Perhaps a journey

I will say all of the options are useful. The hunting spider is sorta a Fairy attack dog. Scary thing as big as you with venom akin to the Brown Recluse.
[X] Increased speed

Personally I wanted better poison or an attack spider but everyone wants speed, why is that?
Undead-Spaceman said:
[X] Increased speed

Personally I wanted better poison or an attack spider but everyone wants speed, why is that?
You attack faster, you evade better, and it just in general makes you a better fighter. All the strength in the world doesn't matter if you can't hit your opponent.
[x] Speed

You probably should have expected the chain of events that followed your successful hunt, but you've never been accused of being a visionary. With the news that shinies were involved, and hunting the bigger things that would go after the Big People was profitable, the number of hunters involved expanded rapidly. With them came the crafters, who created and sold the tools you all favored, and then the gatherers to make certain everyone had food. At that point, well, the previously quiet area was now a full fledged city.

It's mildly annoying in that most of the good hunts were being taken by others. You get enough to get by of course, but really you don't manage to get any more serious bounties. Of course, that doesn't stop you from being the person for all the Big People interactions. You take our your frustration by working on your speed. Yours has already been rather noteworthy among your people, and your extensive work brings it up to near top level. You can practically blur out of sight now if you want to, though that's only in short bursts. You are a sprinter not a marathoner.

All together, you are actually thinking about leaving the area for different hunting grounds. The prospects of bounties is always enticing, but you don't necessarily know if you want to deal with the various headaches getting a good hunt would cause.

Before you can make a decision, you get a message from the local Keeper. It's not an urgent one thankfully, but it is one that you can't ignore. You find her in near the top of the tree with the Life Blossom. She's sitting quietly and watching the forest around her.

"Hello Oma-a." She states softly as you approach, and you feel a brief flash of terror. Something is big.

"Hi Keeper-r." You greet nervously.

"The Big People have really shaken things up, haven't they?" She asks as she watches a few of your people zip around. "New shinies and new ideas. I hear some of the crafters have managed to start up a bit of trade as well. Some of their items are quite usefull."

You stay slient as she speaks. You can tell she's building up to something.

"I fear they don't respect us enough though." She sighs and looks at you solemnly. "I've heard that some of our dreamers have gone missing. This happens often as you know. However, why they are going missing is a different matter. Some of the less... Respectful Big People seem to be capturing them. I would like you to deal with this matter as a Hunter should-d."

You swallow, and nod. Dreamers died, often senselessly. However, your job was to eliminate things that would go after your people. If some Big People were going after the Dreamers, they would have to be appropriately dealt with.

First things first. Find out where these Big People have taken the Dreamers. If they're anywhere nearby, releasing them is something we should do. Second, lets go find Diana. Tell her about how Dreamers are being taken by some other Big People, and what, Exactly, that means were supposed to do.

Just going out and killing them when these two things haven't been done is Asking for problems.
[x] Plan Darik

Well, for now your job is going to be observing and understanding. A good hunter never goes off and immediately attacks. That's a lovely recipe for failure at multiple levels. So, after your conversation with the keeper you go ahead and begin to track down where it supposed to be happening.

The Dreamers don't really remember that well, but they do remember enough to give you a general direction, and after that all you need to do is track down big people tracks. It takes you time of course, but you are rather easily able to determine which ones are likely. You aren't looking for the ones that are going to the trading areas. You are looking for those that are meandering around. Also tracks that look like they were carrying something worked as well.

You are lead to a secluded area not that far from the jungle. There is a tent setup, and outside it you see several cages containing the Dreamers set in a wagon. They seem in decent health at least. Well some of them do. You note several look to be injured, and quiet. That's not something that happens normally. Even injury tends to be laughed off when the pain fades.

You also note several Big People wandering around the area. There are enough of them that you aren't certain you could free the Dreamers without killing them all.

So you don't at this point. You fly off and seek out Diana. It's probably best to get her opinion on this before you do something permanent. No matter how much you might want to.

The silver haired woman appears to be doing paperwork outside at this point. You note several dreamers and lingering nearby, but they are maintaining their distance. (You've seen a few try to steal a piece of hair. Diana's actually fairly gentle swatting them away.)

"Good Morning Oma." Diana greets you as you float down in front of her, and then frowns. "You look serious. What be wrong?"

You frown and try to think of how to word this. Finally you just decide to state it flat out. "Some Big People have Dreamers in cages. They seem to be hunting them for some reason. If they are hunting them, they are hunting us." You try to impress on how serious this is. "If they are hunting us, I'm going to be hunting them back. I won't be nice when I do it-t."

The Hound Person sets down the paper and looks at you seriously. "You be certain of this?"

"Saw it with my own eyes-s." You nod at the woman.

Diana frowns deeply and then whistles sharply. You see one of the hounds that linger around the camp come up to her. "Show me." She states simply as she gets on top the thing.

You shrug and lead the way. The canine is fast you note. He can keep up with you going at near full speed with just a loping trot that eats up the space, so you reach the point where the camp is quickly.

Diana gets off her hound at this point and stalks into it. Several of the Big People start to curse upon seeing her, and two of them attempt to run away. One is pounced on immediately by the hound and brought to the ground screaming. The hound isn't attempting to kill him, so you don't see blood, but the beast is pretty heavy.

The other one gets a few feet away before Diana grabs a tool laying on the ground and throws it at his leg. He falls to the ground screaming as well. The Hound Woman doesn't appear to care much, looking at the remaining Big People that didn't start to run with a severe look.

"I think this be a problem." She states quietly at them and looks at the cages. "Oma, free your people please."

You nod and zip to the cages, looking at the locks with a frown before darting towards one of the Big People. He protests as you rip the keys off his belt.

"Hey! Those be mine!" He yells, and immediately shuts up as Diana glares.

You release the dreamers, and hear bits of some conversation between them. Something about legality, and punishment. To be frank the entire point of it goes over your head. You get the last Dreamer free before Diana finally seems to stop caring.

"I be a Seven Shield." The woman states quietly at the others. "I be an arm of the crown. If I wish it, I could summarily execute you here, and no one would care. The only reason I will not be doing this is because I believe you stupid and greedy. I should just leave you to the non-existent mercy of the Fairies."

"They are bugs!" The leader you believe him to be states. "Things that float around and ask annoying questions. They can barely feed themselves, much less be dangerous."

"Oma," Diana turns to you. "Care to change his view? I care not if you kill this one."


Yeah, remember that one Frog trick we pulled, where we cut its head in half from the inside? Any chance we can modify that a bit, use it to kill this dude in a messy and horrifically brutal manner?

Also, find out what he did to the Dreamers to make them go quiet, it might very well make us want to kill them all more. And more. And more.

Yeah, this was a good idea, us going to find Diana. Gooood idea.
Retsof said:
Well hello there Unfortunate Implications. Fancy meeting you here.
Yeah, on the subject of that. It's probably not as bad as you think. Dreamers can get irritating fast. To make a lesson stick, it has to be painful or consistent, or both. You can guess which.
[X] Find out why they were capturing dreamers, what they did to them and if it was something unpleasant kill the fuck out of him-m.
Nope, sorry Quazplm, this guy just said we had no thought ps in our head, and Diana just gave us permission to make an example of him. Asking why he's taken the Dreamers is a Very distant third to making sure he never does it again, and killing him so hard no one else will even Think to try and take Dreamers again.
Retsof said:
Well, while that's still bad, I do apologize. Pessimistic as I am, I tend to immediately jump to the worst conclusion.
I'm just trying to head it off. I can see how it would be implied, but it's not something I want to get into in this thread. Or at all really.
Hey Lost Star. Any chance of those Dreamers we rescued suddenly Awakening, with their Desire set to Kill the Slavers?