Perhaps a journey

I'm not seeing the connection of how asking her who wants to see us is going to lead to her going berserk on us. I sincerely doubt she's going to respond with violence unless we absolutely refuse to go with her.
It's clear what this is about.

The Deku Tree has decided to grant a fairy companion to Link, and that fairy is us.

But seriously.

[x] Go with her
To make things easier on you for this, and because I can't think of how to lengthen this if it happens anyway.


"Bring me to who-o?" You figure it's a reasonable request. To actually be the target like this would take a bit of misdirection.

"Silver shiny hair!" The fairy fidgets around a bit as she looks at you, clearly deciding how to get you to come along. "I said I would, and she said she would give me really silver shiny-y."

That was spectacularly unhelpful. You don't know of any silver haired fairies.

Welp! Might as well go with her. We now know exactly what the Fairy knows.

Eh. This'll be interesting.
[X] Well, there's not much we can do about it, lets go along with her. We should remain on our guard. Not full on paranoia mode, but keep on our toes. We don't know anyone matching that description, but obviously they want us there for some reason.

Not much else we can do.
[x] Go with her

In the end, you don't really have a good reason to object. Dreamers waking up is a pretty big deal for you all, and dealing with the process is part and parcel of being a Fairy. If you can help finish the process by going along with the girl, it's something that you can deal with.

"Ok, lead the way-y." You finally state, and watch as the fairy practically zips off, only stopping periodically to make certain you are following.

She sets a maniac pace. You are fast, but this one is almost exceeding your tolerances, and even more impressive is keeping it up for a long bit. You barely have time to note you are reaching the border of the jungle before you stop at it. You're not ashamed to admit you are huffing when you stop.

"Almost there!" The near awakened fairy states and wiggles. "Come on, come on-n."

"Where?" You take a breath of fresh air. "Is this fairy that I need to see-e."

You look around, and are yanked off your perch as your guide drags you into the clearing of the forest and right in front of a big person. You try to struggle, but you have underestimated the intensity of the fairies dedication, and are caught off guard. You do note that the Big Person does have very shiny silver hair. Would figure that you neglected to connect the dots.

Your guide states something in their language as you pick yourself off the ground and brush yourself off. You don't see any danger at this point, the Big Person is still a few feet away from you, and is kneeling as well. Since she can't fly, you could probably dart away as soon as she moved were you so inclined. Really at this point you are more annoyed at yourself than anything else.

You see the big person pull out a big knife, and tense a bit. Then she takes a bit of her hair and chops a lock of it off, twisting it around a bit to keep it together. Well, that's a pretty good bribe if you say so yourself. You would be tempted by that. The hair is very, very shiny.

The near awakened Fairy takes the hair and hugs it to herself. Then falls flat on her back in a dead faint.

You wish you could draw a picture of the big person's expression. You go up your former guide and poke her a few times. She's out cold, and you wonder exactly how long the girl had been looking for you. One almost awake could stay up for a long time in pursuit of their goal after all. You can't blame her really, but it does leave you in front of a big person with no one who can speak the language.

Huh. Possibly a Druid or someone looking for whoever stole the coins from the dead ones.


[X] Sigh at the antics of the nearly Awakened. Turn to the big person and Stare at her. What does she want with you, anyway? You don't know any Big People!
[X] Sigh at the antics of the nearly Awakened. Turn to the big person and Stare at her. What does she want with you, anyway? You don't know any Big People!

This has the potential to get messy and confusing since we can't speak her language.
[X] Sigh at the antics of the nearly Awakened. Turn to the big person and Stare at her. What does she want with you, anyway? You don't know any Big People!​
We can speak Some words. And maybe if we're lucky, talking with her for a bit should get us the basics of her language.
[X] Sigh at the antics of the nearly Awakened. Turn to the big person and Stare at her. What does she want with you, anyway? You don't know any Big People!​
[X] Sigh at the antics of the nearly Awakened. Turn to the big person and Stare at her. What does she want with you, anyway? You don't know any Big People
mc2rpg said:
Are we wearing our armor? We might have to kill this big person to keep the Awakened a secret.
We don't really Care if the Big People know about us, I don't think. We just don't want them to kill the Life Blossoms. Otherwise, they're perfectly fine.
Well considering that NONE of the big people know about the awakened, I would not want to be the one that spills that secret. They know about dreamers, and that is it.
mc2rpg said:
Well considering that NONE of the big people know about the awakened, I would not want to be the one that spills that secret. They know about dreamers, and that is it.
No, the reason none of the Big People know about the Awakened is because they see the Dreamers, and think that's all there is to Fairy's.

Plus, Awakened are perfectly fine with living in their forest, and don't really care to leave.

We're probably going to be breaking that mold, we are.
[X] Sigh at the antics of the nearly Awakened. Turn to the big person and Stare at her. What does she want with you, anyway? You don't know any Big People!
- [X] "Hey-y!"

Shrug. It worked once, why not. Perhaps they'll think we're a particularly smart fairy.
I really am amused by the in character responses.

[X] Sigh at the antics of the nearly Awakened. Turn to the big person and Stare at her. What does she want with you, anyway? You don't know any Big People

You heave a sigh and poke the passed out fairy. Yep, she's going to be out for a good while. You turn to stare at the Big Person instead. Now that you really look at her, you note that aside from the shiney silver hair, she's got metal armor just like you. Though the design is rather different it's pretty obvious what it is.

She say something and you scowl slightly. You can make out maybe a word of that.

"I can't speak that yet-t." You state simply, and you see the Big Person's eyebrow raise.

She looks around at the dreamers floating around and seems to be contemplating something. They probably could be used to translate somewhat, but they really don't have the attention span. You think she makes the same conclusions because she sighs and rubs at the bridge of her nose.

"Yep!" You toe the sleeping dreamer. "You got me, and we can't talk. Funny isn't it-t?"

The Big Person snorts at you, and states something definite sounding. You get maybe one word in ten right then.

"Tell you what, I'll be here tomorrow with this one-e." You state simply, sounding out the word in their language and pointing down at the sleeping one.

You see the big person frown and look at you. She doesn't seem to want that, and states a single word. You think it's promise.

It's not as if you couldn't break a promise if you wanted to, so you repeat the word and nod. You then point to the sleeping one again, and the ground in front of you.

The Big Person nods once decisively, and then looks at you penetratingly. You shudder slightly, that's far to similar to a displeased keeper for your liking. She gets to her feet and begins to walk away, towards where the rest of the Big People are staying.

You frown and heft the sleeping awakened onto your shoulder. This entire fiasco was interesting, but you aren't certain exactly what was going on at the moment. You think you are going to have to pull an all-nighter learning the language though. It's not going to be pleasant.

You flit back to the life blossom, and start looking around a bit. The Keeper should be nearby, and she would be far more suited for dealing with a new Awakened. You find her near the top of the tree, serenely stitching a set of spidersilk clothing together. As you approach she looks up and smiles at you.

"I see Iraida has found you." She states simply. "The poor dear was getting a mite frantic looking around for you-u."

"That's her new name-e?" You ask as you set the girl down.

"Indeed." The keeper continues to stitch the clothing together. "I see you found your self a new set of clothing. I recognize the work, it's quite nice if expensive-e."

"I like it-t." You shrug as you settle down.

"It fits you hunter. I also think it will make the Hound-Person you were speaking with respect you more." The keeper's look on you makes you shiver slightly. "Get some food, take a break, and prepare. We should learn more about our neighbors, and since you have so generously volunteered, you get to be the one to do so. Be certain to make a good impression-n."


Uh, what's there to vote on? We Aren't disobeying a Keeper, and there isn't really anything we can do before we need to go speak with what I'm guessing is a Hound Person Champion.
Well, you heard the keeper.

[x] Go out and get something to eat, then come back and start learning the new language.