Perhaps a journey

[X] Lets go see these newcomers trying to tame the forest. Should be good for some laughs. Plus! If they get anywhere near the Life Blossoms, were going to have to make them leave. Or else.
I know people want our little Fairy out into the world and all but I'd like to see some Fairy culture first before leaving.

I'm saying this under the assumption that seeing a bunch of goofs try to uproot fantasy!Catachan would probably result in us leaving the forest sooner since it calls for us to interact (so far as pointing and laughing can be considered interaction) with outsiders.
Undead-Spaceman said:
I know people want our little Fairy out into the world and all but I'd like to see some Fairy culture first before leaving.

I'm saying this under the assumption that seeing a bunch of goofs try to uproot fantasy!Catachan would probably result in us leaving the forest sooner since it calls for us to interact (so far as pointing and laughing can be considered interaction) with outsiders.
You wouldn't have to worry about it right now. I anticipate there being at least an arc on just the jungle, and culture clash.
[X] Lets go see these newcomers trying to tame the forest. Should be good for some laughs. Plus! If they get anywhere near the Life Blossoms, were going to have to make them leave. Or else.
[X] Lets go see these newcomers trying to tame the forest. Should be good for some laughs. Plus! If they get anywhere near the Life Blossoms, were going to have to make them leave. Or else.

Well, you could always use a few laughs. The prospect of some big person trying to cut away the trees of the jungle would probably be one of those things. You can personally three things off the top of your head that would be incredibly irritated should that happen, and that doesn't take into account other predators that might like a big person snack.

Plan of action decided you go ahead and grab your sword and strap it on your back. Then with a flutter of your wings you flap out of your room and into the city. It's a twisty windy place, and a non-native would be utterly lost at the roots and green stalks that make up Shin-Shine. The glittering objects placed at random would only serve to make one even more confused. For you, each glitter marks a home, or store. The stalks setup are nice roofs, and the roots are simple landmarks.

You zip across the city, and up, and out. Then into the canopy you go, and through the branches of the major trees. A few snakes try to lunge at you, but to be frank you are so used to this you avoid them without noticing. You do take the time to grab a few berries for a later snack, and pop them into your mouth on the way. They nice and tart, the poison in them a very tasty and sour addition. You can't eat them every day, but they are a good treat.

The Jungle is lively as always, and you pass by a few of your fellow Awakened as you head out to the area. One of them waves at you from atop her pet spider, casually petting it as it wraps up a dead bird. Probably one of the craftswomen getting some food for the rest of her broodlings.

It takes the better part of a day (Though really in the jungle it's always dark.) But you manage to get to the border of the Jungle. You've not been here much. Little interest really, home is home, and without trees you feel rather exposed. And here you see that the rumors of the big people are true.

There are quite a few of them wandering around the area. Several hefting strange tools with teeth on them. You see a few of them holding something in their mouth and breathing out smoke as they sit. (Why they are doing this escapes you) A few more are directing some strange four legged animals to drag things. (Furry, and with teeth. They actually look more dangerous than the people.)

You also see an inordinate amount of Dreamers around the area. Probably due to both the Life Blossom you know is nearby, and the fact that the big people don't seem to want to eat them. They are jabbering at the Big People in a different language than you are used to, but you can guess what they are saying, and soon enough can pick out the same syllables being repeated over and over.

Dreamers can learn language spectacularly fast when they are spoken to, and when they awaken the trick is lessened but still around. You can already pick it out, and judging by the tone of voice, it's the same thing they always do.

"Hey look!"


"I want a berry!"

"Ooooh shiny!"

You are honestly surprised at the tolerance the big people are displaying. Dreamers seem to make an art-form of being annoying. Though you do catch a few of them swatting the more irritating ones away. You also don't blame one of them for grabbing one and throwing her at a tree. It couldn't be comfortable to be danced on. It's not like they were really trying to damage the Dreamers anyway, it took a good hit to really hurt one of your people, and a little swat was just going to sting a bit.

All together, it's mildly entertaining for now. Though judging by the work the Big People were doing, it was going to get really entertaining soon.

You can see several of them working on chopping down a tree. There is a decent sized Killer Wasp nest in it. If they continue with the work...

Well Killer Wasps are bigger than you, and your favorite poison was made from their venom. A single sting can take down a Shadow Panther.


[X] Find a nice spot to watch the carnage. Lets watch~
-[X] Once the Funs over, see if you can't catch yourself a Wasp or two. That venom is just Soooo fun to use! And so annoyingly hard to get without a distraction. Oh hey, look! A big Distraction!
[X] Find a nice spot to watch the carnage. Lets watch~
-[X] Once the Funs over, see if you can't catch yourself a Wasp or two. That venom is just Soooo fun to use! And so annoyingly hard to get without a distraction. Oh hey, look! A big Distraction!

This Quest is going to be loads of fun, I can tell.
[X] Find a nice spot to watch the carnage. Lets watch~

How far into the forest is the life blossom? Also, do more life blossoms ever pop up? It seems odd to me that they can show up at the outskirts of the jungle and BAM life blossom close by.
Life blossom is maybe a half hours flight away. It's clinging vine that likes certain trees to grow on. Tends to be pretty harmless to it's hosts, and can get really big. Once a year it will blossom, and then you get fairies from it.
Just checking, but sitting back to watch the carnage is something we as an Awakened Fairy would do, yes?

Also, quick add on to my vote.

-[X] Once the Funs over, see if you can't catch yourself a Wasp or two. That venom is just Soooo fun to use! And so annoyingly hard to get without a distraction. Oh hey, look! A big Distraction!
You would. You could also warn them, throw berries at them, taunt them while they are running in terror...

In this case do what you like. You are pretty free spirited.
[X] Find a nice spot to watch the carnage.
-->[X] As you do so, troll the big folk. Such lovely targets they make~
Eh, as much as I would like to warn them. That doesn't seem to be in the character cards...

Well, maybe one warning.
Can we make our voice echo to them?
Avalon said:
Eh, as much as I would like to warn them. That doesn't seem to be in the character cards...

Well maybe one warning.
Of course we can warn them.

Preferably by landing on the shoulder of the guy cutting down the tree with the Wasp nest and calmly getting his attention and pointing at the nest just before the tree falls down and all hell breaks loose, so we can savor that look of dawning realization on his face before it's covered in KILLER WASPS.
Honestly I want to echo our voice to them going.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you~"

Then just find a nice tree branch and watch from afar. Whether they listen or not... Well, that's up to them isn't it.

Of course if we can't do disembodied voice of the forest. I'll settle for just sitting by and watching.
Avalon said:
Honestly I want to echo our voice to them going.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you~"

Then just find a nice tree branch and watch from afar. Whether they listen or not... Well, that's up to them isn't it.
Then we can't take any of their shiny stuff though.
I dunno. You really can't speak their language yet. You can pick out bits and pieces, but not enough to totally speak with them. You could probably say no and bad though. Give it a few days and you will have it all.
Yeaaaah. Guys? I'm thinking we just sit back and watch the fireworks for now. Maybe try and grab a wasp or two because there venom is the Best~

Other than that? We can come back later if they're still here and warn them off if they try to do it again. After all, not even Fairies like to deal with a fully enraged next of those wasps.

Nobody else wants to MST them as we watch?

"Oh, yes. Chop down that tree full of wasps! Nothing could possibly go wrong with that!"