to do it, but fuck it]

JustADream says:

Well, spicy food isn't really my tango but I know a place that serves a rather nasty curry. Haven't personally went there but a buddy of mine did.

The mad man that he is took the spiciest thing on the menu, and he had to fill some documents about it because, and I quote his words "Curry made with some Jalapeno Phantom bullshit" or something like that.

Needless to say my buddy got very intimate with his toilet after that- fucker sent me photos of the aftermath (bragging about it like it was something to be proud off), it wasn't pretty.

The name of the restaurant is "Bollywood Spice" for anyone wondering.

Edit: Never fucking mind- the place got caught in the slapfest between Lung and Aperion, if the map of the later is any accurate, that is.
DrowningInTheBay said:

There's this really nice Ethiopian place called Nile Cuisine about a block away from the PRT HQ, really enjoy eating there for lunch. Not alot of places like that around BB anymore due to all the Nazis, but I'm glad a select few were able to survive. There is Calypso Carryout which is pretty much the only place in BB to get Jamaican place in the city. It aint bad, but i personally think the food is a bit underseasoned. Alot of good businesses were ran outa town when Marquis was arrested, not saying he was a good guy or anything just that he kept the E88 in check better than the other criminal aspects of the Bay.
PolishHandGrenade says:

Not a restaurant, so it might not count, but there's a little polish market shop tucked away on Washington, down by Winslow High. Great place to pick up pierogis and golumpki. They're only open from noon to seven on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I think it is operated/run by an old couple whose kids moved away years ago. Try to go during the afternoon, before the gang-wannabes from Winslow get out for the day.

Be nice to the proprietors. They're good people. They donated their entire week's stock to a local shelter after the first of those ABB bombings.

Edit: No, my username is not me being clever. I've had this username long before that crazy bitch decided to start putting bombs in people.
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SpadeOfHearts says:
Now I want to know what happened in that Best BB Restaurant competition that somehow pulled in the gangs. What, did the Nazi's push for their Fuhrer Pizzeria, made from the blood of their forefathers? The Merchant's drugged Cocktails and Martinis? ABB's Double L Special, featuring a hot and cold combination signifying the battle between Lung and Leviathan?

...Now that I think about it, the last one sounds really good. Still, I think Distinctive Delicatessens would win if it were to be held again. They've been approved by Garment, and their food and drinks are just perfect. I wonder if there's any chance we could get anything ironic in the menu.

[Gully is bad at being subtle, but she's trying her best! Distinctive Delicatessens is a reference to this omake.

Regarding the PM-style messages, it might be best for that to be relegated to actual PMs between you and the original poster. It would just break the flow of conversation in the PHO segments.

Also, where is Sveta? I thought the the original poster's going to be handling that? The thread is currently at 26 posts including this one. It's going to reach the 50 limit real quick.]
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Voyager (cape-grupie) says:
@ OhNoMyUsername (VerifiedDragonFanboy)

The restaurant was the Nautilus, that is near the broadwalk. The reason the name was never said is probably because the owner is an asian woman that lived with her family just above the restaurant, considering what happened recently to asians here probably didn't want to reveal her existence to the ABB if they were able to go unnoticed.
Unfortunately, and the reason I am telling the name now other to avoid another tinfoil plot is to annunce that the shop is closed , hopefully just for the near future.
A bomb exploded in the apartment, and nobody saw neither the woman nor her daughter in the last days.
considering that the one that introduced me to their fantastic fish was their husband that was my high school janitor, that i remember from the Bakuda video, please tell me if anyone has news of them?

[Just a normie from BB that having made the correct connection tried to hide the double-speak from the other users to help the C53]
InsertUsername (Verified User) says:
Thanks, guys. With that info, hopefully, I'll manage to live through my trip without the accidental poisoning myself by bad food or lead.

@ Voyager, too bad. I would like to visit this restaurant. If someone can PM me when it will be open, and where since they, probably, will be forced to look for the new place, I'll be very grateful. You, guys, as subtle as a bag of angry wet cats.

Edit: I heard that there's a neat, if severely overpriced, place with tough face control that worth attending. Somber Doom? Sober Music? Someone's Stone? Something like that. For those who looking for good seafood - on Sunday the dish of the day will be something-something octopus (the name of the dish is in Greek, so I can't vouch for what it actually is). I'm not that much of a gourmet to appreciate it, but for those who willing to risk their tastebids - you know where to go.
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The timer has ended, and that thread as well. Anyone up to suggesting something new?
Narsauce - Shippenning Commence
[The timer has ended, and that thread as well. Anyone up to suggesting something new?]
[I gotchu fam]

Also, yeah @CorEagle have a new thread.

♦ Topic: The Shippening commences!
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) ((Verified Rhino))
Posted On Apr 22nd 2011:
So, after the horror that occurred last night, I think we all need some levity here. So you know what? I think it's time we make that levity for ourselves by doing what we always do.

No, it's not rampant speculation over abilities and powers, nor is it the fawning over the strength of our soon to be Mad Tinker Overlord or the beauty of Garment's Garments, and while it does bear some similarities to Cape Fic, we're instead going to be speculating about the personal and potential love lives of the newest capes in the Bay, Garment and Apeiron! Because that's what we denizens of the internet like doing!

So come one, come all! Place your bets, pick your pairings and let the speculation over who in the Bay these 2 new capes would pair best with commence!

Edit: Just a reminder, keep the shipping above the line, please. So avoid shipping minors unless you want a visit from a mod.

(Claimed: No)
(Factions: General Users, Mentioned Capes (By that I mean if a cape is mentioned, someone can jump into the convo as that cape to voice their opinions), BB Protectorate/Wards, other relevant capes, maybe someone as Apeiron)
(Topics: This is a shipping thread, you know what to do)
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Winged_One says:

Definitely Apeiron has been experimenting with creating capes and powers, and garment is his daughter that he created in some experiment.

How else would he have the experience and knowledge to treat weld?
Picker_of_Nits says:

Are we sure Garment isn't a minor?
Those gloves look really new.

Also, what's the law say about relations between people and animate objects?

Can you imagine that interview?
They pull out the barbie doll set, point to all the clothing and ask "Where did he touch you?"

(User has been temp-banned for 3 days to think about what they've done.)

Hammer_of_Bans (Mod) says:

Just no.
Have a temp-ban.
JustADream says:

Well, we all know about the fact that Dragon is setting up shop here in the bay, and while it was probably due to her wanting to keep a close look at our resident Mad Tinker in case he goes nuts (probably has already some screwed drives in his head)- I feel there's something a bit "more" to it...the Dragon found a treasure for her horde and she wants to "capture" Aperion before anyone else~
Cape power of being a Functioning Adult (confirm adult) (confirmed not cape)

people seem to forget, Garment Gloves is just Gloves, there is no invisible person there, any shipping must be Platonic, due to lack of...required tools
OhNoMyUsername says:
Oh dosh garnet, I thought I snagged this one. Guess I've got a thread to delete, or change the purpose of. Eh, I'll figure that out later.

Hm. For some reason, Assault/Battery/Apeiron has jumped into my mind from the void. I do not know if that would work, or if they've met each other at all, but it sure is a pairing.

@Cape power of being a Functioning Adult you severely underestimate the internet here. Like, come on, there's fics shipping the cow with the spoon out there.
CaptainOfShippers says:
Garment/Apeiron all the way! Their existence contributed to the fashion explosion in the Bay, just look! EVERY SINGLE CAPE has updated their costumes at some point during the Age of Apeiron, and almost certainly they received some assistance from our resident sentient clothing. Come to think of it, Parian/Garment might be a good thing too...

Also also, I believe that every time Apeiron goes out to battle, Garment is with him all the time! Just look at those immaculate gloves!
[This topic has already been done before, and is comparitively boring. I'll still participate though, but the significant lack of substance other than "SHIPPING THREAD LULZ" really hampers my enthusiasm for this.]
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[Wait, did I yoink this topic? If so, sorry.]

[Unless you were complaining in character, in which case nevermind]
[Nah, It was in character. I had the nebulous idea of doing this, but I didn't have an actual post prepared or anything. Back in the Aperion's debut 'thread' my OhNoMyUsername character directed people to an Apeiron shipping thread they started.

On the topic of staying in character, keeping track of when my guy should have his (Verified Dragon Fanboy) tag or not has been more complicated than I expected when I applied it.]
NotALazyHam says:
@CaptainOfShippers Excellent idea. And those glowing red thread must be their baby by the way of Apeiron! And next time Apeiron come out to play, he will have some new little red suits and dresses with him.
Ship says:

@.Winged_One. It is rude to assume that C53's are inhuman. But if garment is anyone's 'creation' it would probably be Pariahs, since she is able to create those moving dolls.

If Garment wasn't a C53 I would might been tempted to think that Apeiron cheated on Bakuda with Pariah at most. Since tinkers seem to be very interested in those fabrics of hers, but that is unlikely, we know how defensive Apeiron can get of his children.
NotEntirelyUnInsane says:

Well, there is somewhat of a precedent for animate/inanimate intimacy, in that the Eiffel Tower was married to a French woman. No, really. Look it up! Sadly she was widowed by the Blasphemies, but... well. Considering Garment is an animate object, though, I'm not sure that she technically counts seeing as she's not *not* alive...?

Allow me to introduce Sundancer x Apeiron! The hottest couple ever conceived! The passion of a burning sun, the smouldering beauty that even Apeiron cannot resist! The Forgemaster and his Flame, oh *yes*! Tell me you can't see it!

"Oh Apeiron, you're so good with your hands!"
"Yeah babe you're so hot"