Perhaps a journey

[] Cheeky Fairy is Cheeky

"Hey-y!" You give a wave and speak the one word in their language you know that would work well.

You speed off as soon as you do so, and the Big Person makes a fairly loud sound that sounds a bit rude. You hear quite a few more start up, and see several lights go on as you zip out and into the relative safety of the treeline.

"Oh, someone poked the ant's nest-t." Aida flits up next to you and smirks, eying your new-found pouch.

You giggle at her, and fish around for one of the bronze shinies. "Got lots of shineyies-s!" You flip the coin to her. It would be rude to keep it all to yourself when you managed to get so many.

"Oooh." Adia holds up the coin and then hugs it to herself. "Tell you what, gimmie another, and I will let you use my hideaway to put the rest. You probably don't want to carry that many all the time-e."

You roll your eyes and pull out another coin and toss it. This one a silver shiney. "Only cause I got so many of them-m."

Adia laughs at you and starts to hover. "Got it by the life blossom-m."

You follow your friend through the branches, it's a few minutes flight deeper into the jungle, but not far. There you see a fairly large tree with a vine wrapped around the trunk. The vine itself the the Life Blossom. A fairly delicate plant that loves to climb on trees. You can see the small buds on it still closed. In time, the buds will grow them blossom into more Dreamers. A vine like this could do maybe a hundred dreamers.

"meep." Aida makes a surprised sound as she flutters to a stop in front of you.

"What-t?" You edge around her to see, and then stop suddenly as another fairy floats in front of both of you. Oh, that would do it. "Hello Keeper-r." You try to refrain from whimpering.

A keeper is a fairy that has decided that her job was to take care of the Dreamers and the Blossoms. They were almost universally old. Patient, unshakable, experienced. She looks just as young as you, but carries an aura of authority that could quell even the most stubborn Fairy. You don't become a keeper casually, to be known as 'old' amongst the fairies means that they have seen quite possibly hundreds of years old. To reach that you had to be dangerous, cautious, clever, and above all, deadly.

This one looks annoyed, and she looks you over with a flat look. You have to struggle not to drop the bag and beg for forgiveness just from that look.

"Hello Hunters." She speaks calmly, and takes her time to look over Aida as well.

Both of you try not to whimper in terror. You don't dare speak without her giving the appropriate cue.

"I see one of you has found some interesting things from the Hound-People." Still no cue, she doesn't want you to speak.

You both hover in place as she seems to think, and then beacons over a Dreamer. She brushes off the scratch on the girl, a jagged thing that was likely caused by a wasp.

"Next time be more careful." She pats the Dreamer on the head. "Now go to bed all of you. Including you two-o." The last part was given to you in a very sweet and loving tone.

"Yes Keeper-r!" Both of you immediately fly as fast as possible away.

"You didn't say there was a keeper here-e!" You yell at Aida once you get to her hidey hole.

"There wasn't one-e!" Your friend yells back.

You give a full body shudder as you set the pouch down. Well, now you know why the Dreamers were clothed. You've never ever seen a Keeper not be obeyed. Never.

"She said go to bed." Aida mutters to you. "Plan tomorrow ok-k?"

You nod and immediately flop onto the only bed in the room, though not without setting aside all your stuff. Aida mutters something uncomplimentary at you and flops down next to you.

[] Plans for the next day!
[X] Burn Maim Kill

I mean

[x] Learn tall people speech from either keeper or Aida
[X] Let's see if we can get something interesting for that many shinies!
- [X] Go frog hunting to celebrate our findings and to stay in shape.
[X] Let's see if we can get something interesting for that many shinies!
- [X] Go frog hunting to celebrate our findings and to stay in shape.
[X] Let's see if we can get something interesting for that many shinies!
- [X] Go frog hunting to celebrate our findings and to stay in shape.
[X] Let's see if we can get something interesting for that many shinies!
- [X] Go frog hunting to celebrate our findings and to stay in shape.
Uh, guys? We already used those wasp venom glands. Check the OP, it has an inventory. We got six venom spears from those wasps.
[X] Let's see if we can get something interesting for that many shinies!
- [] Make sure to sell those wasp venom glands we scavenged, too!
[X] Go frog hunting to celebrate our findings and to stay in shape.

no, we still have the 3 venom glands in inventory
[X] Let's see if we can get something interesting for that many shinies!
- [] Make sure to sell those wasp venom glands we scavenged, too!
[X] Go frog hunting to celebrate our findings and to stay in shape.

You've not had this many shinies in your life, so it's hard to say exactly what you want for them. The most expensive things are metal items. Those can only be made by a few Keepers in the Jungle, and they tend to be very expensive. Your sword was made by one of them, and it cost you almost a year's worth of saving. You could likely buy two of them with how much you have right now. Though that seems silly.

You could get a full set of armor. It would take almost everything you have, but it would be nice, and the ones you've seen are both lovely and practical. Though to be frank it's not much use unless you are in really heavy combat. Your speed is enough for every day usage. Would be nifty to have.

You could also get a Fairy Chain. It's a long metal chain with a blade on the end of it. It's an unusual way of fighting to make up for the lack of reach you had being so small. You whirl it around, and then use the blade to cut. It's not something you are spectacularly good with, but you played with the style a bit and could relearn it easily. You had to drop it because the string you were using wasn't particularly sturdy, and would break at bad times.

You can't think of anything else that would be that expensive. You've got a lot of shinies, and if you were honest, there aren't many things you are interested in. About the only other things that would be that expensive would be some of the better tamed animals (You don't know how to deal with those), or actual housing (Bleck).

Eh, in the mean time you can go out frog hunting ins celebrations. Aida seems enthusiastic, and you manage to get two other hunters to round out the party. One of them even trades your venom glands for another shiny, a copper one.

Aida's the best tracker of your group, so she leads at start. It takes almost no time to find a nice large puddle that has a few dozen large frogs resting at the side of the water.

Now the trick with frog hunting that made it fun was that frogs were spectacularly stupid things. They liked to eat dreamers, but couldn't tell the difference between them and awakened. A clever hunter could therefor do one of two things while hunting them. They could wait until they lunged, and simply spear them, or be exotic and force one of several toxic concoctions down their throat as they attacked.

The game would go as such. The hunter would go down next to the frog and taunt them. They were stupid, and couldn't really understand, but it was entertaining to the onlookers. Then when the frog attacked, the hunter would kill it in an interesting way.

Aida goes first, doing a silly little dance in front of one of them. She's in the process of shaking her rear at the thing when it finally lunges, and without missing a beat jams her spear through it's mouth and into the brain. She pulls it out, and finishes off her dance with a little bow.

One of the other hunters goes next, and has a lot of fun calling her victim as many names as she could. You see her palming a berry behind her back, so you aren't surprised when she stuffs it down the thing's throat. You are mildly surprised when the thing starts foaming and convulsing. That particular berry is hard to find actually. Bit of a waste to use it on a frog, but you can't argue with the amusement you have with it.

Then it's your turn. You take up your sword and land next to one of the bigger frogs. The thing stares at you, and you stare back, waiting for the tell tale twitch of it's muscles. This particular trick took a fair bit of practice (And one embarrassing time when you misjudged and got swallowed), but it never fails to be impressive. The frog lunges at you, and your sword lashes out. Then the top of it's head goes flying, and you neatly sidestep the flailing body.

Your sword is your current favorite tool for a reason. Not many other fairies could manage the strength needed to properly use the thing. You get cheers of course, and you take a theatrical bow.

The frogs don't last long at that lake, and you all move onto the next one quickly. That one you take a bit of time to pick up and throw a few of the frogs into various deadly areas to watch them be eaten. The ant pile was particularly inspired, if a bit gruesome.

It's a fun day.

[] Next day!
Cruel, sadistic, and taking joy in creatively murdering other living beings?

If I didn't know any better, I'd say these Fairies were you average Sber playing an Open World Game.
Well, that was fun. And we can buy either the Fairy Chain or the Armor.

Hey, GM. Is it possible for us to get a Fairy Chain if we traded the Venom Glands for it? And that way we could get both it And the Armor, which would make things Incredibly awesome, methinks.
Darik29 said:
Well, that was fun. And we can buy either the Fairy Chain or the Armor.

Hey, GM. Is it possible for us to get a Fairy Chain if we traded the Venom Glands for it? And that way we could get both it And the Armor, which would make things Incredibly awesome, methinks.
We already traded the venom glands for an extra shiny, not too sure why we did that but we did.

Anyway, getting a Fairy Chain would be fun. Would give us more options and might help us become 'Oma, Blade Master of the Fae!'
Undead-Spaceman said:
We already traded the venom glands for an extra shiny, not too sure why we did that but we did.

Anyway, getting a Fairy Chain would be fun. Would give us more options and might help us become 'Oma, Blade Master of the Fae!'
We did? Crap, we did.

Huh. I want a Fairy Chain, And I want the Armor. The Armor more so, because seriously? We're never gonna get our hands on this many Shinies anytime soon, and the armor could potentially save our life, somewhere down the line. Fairy Chain sounds like something Faaar cheaper than the armor. Could maybe get it with only some effort involved?
how much would a fairy chain cost? we could buy the fairy chain and then hunt a few more wasps to replace the spent shinies; allowing us to get the armor.

scratch that

[x] Let's get some armor.
Right, my decisions made. We can work towards getting a Fairy Chain after we get the armor. Armor for Fairy's is apparently really rare. Having some? Is an awesome thing.

[X] Lets go get some Armor! We have all these Shinies, might as well put them to good use!
Little clarification, armor and chain are the same cost. This is because the chain is a very long chain with a very nicely made blade on it. The little links have to be carefully made to work right.

And metal is expensive here.
Lost Star, can you tell us about the Armor and the Chain?

Apparently, as they're both the same cost, they're incredibly expensive by Fairy standards.

What use would we get from the armor? Or the Chain? I know Armor is Armor, but what can the Chain actually be used for?
You know, I'm with Oma on this. There's not really anything I'd want to buy. And armor for someone of our size isn't really going to stop much unless it's enchanted. So unless we're getting it for fashion. Seems kind of a waste.

As for the chain, meh. I like our sword better.
Okay, I'll admit, Armor And Chain are both things I want. Here's my reasoning.

Armor were gonna need out in the world. There're things that Can hit us when we get out there, Mages being merely one of these things. Armor could save our life.

Chain I'd like to get because its really the closest thing to a ranged attack we're likely to get. Plus, it can be used for all Kinds of neat tricks and stuff.
Darik29 said:
Lost Star, can you tell us about the Armor and the Chain?

Apparently, as they're both the same cost, they're incredibly expensive by Fairy standards.

What use would we get from the armor? Or the Chain? I know Armor is Armor, but what can the Chain actually be used for?
Chain would be good for ranged attacks basically. Instead of getting up close you could keep a good foot or more away and still get the same precision.
[x] Let's get some armor!

My logic is that getting someone who can make practical fairy armor that FITS is gonna be tough outside the jungle. The shaping and precision involved along with the anatomical knowledge and weight and such pretty much make it nigh-impossible.

The chain would be super-nice, but getting a chain and blade balanced properly is less of a challenge to a Big blacksmith. Weapons are usually just a lot simpler, and we have spears for range.
Darik29 said:
Chain I'd like to get because its really the closest thing to a ranged attack we're likely to get. Plus, it can be used for all Kinds of neat tricks and stuff.
I'm pretty sure the spears we have are the throwing variety.

But speaking of ranged weapons, do Fairies have bows?
Undead-Spaceman said:
I'm pretty sure the spears we have are the throwing variety.

But speaking of ranged weapons, do Fairies have bows?
No bows. Not enough penetration to them really. Spears are nice because they can be stabby or throwy at a few feet, especially if going fast, and are easy to poison.