Outside Context Solution (Mass Effect/Pacific Rim)

The Volus are almost certainly going to give us very generous deals that they will wince at when the revenge boner dies down. But probably not more than wince, since the Kaiju were looking to be an existential threat prior to Humanity claiming the portal bounty.
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The Volus are almost certainly going to give us very generous deals that they will wince at when the revenge boner dies down. But probably not more than wince, since the Kaiju were looking to be an existential threat prior to Humanity claiming the portal bounty.

Then again, they might start laughing when they have all the best Jaegers because they paid premium.
You know, I'm looking forward to the day that Shepard Renegade Interrupts Harbringer in a mile-high jaeger.
Call me crazy, but if we didn't have Word of MGS on this, I'd honestly expect the Reapers would consider moving on to another galaxy.

The Kaiju and their masters are an Outside Context Problem for the Reapers. They're also planning on using hostile terraforming (near as I, the reader, can tell) on any planet capable of sustaining life.

Thus the Reapers either spend who knows how many resources having to clear every planet the Kaiju hit or they're stuck with barren worlds they can't harvest.
Call me crazy, but if we didn't have Word of MGS on this, I'd honestly expect the Reapers would consider moving on to another galaxy.

The Kaiju and their masters are an Outside Context Problem for the Reapers. They're also planning on using hostile terraforming (near as I, the reader, can tell) on any planet capable of sustaining life.

Thus the Reapers either spend who knows how many resources having to clear every planet the Kaiju hit or they're stuck with barren worlds they can't harvest.
I'd rather not want to see a Kaiju-husk.
Well, it was implied by the (director, I think? ) when questioned about it, that Gipsy Danger wasn't recovered from the Kaiju Masters' side of the breach. And that that detail might matter, should a sequel come about.

Edit: ninja'd

Well of COURSE they didn't recover Gipsy. She explodinated with enough force to retroactively Jaeger-punch the Outsiders for every kaiju sent over.
Um, that isn't necessarily true. There's two other individuals who might have "leaked" Jaeger-tech to the Outsiders.

Kaiju drifting using your best scientists and engineers is a profoundly bad idea for informational security.
And yet you need someone that smart just to make sense of what they yank out of the Kaiju hivemind. Purgatory if you do, damned if you don't.
Um, that isn't necessarily true. There's two other individuals who might have "leaked" Jaeger-tech to the Outsiders.

Kaiju drifting using your best scientists and engineers is a profoundly bad idea for informational security.

I dunno about that. While they both knew a little bit about the Jaegers (more Herman than Newt; Herman wrote the programming code of the Mk-I's), Herman was mostly studying the Breach itself, while Newt was all about studying the Kaiju.

So the Kaiju masters probably got a little bit of general knowledge about the Jaegers the PPDC had at hand, as well as everything Newt and Herman thought they knew about the Breach and the Kaiju, which isn't all that helpful to the guys who actually made the Breach and the Kaiju.
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I dunno about that. While they both knew a little bit about the Jaegers, IIRC, Gottlieb wrote the programming cde of the Mk-I's but was mostly studying the Breach itself, while Newt was all about studying the Kaiju.

So the Kaiju masters probably got a little bit of general knowledge about the Jaegers the PPDC had at hand, as well as everything Newt and Herman thought they knew about the Breach and the Kaiju, which isn't all that helpful to the guys who actually made the Breach and the Kaiju.
The Kaiju sent through the breach after Newt drifted with the partial Kaiju brain were optimized to kill Striker Eureka, Crimson Typhoon, and Cherno Alpha. The only one they weren't optimized to kill was Gipsy Danger, which Newt didn't think was combat-capable.

Notice how Leatherback's response to seeing Gipsy Danger, something that has already been wrecked once and is nowhere near "modern" in terms of design nor technology, was shock? Jaw-dropping, eye-blinking shock?

Next up remember that Gottlieb was part of the programming staff. That means he'd also know a lot about the engineering behind the Jaegers. Programmers have to know enough to build the software properly - which often includes things like software fail-safes / warnings / alarms when the machine is breaking down.

A real world example would be the electronic "brain" that helps run modern cars. All the warnings you can get on your dashboard? Or what the mechanics can download by plugging into the car's computer? Those are all software interpreting information from sensors scattered throughout the car.

Now, could Gottlieb build a Jaeger? Definitely not. He's not an engineer, so he has a rough idea but not the specifics. (He also lacks the education in advanced engineering that would be required.)

Could Gottlieb's knowledge give someone a "hand up" if they were trying to design their own Jaegers from scratch? Definitely. (If only in terms of knowing all the things that they have to worry about breaking down while the Jaeger is running.)
The Volus are almost certainly going to give us very generous deals that they will wince at when the revenge boner dies down.

That revenger boner ain't dying until Din Olar does, and he's taking steps to make sure that he doesn't die for quite awhile, so...

Then again, they might start laughing when they have all the best Jaegers because they paid premium.

Well, no-one is "getting Jaegers" per se. If you read Herc's speech in the most recent snip, that becomes apparent.

Now trying to find someone psychologically capable of entering the Drift with Din Olar will be a challenge worthy of the greatest minds the galaxy has to offer...;)

Call me crazy, but if we didn't have Word of MGS on this, I'd honestly expect the Reapers would consider moving on to another galaxy.

The Reapers can't leave. The Intelligence that runs the Reapers is stuck in the galaxy and the Reapers by themselves (even Harbinger) always struck me as looking smarter than they really were.

If you think about it, the way the Reapers go about the business of harvests is actually profoundly stupid and very unlikely to produce things that will actually advance them. In a way, they've gotten lucky that the Cycle system is breaking down and that the last couple of harvests were able to put up more of a fight than previously, otherwise they may not have gotten anything interesting at all.

It like a really advanced race had a science project that got out of control and tried to work beyond it's original purpose without actually being set up to do so...

The Kaiju and their masters are an Outside Context Problem for the Reapers. They're also planning on using hostile terraforming (near as I, the reader, can tell) on any planet capable of sustaining life.

What the Kaiju Masters do isn't exactly hostile terraforming, if you go back and look at part three you will see that it's more like anti-terraforming. Planets conquered by the Kaiju will never support life of any kind again.

I'd say that's worse than hostile terraforming.

Thus the Reapers either spend who knows how many resources having to clear every planet the Kaiju hit or they're stuck with barren worlds they can't harvest.

The Reapers always choose the strategy that looks most like a brute-force, straight line approach... So that is probably what they'll try to do...

Overwhelming power has worked so well for them so far right?

I'd rather not want to see a Kaiju-husk.

That'd be an awfully big Dragon's Tooth, wouldn't it? :p

Cyborg kaiju sound pretty cool though.

Because you give me a lot of hugs and I'm a terrible, dirty old man, you get a spoiler!;)

There is totally going to be a Kaiju cyborg, of sorts, well before any appearance by the Reapers.

How Renegade? I mean I play a bit Renegade just for those badass moments like pushing a merc out of a window. Maybe one that just always hit the Renegade button, even when it was dumb to do so...

Y'know. This might actually be something useful Wreav could do! Since he was generally useless unless you were a soulless monster and had him as Boss Krogan in ME3 and needed a dupe, it would be nice to find a use for the over-aggressive idiot.
Nah, it's Newt, obviously.

I'm pretty sure Newt's head would actually explode if they tried. He might beg to go back to Drifting with the Kaiju...:p