Perhaps a journey

Lost Star said:
Animal products mostly. You would have a few pet spiders that you weave stuff from, and can make some nice snake scale for others, as well as do poisons.
Oh. Huh. That's actually kinda neat.

Hey, another question. How good is the Hunter at fighting? If we're only 10 inches tall, I wouldn't think there's much we could actually fight and hope to win against.
Darik29 said:
Oh. Huh. That's actually kinda neat.

Hey, another question. How good is the Hunter at fighting? If we're only 10 inches tall, I wouldn't think there's much we could actually fight and hope to win against.
You would be surprised. Lets just say that the Fairies rule the Jungle for a reason.
Hunter is good and all for fighting, but with crafter we just need to scratch someone for our poison to take care of them.
Flamester said:
Hunter is good and all for fighting, but with crafter we just need to scratch someone for our poison to take care of them.
Where on Earth does it say the crafter gets poison touch? Please point this out for me. I haven't seen this.
Also, this might sound strange- But, you know, as a Hunter?

We can buy the poison.

And then have poison spears.

Ones which we know how to fight with.
Delcer said:
[X] Hunter

Because I don't think we'll be staying in this jungle forever, and not sure how much use our craft is in other lands for people who aren't 10 inches in height.

Wait, Lost will our character be given opportunities to venture to other lands?
Yes, and Crafter would be able to do things just as any of the other classes would.
I just knew the Fairy option would be badass.

[X] Hunter

Because their's no chance of moving this bandwagon. I originally wanted Crafter because then we'd have pet spiders we could sick on people... or do we get those anyway since we're a hunter? Hunting dogs spiders and all?
Gained the following skills:

Go for the eyes!: You can pinpoint weaknesses on most anything, and can direct your attacks there with devastating efficiency.

Darting Strikes: You are faster than most other fairies, especially when attacking. You can move in and out without issue.

Poison Knowledge (Minor): You know the basic poisons that your people favor. How to get them, and how to use them.

Small Unit Tactics: A typical hunting party is around six or more Fairies. You know how to work with a group of them, and can direct them if you are the leader

Death From Above: You know how to use the terrain to your advantage. Flight makes for some very fun angles of attack

Tracking: You can find near anything in the jungle if you wish it. Should you leave the jungle, you can take the time to retrain yourself to continue to gain this bonus in other areas.

You also now have the following Item:

Fairy Great-sword - This sword is as big as you, and it's very sharp. It's your prized possession.

[x] hunter

Your main profession is hunter. It's your job to hunt, and bring down various animals that might threaten the cities, or provide interesting objects. Most faeries prefer fruits and berries to eat, but they don't mind the occasional bit of meat should you manage to bring some back. You current best kill is a Shadow Panther that decided a city looked like a buffet. It learned quite quickly that it was a bad idea. Until it died, then it was just tasty. It's almost sad that the invisibility that it was capable of was tied to the panther, and not the fur.

Right now, you are resting in the room you have claimed as your own. It's a green place, with a small leafy bed that you have made, and your sword propped up in the side. You've always been a bit frugal on your possessions since you like to be able to carry things that you own. The only reason you even bothered to build the room was because having a quiet place to sleep was nice.

You've got nothing planned so far really. There are no big threats to Shin-Shine, and you're not hungry. You could go out and see if there is anything fun to trade. You had to give away your last shiny (Big silver coin you found) for a set pair of clothing, but you could probably get another if you hunt down a few Killer Wasps. They are pretty nasty things, bigger than you, but to be frank if you are careful you won't have any issues killing a few. Would just have to be careful not to get near the hive.

You could also go frog hunting. That's loads of fun, and you could probably get a few friends in on it too. Everyone hates the things, and it's rather irritating to see them eat The Dreamers. Sure they are barely alive, but you never know when one was going to Wake Up.

You've also hear tales of big people trying to cut away the forest. It's an amusing tale that you've been meaning to investigate for awhile. They won't get very deep in you think, but it might be best to be certain that they don't get one of the Life Blossoms that produce your people. That would make quite a few people displeased.

[] Path forward?
[X] Lets go see these newcomers trying to tame the forest. Should be good for some laughs. Plus! If they get anywhere near the Life Blossoms, were going to have to make them leave. Or else.

Okay. This gonna be good.
I'm curious, are faries capable of magic? You mentioned they were about 90% magical or something earlier.

[X] Lets go see these newcomers trying to tame the forest. Should be good for some laughs. Plus! If they get anywhere near the Life Blossoms, were going to have to make them leave. Or else.
[X] Lets go see these newcomers trying to tame the forest. Should be good for some laughs. Plus! If they get anywhere near the Life Blossoms, were going to have to make them leave. Or else.
Hey guys, anyone got a good picture of a fairy with a sword as big as her?

Our character deserves a Picture!
[X] Lets go see these newcomers trying to tame the forest. Should be good for some laughs. Plus! If they get anywhere near the Life Blossoms, were going to have to make them leave. Or else.