Perhaps a journey

shaderic said:
That's incredibly true. Emotional development is the most delicious kind.

Seeing growth and change over time, the mental effects of decisions and others reactions to them... It is sweet. And makes me want to work on my Battle Fantasia story, but that's not relevant right now.

To be perfectly honest, I still don't particularly like the fairy option when we can play as an Orcan. I'd actually rather do that then human, but Fairy and Earth!Human are so far ahead in the lead that I have to take what I can get.
Is there a particular reason you don't like the Fairy option? No offense, but it seems like there is actually a lot more character development and challenge involved with the Fairy than with an Earth human.

The Fairy is likely to be as ignorant of common culture for the setting due to isolation, and then has the fact they're TINY and basically separated from not just their own culture, but also their own species. There is a lot of humor to be had in being small enough to live in someone's hat, but also a lot of challenge in winning real respect when you're that small and pretty. There's also challenge in facing down or hiding from people looking to control such a novelty. Then there's the issue that comes with the isolation you feel- could you go back to the jungle and help out the other fairies? Should you? Could you make them into a power to be reckoned with if you did?

An Earth human... Well, they're still human. From another culture or not, they'll likely be surrounded by humans who are... not so different from humans from another country. Get some new clothing, spend a year learning a few of the cultural dissonance issues, and you're pretty much one of the herd. You can talk about the challenge of rising above that mundanity, but... the fact you could pretty much take a job waiting tables if you really wanted, and nobody would much give a damn or look at you twice robs a lot of the drama from it for me.
I suppose it's because I don't actually know anything about them in this setting.

There's been an introduction in passing to just about everything else, but I have no idea what kind of mess we're getting into with the fairies.

We could have a society immortal manipulators, with massive political infighting. We could have vicious little baby-eaters. Or we could have Cirno.
@shaderic: all Lost Star has said about the Fairy's is that they Appear to be flighty and have short attention spans to the Dog People, who are the only ones who know they exist.

Combine that with the fact that they apparently live in a Hell Jungle, and something doesn't add up.

Plus, the GM hinted that the Fairy option would have us learn more about the most minuscule race in the setting, more than anyone else, at least.

I dunno, but considering how he's done Magic, and Races in his Necromancer quest, I Really wanna see how he does Fairy's in this quest.
[X] Fairy
By the way Lost Star the wee pixie from Cold Days is Lacuna.
Then there is Toot-Toot.
If we get someone from Earth, I would go for a scholar. In particular, a philosopher. I forgot most of what I learned in that one philosophy course I took, but there are plenty of philosophic schools of thought that deal with language and concepts.

A philosopher would have a huge advantage with the magic system. He'd have access to the resources of a modern academic, which includes huge libraries, the internet, and the latest literature. He'd have studied all the major philosophic trends from the ancient Greeks to modern times.

You see, unlike many magic systems, in this world magic is based on concepts. Maybe the fairy will have more juice to work with (and I have seen no evidence that this is the case), but a highly educated Earthling will be able to quickly and thoroughly define whatever concept his science is based on. So, we could be like that guy who defined space with math and graphs and then used his knowledge to do space magic.

In fact, we could probably do space magic better than that guy, expand it with Gravity, Black Holes, Teleportation, Alternate Dimensions, and whatever. With our knowledge, we steal Time from Driven and the Necromancers.

And not just science. Modern Art is all about expressing concepts. Soft sciences such as psychology would allow any mage to instantly master Mind. People from Earth, with the right education, have so much to offer.

[edit] Okay, I'm probably focusing too much on gaming the system and too little on character development and world building potential, but my point stands.
[X] Fairy

That scholar bit is pretty persuasive. Changing to that.

Human (Female) - You know this
[X] OMG, why are you from Earth?!
Well, no.

But we can adapt their concepts in so many interesting ways.

And who says it's "Our" earth, anyway?
Guys please remember that actually getting anywhere with concept magic takes years. The only reason Gunnar hit apprentice level so quickly is that he had already spent years maintaining enchantments on his equipment. Getting the downtime to figure out concepts when we don't have any connections or training in turning concepts into magic isn't going to be easy.
I would do a Scholar/ Engineer / Soldier path for choices. You would get some starting gold, a magic pack that can store what you want, and that's it. You would be dropped somewhere of my choosing.
Lost Star said:
I would do a Scholar/ Engineer / Soldier path for choices. You would get some starting gold, a magic pack that can store what you want, and that's it. You would be dropped somewhere of my choosing.
What are the Fairies starting classes and stuff?
Fairy (Female) - Tiny winged women, virtually unknown outside their home
[X] Resident of the Twisted Jungles (Dangerous, horrible place that no one wants to go to.)
Delcer said:
You sound like you want to make the character a replica of the Necromancer from the other quest except have him from earth and without any school influence. Personally I'd prefer to avoid having two quests about a scholar mage advancing through power levels.

I recommend reading Lost Star's Necromancer quest then, the character he's describing seems like it'll play very similarly to Driven, even if not in the same class.
Driven is part of a mercenary company and has duties and goals pertaining to that. We can do other things. We can become merchants, or do fantasy politics, or just become wanderers/explorers. Speaking of exploring, we can do that without being a fairy, and we'll get less of a (potentially hostile) what-the-fuck-is-that response.

And it helps to have a familiar perspective when exploring an alien world. If you absolutely want to know more about the fairy culture, we can point our protagonist in the direction of the fairy kingdom (or whatever). Maybe we can get one to travel with us. Maybe it can draw our attention to useful items or enemy weakpoints.

[edit] Not that I'm married to this option, but I object to the notion that I want to recreate A Necromancer is You.
Ohh! Fairy Gatherer!

We could go wandering way far off, to find stuff, and get lost exploring, and then suddenly Dog People!

Yeah. Or Either of the others. It depends on what each of those classes grant us.
I could let the voting go on more, but to be honest I think the trend is going towards fairy right now. It's an interesting choice that I will go with. If I continue to be interested in this after I manage to finish off Necromancer I will do this again and cross out this option.

Fairy (Female) - Tiny winged women, virtually unknown outside their home
[] Resident of the Twisted Jungles (Dangerous, horrible place that no one wants to go to.)

You are a Fairy of the Twisted Jungles. It's a massive rain-forest that is bordered on three sides by water. Dank, and dark, it rains almost all the time. There are all manner of vicious and dangerous creatures. From Frogs that have been known to eat people, to massive snakes, to viscous jaguars that can turn invisible at will. It's a place where a person can walk in, and die minutes later. Poisons and diseases run rampant through here, and even the mighty Druid Masters will tread carefully should they decide to visit.

They are really the only ones who would want to.

With all of this, it's almost peculiar that one of the things that like to roam outside the forest is the Fairy. They are tiny women. With wings, and often enchantingly lovely features. The fly quickly, and seem otherwise harmless. No real dangerous magics to speak of, and their biggest defense is their speed.

The Hound-People who live a at the border of the jungles consider them an annoyance, but mostly harmless. They have been known to steal shiny or sweet things, but otherwise are a flighty, erratic people.

They don't know that deeper in the forest there are other types, and they are far more dangerous.

You see, Fairies come from a specific breed of flower. They are released in masses on a certain date, and they float around at their leisure.

It's called the dreaming. It's a period of life where the Fairy has no cares, no real purpose. They are flighty. They barely remember. They don't care.

They die in this state by the thousands.

In time, a Fairy will 'wake up.'

This is why they still live in the jungle. The fairies that have awoken are clever things. They know the dangers of the jungle. The poisons, the predators. And they have mastered them.

They form communities. They hunt down things that prey on them. In this dangerous area, they are the masters. To be in the jungle is to be watched by the awoken, and be judged. If you happen to live, it's because they have decided that you should live. If you die, it's because they do not care, or worse that they have decided that you are to die.

Your name is Oma. You are approximately ten inches tall. Average size for your people. You have short dark hair, and are dressed in a sleek set of spider-silk clothing. You are slender, and lovely, and have a very enchanting pair of burgundy eyes. You have a large pair of butterfly wings on your back that glitter with dark reds and blacks, and a good half dozen small spears dipped in a nasty paralytic poison that you use for defense.

You are currently dwelling in one of the major fairy cities called Shin-Shine. It's a fairly large city of your people decorated in shiny coins that your people love to collect. You major profession is:

[] Hunter (Fighting Capability, Military Knowledge)
[] Gatherer (Stealth, Foraging Techniques)
[] Crafter (Animal Handling, Crafting Capability)
Delcer said:
You could have certainly fooled me, Driven spent a fair chunk of is time devoted to advancement in his class. Joining the mercenary company just provided the means to advance his research. I'm not saying it will be the same; I just don't like too many parallels in our Quest characters behaviors in the same world.

Though that's not the main reason why I want to avoid humans.
You got it backwards.

Driven advances his class by practicing spells and pondering certain concepts. Note how he barely spends any gold except on stuff necessary to survive battle or do his duties to the company. And his duties involve a great deal of apprentice-work. Which means that he could have advanced his class much faster if he stayed in town and sold enchantments for a living.

And that would have been boring. No, what drove the other quest was the challenge of being in a mercenary company. Class advancement was turned towards that end, just like how class advancement will be turned towards what we want the protagonist to do in this quest. Being an Earthling will not change that.

[edit] Ninja'd!
Hey, Lost Star, what exactly would Crafting Ability give us? Everything else is pretty straight forward, but what do Fairy's craft?
Darik29 said:
Hey, Lost Star, what exactly would Crafting Ability give us? Everything else is pretty straight forward, but what do Fairy's craft?
Animal products mostly. You would have a few pet spiders that you weave stuff from, and can make some nice snake scale for others, as well as do poisons.