Perhaps a journey

Undead-Spaceman said:
Hey Lost Star, is their a reason Awakened Fairies don't leave the Twisted Jungle?
Mostly because they never saw a reason to? It might sound silly, but most of them like the jungle, and they don't really have space or food issues in their current area. They quite literally could quadruple their population and still support themselves off the jungle.
[X] "Hmm... I could kill the beasties and you give me shinies for it and I could tell other Fairies the same-e."
How about we do both? Offer to spread word of mouth to kill things on their side of the forest in exchange for shinies, and go get a keeper and ask if its okay to cut down the forest section the hound people want to cut down.
bloodshifter said:
Guys this isn't a question of whether or not they need help to kill things its they want to tear the forest down but we don't want dozens of little Fairies coming for our blood.
True, but they can't clear part of the Jungle if they're being murderized by the wildlife and it's because of the wildlife that they want to clear some of the Jungle in the first place. Also, thanks for reminding that there's a Life Blossom near by, editing vote.
Dragons were the First created race. Divine tried to make something totally divine. Something spectacularly powerful. This was done at the peak of their power.

Well... They got their wish.
[X] Tell the local Keeper what the Hound-People want.
-[X] Offer plan: "I could hunt the beasties and the Big People could give me shinies for it and I could tell other Fairies the same-e."
Will go with the below with some adjustments.

[X] Tell the local Keeper what the Hound-People want.
-[X] Offer plan: "I could hunt the beasties and the Big People could give me shinies for it and I could tell other Fairies the same-e."

"I need to talk with the Keeper." You finally state to Diana. "I mean, we don't like going out of the jungle, but some of the more hungry things would probably love to go after your people." You start counting off the things that might leave it. "Lets see, the Shadow Panthers, the Golden Tigers, probably the Hunter Bees, maybe the army ants, the crawling worms might if they got really hungry, you probably didn't have to deal with the Bloodflies, but if one or two get to a nice area you won't have a nice time." You think a bit more. "That's about all the nasties that would like to leave the forest. The rest of them are more plants or like the wet stuff. We don't mind so much if you have to cut back the jungle, but it might be easier for us to do something else-e."

The Hound-Person looks slightly surprised at you. "We be hearing reports of people disappearing. Not much more than that. You be saying that it could be any of those?"

"Just a few people?" You look Diana up and down. "Likely a few Shadow Panthers then. They would like to hit and drag people away. A Golder Tiger gets loud, and obvious. Might be the Hunter Bees, but they swarm when they find food-d."

"And how would one go about hunting these then?" Diana askes with a serious expression.

"Shadow Panthers grab and drag." You make clawing motions in imitation. "They also go invisible, so they are hard to spot before the attack. The trick of em is to look for the dragging points and follow. They lair nearby usually where they eat-t."

Diana nods seriously at you. "Might I be able to ask your help for that then?"

"Umm, for a shiny maybe." You shrug at her. "That's why I need to talk to keeper. You give us shinies, we could probably get a few hunting parties going to stop some from leaving. The trick would be getting it going-g."

"I see." The Hound-Person settles back on her heels. "Would you mind explaining the other beasts you mentioned before you head out?"

"Sure." You shrug and being ticking them off on your fingers.

"Golden Tigers are big gold cats that roam and hunt. They don't care much since their skin is like metal, and they can shred anything. Weak around the eyes and mouth.

The Hunter Bees are a roaming swarm that hunts and eats meat. About half my size, they eat a lot and then sleep and breed, then swarm again. You wanna kill them while resting, if you do it right they don't realize things happening.

Army ants are about the size of my hand, and they go in biiiiiig swarms. They leave big trails, and like to strip things to bones. You want to just avoid the trail, but fire is the best way to stop them if you need to. Since you can't fly, just put a trail of something flammable in their way and burn them.

Crawling Worms are really, really, really, big green things that sorta crawl along the ground. If you hear thunder, the they are starting to really move. They eat trees, and anything in front of them. Easiest to avoid the things. If you have to stop them, you have to bleed them dry. That can take days.

Bloodflies are big butterflies that drain blood from things and then lay their eggs in the body. Nasty things. The trick with them is to keep away, since if you are close they have a sorta dust around them that makes you really sleepy. They are pretty rare, but if they get a big meal you get a good hundred in about a week."

"I think I be suffiecently horrified now." Diana states dryly at you. "I do believe we be willing to offer you "Shinies" in exchange for assistance in keeping these back. You've hunted all these things I assume?"

"Haven't done a Crawling Worm." You give a shudder. "It's really just easier to move around them. The Golden Tigers don't bug us much so I haven't fought them either. Killed plenty of Hunter Bees since you wanna keep them from really getting numbers, and the army ants are pretty easy for us since we fly. Gotten a Shadow Panther before, and the bloodflys are kill on sight. There are a lot of little things that like to go after us. Those were just the things that would leave and go after things as big as you-u."

Diana smiles at you. "You are a tiny warrior I see. I be interested in seeing you in action some other time perhaps."

"Sounds fun! You better be fast if you wanna play though-h." You are actually rather interested in that yourself.

At this point you get to your feet and dust yourself off. It's probably time to go see the Keeper. You nudge Iraida awake. The Fairy perks up and yawns.

"I'm going back. You coming with-h?" You state in the language of your people.

"Gonna stay here." The Fairy yawns as she speaks in their language. "Like Diana, and the Big People seem interesting-g."

You tilt your head at her, and then look at the standing Diana. "If you wanna. You could be the Big People Talker instead of me-e."

Iraida shakes her head at you. "I'm gonna be a Seeker-r."

"Huh." You blink a few times. "Suppose that fits-s."

"If I may, what be a seeker?" Diana interjects as Iraida flits up into the air.

"A seeker seeks!" Iraida chirps, and then giggles as she continues. "More we pass messages, mail, warnings. I figure you could use one, and I could get more shinies-s!"

"Perhaps, but not more of my hair." The Hound-Person states dryly.

"Oh don't worry. You all have plenty of shinies for me-e." Iraida quips back as she floats after Diana.

You snort to yourself and lift off. Just awoken, and already extorting others. She's going to fit right in. You speed off and seek out the Keeper again. She's in a perch up atop the tree where the life blossom is.

"I see you are back." She states quietly as you approach. "How did it go-o?"

"She seemed interesting." You quietly reply as you settle next to the Keeper. "I think she's a hunter too, but it's hard to tell with what she called herself. She want's to stop the Jungle from eating her people-e."

"Reasonable." The Keeper nods at you, and seems to think. "I assume you have an idea of what to do-o?"

"We can hunt down things." It's a simple plan really. "Maybe make sure the big people know what to do. They give us shinies, and we can kill the things that try to eat them-m."

"I suppose it's as good an idea as any." The Keeper replies with a small snicker. "I could be certain that this is told to the rest I suppose. You will probably get quite a few hunters in for this though. We might need to get something a bit more organized than haphazard hunting-g."

Oh joy, you get to plan. Such fun. Note the sarcasm. Though you do see the point. Otherwise they would just be killing random things that hunt your people, and not the things that would go after the Big People specifically. A lot of work is probably ahead of you, and not the fun type.

So Iraida's going to be the Champion's Navi huh. Or maybe more of a Tatl. Still, planning and leadership of a bunch of fairies is going to be a joy, I'm sure.
Not necessarily. At this point it's just framework. What I honestly expect is for you to set it up somewhat, and they will do the rest. You could take a more active hand however.
[X] Okies. Get some Hunters you know together and explain the situation to them. You kill the beasties that bother the big people and bring them to their place, you get shinies from the big person with silver hair. Its like a shop. Also, its great fun. Tell them to bring all their friends. Keep some of the ones that you like the most with you and go hunting! Get a head start on the others!
[X] Okies. Get some Hunters you know together and explain the situation to them. You kill the beasties that bother the big people and bring them to their place, you get shinies from the big person with silver hair. Its like a shop. Also, its great fun. Tell them to bring all their friends. Keep some of the ones that you like the most with you and go hunting! Get a head start on the others!
[X] Okies. Get some Hunters you know together and explain the situation to them. You kill the beasties that bother the big people and bring them to their place, you get shinies from the big person with silver hair. Its like a shop. Also, its great fun. Tell them to bring all their friends. Keep some of the ones that you like the most with you and go hunting! Get a head start on the others!

"All right!" You state to the hunters you have gathered. It's a small group of five that you personally know, so you know how to work with them, and they with you. "The Big People say that some of the bigger nasties are trying to eat them." There are several giggles. That's nothing new to you all, everything likes to eat everything in the jungle.

"So, in exchange for shinies, we go outside the jungle, and get rid of them. We all know what things would go after big people right-t?" You hear several sounds of agreement to this.

"The big person in charge of this herself told me that some places nearby are getting pounced on by something." Actually, in the process of organizing this, Iraida had brought you a message.

Apparently Diana was a bit more on the ball organizing this than you were. The fact that gold shinies were worth the most to them was interesting, and something she had taken pains to explain to you. If you got something that was outside the forest, the person who killed it would get gold shinies based on what was killed.

"So we are going there, and tracking it down. Then we kill it, and bring it back-k." Simple, and easy. Just what you all like.

"I got the tracking-g." Aida chirps as you all lift off, with you in the lead.

"Haha!" Another fairy calls out as you all pick up speed. "So long as you don't mind me getting the kill-l!"

There is a fair bit of banter back and forth as you all fly through the air. It takes time, but you all reach what looks to be a big people village. There are a lot of wooden buildings, and quite a few dogs running around. You all perch on a building and watch it for awhile, just for the novelty.

"Hey look, littler big people-e." One of you points out.

"Clumsy ones too-o." Another one states as they watch a man crash into someone.

You give a little snort and float down to where the people were. You get a loooot of stares, and place your hand on your hip as you stare back. One of the littler Big People comes up to you.

"Pretty..." She attempts to poke you, and you roll your eyes as you float back a bit.

"Sorry, no touchy." You state and buzz up a bit and out of your reach. "Hey!" You state to your watchers. "We are here to find a big thing hunting you all. You know where the last person that dissapeared was-s?"

One of the bigger people elbows his way through and looks at you incredulously. "A tiny thing like you wants to go after the killer animal that's been prowling around here?"

"Well duh-h." You roll your eyes at the man. Really you wouldn't be out of the jungle if you didn't want this.

"You be insane." He states flatly. "Go back and hide wherever you came from."

You sigh. Really? At least the siver one had been respectful.

We don't threaten Dreamers, people. Period. We don't harm them in Any way, shape, or form. Or do you guys Want to piss off the Keepers?
Delcer said:
Their "dreamer" as in the guy talking to us.
Doesn't matter. Fairys don't hurt dreamers, or threaten dreamers. This guy? We recognize him As a Big Person. We won't call him a Dreamer. He isn't. Instead, let us demonstrate our clear superiority to this Big Person by working together with our hunting party to knock him down and stick a blade right above his eye.
We didn't care then because we didn't Know any big people. We aren't deliberately cruel, dude. Just innocently malicious.

Big Difference.
Pretty sure I said you didn't have to bring back the body. For the record, the bounty is contingent on proof of the kill. A body part is enough.
[x] Grab some rope and tie him up with your fellows.
- [x] String him up from a lamp post or sign if you can carry him.
[X] Lets ignore the scaredy cat. We have Shinies to Aquire! Onwards, to The Hunt!

Yeah, guys? Ding Anything to this guy is just Asking for trouble. I have a better idea. How's about we go and kill the beast that's killing them, and bring back proof of its death?

Helps with social relations all around, and doesn't get Diana pissed at us for attacking her kinsman.
Darik29, we don't know where it is because they haven't told us yet.

[X] "Go back and hide wherever I came from? I am from the depths of the Twisted Jungle and have lived their for [insert years Oma has lived there] while any of you Big People barely last ten seconds after taking five steps into it. This sword, these spears, they ain't for show, now stop saying nonsense like a Dreamer and tell us where the big thing hunting you all is-s."
Dude, we don't Need them to tell us. We've hunted these things all our life, if we need Big People to tell us where it is, we Obviously aren't as awesome as we think we are.
[X] Obviously, the big people are retarded. Size has nothing to do with deadliness, as any fairy knows. Ignore the fool, and track the beast down on your own. Complain to the Big People Keeper with the shiny hair when you get back, though- Can't she keep silly people out of the way when there is serious business going on?