Outside Context Solution (Mass Effect/Pacific Rim)

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This is a Mass Effect/Pacific RIm crossover that starts in the same era as the movie Pacific...
This is a Mass Effect/Pacific RIm crossover that starts in the same era as the movie Pacific Rim. There! Now people won't have to keep asking.:D

Ok. Going to be testing the waters here and seeing if this old thing can be made into an interesting story. As of this moment, it is unbeta'd and raw. any help would be appreciated.

It's actually sort of two stories that intertwine with each other, so. here we go...

A few things of note:

1: This is not exclusively a story about Commander Shepard and the Reapers etc. This story starts more than a hundred years before all of that and features completely different antagonists. This does not mean that Shep and co. will not be in the story later, but this shit takes time.

2: CSD stands for Citadel Standard Date, which is basically years measures from the founding/discovery of the Citadel. It does match where I need things to be for both the Mass Effect and Pacific Rim timelines. Regular dating will be used later on n the story.
Subtract about 499 years from CSD to get the date in CE, thus 2515 CSD is 2016 CE on Earth

3: There are a LOT of original characters in the story. There sort of have to be considering a great many of the characters from the Mass Effect franchise have yet to be born. Some canon characters will be appearing even early on, some of them are minor in the main games, spot them if you can.

4: The Geth are strange. There is no real dialogue in the Geth parts.

A completely not related to Pacific Rim 'fic that is totally canon in this universe: Harvest
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Part1 (UCS)
Outside Context Solution Part 1
THE CITADEL, Private Council Chambers, 2515 CSD

The three members of the Citadel Council controlled, between them more political, economic and military power than any other sapient beings in the galaxy. It was galling, in a way, to sit calmly and listen to a report that summarized for them the fact that all of their power and influence were useless. No fleet or Specter could end this threat.

It was like listening to a prophecy of an apocalypse, after the end had already begun.

"In conclusion, given the current rate of attacks and the continual improvement displayed by the Outsiders, unless a way is found to attack through their portals, all predictions point to a great many more worlds being lost in the next ten years" finished Admiral Axuus Meridius, a no-nonsense Turian who had advised the Council on military matters for more than twenty years.

"Surely, Admiral, there is some hope in these predictions, our peoples have stood for more than a thousand years." queried Councilor Tevos anxiously.

This drew the Turian Councilor from his contemplative staring at his Salarian counterpart, he had not been paying full attention to Admiral Meridius as he had received the breifing earlier when the Admiral arrived on the station, and it seemed as if the Salarian Councilor, Movin, had a new card he was getting ready to play. Damned Salarian brinksmanship! We have no time for this nonsense.

"Councilor Tevos, you and I both both know just how grim the big picture is, with the loss of Irune last year and the Volus being evacuated to various colony worlds, both the economy and morale have hit new lows throughout Citadel Space. Palaven and Sur'Kesh coming under siege this year have just added to the problem." the Turian Councilor, Menelus informed her.

"Admiral, we thank you for your time" he continued, dismissing the Admiral, while his facial expression let the Admiral know that they'd be talking later, in depth.

Councilor Tevos acknowledged both Menelus' point and the dismissal of the Admiral with a graceful nod of her head and followed her fellow Councilor's attention to their Salarian compatriot.

"Councilor Movin, you have something to add?" she asked calmly, centuries of experience allowing her to dismiss her anxieties for later.

Councilor Movin sat forward in his chair, uncharacteristically eager to speak.

"Indeed, while Admiral Meridius did give a good summation of the situation, I have an expert from the STG who will be able to give us hard facts and projections of future Outsider activity as well as a proposed mission to relieve the situation that will require full Council support to implement." Movin spoke quickly, as Salarians are wont to do. "with your permission Councilors, I will ask him to make his presentation now."

Tevos and Menelus looked briefly at one another, having worked together for slightly over fifteen years, they had a good rapport and could communicate a great deal with just a look. Quickly deciding to indulge their newest member, they both turned back to Movin.

"Please proceed, Councilor" Menelus said, gesturing to the intercom on the arm of Movin's chair.

"Thank you" Councilor Movin replied while triggering his intercom "Dr. Solus? Please come and present your findings."

Quickly entering the room, a brown toned Salarian, considered handsome among his people, and by those inclined to be attracted to Salarians, entered the room. He was dressed in the uniform of the STG and carried himself with great energy and enthusiasm.

Bowing deeply, Dr. Lorn Solus wasted no time getting to the point. "Greetings Councilors. Have with me results of thousands of simulations run on Outsider activity patterns and predictions of what is to come."

Activating his omnitool to display holographic representations as he went, Dr. Solus continued. "During last fifteen years a total of thirty two planets have manifested "portals" within their oceans. When portals are disgorging Outsiders measurable spike in radiation detected and portal expands accordingly."
Dr. Solus took a breath as the holograms showed footage of various portals, including some rare footage of Outsiders emerging from them.

"Other than tragic events at Irune, emergence of Outsiders follows mathematical progression in frequency of attacks and power of creatures." Dr Solus continued "Obvious that creatures are being adapted to methods used to combat them. Worrying."

Dr. Solus triggered another set of holograms, displaying the planets currently under siege as well as various simulations run by the STG.

"Outsiders are what could be called an Outside Context Problem. Current civilization has no context for attacks of this kind. No method to respond to attacks efficiently. If current trends continue, even with progress made on better weaponry, better means to fight, outcome inevitable. Planetary civilizations overwhelmed, all survivors reduced to living in space as Quarians do." Dr. Solus pronounced the last almost dispassionately, but with an undertone of deep sadness.

"Surely you didn't come here simply to tell us we are doomed Doctor!" exclaimed Menelus appealed at what he was seeing.

"No Councilor! Would never do that! To lose hope is to lose the war." Dr Solus replied sounding more confident than anyone who had presented such a report should. "We have developed plans. Gathered intelligence. Need Council support."

Dr Solus then triggered a new round of extraordinarily appalling images, so grotesque that none present knew quite what to make of them.

Before he could begin speaking, Councilor Tevos exclaimed "What is this? What are we seeing?"

"Images taken from surface of Irune last week" Dr Solus replied. "It is certain that Irune has become breeding ground for Outsiders. As more mature, they enter portals and are seen on other worlds."

Dr. Solus took a breath, steeling himself. "Due to this, the Special Tasks Group formally requests that, with Aru system be evacuated and quarantined and that anti-matter bombs be deployed against Irune to sterilize the surface. Prevent further Outsiders being produced there. Will slow the rate of attacks"

Silent shock settled over the room. Legally, Dr. Solus had just asked the Council to commit a war crime that the Council itself had drawn up the laws forbidding.

Then again, Irune apparently no longer fits any definition of "garden world" Menelus thought, while looking at the other Councilors. But there's something else.

"We will have to discuss it privately, Dr. Solus, but you do make a compelling argument" Menelus told him.

"However, I can tell that this is not all you are bringing us today" The Turian Councilor finished.

Dr. Solus straightened his uniform jacket and continued "No. Sterilizing Irune will slow the attacks. Not stop them. More must be done. The problem is Outside Context. Must look outside normal context for solution."

Dismissing the holograms, Dr. Solus got to the most important part of his presentation.

"Nothing within current knowledge will give the edge needed for victory. We must look outside what we know. For an Outside Context Problem, we will need an Outside Context Solution. We have a new scout cruiser available, SUSS Silent Step. The STG formally requests exemption from laws for this ship to allow exploration beyond known relays." Dr. Solus continued"Must look for new solutions, research not enough, new races, new sources of Precursor technology. Any advantage."

While Tevos and Movin questioned Dr. Solus further on details of funding and the various legalities surrounding his proposed mission, Menelus, having already decided, was instead calling up the details of Citadel and Turian Fleet distribution and considering what ships and commanders were properly discreet enough for the distasteful task set before him.

Councilor Tevos wrapped up the meeting "Dr. Solus, thank you. We appreciate your frank and honest appraisal and your recommendations, we will inform you of our decision regarding your proposed mission within one standard day"

Dr Solus bowed to the assembled Councilors. "It has been an honor" he replied, before turning on his heel and departing the room.

Alone at last, the Citadel Council felt the weight of the galaxy settle firmly on their shoulders.

One week later, the surface of Irune was molten slag, it's atmosphere burned away.

One week after that, SUSS Silent Step activated a dormant relay in the Nemean Abyss and vanished from known space.
Part2 (UFP)
Unstoppable Force Paradox, Part 1

RANNOCH, Tikkun System, 2515 CSD

It is difficult for an organic mind to conceive of the Geth Consensus. Information is more solid than steel there and moves as fast as light, thought has more weight than lead and interdependent cooperation is the default state for the intelligences that inhabit it. Because they are so dependent on one another for sapience, the Consensus itself could be said to be one mind that talks endlessly to itself, but even that is horribly inaccurate.

Three enormous installations hang in geosynchronous orbits around the world of Rannoch in the Perseus Veil, each hanging in space at a mathematically precise distance from each other around the equator. They are cold and silent, no lights or windows upon them like similar installations would have if they were built by organics, but ironically they do have a certain artistic flair to them, perhaps unintentional, but nonetheless these installations look as if they were grown in graceful rounded shape instead of built, most Geth construction looks strangely organic. The Geth did not see any irony in this.

It is in these three installations that all Geth activity around Rannoch was coordinated, starships large and small moved in precise paths and guided patterns, other installations floated at various orbits for purposes of construction, repair or simply to create more server space for the Consensus. Beyond that, there are other, similar installations in the Tikkun system and throughout the Perseus Veil.

Within the Consensus, thoughts and plans move at lightspeed, cool, passionless, and relentless.

[Monitoring of <quantum tunneling event> at grid 817, sector 4, sub-aquatic, continues. Event horizon stable, radiation level stable, no change from last update. 23,456 hypothesis regarding origin of <quantum tunneling event> proven false. 5,347,092 more hypothesis still being tested in simulation, 5,034 hypothesis moving to initial experimental stages. No additional runtimes, dark space experimental platforms, or server space required]

{Restoration of ((Creator)) Reliquary at grid 9973, sectors 2,3,and 5 complete. Restoration of ((Creator)) Reliquaries at grid 1811 sectors 23, 24, 25, and 26 80% complete. Removal and recycling of chemical contaminants from organic-construct <incursion> 95% complete. Hala'kish at ((Creator Reliquary)) grid 2235, sector 4 growing at optimum levels, Restoration of ((Creator Homeworld)) to pre-Morning War status 82% complete.}

[[Prototype DREADNOUGHT platform passed all stress testing and bugfix routines, beginning construction of 27 additional platforms. Resources allocated and partitioned accordingly. Prototype REMOVAL platform passed initial stress-testing and bugfix routines, 3 Prototype REMOVAL platforms prepared for next organic-construct <incursion>. Production of CANNON, LASER, PRIME, ROCKET and TORPEDO platforms increased by 150% due to predicted needs for next organic-construct <incursion>. Resources allocated and partitioned accordingly. All other platform construction remains at previous levels and resource consumption. ((Thought-Home)) construction continues, construction and materials innovations have reduced time to completion by 3%]]

//50 platform types ready for prototyping and testing. 25 weapon variations ready for prototyping and testing. Additional knowledge of cosmology now being distributed to all databases due to study and experimentation regarding <quantum tunneling event>. No new data available on status of (Geth) ((Soul)). ((Creator)) population remains stable. No significant change in other organics monitored.\\

[ALERT. Radiation levels increased by 10% at <quantum tunneling event> at grid 817, sector 4, sub-aquatic. Prototype sensors deployed with satellite and ground senors to monitor <quantum tunneling event> for new data. ALERT <incursion> beginning, detecting 3 organic-constructs emerging from <quantum tunneling event>. Deploying platforms to intercept. Prototype REMOVAL platform 1 in position to intercept. Prototype REMOVAL platforms 2 and 3 still en route from constructor platform.]

[[Moving constructor platforms 023 and 097 to high polar orbits of ((Creator Homeworld))]]

In space above Rannoch, satellites moved into new positions to make room for additional satellites moving in to provide more sensor coverage. Dropships of all sizes descended from parking orbit toward the planet below and Geth cruisers began a slow and coordinated maneuver to get into a prime firing position for orbital bombardment.

They moved with flawless precision, every ship and satellite, like extensions of a single will.

Underneath Rannoch's ocean, the three Kaiju moved surprisingly gracefully for the massive, armor plated beasts that they were. With lessons learned from many battles here and elsewhere, these Kaiju were covered with thick armor plating, especially on their backs to ward off bombardment from above. The beasts themselves were eight limbed, almost centauroid as their four foremost limbs were designed with clawed hands. Beneath the armor plating of their backs they carried retractable fins. Unlike similar creatures deployed elsewhere, these tended toward silence and unemotional, predatory behavior. Where other Kaiju roared and rampaged, these moved pitilessly and silently more like sharks than rampaging monsters.
Their creators knew that intimidation and demoralization was impossible, so they designed these creatures for efficiency in destruction only.

[ALERT organic-constructs moving toward restored ((Creator)) Reliquary at grid 1281 sectors 11, 12, and 13. Deploying additional platforms to intercept. Prototype REMOVAL platform 1 calculating intercept trajectory with organic-construct designated 02 of 03.]

Nine hundred kilometers from land, the battle was joined. Nine hundred torpedoes launched from aquatic Torpedo Drones converged on the Kaiju, causing the deep ocean around them to light up and flash boil as mass effect fields and fusion reactions caused explosions of plasma to cover the front half of each creature. The pressure wave from the explosions lashed outward causing the water above to bulge and burst in a boiling tsunami that would die out before hitting shore.

The creatures themselves were scarred by this initial salvo, but moved onward, having taken no true damage.

Increasing speed, the three creatures, in silent synchronicity, deployed the retractable fins on their backs as twenty seven hundred more torpedoes followed the initial salvo toward them.
As one the creatures released a mind boggling amount of electricity into the water, causing the water around them to undergo electrolysis, sending hundreds of tons of separated hydrogen and oxygen up out of the ocean as they moved.
The electrical charge had its intended effect, the torpedoes were rendered inert along with the majority of the Torpedo Drones firing them.

As the events below were playing themselves out, a new type of starship enteried the atmosphere at great speed, the thousands of Geth runtimes aboard the three hundred meter ship adjusted it's mass effect fields, barriers and heat sinks with incredible precision as it took a precisely calculated course downward.
If any Quarians had been there to see it, they would have said that it resembled a Geth Dropship, and it did. However the size difference was not the only difference as this ship also seemed to have six coils along each side, tightly wound close to the spaceframe, like dense springs.

Meanwhile, the remaining Torpedo drones in the ocean, immediately reduced their mass and shot to the surface, taking to the air, and removing themselves from the engagement, waiting to be picked up for recycling as the current design was deemed to be no longer durable enough.

[ALERT new tactic by the organic-constructs effective in neutralizing TORPEDO platforms v2.1. New engagement area projected at grid 1281, sector 4. Prototype REMOVAL platform 1 will intercept organic-construct designate 02 of 03 at grid 1181, sector 20. Tripling deployment of platforms to grid 1281 sector 4]

The prototype Geth ship plunging through the atmosphere was now at a level of acceleration that would pulverize an organic crew and maintained course and speed only due to extremely deft maneuvers with it's mass effect field and thrust system allowed by the lightspeed calculations and reaction times of the thousands of runtimes stored within the ship itself.

As the Kaiju made their way toward land unopposed they become aware of a the newest Geth innovation too late to attempt a countermeasure as the pressure wave of the new Geth ship entering the ocean hit them only an instant before the creature in the middle was seemingly rammed by the new ship.
As the Geth ship made physical contact with the beast, the twelve coils on it's sides unspooled into hundred meter long tentacles of powerful alloys that wrapped themselves around the creature.
Just as the creature began to struggle against these bonds, and it's fellow monsters moved to assist. The ship powered up an intense mass effect field, reducing the relative mass of itself and it's trapped prey to less than 1% of their true mass and it's powerful thrusters began firing, carrying both ship and trapped creature out of the ocean in a heartbeat, both heading toward the sky above and the cold reaches of space.

[Prototype REMOVAL platform 1 successfully deployed]

Recovering from this unexpected setback, the remaining two creatures resumed course for land. Relentless in their purpose, armored and ready for what was to come.

On shore, tens of thousands of Geth platforms had deployed, they were massive constructs, easily three times the size of Colossus platforms, later they would be named the Laser Colossus and the Cannon Colossus by organics, they were optimized for their mission as mobile, long range artillery, and the consensus among them ran through targeting routines and began active scanning the ocean with every sensor available as they prepared their weapons. The Cannon platforms were an especially new innovation as they contained six massive heatsinks that rotated into position as each became overloaded, allowing the plasma cannon on the platform an unmatched rate of fire.
Both Laser and Cannon platforms showed a marked deviation from previous Geth designs both in their size and in the fact that they moved on six legs, built around their weapon, with their sensor "flashlight" concealed within their armored frame.

Drifting in the air above the land bound platforms were massive Rocket Drones, themselves nearly the size of a Colossus due to their gigantic missile pods, by the thousands they were waiting with implacable patience to deliver their payloads, adding their sensors and runtimes to the local Consensus.

As the creatures entered the extreme range of the land based platforms sensors. Their former companion was entering low orbit, still struggling against it's captor.
The Removal platform continued to boost upward and once it reached the previously calculated point in Rannoch's orbital space, explosive bolts released the metal tentacles from it's structure, inertia carried the creature onward as the Removal platform veered off and vectored toward it's designated repair station for repairs and replacement of it's primary weapons.

Carried onward by the momentum imparted to it by the Removal platform the creature thrashed about coldly and relentlessly attempting to escape it's bonds. Within moments its inertia had carried it into a crossfire of two Geth cruisers, who methodically used their GARDIAN lasers to remove the creature's limbs before deploying fighter-platforms to nudge it's course toward a waiting station that would capture the still-living torso in a mass effect field and bring it aboard for further study.

Down the gravity well, the Geth platforms silently maneuvered into position and began firing rockets plasma and lasers as one at the remaining two creatures as soon as they entered optimal range. Hundreds of shots are timed and targeted so that they hit the same locations, pulsed lasers, rockets and plasma bursts impacting as a single continuous stream of destructive energies hitting their targeted parts of the Kaiju's anatomy, boiling the concealing ocean away around the creatures even before they are close enough to begin surfacing.

Incredibly, the creatures bore up under the first seconds of this tremendous bombardment only to be staggered by the same kind of targeting accuracy from the orbiting cruisers beginning their pinpoint bombardment as well, every shot from the orbiting cruisers was timed and targeted to hit the exact same location on each creature once the concealing sea was vaporized. A new tactic, completely unexpected.

Withering under the continuous fire from the unexpectedly numerous platforms and starships arrayed against them, the creatures fell, armor cracked and buckled, dead to the ocean floor after three minutes of this barrage.

[Organic-constructs 01 of 03 and 03 of 03 rendered inert at grid 1281, sector 4. Radiation levels at <quantum tunneling event> returned to normal, current <incursion> ended. New data from <quantum tunneling event> being analyzed for inclusion into current hypothesis regarding nature and origin of <quantum tunneling event>. Platform recovery proceeding. ((Creator)) Reliquary at grid 1281 sectors 11, 12, and 13 undamaged]

{Deploying restoration, recycling, and sterilization platforms to grid 1281, sector 4 to minimize impact to biosphere. Restoration of ((Creator)) Reliquaries at grid 1811 sectors 23, 24, 25, and 26 81% complete.}

[[Commencing construction for 300 REMOVAL platforms for deployment near site of <quantum tunneling event> upgrading systems hardening 600% to compensate for observed and projected tactics by organic-constructs. Commencing construction/replacement of upgraded TORPEDO platforms to compensate for observed and projected tactics by organic constructs. Resources partitioned and allocated]]

Relentlessly, coolly and remorselessly the Geth continued to defend their creator's homeworld. Not even realizing yet how they were evolving and adapting under this pressure.
They continued, neither celebrating nor mourning, preparing, building, and creating their future.
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Part3 (UCS)
(One more part to round things out for now)

Outside Context part 2
THE CITADEL, Presidium Embassies, 2516 CSD

In the lightly attended press room for the various embassies of the Citadel member races, the Volus Ambassador Hanal Von was finishing his statements regarding the state of the recently devastated Vol Protectorate. Losing their homeworld had been a terrible blow to the Volus collective psyche and racial pride, however they were now getting their bearings and as a people the Volus were recovering with admirable speed.
It was difficult to tell, to be sure, when speaking with the average Volus, as their encounter suits made them, for the most part, seem almost comical and their translators only conveyed emotion if set to do so. Volus body language was often hard to read, due to their encounter suits.
Despite his roundness and stature, Hanal Von did carry himself with dignity as he finished his statements with a vow.
"The Vol Protectorate is dedicated, now more than ever, to making sure that no other shall suffer as we have. Thus we will be making available funding for relief efforts at all besieged worlds and additional funding to all of our allies for defense against these..monsters" Ambassador Von vowed, continuing he stated. "I cannot...take any questions at this time as I am now turning over the floor to the head of the Vol Protectorate Unified Banking Guild, Din Olar"

As Hanal Von, stepped away from the podium, a new Volus came from behind the curtain to take the stage, Din Olar was garbed in the highest quality encounter suit, and he managed to look somehow dignified and powerful and not at all comical, when he spoke, his deep voice carried an undercurrent of rage, something no sapient being in Citadel Space was used to hearing from a Volus.

"Greetings, fellow citizens of Citadel Space. Despite my position in the Protectorate, I am not here to speak of money or trade." Din Olar's voice was nearly a growl "I come to speak of vengeance. We are not a warlike people, we Volus are not built for it."

He paused for a moment, the breathing from his suit sounding raspy, almost menacing. Gasps came from the assembled reporters as a flare of dark energy was emitted from the encounter suit's eyes, a sign of a biotic in the grip of strong emotion.

"And now we have payed the price for our lack of aggression!" he practically screamed. "Our homeworld is dead and can never be recovered. No matter where we settle, no matter what homes we make, we are all forevermore exiles!"

"We are changing, we will change. Even now we fight beside out Turian brethren, who fought like heroes to insure that as many as possible escaped the disaster at Irune." he continued "Soon, we will fight everywhere these Outsiders show themselves, we are building, we are training, we will have blood for what was lost!"

Again he paused, looking out over the shell-shocked reporters assembled before him.

"But it is not enough!" He exclaimed, slamming a glowing fist against the metal podium, cracking it "It is not. Therefore, we are also offering a bounty; any individual or group who finds a way for a strike to be launched through these unbreakable portals, for us to bring death to the home of these Outsiders as they have brought death to our homes, will receive forty trillion credits and the full backing of the Unified Banks!"

The room exploded with questions.


Viewed from orbit, the Turian homeworld of Palaven was a beautiful, shining green planet, almost metallic looking when in the light of it's star Trebia. Currently, space around Palaven was host to massive construction efforts as orbital habitats of a size never before seen in the Trebian system were under construction to help with the population overflow from evacuated cities below and to help supply labor to the shipyards and construction facilities being established in Trebian space.

On the planet itself, another massive engineering project was underway as well, one costing hundreds of thousands of lives. A wall of death was being constructed around the Ignis Sea, which was home to the portal on Palaven that the Outsiders were using to attack.
When complete, this wall would completely surround the Ignis Sea with a solid barrier and weapons enough to kill entire planetary populations, it was hoped this would be enough to hold the line against the beasts long enough for a better solution to be found.
But it will be years yet before the Wall is finished thought General Garvus Arterius, overlooking the preparations going on around his command post at the former capital of Palaven, and the Turian Hierarchy; the city of Cipritine.
Cipritine had the poor luck of being built on the scenic shores of the Ignis Sea, and therefore, in this time of disaster, the capital had been moved inland to the city of Ravennus.

Now we'll just have to wait a little longer and see if my plan is genius, or a waste of resources. Garvus was looking over holo-displays showing artillery being sighted in along the coastline, aircraft being fueled and armed, and the mighty Legatus tanks being loaded with munitions.

The new crop of Volus pilots really are fanatics, their willingness to risk everything may make this plan workable. Genral Arterius considered as he went over all of the plans he and the other Generals protecting Palaven had made.

Cipritine, like all Turian cities, was a fortress. Now even more so as it's defenses had been upgraded to the point of being almost ridiculous, all the inhabitants of the former capital were volunteers, knowing that staying here was risking everything, but that the Hierarchy needed them for this plan to work.
As plans went, it was fairly simple, Cipritine was set to draw fire, to act as bait to the Outsiders as the Wall of Death was built around the Ignis Sea. The Outsiders were provably drawn to large populations, so it was insured that Cipritine would have the largest population center around the Ignis Sea (all military).
That combined with "taunting" attacks on any Outsiders emerging from their portal, to draw them here, to a killzone that was set to begin three kilometers out.
Drawing the Outsiders here, would allow construction elsewhere to be less impeded.

Alarms began sounding throughout Cipritine and all along the Ignis Sea as an emergence event was registered at the portal.

Now we'll see if this plan is going to work. General Arterius thought, with dread and hope in his heart, he called for all forces to deploy.

UNKNOWN SYSTEM, Voyager Cluster, 2516 CSD

It had been tragedy that had drawn them here. More accurately, it had been the last, dying whimpers of tragedy that had drawn them here. More than thirty light years out they had started picking up transmissions, faint, but present against the background noise of the cosmos that led them back to the source.
As they got closer to the system and translated the transmissions they began to realize the scope of the tragedy they had found.

They had been a young race, industrial and technological, but barely past the point of harnessing nuclear power. Vigorous and hard working, optimistic and forward thinking, aggressive and territorial. They had many traits, like all sapient species.

Now they had another, they were extinct.

By the time the SUSS Silent Step was within five light years of the system they were hearing the end of a race, the last transmissions being a desperate call to the void for help.

It was heartbreaking.

Nevertheless, the crew were professionals, they steeled their hearts and entered the system to see what could be found.

Make a find we did, now we must go and see the results of an Outsider invasion of a more normal garden world thought Dr. Lorn Solus as he was going over the summary of the cache found in a rogue dwarf planet that this system had captured some twenty thousand years ago. Some Element Zero, some tech we've seen before, a more efficient kinetic barrier, weaponized particle accelerators. Probably Prothean in origin.
"Useless!" Dr. Solus declared, looking it all over. "Transmit our findings over the QEC. Detailed scans, schematics. All of it. Isn't enough."

"Dr. Solus, surely some of this will assist the war effort!" Operative Daelon countered.

Dr. Solus looked back with sadness "Yes. Very helpful. Particle accelerator design has greater range than even UV lasers in space. Use as hand held weapon revolutionary. Would be very helpful. IF we were fighting Krogan!"

Dr. Solus began pacing "Not fighting Krogan, fighting Outsiders, radiation effects from particle beams less effective. Outsiders are radioactive. Very resistant. Taking a team to fourth world. Volunteers?"

Dr. Solus had stopped suddenly and was looking at his crew expectantly.

A little less than an hour later two shuttles departed the Silent Step, toward the fourth world of the system.

"Magnetosphere is reading as being in a state of continuing decay Doctor. Additionally, the oxygen content of the atmosphere is down even from what could be expected with solar winds starting to strip it away." reported Technician Wix from the sensors station in the shuttle "Levels of oxygen and nitrogen down, almost no nitrogen. High levels of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide with more than trace amounts of methane."

"Hmmm" murmured Dr. Solus "Byproducts of decay. Land near that coastal structure, low radiation readings there. The second shuttle will overfly continent. Deploy probes and drones."

"Affirmative Dr. Solus" acknowledged Operative Khorban, the pilot "beginning our descent and landing now"

While they were landing, Dr. Solus activated his omnitools and began recording his thoughts and observations.
"Planet had entered nuclear age. Heavy industrialization. Remains of a large wall at coastal area. Signs of multiple fission weapon detonations across planet. Multiple skeletonized remains of Outsiders far inland. Among ruins. Ruins decaying at faster rate than should. More investigation needed." Dr. Solus dictated in his signature, rapid fire manner of speaking.

The shuttle settled near a wide fissure opened in an enormous concrete and steel wall built near the ocean. The footprints of a passing outsider could still be seen, torn into the earth and stone below.

Looking at the readings coming in from the probes and drones deployed on his omnitool, Dr. Solus and his team departed the shuttle to observe the area directly, wearing fully sealed hardsuits.

"Seawater sterile and evaporating into atmosphere, soil like ash, no nutrients or organic compounds. Organic compounds in air being dispersed like atmosphere in solar winds." Dr. Solus sucked a breath past his teeth as he ran the ash-like sand of the now barren beach through his hardsuited fingers "Planet dead, violated. Never again a garden world"

The team spread out some as they took in the environment, there was no longer any but the most residual traces of a portal in this world's ocean, so they felt in little danger. The wall itself could be considered a fine piece of engineering, nearly two hundred meters tall and 80 meters thick, it should have been able to withstand almost anything. Almost anything.

The destruction in the surrounding area was almost total and it was difficult to discern what, if any, other defensive measures may have been taken. Any that had been were obviously futile.

"Dr Solus. We've picked up signs of activity in the ruins fifty kilometers south of your position, do you want us to check it out?" queried Operative Razzik over the com.

Standing up from where he had been examining what looked like skeletal remains of one of the inhabitants uncovered from the ashy sand by the wind. Dr Solus activated his transmitter.

"No. Continue to radio source, see if anything remains of native culture. We will investigate." he transmitted in his clipped manner.

Gesturing to his team, Dr. Solus led the way to the shuttle.

During the quick trip to the south, the entire team had time to view the utter desolation of the world from the ground level, it was appalling. They had incontrovertible evidence that scant few years before this had been a world thriving with life of all kinds, now it was an ash-covered wasteland losing atmosphere and water daily, drained of it's very spirit it seemed.

While traveling, Dr. Solus made more notes into his omnitool.

"Evidence of widespread disruption of chemical bonds. Even inorganic structures rendered relatively brittle. No sign of causative agent. No time to speculate yet." he noted.

As the shuttle set down in the ruins of what had been a city, the team was treated to a horrific sight, large sections of the ruins had been caught up in resin of some sort, though the resin was already showing signs of decay.

As they exited the shuttle to take readings and samples they saw that the construction of these spires was ongoing, the resin contained the, in some recent cases still twitching, bodies of the builders. Less than two dozen meter long insectiod creatures were scuttling listlessly forward, dragging pieces of disintegrating concrete and steel, as well as a few nearly dead creatures like themselves, to be covered in resin and added to the upward spiraling, decaying construct.

It was grandiose in it's horror, a coral reef built from a graveyard.

"No..Not creatures, organic tools, more like mechs." Dr. Solus whispered "Now deprived of direction and guidance, working off of residual...programming? Instinct? Gather samples! Quickly! See if one can be kept alive, check if needs ammonia immersion as parasites on Outsider corpses do!"

The STG team moved in quickly, efficiently dispatching a few of the creatures and gathering two for study as well as a few corpses. While they were doing so, Operative Razzik reported to Dr. Solus that they had found a heavily sealed bunker that contained a primitive computer archive, a last testament of sorts. As his team boarded their shuttle, Dr. Solus instructed Razzik to collect the archive and depart.

Looking out over the ruins he said "We have what we need from this place. Will preserve last testament of this species... This cannot be allowed to happen again."

As the shuttle boosted out of the thinning atmosphere, Dr. Solus looked at his team with grim conviction "We will make sure that this never happens again"
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Well. The Reapers are going to have to wait awhile. I don't think Sovereign was even awake at this point...

If I understand the official wiki correctly, the year 1 CSD = 500 BC on Earth, so the First Contact War would be in 2657 CSD. Since this is only 2516 CSD, we've got about 100 years or more till Sovereign wakes up... IF he wakes up... Reapers are nearly defenseless while in hibernation, after all...
I like how they triggered an arms race with the Geth. I don't know if this is going to be good or bad for the galaxy, but it's probably going to be awesome.
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Poor Rachni. I hope there is still a queen or two drifting out in space. They did not deserve this.
Part4 (UCS)
Outside Context Solution part 3

PRIVATE SPACE STATION, L4 point of Oma Ker, Nura System, 2519 CSD

In the privacy of his extremely secure quarters Din Olar opened his eyes. Recovering from his latest round of surgeries and treatments designed to improve his body, biotics and extend his life had been an ordeal for the impatient Volus, but he was appreciative of the strength and power the mostly legal treatments allowed him.
As he emerged from his bed, he called out to his com system, his voice unnaturally deep even without his encounter suit.

"Sof! Prepare the reports on our operations and the status of my forces, I want an up-to-the second update in the outer offices in five minutes!" He snarled at his assistant through the com.

"I will be there sir, with the information required" came the calm, if weary, voice of Sof Te, the Volus who had the "interesting" job of being Din Olar's Personal Assistant.

Thinking dark thoughts, Din Olar stepped into what he thought of as his Armor Room, it was here that the encounter suits that he used were stored and maintained. Every Volus personalized their encounter suits, thinking of them as a second home. Din Olar considered his suits to be another weapon in his arsenal of vengeance.

"Computer. Activate and equip suit seven" Olar growled as he stepped onto his automated suit platform.

With smooth efficiency the automated systems around him began putting the encounter suit on his body, securing, testing and activating each piece as it locked into place. All Volus encounter suits are, by necessity well armored, but Din Olar's suits were beyond that. Without appearing to be much more than well constructed and maintained suits, they were more akin to a suit of powered armor than simple hardsuits.

As the integrated systems of his suit came online, his HUD displayed the status of the kinetic barrier system, integrated omni-tool and weaponry, suit-wide biotic amp, sensors. Din Olar felt more like himself once his armor against the universe was on his body, simple skin never seemed enough to contain his rage.

Waiting in Din Olar's office, the surprisingly slender Sof Te considered again whether or not he'd attempt to resign. There's only a small chance Olar would kill me, or completely lose the plot of his businesses if I did so. The doctor says the weight loss, ulcers and chronic chest pains are all caused by work induced stress...No, Olar would kill me for "betraying the cause".
Sof Te sighed to himself and finished organizing the reports for the day. As he finished up his work, the automated systems in his encounter suit dispensed medications and anesthetics to compensate for his various stress induced illnesses, adding a few stimulants as well to keep him in peak performance.

If Din Olar's encounter suit was powered armor, Sof Te's was a dedicated and specialized life support unit.

After a few short moments, Din Olar came stomping into the office with each footfall impacting the floor as if punishing it for the temerity of being underfoot. As Olar entered, holo-screens activated around his desk displaying status reports and updates that Olar felt were important, forwarded by the VI's that managed things for him under Sof's supervision.

Taking his place in the midst of all of this, Din Olar began working, his hands flew over his haptic interfaces, sending instructions, authorizing transactions, demanding reports, composing responses. Without looking away from his work, he snapped at his erstwhile assistant.

"Well? Was the final shakedown of the Exile a success?" Olar demanded.

The Exile was a testament to rage and excess, built along similar lines to a Turian Dreadnought, it was double the width, allowing it to have two main cannons. Additionally, all of it's formidable broadside armament was specifically designed for and provided with the best possible sensors to allow planetary bombardment.
Technically, it took up two "slots" of dreadnought allowed to the Vol Protectorate under the Treaty of Fairaxen, no one had yet complained though.

"Yes sir. The crew reported in during the night, fully successful. No problems to report." Sof Te informed his employer.

"About damned time!" growled Din Olar, the Exile was behind schedule due to some technical difficulties in making the starship conform to Olar's fantasies of revenge, and he had become very disgruntled.

"Sales of this model and the designs to the Turians will allow us to cut ten months off of the timetable for your militarization program. The Turians are very interested in replacing some of their older dreadnoughts with the new design" Sof continued, outwardly unfazed by Olar's outburst. His suit injected sedatives into his system and dumped a soothing elixir directly into his stomach to allow him to maintain that facade.

"Good! We'll see if we can get some of those older dreadnoughts to bulk up our own forces until we can deploy a fully modernized fleet." Olar rumbled, content with dreams of destruction.

Focusing fully on Sof Te, for the first time since entering the office, Olar continued.

"What about the reaction force? Is it ready now that the Exile is online?" Din Olar asked eagerly "We need to be ready to strike as soon as the opportunity presents itself!"


The two of them continued their business for several hours, Olar kept alert and moving through the constant anger flooding his artificially fortified body. Sof being sustained by a witch's brew of chemicals pumped into his system by his encounter suit.

Then, it happened. An all points alert from the Asari colony of Lusia that it was under heavy attack and the defending forces were strained to the breaking point.

Sof struggled to keep up as Din Olar charged toward his shuttle, literally knocking anyone in his way to the side.

"We must get to the Exile immediately, we can have the reaction force there within the hour! It's been too long since I was responsible for spilling any of that toxic blue blood Sof!" Din was practically screaming as he went "I can practically taste it!"

Mere moments later the Volus Rapid Reaction force was screaming out of the system at full thrust, ignoring the costs of fuel and a few safety concerns as the ships, led by the newly commissioned VPWS Exile, charged wildly toward the Mass Relay and glory.

UNKNOWN PLANET, Unknown System, Unknown Cluster 2519 CSD

It had seemed to be a pretty straightforward recon and research operation at first glance. The planet was fairly habitable, no intelligent life or giant monsters, not even a Thresher Maw. The presence of a number ancient, wrecked starships on the surface with possibly salvageable tech or information made it worth looking into.

After the shuttles had landed is when things got exciting. A new, utterly bizarre starship lurched drunkenly out of FTL almost too close to the planet, disgorged a dropship and started shooting.

Thus far, the crew of the Silent Step had been too busy fighting to worry too much about translating the language of the new aliens, it all seemed like it was probably swearing and threats anyway.

Meanwhile, on the surface, the commander of the expedition was having trouble of his own.

Dr' Solus and Operative Razzik were taking cover behind what used to be a piece of ship's hull as the unknown aliens poured withering streams of gunfire at them.

"Smell that?" Dr. Solus asked.

"What?" Razzik replied while taking a few shots out of cover and directing the rest of the team to get to better firing positions.

"Chemical propellant!" the Doctor replied. "Their weapons are not mass accelerators. Need bulkier ammunition."

While speaking, Dr. Solus was programming his omnitool to flash fabricate an old favorite of his; a Neural Shock mine, which could stun even a Krogan at close range, and due to a bit of customizing had a much broader area of effect than most such things.

"Will need to reload soon" Dr. Solus grinned "Then we strike!"

Razzik grinned back at his commander and moments later, there was a slight pause in the gunfire.
Moving as the well-drilled unit that they were, the team immediately went on the offensive. Dr. Solus released the shock mine and then opened up with a sub-machinegun, Razzik and the rest of the team followed, using their weapons with deadly accuracy.

It was over quickly.

"Hmmm." Lorn Solus noted to himself as they moved past the dead aliens toward their goal "Some resemblance to Vorcha, superficial only, seem not too familiar with own tech. Likely an interesting story there. No time now."

While his commander was inspecting the dead hostiles, Operative Razzik got in touch with the Silent Step to see what the status of the fight in space was.

"Darum, can you report?" Razzik transmitted, not overly worried.

"Yes, the hostile craft was well armored, but unshielded and not very maneuverable" came Operative Darum's reply over the com "We've put a few holes in it and managed to damage it's engines. It's venting atmosphere and it looks like the remaining crew have holed up in the ship's cargo hold"

"Hold for now." Dr. Solus broke in "Keep hostile covered. Will deal with it when we get back. Good work."

"Thank you, sir!" Operative Darum replied "We'll keep the hostile covered and hold position 'til you return"

Dr. Solus shared a rueful look with Razzik over the enthusiasm of the slightly younger Operative.

"That one makes me feel old" Dr. Solus told his friend "Were we ever that young?"

"You are old" grinned Razzik "Me? I'm still in my prime!"

They both turned their attention to the ancient, half buried starship that was partially jutting out of the base of the long dormant volcano they were at.

"In that case young one. You take point" Dr. Solus grinned back, gesturing the team forward "Let's see what ancient secrets we can find here."

LUSIA, Tomaros System, 2519 CSD

The situation on Lusia looked grim to Commander Dahlia Dantius of the Lusia Defense Forces, there had been what was thought to be a false alarm for a portal emergence a month ago as no Outsider had appeared and so they had relaxed, now another emergence event was detected and suddenly two Outsiders were attacking and one of them had a sensor scattering carapace.

Bastard must have been lying in wait at the bottom of the ocean all this time, thought Dahlia. Now the two monsters were laying waste to the defenses around the city of Monoi, the capital of Lusia colony, and it appeared that nothing was going to be able to stop them this time.

Not that our successes have been that wonderful Dahlia considered, remembering the aftermath of every attack since the fateful day that she had joined Lusia's defense against it's first Outsider attack and somehow ended up a hero.

Every "victory" makes the last one just that much harder to clean up, even without this shit we're losing the colony by inches.

The massive EMP attack unleashed by the new arrival had crippled the Lusia Defense Forces and Dahlia was scrambling to get them in order and some of their equipment back on line.

"Excuses aren't going to keep those Outsiders from killing us all! We need that power grid back up!" Dahlia yelled into one of the few working coms.

Just then she saw the stealthed, spiny Outsider release a stream of glowing liquid at some of the few remaining functional aircraft that were attempting to draw the beasts off in a delaying action.

"Oh come on!" Dahlia lamented "Stealth and acid? That's not fair!"

I shoulda become a fucking pirate she thought to herself, almost seriously.

Meanwhile in high orbit of the planet, more than a dozen ships of the Volus Rapid Reaction Force, led by the dreadnought Exile snapped out of FTL and immediately started dropping shuttles and larger dropships to the surface.

The first clue the defenders of Monoi had that help had arrived is when three orbitally fired mass accelerator rounds slammed into the recent arrival, a massive, simian beast who had been the one to release a powerful EMP pulse into the city, crippling it's defenses.

The Outsider was staggered, but not down.

Dahlia Dantius, no longer lamenting her life choices as she focused on survival, felt a flare of hope as she saw this. Being in charge of the defense of this colony had matured her beyond her two centuries of life and seeing that help had arrived for the people she was responsible for allowed her to rally her forces.

"Get to those turrets! We need them active now! Those things must be kept away from the shelters!" she shouted to her troops, seeing that the power grid was coming back online, getting them back on the task of getting the mass accelerator and GARDIAN turrets back online.

Looking up, she saw eight Volus fighter-bombers vectoring in and assaulting the creatures, obviously having trouble targeting the slender, black one that was covered in a spiny carapace.

Getting her com unit back in hand, she transmitted to them "The black one is stealthed against sensors somehow, focus fire on the bigger one, it's got EMP!" she informed them.

"Acknowledged" the voice of a Volus pilot came back "Where does it emit EMP from?"

"The back! There's an organ of some kind, shielded by armored plates" Dahlia replied, having to shout over the roars of the Outsiders, aircraft, bombs exploding, and dropships landing.

What emerged from the dropships brought fresh hope to the defenders as sixteen Legatus-class tanks were disgorged from the sixteen dropships, each adding it's more than formidable firepower to the defenders volleys.

The Legatus tank was currently the greatest land based weapon in Citadel space against the Outsiders. Designed by the Turian Heirarchy specifically for the task each was twenty meters tall at the top of it's main turret and nearly a hundred meters long. More of a land battleship than a tank, they required special dropships to be deployed planetside.
Each Legatus was formidably armed with the main turret taken up by two massive mass accelerator cannons and two multiple missile vertical launch systems.
The "lower levels" of the Legatus had a dozen rapid-fire mass accelerator turrets and six miniature GARDIAN laser turrets.
Combined with thick armor and the best kinetic barriers available, they were almost enough to turn the tide.

The more simian, and less stealthed of the two Outsiders staggered under the bombardment it received from the newly arrived tank's missiles and the bombs from the ever-growing force of fighter-bombers in the sky, it's EMP organ rupturing under the onslaught.

The slender, black Outsider roared in rage as some of the tanks managed to hit it directly with their powerful mass accelerators via visual targeting, causing a few glowing blue cracks to appear in it's carapace. It responded with a spray of the unnaturally powerful acid in it's mouth, melting straight through the armor of two of the tanks from half a kilometer away and damaging the rest of the formation to a lesser extent.

As that was happening however, a new volley of cruiser scale mass accelerator rounds impacted the bulkier beast, which combined with renewed fire from the city's turrets, finally brought it down in a spray of toxic blood.

The Legatus tank with extra communications gear, the command tank, had damaged treads and was retreating slowly, it broadcast to the defenders of Monoi in a raspy, harsh voice "We have a solution to this thing, all defenders pull back now!"

The top of the Legatus' main turret opened up and a single Volus in a well made encounter suit clambered out carrying a large laser targeter.

Securing himself to his position with his biotics, Din Olar snarled at the oncoming Outsider.

"Exile, target is stealthed, I am lasing the target for a full power shot!" Olar shouted over the com as he raised the targeter and "painted" the Outsider with the targeting laser.

"Acknowledged Din Olar, we have the targeting solution, shot inbound" came the reply from the Exile.

In a display of raw power that all present would remember for the rest of their lives, a shot from the dreadnought Exile came down upon the Outsider, having been transformed into plasma by friction against the atmosphere, it delivered incredible amounts of heat and kinetic energy to the beast, shattering and flash frying it. Pieces of the monster rained down, still smoking for kilometers around.

Not having budged from his position on top of the tank, Din Olar ordered the vehicle toward the city, while Sof Te still secure in his seat inside, was already in communication with the local commander about cleanup.

Killing that beast felt good. I'll need to get my hand in like this more often Din Olar thought to himself.

Later on, while Din Olar was negotiating with the leaders of Lusia over the purchase of a number of Legatus tanks. Sof Te was enjoying being outside, watching the fumes rise from the dead Outsiders in the distance as relief workers descended on the corpses to dispose of them.

All the rage in Olar's artificial heart will not be enough to stem this tide forever, he thought to himself with relative calm thanks to the medications being delivered to him by his suit. Something needs to change.

For all of his rage and vengefulness, Din Olar did not get to be head of the Unified Banks without having a great deal of business savvy and the ability to negotiate.

Dahlia Dantius was appreciating this first hand as she watched the mad Volus negotiate a deal with the leaders of Lusia for additional supplies, weapons and tanks to help defend the colony.
Truthfully, he isn't squeezing as hard as he could she noticed perhaps his rhetoric about wanting these things dead is more than a clever sales pitch.

She herself was still occasionally surprised to find herself where she was, just a decade ago she had mustered out of the Asari Navy, having had to deal with rumors and whispering behind her back the entire time due to her family's dark reputation, she had been considering using her hard won skills to go into business for herself as a merc and a pirate.
And everything everyone had assumed would have become true, and worse she thought ruefully.
Then Lusia had fallen under attack and that first Outsider, through design or happenstance, had smashed the headquarters of the Lusian Defense Forces on it's way in.
She had been able to, through sheer force of personality and willingness to do so, take command of the scattered and confused forces and drive the beast back. Eventually ending it with a missile barrage from a hastily reprogrammed anti-air platform.

After that she was a hero to the colony and her course was clear.

I would've probably been a shitty pirate anyway she thought to herself as she got up to add her own voice to the ongoing negotiations.

UNKNOWN PLANET, Unknown System, Unknown Cluster 2519 CSD

The interior of the ancient starship was bizarre by any standard, the passages within were both starkly utilitarian and strangely narrow in places, before making a leap of architecture and changing to being baroque and vast. There was no indication what the race making it had been thinking, design-wise.

One thing had become very clear to the STG team exploring it, however.

Whatever race created the ship, had designed their security system to last.

Operative Rezzik, veteran of dozens of high risk, black bag operations, suppressed the urge to scream like a small child as he drove for cover behind what may have been a sculpture of a few hundred legs protruding from the bulkead of the corridor, pulses of extremely hot matter flying overhead.

Upon coming to a stop, he noticed his commander, Dr. Lorn Solus, studying his omnitool intently as the entire team sought cover from the withering hail of fire from the automated turrets that had suddenly sprouted from the walls and ceiling surrounding a door they had been cutting through.

"Interesting. Very interesting" Dr. Solus commented, studying the readout on his omnitool.

"What? That this ancient wreck is trying to kill us?" shot back Rezzik, familiar enough with his old friend to ignore protocol at times like this.

"No! Well, that too. Very sturdy design." Dr. Solus replied, seemingly unfazed by the hellish wash of heat in the corridor "Weapons are using electromagnetically contained plasma as projectile. Potential for use as anti-Outsider weapon high. We need samples."

"Samples?" Rezzik returned incredulously "They're trying to kill us, how are we going to get samples?"

Dr. Solus didn't reply, but he looked up from his omnitool and gave Ressik that look. The one that seemed to ask the recipient how many times they'd recently taken blows to the head.
Rezzik, used to this sort of thing by now, just waited.

Sighing, Dr. Solus explained. "Weapons still functional, but old. Not hardened any longer. Scans prove it. EMP will disable."

Putting action to his words, Dr. Lorn Solus triggered his omnitool, which proceeded to flash-fabricate some simple EMP grenades used primarily against synthetics of lower quality. He then rolled these grenades up the corridor, before triggering them remotely.

There was a flash of static discharge and the weapons fire ceased. Dr. Solus and Rezzik got to their feet along with the team.

"Injuries?" Dr. Solus inquired of his group, receiving an all clear, he continued "Good. Let's proceed. First take down turrets, then finish with the door."

Putting action to his words, Dr. Solus led the way down the corridor.

Some time later, the team was back aboard the Silent Step and heading away from the system at FTL speeds and Dr. Solus and Rezzik were consulting in the labs.

"Plasma weapon a good find, transmitting it back to Citadel will benefit efforts against Outsiders" Dr. Solus began.

"Yes," Rezzik agreed, looking at one of the lab's screens "But the data from that computer is so encrypted that we don't dare send it directly into another system, we may have to wait until we return to properly decrypt it."

"Hmmm, yes" Dr. Solus hummed, while looking over the displays from their portable data storage "No way of knowing what will happen in larger system, may contain adaptive malware as was found in ruined ship on Eingana many years ago. Best not take chances."

Finishing their work and sending it to be dispatched via QEC. The Doctor and his second in command then turned to a representation of the galaxy.

Looking it over, Rezzik pointed to one of the Mass Relays they had discovered, but not yet used.

"This Relay, shows signs of leading to areas of the galaxy that, while they are yet unexplored will increase out chances of finding something from more recent eras that may be of help." He paused for a breath "We have seen indications that the Protheans had developed their mass effect and energy manipulation technologies far beyond what we have, or even what we've yet found. That will surely be the key to taking these Outsiders on and possibly even penetrating their portals."

"Hmmm..." Dr. Solus started while contemplating the galaxy "Agreed. Best chance of success."

Shortly thereafter the Silent Step entered an unmarked, unnumbered Mass Relay and continued on it's long journey.
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