Perhaps a journey

Avalon said:
Well, you heard the keeper.

[x] Go out and get something to eat, then come back and start learning the new language.
Oh! Bollocks, missed that completely.

Well, this has my vote.

[x] Go out and get something to eat, then come back and start learning the new language.
[x] Go out and get something to eat, then come back and start learning the new language.
[X] Go out and get something to eat, then come back and start learning the new language.​
Hey Lost Star, I'm curious, just how hound-like are Hound People?​
Hound-People are named for their favored mounts more than their appearance. Imagine wolflike halflings. None of the fat and happy crud, these are a lean and mean people. They also tend towards very long and shaggy hair due to cultural and physical reasons.
Lost Star said:
Hound-People are named for their favored mounts more than their appearance. Imagine wolflike halflings. None of the fat and happy crud, these are a lean and mean people. They also tend towards very long and shaggy hair due to cultural and physical reasons.
So they are Inuzuka from Naruto?
[x] Go out and get something to eat, then come back and start learning the new language.
-[x] Sulk a bit. Stupid dreamer! Once she wakes up she owes you for dragging you into this!
[x] Go out and get something to eat, then come back and start learning the new language.
-[x] Sulk a bit. Stupid dreamer! Once she wakes up she owes you for dragging you into this!

Disobeying a Keeper is not a trivial matter. It's certainly possible, but they are often old enough to know when you were going to go, where you were going to, and could get there faster. So you go off, and take your break. Grab a few berries that are tasty, wash yourself off, and sulk a bit.

Stupid dreamer. You were a Hunter, not a Big Person Talker. You killed things that threatened your people, not talked with them. If you were going to be fighting the Big People, that would be a different matter. The ones with the sticks in their mouths were quite interesting in their own way, and you wouldn't mind a crack at them. Otherwise, this is so far outside your area of expertise it's laughable. (Actually you are pretty sure Aida is laughing at you right now.)

You go back to the keeper though, and take the night to learn the Big People (Hound Peoples) language. It's a long night of correct pronunciation, and learning new words that leaves your brain half frazzled, and you appearance not the best. By contrast, the keeper looks almost pristine in front of you. You spare a moment to grouse to yourself as you wash yourself up again, but get ready to head towards the Hound Person.

The new awakened gets dragged along, though she's still pretty groggy as well. The Keeper has cleaned her up, and instructed her on the basics of what to do at least. She's sky blue in appearance, with her wings being a host of varying shades of it. She's also dressed in the blue spidersilk clothing that the keeper stitched together for her. She pulls it off decently you believe, but at this point her personality is still going to be a bit blank, so you have no idea what she thinks.

You set her down in the clearing, in front of the already waiting Hound Person. This one looks pristine as well, and you are mildly annoyed that she got a good nights rest.

"I'm glad you made it little armored one." The hound person speaks pleasantly looks at you and Iraida. "And you, my thanks to you. I hope you are well."

"Ima good. Sleepies though-h." Iraida mutters back and slumps to the ground.

"I still need you to translate. It be a bit of an issue if I could not speak with this one." The Hound Person indicates you.

"Eh, we can speak now-w." You state finally, mildly amused.

She looks very surprised at you. "I be under the impression that you couldn't speak my tongue."

"I couldn't yesterday." You shrug at the woman. "It takes me longer than dreamers to learn a new language-e."

"Dreamers." The Hound Person looks at you as she states that word again. "I get the impression that be important to you."

"That's what they are." You indicate the fairies already flitting about the camp almost mindlessly. "I'm an Awakened. Well, this one is now too." You nudge the half asleep Iraida. "You wouldn't have been able to get her to find me had she not done that. Dreamers can barely remember things by hour. Much less the time it probably took her-r."

"I be rather noting that." The Hound Person states with a small smile. Thinking about it, you wonder how many times she asked the dreamers. Even with the bribe of her hair, most wouldn't want it enough to awaken.

"So why did you ask her to find me-e?" You finally get to the heart of the matter.

"I be interested in something intelligent enough to break into our morgue, steal some coins, and a pen." The Hound Person gives you a serious look. "The rest of the camp be under the impression that you be a unique little demon. I be thinking that you be more the real state of these little dreamers."

"Huh?" You blink a few times in confusion. "Ooooh, you thought we were all dreamers?" You snicker at the thought. "That's silly-y."

"Apparently." The woman continues. "So you have an actual name then? The dreamers as you call them just go by hey."

"I'm Oma, a hunter of my people-e." You bow slightly to the Hound Person.

"And I be Diana, of the Seventh Shield bloodline." Diana nods to you. "I be interested in learning about your people."

Huh. You don't know what to say to that. A keeper would be far better for that really. You kill things. Maybe tell her the basics?

[X] Tell her about your people. Your a Hunter, so history isn't your thing, you'd need a Keeper for that. But the Basics you can cover.

Basically, I would like to give her a rundown of our race, from Our perspective. Should be informative, to say the least.
Seventh Shield!? Holy shit, let's not piss this woman off.

[X] Explain the basics of Faeriedom to her.
[x] "I can share knowledge of the hunters and some small things but you should speak with a Keeper, the leaders of our people e."
[X] Tell her about your people. Your a Hunter, so history isn't your thing, you'd need a Keeper for that. But the Basics you can cover.
-[X] Also take the chance to admire her shiny hair up close.
SolipsistSerpen said:
Wait, wait. Important thing to decide here: Do we want to mention that we're all born from a certain type of flower, hoping the Big People will then leave it alone or keep that part secret so if they become our enemies they don't make a point of burning those?
Considering most of the flowers are deep within fantasy!Catachan and are guarded by the most badass fairies around, I don't think telling them Fairies come from a flower will be too troublesome, especially if we don't describe the flower in question.
SolipsistSerpen said:
If we're vague, that's probably fine. I was just worried our character's somewhat limited common sense (though far, far more than a Dreamer's) would end up with us giving descriptions, locations, and a set of directions, maybe a list of 'things that are bad for the flowers', too.
o_O... I'm pretty sure Oma hasn't memorized the locations of every Life Blossom in the Twisted Jungle, the quickest paths to get to them, and what can potentially harm them.

Never mind the fact that these schmucks have a hard enough time hanging around the edges of the damn place unharmed let alone going in.
[X] Tell her about your people. Your a Hunter, so history isn't your thing, you'd need a Keeper for that. But the Basics you can cover.
-[X] Also take the chance to admire her shiny hair up close.

"Well, if you wanted a full history you would need to speak to the keepers. A few of them were actually there when we were made." You make a face at the thought. Even by the standards of Keeper lifespan, that's old. "We were made to charm, kill, and spy from what I've been told. Our jungle was to be the gauntlet where we died in droves to be winnow out the weakest. Then our creators died, and we were left alone."

Diana looks rather disturbed at the thought. This is all ancient history to you, so it has far less impact. Honestly you are more interested in her shiny hair than the story really.

"So we learned instead. Left alone, we had our own lives and purpose." You twirl around a bit to show off your armor. "We are free to do what we wish. We do so. The jungle is our home now, and instead of it killing us, we tame and kill it. As a hunter I remove things that might be a danger to our people. There are a lot of things-s."

"And what of the dreamers?" Diana asks curiously. "They seem to be far different than you, and they be wandering all over. That can't be safe."

"Dreamers are new." You shrug and sit down as you explain. "They don't think that well. They can't really. Most of us don't even really consider them very alive. They die a lot, and we can't stop it because if we were to cage them they wouldn't wake up." It's been tried. One of the elder keepers has a dreamer held in a cage who is as old as her. She's still dreaming, uncaring of torment, or satisfaction. "They have to want something. Need it really. It's different for all of us, and what will work for one won't work for another. Plus every season a few hundred are born at once. It can get a bit overwhelming-g."

"That sounds a bit overwhelming." The Hound Person looks at the dreamers with slightly wider eyes. "We be annoyed with just this many."

"Yeah." You make a sound of frustration as you remember a few incidents. "We tend to get really annoyed too. The keepers keep it from getting that bad. Plus they are the only ones that can be patient enough to make certain that they all stay clothed. Nothing more annoying than a naked dreamer stealing your shinies because she can-n."

You hear a sound suspiciously like a giggle come from the Bug Person in front of you. "Your men must be quite entertained by the show."

"We don't have men." You know the word, but really you never thought it applied to intelligent things. "You do-o?"

"Yes, we do." Diana raises an eyebrow at you. "I assume that you don't then?"

"Nope. We come from a blossom." You shrug at the woman. "Now that I think of it, your too big to do the same, unless it was a biiiig one-e."

"That be quite interesting indeed." Diana looks you and Iraida. "You be an interesting people. I assume the leaders of you be these Keepers?"

"Kinda, sorta, maybe?" Your face scrunches up at the thought. "I mean we like to listen to them, but we don't really care much about being led or leading for long-g."

"That be unfortunate." Diana sighs as she continues. "You see, we be needing to clear your jungle. Or rather we be needing to push it back some since the creatures from it be attacking us. If you had a leader, we would be able to negotiate something."

"Hmm-m." On one hand you don't really care about the Hound People. On the other hand, as a hunter you understand the wish to protect something. You aren't certain what you could offer in this though.

Hmmmmm. She's got Shinies, yes? What if we got a bunch of other Fairy's to come help them deal with the beasties trying to kill them from the forest, and in exchange they give the Fairies Shinies?

Pay the locals to do what they normally do in a new location.

Hey, we might even have a reason to set up a new Fairy City on the outskirts of the Forest. GM, how often do Fairy's set up new cities? Or something similar, like an Outpost maybe? They Loooove Shinies, and an offer of continuous Shinies to deal with forest beasts sounds like a Fine deal to me.
Basics of racial history? All of the non-human races were made to fight in the Divine / Druid war

Orcans were made first as aquatic fighters by Druids. The Horse Lords were made by divine to counter this with quick response mounts. Then the Hound People were made, with the champion bloodline coming soon after (After horribly mutilating a few generations getting it right). The Winged were then made to counter that, and dominate the skies, and the Fairies were in the process of being made next.

Also Cities come in in to place where a bunch of faires decide "This looks like a nice place to live" they don't really plan much aside from that.
Hey Lost Star, is their a reason Awakened Fairies don't leave the Twisted Jungle?

[X] Tell the local Keeper what the Hound-People want.
-[X] Offer plan: "I could hunt the beasties and the Big People could give me shinies for it and I could tell other Fairies the same-e."

Let's not over complicate this, a simple bounty hunting system spread by word of mouth would probably be the easiest way to get the Fae to help.