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Chapter Twelve: There is no Kill like Overkill
Bit of a timeskip because I was getting tired of writing "I do what amounts to nothing for three chapters." Only a month or so this time.

The housing units had been redesigned somewhat. They were now different boxes, with a little hallway and an elevator shaft for improved modularity. If I wanted, I could have the elevator shaft turn into a hallway, allowing an endless combination of patterns, like LEGO pieces. They included everything a human could need, including internet access.

I did the elevator/hallway redesign because I realized I put one entrance on them, which in most cases was inaccessible from the ground. I am obviously the smartest commander. None shall match my genius. I'm also being completely sarcastic.

In a broader sense, the only reason I was building these, starting in Hong Kong, was to spite the Precursors, and, to a lesser extent, the apocalypse cult douches. The former was achieved through removing all trace of what they had accomplished, the later because I was spelling out "kiju eet dix luls" with the bones.

In other news, Jupiter was going well these days, and gave me an excuse to work on some stuff for orbital redesigns I had been meaning to get around to for what had been roughly a year at this point, spent slogging through the internet, stealing classified information, being bored, and making minor updates to some things, like improving sensor compactness and such.

But that all had to wait, for there was a kaiju set to Breach in about 45 minutes, and I wanted to fight it. Commandant Boredom was finally going to get a field test, since even my advanced stealth systems would be unable to hide its weapons discharge, which might be able to be seen from orbit with a MK1 eyeball.

I activated the mech, prepped it for being loaded into a transport...that it won't fit in. Shit. I'll have to make new ones. Ok, quick design: Bigger version of the Pelican, add a more powerful drive, larger transport clamp, add a spool of cable for large object carrying, more engines, done. I'll call it the albatros. Build eight, which is the minimum needed to lift my precious murderbot of uberdeath, and drag it over to the tip of argentina, where no one lives. Then I wait for the bug. Fish. Lizard. Alien. Fuckit, the kaiju. I'm bad at giving things nicknames.


It wasn't as ugly as the last one, though it had a weird bulkiness to it, like it was wearing a sweater. It was lumpy, and I couldn't get a good look at it as it ran into the mines. The brilliant flashes of light illuminated the darkness, leaving the lumpiness shattered as it swam out. Once it cleared the Breach, and didn't get blasted by torpedoes, it started twitching violently, and the lumpiness, which I now realized was ablative armor against the mines, sloughed off in great chunks, revealing a face only a Geiszler could love. Sweet Drich what the fuck was up with that. It looked like someone punched it and just compressed the face into an itty bitty point at the back of the throat. Or a graboid made, hot, passionate Wal-mart sex to the monster from Cloverfield and dipped the resulting terror baby in that fucking color flour.

And it is swimming off like a paraplegic seal. Were they high on soap or something when they made this bastard? GODDAMN IT SDFYT'LECTHI'ARV'SCVI'NOF I TOLD YOU TO JUST SAY NO!

It appears to be going toward Russia, probably like canon. Okhotsk or Vladivostok or something. Wait. Does this mean I get to have my pride and joy mech deploy along with Cherno, best Jaeger? You can't tell, but I'm squeeing somewhere on the inside.

So they are calling it Raythe. Weird name but it beats "my face is too small and my forehead has teeth," or "hot graboid on cloverfield action result numero uno." Luckily, he gets to be erased from the surface of the Earth pretty soon, by either my superior firepower or Cherno's RUSSIA STRONK. I'm not sure at this point. I'm hoping it's the first one, because the thing just being shot to hell would please me immensely.

Do di do, moving my Jaeger with stealth on over to where it looks like it is going to arrive for a fun surprise di do di.


Kaiju take a while to make land. I've been sitting here, waiting for a few hours for it to make it to the Miracle Mile. Cherno is en route to intercept. And I drop Commandant about three miles ahead of Cherno, and unstealth. Wonder what that burst of comms chatter was?

"<What the shit is that and where did it come from!?>" The Kaidonovskys are surprised. And everyone loves surprises, right?

"<Looks like a Jaeger. If I had to guess, it's that Glitch bastard who keeps showing up and doing things that throw everything into chaos. Try hailing it, see if it responds.>"

"<Understood, Marshal.>" They send a ping towards my utterly gigantic now that I think about it robot. "<Who are you and why have you deployed here? There is only a CAT II kaiju, no need for multiple JAeger deployment.>" Sasha seems to do most of the talking. I think her husband is just there to look intimidating.

"<This is Glitch, I'm here because I built this a few months ago and wanted to see how it does against a kaiju outside of a simulation, and get some data on several of my less tested weapons systems. I'll let you have the kill after that. It'll only take one salvo.>"

<..Fine. But one salvo only. USe whatever you need, softening it up for us means less damage to armor and deploying sooner!>" Well, they seem a bit unhinged.


And then Raythe emerged, ugly as ever. And I locked all possible weapons on it, and fired.

I had set up the algorithms earlier. Range, speed of projectiles/energy, necessary course alteration. All so that everything hit at the same time. The missiles went first, a full second before the next slowest battery, all of those battleship grade cannons, fired. Then the Ubercasters and Dox "Lasers," which were more like a blast of electrons now that I've looked into them, and finally the massive railcannons in the shoulders and hands.

The world is a symphony of light and sound. Dozens of colors of light streak out from my Jaeger, from the red of my electron guns, the green and spirally followed by brilliant red/white as the atmosphere surrounding the shot is pushed away and then combusts from the speed and friction, the yellow and smoke trailing the missiles, and the orange behind the smaller railgun shots. The sound is as varied, from the hiss of plasma, to the roar of the Ares class guns, to the hiss of whine of missiles closing in on target, and the hellish, shrieking roar of the orbital grade weaponry being fired in atmosphere. So powerful that I can only comprehend with my sensors. And what I'm comprehending is not making that much sense. The kaiju is gone, at the instant I hit it. Can it teleport or something?

As I move over to where the smoke and steam is billowing from, I peer through it towards the ocean floor.

And find a pair of hands, and a pair of feet, cleanly ended a few meters below the waterline, trailing kaiju blue from cauterized stumps. The rest of the kaiju starts to rain down upon me in chunks, sizzling from the heat. A bit of skull dings of the Pauldrons.

"<Well that was unexpected. I may have used too much gun for this situation.>"

"<You think?>" Aleksis this time. First time I've heard him speak.
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A) Someone has clearly been watching the Deadpool Movie.

B) I think the lack of exponential warfare is getting to you.
A) Someone has clearly been watching the Deadpool Movie.

B) I think the lack of exponential warfare is getting to you.
I did see it a few weeks ago. It was great

I can't even turn a coninent into tanks because people live there and don't have another planet! This I true suffering for a commander. Nobody else had to deal with being prohibited from full BESRMoW because other people were in the way. Torroar at least got to build planet sized ships. I don't have a reason to, so I'm not yet going to. :(

What does having a reason have to do with building Planet sized ships?

Time to get your Commander on!

There is Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus as perfectly viable planets to strip mine and build massive weapons of destruction on.

The only thing holding you back, is yourself! Go out! Explore the Galaxy! Built extractors and Air Factories on these new worlds. Find New and Interesting Aliens Species and make sure they know that YOU are their new God!

Or, you could sit underwater, reading the internet out of boredom........

Mind you, the Internet is damn tempting.
part of my strategy once the breach stabilizes is going to be "bomb everything except what is closest to earth literally back into the stone age," and what's near earth is going to get ragnaroks dropped on them

Now, it may because it's late for me and I need sleep, but I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're saying. I even thought for a second I was posting in one of the "PA commander fighting BETA" threads, cause dropping Ragnaroks on BETA infested planets would make sense.

can you clarify? when you say "closest to earth", do you mean on the other side of the breach? And why would the area closest to the portal get the bigger bombs? Wouldn't those shockwaves/whatever travel through a stable breach?

also, random thought: I'ma laugh so hard if you stabilize the breach by analyzing it, build your own stabilizer structure, and steal control over the breach's stability from the kaiju-creators (I sure as hell ain't calling them Precursors). And then you send your own Incursions through.

EDIT: Or I could go full retard and not even notice there's a whole other forum page to read. D'oh. Ignore me...
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For extra hilarity and boredoom (no, this is not a typo) - check Charon. Just in case :D
If I can think of a way to make that a choice that makes sense, I will.

Personally, this is something i will (if "commandeered") do in any Sol System encountered. Just in case :D

Actually, general derelict/artifact sweep should be pretty high in a "To Do" list for any commander.
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So I haven't been able to get much work done on the next chapter, through a combination of muse not wanting to write more "I waited for crap to happen," me not knowing how to write characters, getting my laptop back, finding it was full of crap from me not knowing not to download stuff from skeevy sources, deciding it would be easier to just wipe the hard drive instead, since I had a windows reinstaller thing, and then finding that said key wouldn't work on an asus, and having to wait until my sister was not at home to borrow her laptop. Fun. I'm working on it, but don't expect it for a few days. Or in an hour in half. Not that many of the characters in Pacific Rim had nuanced personalities for me to get perfect lest people complain about my flawed characterizations.
Chapter Thirteen: A view into the lives of others. And I tease a spaceship design
So I got this written finally. I hope I got the characters to a passable level.


So more waiting. Fucking wonderful. I've got some design work to do, a prototype to test, and I want to sweep all of the major bodies in the solar system to see if there is a Breach there to exploit. Sooner I can kill these bastards the sooner I can go home, make even more refinements, then go to the next hive of sorry bastards that need a commander grade helping hand.


As much as it annoyed him to admit, Pentecost couldn't deny that the individual known as "Glitch" could, in fact, deliver on his promise of killing kaiju. First what visual analysts had determined to be no less than seven thousand mines and torpedoes, and then with his "I accidentally destroyed the whole kaiju" Jaeger. He had no idea what to think. But that couldn't distract him from the duties his post entailed. Which at this point was the bane of every officer in any military or semi-military function. Paperwork.

"Let's see...Replacement capacitors for plasmacasters...Approved...Additional chalk...Approved...All remaining body parts of the previous kaiju...denied


Nothing on Venus, nothing on Mercury, nothing on the Moon, nothing on Mars. Definitely nothing in the asteroid belt. My prototype was working well, for a block of reactors with six scaled down Halleys on the back and some scaffolding to hold everything together, and a little orbital fabricator arm for repairing micrometeor impacts. When I got around to building the real thing, I'd have a bit of troubleshooting already done. All in all, it was a hexagonal prism roughly two hundred meters long, with a lot of empty space that resource cores would eventually fill, and some other spots for other stuff. Back to scouting out the moons of Jupiter. Why the fuck did it need so many?


"So you're telling me that not only do we not have anything new, but that the same individual is responsible for this?"

"Y-yes boss. Calls 'imself "Glitch," or at least that's the scuttlebutt."

Hannibal Chau was not angry. He was merely incredulous. Jaegers had difficulty killing kaiju as fast as he supposedly had. And one person, out of nowhere, with no paper trails to show where he got the absurd amount of money that would be required to build something capable of killing one of the profitable bastards. As one of the few people willing and able to tap the endless reservoir of idio-sorry, "natural remedy enthusiasts" and people in the commercial agriculture business. Kaiju shit was one of the most high nutrient density materials on the planet, after all.

"Figure out who the hell they are, how the hell to reach them, and tell him that someone very important would like a word with them, and mention the potential profits. We have stocks from previous kills, but if we have every last kaiju vaporized, we can't replenish them. And can someone reorganize the stockroom? Shit's a mess back there."


Nothing in the Jovian and Saturnian systems, which just meant the outer planets. The unit which I had taken to calling "hexagonal prototype one" was puttering around, building fabbers for later outer system building. These, in turn, were constructing Jigs around the largest four planets. I was in no danger of running out of mass or energy any time soon.

Just had a quick thought. I never fixed the glaring oversight in the Ragnarok. A few seconds later, and the coding required it to be manually armed by me after building, and made it so it went to the very center of an object's gravity well, meaning I could build a Halley, some maneuvering thrusters, and a Ragnarok, and have a viable planet killer which didn't require me to land fabbers on a planet. Also deadly from the asteroid impact, but that was less important. Screw it, I don't get to use these ever, so I'm sending a fabber to go blow up a KBO. One of the big ones.


"Ok Hermann, how do YOU suggest we figure out better weapons to stop the kaiju? Speak math at them until they get bored and commit suicide?"

"That would be more helpful than your incessant cutting up and throwing bits of meat across the line, Newton. What have YOU found, hmm? That they smell as revolting as they look?"

"Okay, first off, they aren't "revolting,' they're fascinating. And don't forget it was my research that lead to the newer plasmacasters and their vastly improved penetration/cauterization ratios. what do you have to show for your constant, insanity inducing scribbling of squiggles? That Breach events increasing in frequency and size? That the place the kaiju come from isn't what we would consider normal? That water is wet? Do tell me Hermann. Tell me right now. Because I'm positively dying to bask in your excellence, O Great One."

"Well if you didn't want to fondle kaiju bits, and actually learned a real science, maybe you would!"

"Oh that's rich coming from you, Mr. "wants to make out with his chalk board!"

"Oh you've had it! Come here so I can beat you sensible with my cane!"

"Gotta catch me first!"

Tendo Choi sighed. It was always something with those two.

"I'm going to need another four cups of coffee at this rate.."

And he walked towards the mess hall.


Ragnarok built, will begin testing programs now. It had been a minute since the Titan class bomb finished, its volatile payload kept in four stable components, allowing for it to wait to destroy everything. Then I let it fulfil its purpose. And it was glorious.

"I wonder if I could convert that into a payload of some kind. Maybe for the Starship I'm working on…"

The fabbers and prototype had cleared the outer solar system. Nothing on either Pluto or Charon, so no reapertech yet. Eh, I had one thing to take care of. Adding the Reapers to that wasn't on my list of things that would make me really happy.

I wonder how small I could make an Annihilaser? Questions for later.


Beyond the stars visible from the Little Blue Marble, the beings debated. One was getting very green-f#3 that its suggestions weren't being approved to deal with the new advances that sapient species-1258561947d4593 had developed. Its compatriots had argued that patience would allow them to see if these were permanent, or just a one time thing. As they debated, the dying star watched on.
Below them, things stirred in the orange nutrient slurries of a dead world, waiting to be allowed to claim their right once more. And nothing could stop them once they had claimed it. This world that had proved so interesting would prove to be like larvae under their claws. If only they knew how wrong they were...
Chapter Fourteen: I watch a fight
I am nowhere near happy with this chapter, but have just decided to get ti over with so I can move on. I hate writing fight sences longer than a single paragraph.

I had settled into a routine by now. Be bored, then a kaiju pops out, then I either kill it, help kill it with hover tanks, which I will never tire of using, or let the PPDC kill it and fix whatever breaks. Then I clean up the various nasty chemicals in it, add more housing blocks if something goes wrong, stream internet, which includes making max length 4chan threads of me arguing with myself, do some design work if needed, be bored, kaiju. They didn't get any prettier through this time. Striker was launched, as well as three or four other MK5s, since the Jaeger program wasn't sucking ass like it did in canon due to kaiju adaptations. The 'ju were becoming tougher to crack, but when damage produces so much less strain than it did, it is economically viable.

In other news, Knifehead was scheduled to Breach today, and I wanted to see what they had done with the design. Would also be interesting to see if he went to Alaska this time. If so, and if it damages Gipsy in a similar manner to canon, I may be able to save Diego...wait no, that was the actor's name. I think it's Yancy. I may be able to save him from meeting his end crashing into the ocean at high velocities. I think. He may have died of head asplosion or something. I don't have any reason to look to deeply into the drift tech yet, so I haven't.

Still was interesting stuff though. Something to be used in the Anteverse, if anything. I didn't leave enough of a kaiju to drift with, and didn't want to completely tip my hand before I had the fucks by their theoretically existing gonads. But before that, I had five more years of kaiju attacks to deal with. They were getting faster, the most recent was about four months ago, instead of six like when I arrived. The next was at some point in the next twelve hours. I was curious to see how things would play out as opposed to canon, so I had a simple path.

I wanted Knifehead to go to Alaska. How I could go about this is undetermined. Probably mines. I use those a lot, don't I? I do, because they are like joy buzzers. Only proximity fused. And highly explosive. And not a harmless shock that will make screams and laughs. So not like a joy buzzer at all, actually. I should work on improving my metaphors. But the quoting of poorly translated engrish from Aliexpress would continue. I enjoyed it.

So. Mines. I'll build a tunnel. And they will all have little blue flashing lights to helpfully guide the kaiju towards anchorage. Then Gipsy probably gets deployed, they fight, I cheer from the sidelines, and fix damage afterwards. Simple. Now all that is left is to-


Well, speak of the devil and he shall appear and all that.

The Light Melee Best known as Knifehead emerged from the continuous storm of gravitational flux and massive temperatures, and like many of its predecessors, ran directly into a small field of explosives. However, the Masters, glory be to them, had foreseen this eventuality and placed it into an ablative layer of chitinous material, which absorbed the heat and shock from the detonations. Truly the Masters were the most wise beings in All, and were gracious to allow it to fulfil its purpose so soon, paving the way toward subjugation of these whelps.

As it exited the trench that the Breach was located, it noticed a ceiling of gently flashing blue lights, which formed a partial dome around it, broken only by a tunnel wide enough for it to swim through, where the lights pulsed through. This was obviously a trap. It swam towards the dome wall, when its eyes noticed the telltale shape of the damnable explosives, the last thing one of its older fellow Beasts had met its end.

Knifehead violet-G♭-ingly swam down the tunnel, knowing all it was doing was adding a tiny bit more damage before the primitives deployed their horrendous new Beast, with its power rivaling the weaker of the Exalted. Knifehead would have hoped to not encounter it, had it had anything comparable to hope to feel. It merely was filled with a burning, all consuming need to destroy, to bring this planet closer to conquest. And so, it prepared to fight


It is going where I want. Good. Romeo Blue and Gipsy are being prepped for deployment, which is an acceptable deviation since I think this happened in the novelization. In any case, I have some time to kill, so back to internetting!

That's a dumb idea...what the fuck Japan...No you stop shitposting anon…quark-gluon plasma generated...cats...wait. What was that? Reading a bit closer into the article, I let out what would be a terrifying grin if I had had a mouth. As it were, I had the knowledge that this was quite possibly the most destructive possible weapon, if, and that is a fairly large if, I could safely generate, contain, and fire out the matter, which was hot enough that the scale you used was largely irrelevant. For now, I'll store the data and wait until I have a way to generate more than nanograms of the stuff. For now, I have a fight to watch, as Knifehead is exiting the corridor of mines.


The storm raged on around Romeo's Conn-pod, the wind lashing wet sheets of sleet across the armored material that made up the view screen. The holographic displays showed the last known location of the target, designated "Knifehead," at about twelve miles off the Miracle Mile. It hadn't deviated as much as most of the others had, implying a purpose. And if what the rumor mills said was true, supposedly originating with that Glitch fellow, then as what was effectively a guided missile, it did have a purpose, and that worried the Gage twins.

It didn't worry them enough to not perform their duties however. They were veterans of the earliest days of fighting these monsters. On maybe having a reason to attack where it did wasn't enough to make them lose their nerves.

"Contact, two miles. On your ten Romeo."


Two Jaeger deployments were easier on the pilots, allowing the slower, better at range MK1 to act as fire support to Gipsy's bar room brawl fighting style, a combination of fighting styles that allowed Romeo to get in while a kaiju was distracted, and start wailing on it with the inbuilt pistons in its arms. After they got the bastard down, Gipsy would probably finish it with their 'caster, with a quick victory for the both of them. The Becketts may be reckless, but they certainly knew what they were doing.

"It's above the surface. Moving to engage."

"This is base, you have clearance to attack. Send it to hell for us, boys."

"You got it Marshal!"

And with that, the two Jaegers entered combat.


From the cameras mounted on the spotting helicopters, Marshal Pentecost could see everything that happened. He was deep in concentration, thinking of tactics he could use against the kaiju for the AAR, from his perspective as a former pilot. Observing the kaiju intently, he could see every detail of its serrated snout, its taloned limbs, and its armored shell. Soon after, Mr. Choi interrupted with what everyone in LOCCENT was thinking.

"Damn that thing is ugly."

"Hmm. It is. That is not an invitation for argument, Mr. Geiszler."

He could hear the man sigh behind him. He had not guessed wrong, then.

"Contact in two minutes."

Even with the immense sizes of the combatant, the miles that separated them would take some time to cross. Both Gipsy and the kaiju were closing rapidly. And then-

"Gipsy and Knifehead have made engaged at 0342 hours!"

The techs made note of this, while Gipsy proceeded to put a haymaker into the monster's face, knocking the jaw out of alignment for a second. The kaiju screeched, clawing at the Jaeger's arm, putting three long dents into it. As the two grappled, Romeo moved into range, the radiator fin in its chest sliding into a lowered position to allow the top of its torso to open up, revealing a pair of six barreled 120mm cannons, which started spinning with a hissing whine. Gipsy grabbed the kaiju, putting it between itself and the other Jaeger. Then they opened fire, spraying the kaiju with burning cannon fire.

Knifehead roared in pain, the shells leaving smoldering holes in its carapace, before the serrations on its nose started to vibrate, with a low buzz sounding through the air as it slashed at Gipsy's right arm, severing it at just above the wrist.

LOCCENT was silent with shock. How was that even possible. A glance at themonitors showed that Gipsy's pilots showed large amounts of brain activity, which was good, since they could feel their lower arm severed through the drift. Then the left arm changed, bringing out the plasmacaster, as the stump of the right arm moved in to block, taking a series of gashes from the beast's nose. The left arm finished charging, firing a series of flashes through the air into the kaiju's torso, knocking it over, where romeo moved into melee range, where the mech punched it directly in the sternum, with an audible crack.

Blue fluids leaked from the kaiju's mouth. It was dead. Gipsy delivered a final shot to the neck, blasting the head off. Then both Jaegers started walking back to base. It was over.


Well that just happened. Guess I'll need to fix this.
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