Perhaps a journey

Yeah, all these votes are basically variations on how we want to kill this guy.

Anyone particularly care if we mash together the various votes for murdering the guy, and let Lost Star come up with a suitable execution scene?
Darik29 said:
Yeah, all these votes are basically variations on how we want to kill this guy.

Anyone particularly care if we mash together the various votes for murdering the guy, and let Lost Star come up with a suitable execution scene?
I'm sure that he can figure something out. I'd worry that we'd do something elaborately torturous that will bother Diana, but honestly there's no IC reason to think about that, and I doubt Oma has the patience or cultural background for anything THAT gruesome.

[x] Mete out a messy and painful death.
[x] While you kill him, tell him why. Clearly and calmly, so it sinks in. So that everybody knows we are not just bugs. That we will protect ourselves. that those who oppose us will die. Just. Like. Him.
Yep, going with this.
[X] No need for gratuitous violence. This isn't fun, and we aren't here to show off for our friends. This is pest control. Just neatly cut his throat and be done with it.

Personally, I find the sudden flood of voices crying out for ultraviolence and needless torture to be disconcerting.
Why would you do that?
[X] Gratuitous violence.

No one messes with the Fae, it's time we teach them that lesson.

Also Retsof, how did you even get to that conclusion? They're twelve inches tall.
I do agree that we need to make it impressive.

Since we're faster than the eye can see. Why don't we do one of those sword techniques in shows where the character appears behind their enemy and the person dies. We did train speed for a reason anyway.

[x] Say "Sorry~, but it looks like you're gonna die~" while smiling/grinning.
[x] Use your superior speed to disappear and fly around him to deliver lethal cuts.
[x] Appear behind him out of range of his falling body.
For the record, I wasn't exactly looking for methods to kill. As amusing and slightly disturbing as that options were put forward, gonna go with the general tone.

[x] Stabby Stabby

You are a hunter. Your job, your mission in life is to remove threats to your people. So when Diana gives you the go ahead, you have no hesitation in what you do next.

You speed at your top speed, and hear strangled shouts from the onlookers. You sword blurs, and you dart away from the resulting burst of arterial blood. The leader falls to the ground clutching at his neck, and almost casually you move in front of him swinging your sword twice more to gouge out his eyes. He flinches backwards and goes still soon afterwards.

All told, the entire process takes less than a minute. You float up and give the other Big People a look. They flinch backwards, notably more frightened.

"Think they be harmless now?" Diana asks them quietly, and they shake their heads frantically. "That's a hunter of their people. If I even hear of this happening again, I be telling them that you are all fair limits. They will hunt you down, and you will die. Do you understand?"

All of them nod as fast as they can.

"Was that all of the Fairies?" The Hound Person gestures to the cages.

You shrug. "I don't have a count. The Keeper likely does. If it isn't all of them, I can find these easy enough-h."

"There were three more." One of the men nervously volunteers after looking at the others. "They be sold to some merchant last month. He said if we get more we be getting double the price."

"Who?" Diana states flatly.

"Don't got his name." They all shuffle at that admission. "He doesn't be giving his real one. We know he's a Black Market dealer though. Going to the capital."

The silver-haired woman hisses out. "That be a big issue."

You frown. Well, it looks like you have a bit more hunting to do. "Well, I guess that's gonna be more tracking then-n."

"That's not going to be as easy as you think." Diana growls out, and then makes a gesture. Her hound get's off it's victim, who had been reduced to whimpering. "Go back to your village all. Understand what I have said though. If I even smell a whiff of this again, I will just let them deal with it." She gestures to you as she says that last point.

Then she stalks off, you floating behind her curiously. "The capital is just a big village right-t?"

"Be a bit more than that." Diana mutters to you. "I can't be going there to help you either. It's imperative that we get your people out of there."

You tilt your head. "I know they are gonna be in pain, but dreamers can take a lot, and will forget most of it afterwards. It's urgent to me of course, but I don't think it's your job-b."

"I will not stand for slavery." The Hound Person states flatly. "I will not allow it to take root in my country, and will definitely not allow your people to become some newest fad for the nobility. Also, what would happen should one of your Dreamers Wake Up with the desire to kill 'Big People?'"

"Ummm..." You think a bit and try to align it. That doesn't sound pretty actually. They would specifically want to continue to eliminate them, and from what you've seen the Big People would have a fair bit of trouble with something small that could fly. "Ow. I don't think that would be a good thing for the people there. They would want to keep going since you would be 'threat' then-n."

It would be rather like what most fairies were with frogs actually. You don't remember much as a dreamer, but some of it remains. Especially constant experiences. Almost every Dreamer has to deal with frogs attempting to eat them. Several of them succeed.

"I be afraid of that." Diana sighs. "Tomorrow. Come back to me prepared. I have a letter to write. One of my allies there will be able to assist you. He will guide you in the city. I will give you directions to find him. Please be quick about this. The faster we stop it, the less damage done."

You nod seriously.

Right. Head back to the Keeper, tell her what we'll be doing, and then grab supplies for a long journey. Hey, any chance we can grab that Fairy Chain before we go? Any argument we could use to convince the Keeper or someone we'll need a ranged attack to possibly deal with the Big People?
Meh, probably not. Let's just go grab food and stuff before hitting the ole dusty trail.

[x] Talk to keeper, gather supplies for a long journey (If you can, maybe you should take your whole house).
You could trade three of your spears for a shiney if you wanted to. You wouldn't have any more though, and you might need it later.
Lost Star said:
You could trade three of your spears for a shiney if you wanted to. You wouldn't have any more though, and you might need it later.
Which is more effective for us, those spears we get one use out of, or the Fairy Chain we can reuse continuously, and for a variety of things even?

[X] Head back, tell the Keeper everything that happened, and tell her your going to go find the Dreamers taken to the Big People's city. Gather supplies for a long journey. Trade three spears for a shiny, and go buy a Fairy Chain.
Both are useful. Keep in mind the spears are paralytic poisoned. It's a high enough dose to down most medium sized creatures, and will severely hinder most that it doesn't down. Also, it would be all your money too.
The chain is a weapon we would actually have train up before we can get any kind of use out of it. Whereas we know how to use the spears well along with having the deadly poison. And I'm not really seeing a variety of uses for the chain besides the range attack that we might not need because our gap closer is kind of ridiculous right now. I think we should spend the money on more poison and stuff since we look to be leaving for a long while and won't be able to stock up anymore after we leave.
Uh, spears are a one time use weapon, Chain is reusable. Also, we know how to use the Chain, just need to blow the rust off those skills and were good.

Also, with the chain, I was going for the intimidation factor. A Fae with a sword is somewhat scary. A Fae with a Metal Chain with a Blade at the end? Is somewhat More scary.

Poison is awesome, but its only good once.
Chronic, do you want us to get the Fairy Chain? If we go with a party, we can sell our poison spears for the Chain and not worry about missing anything, if one of the other Fairy's brings there own poison spears.
Darik29 said:
Also, with the chain, I was going for the intimidation factor. A Fae with a sword is somewhat scary. A Fae with a Metal Chain with a Blade at the end? Is somewhat More scary.
Really? I don't to see how a fairy swinging around a chain is in anyway more scary than a fairy swinging around a sword. If a fairy fails to be intimidating with a sword, I don't see how a chain automatically changes anything.
Avalon said:
Really? I don't to see how a fairy swinging around a chain is in anyway more scary than a fairy swinging around a sword. If a fairy fails to be intimidating with a sword, I don't see how a chain automatically changes anything.
Difference in opinion. I want us to get the Chain, in the event our return to the Jungle is delayed by how long it takes us to hunt down the Dreamers and the Slavers.

Chain is long term investment, like Armor. Both incredibly useful, one way or another.
Avalon said:
Ehh? I'm not really seeing the long term investment in chain honestly.
Spears, once used, are gone. Not getting them back. Chain can be used so long as it doesn't break, and Fae made stuff is Hard to break, since its used to kill stuff in the Jungle. Chain lasts Much longer than the spears.
Chronic said:
I don't see the reason for a chain right now. Sure, its awesome, but we have reusable spears with more or less reusable poison that are not much worse at the distance game than the chain.

Besides, i think its wise to take our shinies with us on our journey. You never know when you might have to pay for something.
Where and when did GM say spears and poison were reusable? Please point this out to me, as it puts my argument on its head if this is true.