Perhaps a journey

[X] Warn them
-[X] Fly to tree and point out the nest.
Eh, don't want to be involved with big people yet. At least not until we have full command of their language anyway.
Vindictus said:

Nobody else wants to MST them as we watch?

"Oh, yes. Chop down that tree full of wasps! Nothing could possibly go wrong with that!"
We don't know they're language yet, so it wouldn't be as funny. Wait for us to learn they're language, Then we can do it.
[X] Find a nice spot to watch the carnage. Lets watch~

You find a nice branch with a good view, and out of the way enough that the wasps aren't going to go after you. A part of your mind thinks you might want to warn the Big People about this, but you don't know the language yet, and to be honest you don't really care that much about them. So far as you can tell they are trying to cut down your home. While you most certainly don't mind a few less trees, that's only if your people do it.

Plus the nest is so obvious. Not many trees have a large mud hive in the branches really.

And down the tree goes with a creak. It collapses on it's side, and you see a few of the Big People come up with axes. Then they see the big wasps, and you hear screaming. They run away from the things, but the wasps fly faster. It's not the biggest sized nest you've seen, but it holds a good twenty or so wasps.

They dart out at the Big People. One of them runs around with with her hands up in the air, and a wasp hit her back. She drops to the ground, screams suddenly cut off. The venom of the insects is fast acting, and a paralytic. Most people suffocate to death quickly if they are lucky. If they aren't, they get to deal with the lovely sensation of being eaten alive. You make a mental note to come back later and be certain that the poor victim is dead if she doesn't recover. (You aren't cruel enough to let anyone deal with being eaten alive.)

The angry wasps continue to chase, and you wince slightly as one of the dreamers gets hit. She's a particularly stupid one, to not run when others are, but still it's never pleasant to see one of them die. In this case, she's small enough that the wasp simply bites her head off. This only increases the screaming as the rest of the Dreamers dart away instinctively.

Really, all the screaming was doing was giving the wasps targets you muse. They were scavengers of the forest. Scary things, but a good few hits would scare them away unless the nest was nearby. Even with the way the tree had dropped you just needed to get far away, and then swat a few.

"Hey-Hey!" You turn to see Aida, one of your fellow hunters float up to you with a smile.

She's a lovely woman, yellows and blues around, with long blond hair that she maintains religiously. Decent with spears, and actually horrifyingly good at hunting and tracking.

"I see you found the Fun-n." She settles next to you and watches the Big People run away still further. "Silly things don't know how to deal with the nasty wasps-s."

You chuckle as you watch them. Apparently one of them was finally going to fight the things. He was one with a strange stick in his mouth. You see no weapons though, which is strange. "Should be glad it's not the tree ants-s. They don't stop-p."

Aida nods at you. "Wonder what she's doing-g?"

You see the Big Person say something as the wasps charge at him, and then see him spit out a cloud of smoke. It impacts the wasps without a notable sound, and the ones hit drop. Unfortunately for the big person, there are more still around. He states something else as they chase others and points. You see a shimmer of air, and they too drop to the ground, though these are stunned.

That breaks the will of the rest of the Killer Wasps, and they flee back to their hive.

"Neat-t." Aida looks at the dead insects. "I want that stick in his mouth-h. Did you see how that smoke from it killed them-m?"

"Hehe, blow out smoke and then things die-e." You are spectacularly interested in doing that you think.

Aida nods eagerly, and then frowns. "If we want it, we need to steal it-t. Night raid-d?"

You think for a moment. It is getting dark, and you aren't certain it would be best to do it now.

You could wait for it, and try to go off and steal the smoke stick. You could instead wait and observe. Or you could just forget about it and scavenge the field a bit. The dead wasps would be worth at least a shiny back home, and it might not be worth antagonizing someone who could point things dead.


I'm fiddling around with an accent for Fairies. They tend to repeat the last syllable of sentences, but I'm not sure if it's annoying to read or not. If it's too much say so and I will drop it.
[x] take turns with your friend collecting the venom and spying on the target.

Smoke is nice, but antagonizing them when we aren't sure if it's the best time for it is bad. Besides, we don't know how to use it anyway and we can always use more shiny.
[x] take turns with your friend collecting the venom and spying on the target.
Switch the accent slightly. It's going to be emphasis on the end, sorta like a prompt for the other to talk. Should be less annoying to read. Sorry for inflicting this on you, but I think it's a interesting quirk to have to emphasize foreignness.

[x] Take turns with your friend collecting the venom and spying on the target.

"We should watch first." You finally declare to Aida. "No point in poking the sleeping tiger. Well, unless it's funny-y."

"Point." Aida sighs with disappointment. "It's just so boring-g."

You roll your eyes at the woman. This from someone who stalked said tiger for a week before finally getting it to run into a few hundred dum-dums (Stupid flocks of flightless birds who's only saving grace is the fact that they spawn in thousands). "We could at least get the wasp venom at night. Be nice to get a shiny or two-o."

"Sounds like a plan-n." Your friend nods in agreement.

Dark falls quickly, though in the jungle it's not much different light wise. There are quite a few luminous plants that exist, most of them poisonous. You and Aida take turns watching the people, catching naps, and sneaking in to harvest the wasp venom.

You have to crack the thorax of the insect to get at the venom, but the gland is pretty easy to spot when you do so. It keeps well at least, so you aren't in any hurry to bring it back.

One of the dreamers spot you when you do it. She's a bright blue all over, and clad in a simple leaf dress. You take a moment to be grateful that this group had remembered how to dress themselves. It's not uncommon for them to forget.

"What you doing-g?" She asked with all the innocence a dream could ask.

"Nothing-g..." You drawl out, and move to the side holding your hands behind your back. That's the most perfect bait you can think of for a Dreamer.

"Ohh! Lemmie see-e!" She immediately darts around you, and you twist, then make a fake expression of surprise.

"Oh no, it got away-y!" You mock exclaim. Your not even bothering to act really.

"Nooooo!" The Dreamer cries out. "I wanna see it-t!"

"It went that way-y!" You point in a random direction, and the Dreamer darts off. Really it's almost pitiful how idiotic your people are when they are Dreamers. You know she's going to forget about it in a few moments too.

The thudding feet of the big people make you realize that you've been distracted. Crouching down, you fold your wings tight to your body and watch them. It's darker out, so you are pretty sure the grass will conceal you enough for them not to notice you.

The tromp past you and to the big people on the ground. You make out a few words at this point, mostly the words dead and dying. Not surprising. The venom from the wasps is a favored weapon for a reason. The living big people mutter to themselves and you see them place the dead ones on some sort of stretcher, and then start to walk off.

You wonder if it's worth it to follow.

Well! That's a prompt if I've ever heard one.

[X] Follow them, sneaky like. What're those big ones doing with the dead ones?

What do Fairy's do for there dead? Would the differences cause confusion for our Character?
[X] Follow them, sneaky like. What're those big ones doing with the dead ones?

Worst case scenario we can swallow our pride and act like a Dreamer.
It's pretty obviously a sword. If you've ever seen those letter openers that are sword shaped, you know what this one looks like. Knives tend to be more broad.

Also, fairies die by being eaten. That's about it. You haven't heard one dying of old age, and it would probably confuse you if it was mentioned.
Awesome. So we would Definately be curious as to what they're doing with the bodies, seeing as most dead things in the forest get eaten pretty quick.
Lost Star said:
It's pretty obviously a sword. If you've ever seen those letter openers that are sword shaped, you know what this one looks like. Knives tend to be more broad.
Huh, I guess it would be too much to hope for for them to assume we snagged it from an unfortunate gentlemanly explorer with a pith helmet.
[X] Follow them, sneaky like. What're those big ones doing with the dead ones?

Also stupid question, can faeries be mages?