Peril's Origin - A Magical Girl Quest [Complete]

Okay, first things first, we're probably dead if that ethereal blade hits us. 2k damage would be survivable between sanctuary and Paoras, especially with Conundrum. Unfortunately, she has spell boost, so there's another 400d6000, which has a pretty good chance of killing us. Considering it's ethereal, I doubt breaking line of sight would help. So, our first action should be to kill the caster. She has a 6k MM, though, so she might survive if we don't string attacks together. We need three to reliably pierce it, and I have my doubts about getting those off before her spell. Anyone have an idea?
We do have Priority Boost and 4 APT atm. The Fairies have 2 APT each.
Nox and Rose are busy with METEOR. Sirius has eyes on the Soul Reavers.
Which for the first turn leaves us with Apricot and Clarisse as Problems.

Clarrise currently has no spells charged and would need to start charging one before being able to fire it off.
Leaving Apricot as the most immediate problem.
We are likely to get at least 2 attacks off before Apricot gets to cast the spell, a 3rd is a crapshot.
Preliminary damage calculations say that might not be enough depending on Apricot's MM Roll.
But in Victor's Lament we have seen that attacks aimed at vital spots deal additional damage.
So let's do that.
There are actually three points:
1) Priority-1 would let us have the first move. We can strike her before she gets off her spell.
2) Paoras can block the spell for us and negate lethal damage, once. This will help.
3) @Naron, what can that one other of Paoras' siblings do? Do we have his charsheet? Vereon I think the name.

And godfukkindammit I hate how the post box now behaves on mobile.
First move, yes.

But we need to chain together three attacks to reliably pierce her MM. I'm doubtful that Priority-1 would cover the latter ones as part of the first move.

We do have the Paoras safety net, though.

So, first draft:

[x] Plan One by One
-[x] Attack Apricot with Aetheric Tide, chaining three attacks together, then cast Conundrum.
-[x] After that, pick whichever fairy is easiest to target and do the same to them. If they have barrier up, use four (chained) attacks instead.
-[x] if a fairy is doing something particularly threatening, target them instead. (Meteor doesn't count till it's close to done.)

There are five, so if we kill one a round, we should be fine. Prioritize the non-meteor casters because the meteor casters aren't doing anything else atm. Conundrum for safety since we have a spare action that turn, though I guess we could fish for a low MM roll instead.

Actually, can she chain together more than two attacks?
I wonder if grabbing a fairy, calling up Reaper's Will (lightsaber) to hand, and switching it on to stab them would work...
@Naron how are the Fairies positioned?
Nox & Rose are mentioned as being under a shield, but the positions of the other three are not entirely clear.
Except that they guard those two.
Are they between those two and the incoming demon horde?
Between them and the bastion?
Between them and Defiance?
All on the same side of the two under the shield or spread around?
@Naron how are the Fairies positioned?
Nox & Rose are mentioned as being under a shield, but the positions of the other three are not entirely clear.
Except that they guard those two.
Are they between those two and the incoming demon horde?
Between them and the bastion?
Between them and Defiance?
All on the same side of the two under the shield or spread around?
They are loosely standing around Nox and Rose, with Apricot being closest to Heidi and Sirius the furthest away from her.
If there's only two fairies charging METEOR, killing one of them completely interrupts the charge, so that if another one joins in to replace them they need to start over, right?
"To be honest, the only thing that is painful and a problem is that I keep lactating and don't know where to with all the milk."
know what to do with
If there's only two fairies charging METEOR, killing one of them completely interrupts the charge, so that if another one joins in to replace them they need to start over, right?
Hey so, you know those statues Omega Jordan had in his basement?
He may or may not have gotten the idea from watching what happens to people standing too close to an interrupted Meteor cast.

Just sayin'...
Hey so, you know those statues Omega Jordan had in his basement?
He may or may not have gotten the idea from watching what happens to people standing too close to an interrupted Meteor cast.

Just sayin'...
Tiny Juggernaut
-Paoras may ignore lethal damage once per battle. If an ally would be hit by a lethal attack, she may step in that attack's way even if she normally could not, as long as she is in range to do so.

Well, then we know what we need to save this one for...
[X] Plan One After One
-[X] Kill Apricot before she gets her spell off using Aetheric Tide and chaining as many attacks together as it takes, then cast Conundrum
--[X] Aim for a vital spot to increase damage.
-[X] Order the mooks to attack Clarisse, use Argent Star on Clarisse to open the way for the mooks.
-[X] Proceed towards killing Sirius
-[X] Open a way for a Soul Reaver to take down Nox and Rose or take them down yourself if none is here atm
--[X] Help take down Nox and Rose

[X]EXP-Plan One After One
-[X] Argent Star 1 -> 5 (100 XP)
-[X] That Which is Forbidden 3 -> 5 (70 XP)

Now, as for my reasoning: Apricot is already locked onto us and can kill us rather easily if she gets her spell off. She needs to go before anything else. Even Conundrum does not raise our survival chances that much, so it's better to attempt taking her out before she gets the spell off. Therefor massive offense is our best Bet.
Casting Conundrum is likely the last or second to last action in our current turn, with Apricot dead this leaves Clarisse and Sirius as our immediate problems.
Sirius is likely busy with Soul Reaver, and might not notice us instantly unless an ally alerts him.
Clarisse has no such problems. So let's give her ones. We are not alone after all.
Argent Star has increased effectiveness against Clarisse than the other fairies, because she has one more affinity. Which means another doubling of damage, giving it a chance, but no guarantee to take her out. (unless we get a surprise milestone).
But it should still force her to split her attention and let the mooks close in.

The Barrier is making Nox and Rose hard to take down, but Soul Reaver should help.
It's attacks get stronger the more it attacks the same target. So opening a way for it towards Nox and Rose will help.
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To quote an unfortunate Hiigaran pilot: "This isn't looking good Fleet."

Barring upgrades, our multi-slash spear does (240+300[Paoras]+MM)*3*2[battlefield effect] (~3k). Which is a decent chance to leave enough holes in one of the non-barrier Fairies to drop them, or we could fail to do any damage at all if they get a good MM roll. Likewise for the Fey spells, depending on MM we could either resist the hit or get blasted away in small chunks.

>.< Exactly the sort of chance-based outcome that drives planning nuts. Gotta try to think up some stunts that reduce MM defense.

I'm presuming here, but I expect the METEOR casters are going to keep chanting until their spell works or they die, whatever happens. So they're basically out of the fight. We're getting targeted by one already and will probably catch the attention of the boss Fairy, Claire, when we disable Apricot. Sirius has other things on his mind, but we can probably drag aggro if we have two Fairy kills before anyone else gets one. Another thing to watch out for is someone deciding flying would be a good idea to get away from us, we'd end up swinging ineffectually at a bomber.

I'll try to give the Moar Barrier/Just Take Wing/lol!MM Hax issues more thought when I'm back from work
Another thing to watch out for is someone deciding flying would be a good idea to get away from us, we'd end up swinging ineffectually at a bomber.
I think I hinted at this before but they can not take to the air.
If they do, there is a swarm of Hell Beasts waiting for them that is only held back by the fact there is lots of small and squishy allies near their enemies.
I had an idea. It's a bit of a stretch, but Defiance has good access to Abilities and her Stardust Striker was noted to be good at regulating magic (plus it has Interference).

I propose improving the level of Stardust Striker in hopes of it gaining Judgement and then pwning these Fairies.

[-] [EXP] Stardust Moonshot
-[-] Stardust Striker to level 6 (120 EXP)

[-] Plan Backup Strats
-[-] Set weapon to Stardust Striker and lunge at Apricot
-[-] If this proves effective, repeat on Claire and then Sirius
--[-] if this proves ineffective panic slightly and tackle Apricot
---[-] Fairies are half your size and Paoras is backing up the attack. Try to break them quickly in a grapple and move on.
-[-] When only the METEOR casters are left, try holding your weapon close to them when switching forms (Reaper's Will) to disrupt their spells/buffs. Then keep attacking with Reaper's Will.

The backup strat is to try taking advantage of a quirk in the Grappling rules. Since that feels really cheaty to me I'm hoping to get Judgement based on a gut feeling and not being told we can't afford it. Cheaty is better than Maya's kids getting turned into a smoldering crater though...

Any suggestions to make the plan more concise/complete?
One of possible ways to attack the METEOR casters is to take advantage of our shifting forms of our weapon.

Their boost is said to be Resilience - and it might be worthwhile to briefly, for 1 attack, to switch to Stygian Tempest, in order to take advantage of Armor Pierce... But I'm not sure.