Perhaps a journey

[X] Obviously, the big people are retarded. Size has nothing to do with deadliness, as any fairy knows. Ignore the fool, and track the beast down on your own. Complain to the Big People Keeper with the shiny hair when you get back, though- Can't she keep silly people out of the way when there is serious business going on?
To clarify on the scene where you were watching the Big People. Have you ever watched you tube videos of someone doing something monumentally stupid and then getting killed for it? The tree scene was the equivalent.

Also, for your people, death is constant. The attrition rate for your people is horrible. Once they awaken it's not nearly as bad, but Fairies still die consistently. Usually doing stupid things. Sometimes because they weren't cautious enough. And sometimes because luck is a bitch when you are a foot tall.

Amused by this option.

[X] Obviously, the big people are retarded. Size has nothing to do with deadliness, as any fairy knows. Ignore the fool, and track the beast down on your own. Complain to the Big People Keeper with the shiny hair when you get back, though- Can't she keep silly people out of the way when there is serious business going on?

You look at the man like he's the biggest idiot in the world. It's a look you've practices often, and it's something that you have down very well. It makes him flush angrily, and you enjoy the feeling a bit before simply rolling your eyes and flitting up to the air. It would have been easier to get a direction to look in really. As it is, now you are all going to have to circle the village and get the tracks that way. Irritating, but mostly time consuming.

"Big people here are idiots." You tell the rest flatly, and begin to fly off. "We get to do this the hard way-y."

Aida sighs and takes flight. "If this takes too long I'm going to put itchy powder in his bed-d."

"Do that later anyway-y!" One of the other hunters call out as you all begin you long search.

You do hear some yelling behind you, and some sort of commotion, but it's irrelevant to you all by now. You are too involved in your job. The hilly terrain is far different than the jungle terrain you find. You can still track things in it, but the specifics are a bit different. You probably would have had to take a far longer time to get the feel of the place, and then track the things, but Aida is terrifyingly good at her specialty. She picks up the differences almost immediately, and then is able to pick out the faint traces of the Big People coming and going.

After that, it's a fairly trivial matter to get the traces of the things hunting the Big People. It still takes time, but at least it doesn't take all day. Just most of it.

"Looks like a breeding pair." Aida says from her place on the ground as you get closer to the lair. "Other than that, pretty typical for Shadow Panthers-s."

"And it's getting dark." You mutter to the rest. "Do we want to do this now or wait till daylight-t?"

As far as dangerous predators go, Shadow Panthers were ambush predators. Nocturnal things that could turn invisible in sufficent darkness. At night they were near impossible to find and kill. It wasn't night, otherwise you would wait, but dusk was getting borderline dangerous.

"Brought two flares-s." One of your fellow hunters chimes in.

And that pretty much decides it for the rest of you. It's slightly dangerous, but being small had a few advantages. One of which was that it was pretty easy to sneak up on things.

You fly into the small grotto that the cats had taken as their own. It's got bones littered on the ground, and no sign of them. Which frankly meant nothing when your prey could turn invisible. Here Aida again proves invaluable by noting the tracks and where the two were likely hiding.

"Baiting-g." You call out, and dart forward at the area. This particular trick took a lot of precision, and no shortage of reflexes.

You speed at your top speed, and watch for a telltale shift of the shadows. The second you get it, you dart to the side and away. A black paw swipes at the air where you were, and a bright light is immediately thrown at the spot. This illuminates both panthers quite nicely. Cats larger than people, ink black, and all muscle. One is just waking up, and the other is blinking at the sudden light, startled by it.

You grasp your sword and wait a moment. The rest of your hunters had flew in your wake. Five of them, one with the flare, and the rest hefting their spears. One strikes true at the sleeping panther, and it jerks as the pain hits. Two more hit the still waking one. One fails to do proper damage.

Then you dart in again. The woken panther swipes at you again. You speed around it, and gouge the forearm. It yowls, and backs up, staggering drunkenly as the poison spears start to kick in. It would attempt to run, but at this point you think it lacks the coordination. It's still very dangerous, but it's a manageable danger.

The one waking up is more dangerous at this point. Your poison spears are very lethal, but on creatures this size, they are not going to be the most use.

That's fine for you all though, as your fellows take advantage of the poison, and your baiting tactics to use their stabbing spears on the panthers. Little pinpricks they might be, but they are vicious little pinpricks.

To be frank, it's a bloody, nasty sort of work at this point. Less a fight and more a calculated brutality. It's also why you picked up the sword. Without it, you would be reduces to stabbing spears, and while they are effective, they take forever (And a bit cruel besides).

When you judge the panthers in sufficient pain, you dart forward and manage to get a vital vein on each. Already delirious from the pain and poison, the panthers don't notice the additional hits, and quite rapidly finish bleeding out.

Then it's done. They slump to the ground, and the shadows wrapping around the cats fade away to reveal the full details of the creatures. You take the time to be certain that they are dead, and then use your sword to hack of their tails. That should be enough to prove that you call killed them.

Good hunt in your opinion. No injuries, no deaths on your side. Though the flare and the poison spears are slightly expensive, you all should recoup that from the reward.

[X] Check Caves For Shinies, grab pieces of the body as Proof of death. Hmmm. Grab the Eyes? That should be proof there dead, right?
Leoric said:
We already grabbed the tails.
Oh. Missed that. One moment.

[X] Search for Shinies! There might be some around here. Then, head back to the village with the tails, and ask where we can find Diana. She said shed give us Shinies for proof of there death!
[X] Search for Shinies! There might be some around here. Then, head back to the village with the tails, and ask where we can find Diana. She said shed give us Shinies for proof of there death!
You know I just realized that I must have made my descriptions inadequate. You are currently nearby a Hound-Village. It's a good hour long flight away from the jungle. Diana is back at the logging camp, which is nearby the jungle. She told you the direction of where the attacks were coming from, and you went there. Hence your need for directions and the villager's unusual reaction to you.

[X] Search for Shinies! There might be some around here.

Practically, the cats were there for food, not for looting. There likely wasn't going to be much there for value really. That said, they tended to drag their prey back to the lair to eat. It made it easier to keep quiet, and Shadow Panthers specifically chose their lairs for concealment when resting. There are quite a few piles of shredded clothes that you all delicately pick through in your quest for shinies.

You find some. You specifically get a gold shiny. The rest divide up the silvers and coppers.

"Hmm." Aida's voice makes you look up from admiring your shiny. You see her holding up a strange looking golden shiney. It's got teeth, and seems to have been crafted into something. "I think this is a hair shiney. Too big for us-s." She finally states.

You frown a bit. That one looks slightly important.

"Found a shiney with people in it!" Another hunter holds up a round one almost as big as her. "It's got drawings of the Big People-e."

That might be important. You couldn't tell really.

[X] To big for us, but if it has big people on it, maybe we could lotsa small shinies for it. Divide up the rest and lets go to the shiny hair lady.
[X] To big for us, but if it has big people on it, maybe we could lotsa small shinies for it. Divide up the rest and lets go to the shiny hair lady.
Here is my vote

[X] To big for us, but if it has big people on it, maybe we could lotsa small shinies for it. Divide up the rest and lets go to the shiny hair lady.
[X] To big for us, but if it has big people on it, maybe we could lotsa small shinies for it. Divide up the rest and lets go to the shiny hair lady.

"Take them with us." You finally state to the others and lift off, carrying the tails. "Might be worth something to the Big People-e."

That's enough to get them nodding. You all circle the area once to be certain you missed nothing, and then begin to fly off. You pass by the village of big people, and continue onto the logging camp where Diana is. It's fully dark at this point, but you see several big people patrolling with lights.

You fly up to one. "Hi-i!!"

"GAHH!" The man shrieks out and turns towards you with a sword drawn. You raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh, it be one of you."

"Yep, yep. Where is shiny hair-r?" You chirp merrily.

The man grumbles, but points at a building with a light on. "She be in there. Now buzz off." He puts away his sword and grumbles to himself. "Near gave me a heart attack."

You shrug and go up the the building. The door is too heavy for you, but there is a window that you can knock on. You rap against it hard while the rest of your hunt hovers behind you.

"Yes?" Diana opens the window and blinks at you. "Oh, please come in."

You fly in. There are a lot of lamps around, and even more papers. In fact, you see several desks with papers. The rest of your hunt flies up to the rafters and several of them just slump down and begin to nap.

"Got the Shadow Panthers-s!" You smile at Diana and set the tails down in an empty area. Fortunately they've bled out by now, otherwise it would be a bit messy.

"Indeed." The Hound Person lifts up a tail and examines it. "I assume there were two around that village?"

"Breeding pair." You nod. "They are usually alone, but if they get enough food they will pair up. Probably going to have a litter in a few months if we hadn't gotten to them-m."

"Then I be grateful to you all doubley so." Diana sets down the tail and continues. "This should be more support for my plan on the bounty."

"I thought it was already set up-p?" You ask curiously.

"Indeed it was, with my own money." The Hound person smiles at you. "I be working on getting it setup through the crown. With the kill you just got, I have a good argument for getting it more concrete."

"I have no idea what you are talking about-t." You aren't afraid of stating that.

Diana chuckles at you. "Lets say you will get more shinies."

"Speaking of which-h?" You ask.

"Here you are." Diana pulls out a handful of golden ones. "Let us see here. Two shadow panthers. One will be worth twenty gold. Two will get you forty." She sets them down on the table.

"Ohhh." You look at the pile, and then your wings perk in remembrance. "Oh yes, we found some different shinies in the lair. They worth anything-g?" You wave up at the rafters and the items drop, almost hitting you to general giggles.

"Ahhh." Diana sighs out as she looks at them. "These be more sentimental things. Items that were used by the victims." She picks up the hair shiny. "Normally they be given to the families of the victims since they would be considered the owners, but I think you don't be caring much about that."

You blink a bit. For you dead is dead. Loot what you can, and then get away. Life is cheap for your people in many ways.

"I will give you eight gold for both of them." Diana states.

You nod eagerly, and your pile is added to. "Yay-y!"

The Hound Person sighs and looks at you with a strange expression, but then chuckles to herself.


That's about the end of this 'arc' so to speak.

It's going to be a short time skip now. If you want, Oma can learn something interesting, or refine a skill. Feel free to ask. Or you can just continue hunting. You won't gain money over time, but you won't lose money. Hunting will gain you money.

The gold is divided evenly among you all, so you get 8.

Is 8 Gold enough for a Chain?

Other than that, what exactly can we learn and or do over the TimeSkip?
Chain would cost 10 gold.

You could learn the following:

Animal Handling Hunting Spider
Animal Handling Riding Crow
Poison Knowledge Moderate
Medium Unit Tactics
Basic Crafting
Advanced Tracking (Yours is moderate)
Increased Strength (You are currently moderately strong for your race)
Increased Speed (You are currently Faster than most, but can still improve)
Ohhhh. Okay, how many of those things can we work on over the time skip? Just one?

How about if we combine the speed and strength training, would that work?
Increased Speed has my vote.

After all lots of our tricks refer to speed and fast reflexes. And Speed is the Virtue that beats all others.
Right then.

[X] Increased Speed

Also, can we work towards getting ourselves a Fairy Chain? Only Two More Gold to go!