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We do have Priority Boost and 4 APT atm. The Fairies have 2 APT each.Okay, first things first, we're probably dead if that ethereal blade hits us. 2k damage would be survivable between sanctuary and Paoras, especially with Conundrum. Unfortunately, she has spell boost, so there's another 400d6000, which has a pretty good chance of killing us. Considering it's ethereal, I doubt breaking line of sight would help. So, our first action should be to kill the caster. She has a 6k MM, though, so she might survive if we don't string attacks together. We need three to reliably pierce it, and I have my doubts about getting those off before her spell. Anyone have an idea?
Nox and Rose are busy with METEOR. Sirius has eyes on the Soul Reavers.
Which for the first turn leaves us with Apricot and Clarisse as Problems.
Clarrise currently has no spells charged and would need to start charging one before being able to fire it off.
Leaving Apricot as the most immediate problem.
We are likely to get at least 2 attacks off before Apricot gets to cast the spell, a 3rd is a crapshot.
Preliminary damage calculations say that might not be enough depending on Apricot's MM Roll.
But in Victor's Lament we have seen that attacks aimed at vital spots deal additional damage.
So let's do that.