This is awkward, to the point even Paoras can tell.
Originally, you were looking for Orux and failed to find him. So, seeing his friend, you thought it would be a good idea to get to know the man a little better and asked him to tag along. Even now you wonder why that sounded like a good idea.
Even more so however, you wonder why he agreed.
As it is, you are wandering Charon's Keep with a small and cute half-Elf, and a tall and imposing Demon. Only Lu could have made this more weird a pair. Paoras babbles on happily about things happening at home and shenanigans her siblings got up to, while Dragul keeps his quiet for now. He does seem interested in the babbling, though... or is good at pretending to listen, you would not put it past him.
"So I wonder," he speaks up in the end, having waited for your young friend to pause in thought. "Why exactly did you ask me to accompany you on this venture?"
"Why did you agree?" You ask right back, a reflex more than a concious response. Dragul raises an eyebrow and you shrug. You could at least give him a proper reason, or as much of one as you have. "I have it on good word you're not as much of an ass as you act like, so I got curious how much there is to it."
You count the way his eyes narrow as a win and can not stop yourself from grinning. He lets out a sigh that somehow manages to sound belittling before returning a more fanged grin. "Similarly, I heard you are more capable than your short stature and few years imply." You huff at that, not particularly angry about it. Everyone here is taller and probably older than you, so it is a reality more than an insult.
Which does not mean you do not have to bite your tongue to stop snarking back. Paoras' attention is on your conversation, so you rather keep it civil. Somewhat.
The three of you wander through stone corridors lined with a few small windows and wide carpets, all crimson, quiet for a while. In the end, it is Dragul who speaks up: "How much have you been taught about Sheol, girl?"
"It's Heidi," you correct with a suppressed sigh; you rather be called by name than that. On second thought, though... "No, Adelheid for you."
For some reason however, Dragul smiles over the petty rudeness and folds his hands behind his back. "Adelheid," he tests your name curiously; his deep voice makes it sound more sinister than usual, a chuckle follows before he offers you another fanged grin. "Much preferable to such an uncouth abbreviation." You twitch, but let it pass; now he is doing it on purpose, the damn Dracula-wannabe.
"Don't fight, please?" Paoras' eyes are wide and her hands are folded in front of her chest; she stopped walking and is staring at you. "Friends shouldn't fight, that's wrong."
You blink at her and wonder why she thinks you are friends, but the moment of surprise lets Dragul get the first word in; he bows his head toward her, too. "I disagree on both counts. That one is not my friend, and friends may fight as much as they wish."
You disagree with the second, but leave asking the questions to Pao for now; she somehow manages to get more out of him than you feel you would. Her eyes are wide as she looks at Dragul. "Why?"
"If what you call a friend can not stomach a simple disagreement," he begins with a tone that oozes his opinion of the matter, "or accept suffering a simple defeat by your hands, why, then that can not be called a friend in the first place." Huh. That actually makes a lot of sense, you have to admit. It even fits with your own circle of friends... in a way.
Paoras mulls that over for a moment and nods. "Okay. And why aren't you friends?"
This time, Dragul actually smiles; it does not look nice, though. Mostly belittling, though you doubt your friend actually noticed; you still give him a look for that, which is ignored. "Because I am not like you in that regard, little lady. It takes more than a handful of conversations for me to deem someone a friend."
"Probably why you only have one," you quip; you can not help yourself and the irritated look on Dragul's face is well worth it. Ah well, better change the topic for now. "Anyway, I know basically nothing about the place aside from what I saw myself. Orux told me some more about the lay of the land, but that's it."
The Demon nods thoughtfully before motioning for a window; you can see the plains outside, as well as the clouds hanging overhead. "Sheol is one of Hell's oldest holdings," he starts; both you and Paoras listen curiously. "It has been our main staging ground on Valhalla, the home dimension of the Valkyr Legion, and the only direct connection to Heaven's territories for eons now." Why, hello, norse mythology. Looks like that was influenced by people from the outside, too.
He pauses to wait for questions, but you have none. Paoras' arm shoots up, though. "Oh, what's the Valkyr Legion?"
"Angels," he answers without hesitation. "Masters of all arms and generally more inclined to battle than those born in Heaven proper. Hope that you will grow much stronger before ever encountering one." She nods a little too cheerfully at that, not at all concerned; you have concerns, though. Mainly about him tempting fate like that.
With no other questions, Dragul nods and continues: "Charon's Keep and Naahma's Temple are the main bastions, reinforced and with a powerful garrison each. The entire planet has been systematically bound into a titanic array to ensure it will hold even against counteroffensives from the Valkyries."
You try to keep the other name in mind and doubt you will remember it for longer than a week; not that it matters too much, you can just ask someone if you forget. Dragul squints at the clouds before leading you onward. "The Keep used to be a much less fortified position, but it has been expanded in the recent millennia."
You have the feeling this is going to turn into a boring history lesson. And in difference to what Orux explained to you, this here does not interest you overly much. "Okay, so it's bigger now. Why is that?"
"My knowledge only extends so far." He deflected the question and you both know it. You have half a mind to ask for his opinion, but decide against it.
"Fair enough. Mind if I ask you something else?" He eyes you for a moment, but nods. "Why are you so respectful to Pao?"
Said girl is currently examining a little tunnel the Imps use up ahead, and probably is not listening to you. Dragul closes his eyes and turns away, his voice tinged with something weird. "Because her mother made it quite clear what happens to anyone who mistreats her
spawn." There is a certain venom in the last word, which makes you cautious in turn. Dragul elaborates quietly, his eyes on Paoras: "I am not fond of those unnatural, neither do I seek to antagonise them without reason. In this case however, I rather err on the side of caution."
Now you have to raise an eyebrow at him. This works out with what your little friend told you, but it still puzzles you. "And Maya is scaring you why?"
His dark chuckle is a lot more upsetting right now than it was the last time. "One who knows how to heal merely needs time and practice to learn how to use that power for ruin. The previous vice commander of this bastion learned as such when she attempted to torture that Succubus' firstborn son."
"Mama makes people go boom and squish!" Paoras happily calls from right in front of you; you did not even notice how she wandered up, still distraught by what Dragul just told you. Maya is not particularly strong in comparison to others, but this... would explain why she gets so much leeway on some things. And why her children can wander freely without having to fear anything.
You pet your friend's head absent-mindedly, trying to ignore how happy she looks with Maya's take on problems. Dragul smirks at the conflicting feelings you are probably showing freely on your face. "Pop and splatter would be more accurate," he notes while waving you both forward, with Paoras immediately arguing that 'splatter' is not a sound.
A while of strolling through corridors and specific sections later, thankfully without any gory topics after a minute or two, you figure you should ask your last question. The one you are quite curious about.
"Hey, can I ask you something? A little more personal?"
He slows down and stops, half-turning to meet give you a searching look mixed with curiousity. "And what would that be?"
You do not really have anything to lead up to it, so you simply ask: "How did you and Orux become friends?" It bothers you that those two are nothing alike and still seem to get along. From the look of it, Paoras is also curious about the matter... though she probably has no idea who Orux is again.
Dragul, for his part, mulls that over. Then he shakes his head. "An interesting question, but not an answer I will give freely. I would, however, trade it for an answer of your own: how is it that one such as you, such a
Magical Girl, is supposed to be powerful?" He speaks the unfamiliar term with a hint of distaste and you almost feel insulted. It does seem to just be curiousity, though. You feel that you can indulge him in return for sating your own. Not like it will help him much.
"Magical Girls are... difficult to explain. I never learned many of the details. Human magic is generally more about exploiting loopholes and making them, or to abuse little things. We don't have many big or powerful things and even most Magical Girls are brittle at best in comparison to Heaven and Hell." You pause to think, then knock the back of your index finger against a window next to you. "Comparing it to the Keep... everyone else doing magic is like breaking through the walls with pure strength. Humans go through one of these windows for the same effect."
He nods slowly; Paoras mimics him, but you are not sure she actually understood. Either way, you continue from there: "Magical Girls take the same concept and turn it up to ridiculous degrees. Each one is completely unique and can have almost every power imaginable. We also grow strong horribly fast in comparison to everyone else." You shrug, basically finished with your explanation. "That's as far as I know; I imagine that the girls up top got really good at making full use of what they have, too."
Dragul nods again and mulls the whole thing over; you let him and stare out the window before Paoras pulls at your sleeve. "Heidi? You're weak in comparison, right?"
She starts staring outside too when you nod confirmation, apparently sad for some reason. She does not say it, though.
Your other companion sighs and folds his hands behind his back again. "Very well, an answer for an answer." You perk up and turn around, though Paoras is not listening this time. Dragul eyes you carefully. "I have always been stronger than Orux, that is a fact. It is not an insurmountable gap, which he taught me when we first met. I am stronger, but he is... clever for his kind. The kind of clever that can bridge the gap."
It takes a moment until you catch his meaning, a grin growing on your face. "He beat you up."
"It was a draw," the Demon clarifies with a sharp look. "And the fight after was a draw as well. To this day, I never won against him. Which is why I am still of the opinion that your victory was more of him underestimating you than of your power." He shakes his head and preempts your response with a raised hand. "Either way, that got him my attention. That was years ago; we have fought and bled together since then, even managed to survive killing an Angel. That time spent is what makes us friends."
You nod slowly, understanding what he means. Standing together through battle, you can imagine that you would treasure someone like that, too.
At this point, you still do not know much more about Dragul, but... it seems he is just a jerk at heart, with no additional aggression toward you than toward anyone else. You can live with that. "Okay. Any idea why he is so nice to me, then? I'm pretty sure that isn't normal."
The Demon shrugs at that. "I have my suspicions, but whether they are true or not, you should find an answer to that question yourself. Orux thinks a lot, and he is careful around you for the power you already displayed. Word around is that you have quite the temper." And the last part is delivered with another fanged smirk; you scowl back and flip him off, to which he merely chuckles.
. . .
. . .
You enjoyed the walk quite a bit, even though you did not get as much time to talk to Paoras; she seems to be happy to spend time with you either way. Dragul is at least not being an ass about it and the day soon comes to a close.
It follows another week of training, which passes quickly. Between the movement patterns Lu drills into your head, you even have time to practice a little more with some of your pet projects. Your scythe is easy to spin, which means putting it above your head before doing so gives you a nice bit of reach. The trick only works if your opponents are taller than yourself, though.
You also had an idea during the previous week's training, which you remembered while Lu has you go through several stances in rapid succession. You know switching your weapon does something like a reset of whatever active magic you had on it; after finding a fitting Dark Star to help out, you found out something quite nice: switching removes negative effects lying directly on your weapon.
Lu was quite happy with your intiative, which you could tell from the fact she did not frown at you even once. No smiles either, but she never smiles during practice. Only sometimes when you stay around to talk to her for a few minutes afterward.
You are technically still in a stretch of training, but your body is getting somewhat used to the strain; the sessions are not going as long anymore, either; once she had confirmation that you do grow and grasp things quickly, Lu gave you more time to relax.
Meaning that you actually have the energy to do things like taking a walk right now; it drizzles, but you could not care less. Homemade heat-enchantments keep you warm and dry.
"Look at that, a little Elven girl." You curiously turn your gaze toward where the dark voice came from, only to find a gaggle of Demons staring at you. You raise an eyebrow and then roll your eyes, biting down an answer as you stroll along.
That is, until one of the soldier-types moves to block your way. You stop, glance upward at his blocky form, and turn to find the rest nearby. "You're far from home, little Elf," the Demon in front of you drawls; his tone makes you wary, and at this point it is clear that they are not from here. No one here calls you an Elf.
"Too scared to speak?" another taunts and your patience breaks; you sneer right back.
"No, too bored to care!" Your response gives them pause and you make to walk around the bunch. Then a hand moves to grab your shoulder and you duck away before flicking forward, turning to face the whole group. Their expressions are dark and you are angry now.
"Looks like nobody told you how things go around here," the Demon in front drawls; there are eight of them, six like Orux and two like his commander. They fan out while a circle of onlookers forms already. Great, and people will think you are weak if you retreat. Not that you want to, they earned this.
Your magic surges and you can feel it enhance you; just as your instincts told you when you meditated on the matter. Nonetheless, your anger is reined in after all that combat practice with Lu. You are in control and as the Handle forms in your hands, you know... you need a plan.
[] Write-in a plan?
-[] Write-in what to buy
-[] Save it
+15xp Exploring the Keep
EXP gained: 15
Total EXP: 105
Allied Forces:
Confirmed Enemies:
-6 Hell's Foot Soldiers
-2 Hell's Ground Commanders
Active Effects:
Determined Soldier (Defiance: +2 ApT)
(Unlocked Level 2 Character Sheet: Dragul)
(Generic troop sheets added to the front page)
Unlocked Soft Exploits:
-spin to win: Use Stygian Tempest in an overhead-spin to attack all enemies within its range in a single attack
-bye-bye debuff: Employ tactical mode-switching to remove debuffs from your weapon; careful, also removes buffs