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You should probably have a closer look at those power systems.
I would, but a resource core is an ex nihilo mass and energy device. If I truly want more power for free, I just build more of them. It takes a bit of time, but time is one thing the Breach's schedule gives me in spades, up until a little before mutavore.
Chapter Ten: This is what happens when boredom sets in.
This is what happens when a commander gets bored.


As I was dicking about on the internet, I realized two things. These things would have fun impacts. I may need to break out the Powerthirst for the second thing.

First, Kaiju Blue. The supposed "blood" of a kaiju, a thick blue liquid which tended to get everywhere in the aftermath of a kaiju battle and be a toxic, environment killing bag of dicks. I could probably clean it up. This would get me further on the PPDC's good side, preventing them from looking too closely at what I am and what I'm doing, which is turning fault lines underwater into metal extractors and generators to fuel my warmachine once I got into the Anteverse. I'll start with that.

First, I needed a fairly mobile unit, but making it mobile on the same level as a Dox or boom would be unnecessary. It also needed a fabricator, to clean the blue up. Maybe not a full fabricator, I could probably make a detergent that neutralizes the blue on the outside. Hmmm.

I think I'll go with a spiderbot design. Roughly six meters tall, twelve legs, a pair of fabber arms to clean the stuff up, with a set of chemosensors to detect the traces of it in the air. That will work. I shall name it the scrubber.


The next thing I realized had a few background factors which had to listed first. These factors are: I'm in Pacific Rim, I've got Jaeger tech, I've got a design program, I've got resources, and most importantly of all, I have limitless amounts of boredom. If, through these, you have interpreted this to mean "Glitch is going to build a Jaeger," then you would be correct. However, I would not be building just any Jaeger. No.

I was going to build a Jaeger that would out Jaeger any other Jaeger. This was going to be fucking glorious.

To start with, I took the general body shape of the Mars-Pattern Warlord Titan, and added a little bit of Gipsy Danger thrown in for good measure. Why? Because it is cool, and I am under no obligation to use silly things like "logic" or "reason" or "not impractical" in my designs. I'm a commander. I do what I fucking want, and nobody here is gonna stop me.

Next, it's going to be huge. I'm talking Cherno barely comes up to its waist huge. 180 meters at minimum. Why? because this gave me more room to stick guns, duh.

After the size adjustment on the most basic wireframe I could make, I added another set of arms, for extra dakka space, made the knee joints similar to the Raptor-type commander chassis I had the schematics for, gave it a head like my ZwischenzugSRMW commander, and then placed six t2 fusion plants in the center of the chest, as well as some powerful anti gravity drives. Why? Because even with Jaeger, and and Progenitor bullshit, It wouldn't be able to move with all the guns I put on it.

To start with, the upper pair of arms had hands, which were Designed after the Vanilla Atlas's. Big, grabby, and big enough to mount seismic batteries, so anything I punched with it would get sent flying. Then, on the wrists, I added the main battery from the Ares and Mars titans, a set of smaller guns, some dark matter pulse launchers, some turret lasers, and a bunch of tesla weaponry, for maximum dakka. And a set of fabricators. And a bunch of Dox lasers all over the hand because why not. On the arms themselves, I added a bunch of missile launchers, for more fun.

On the shoulders, I placed a few more missile launchers, a number of flak and SAM weapons, for pesky flying kaiju, eight or nine uber cannons each shoulder, and finally, something that has to be expressed in the following manner:


A big two layered set of pauldrons, obscuring anything resembling peripheral vision if the sensors weren't bullshit, and my head wasn't below the shoulders.

These pauldrons not only housed more missiles, but also set of Twinlinked Artemis railguns, which weren't actually rated or safe for atmospheric combat but whatever, inside channels like the Delta commander had. The topside also had a nuke launcher because I've already taken this design up to an eleven, and I wasn't even half finished.

The back had a number of booster jets, so I could dodge more or less anything, as well as do rocket jumps onto ugly kaiju face. But much more interesting, were the pair of fold out, multiple rotary-barreled Holkins I'd added, which sat in the small of the back and then rolled up and forwards to firing position. Why? It was cool, and had some impressive fire power. It also brought the firing rate up to about one shot every two seconds, and if I happened to pile drive a kaiju after firing, I could sear a hole through their torso from the heat firing generated.

On the second arms, which were a bit smaller, I placed, instead of hands, twelve commander-grade uber cannons. Per arm. Along with twelve or fifteen dark matter pulse launchers, twenty seven missile launchers, also commander grade, another metric assload of Dox lasers, more Mars guns forming a ring around the uber cannons, and, in the middle of them all, three more Artemis railguns. And some fabricators. So it could build things too.

The various motive systems were accomplished through the synthetic-muscle servos of the Progenitors, as well as a heaping helping of megapistons from the Jaeger side of the family, upgraded of course. the feet borrowed from the Warlord, with the big plus shape, which looked cool and had kickass foot prints. I added the ability to overclock the anti-grav temporarily for that sweet NEXT level dodging. I would get a kick out of seeing the look on the various Rangers, Marshals, civilians, and kaiju alike when it fucking dodged like a goddamn NEXT.

Then I added armor. And what glorious armor it was. A half meter of layered Progenitor/Jaeger alloys and graphene, with Dox lasers everywhere. I could hit anything within a few hundred meters of my Jaeger. Any attacks on this bastard could be stopped by the wall of missiles, shells, lasers, and explosions thrown off by a full salvo. I was content.

After giving it a paint job of my standard indigo, neon green, and gray on the barrels of all the guns, I went over my checklist:

Does it out dakka anything on the planet? Yes.
Does it have more dakka than it needs for its purpose? Yes.
Did it have weak points? No
If so, how were they defended? lots of bullets.
How much dakka does it have? Yes.
Is the armor tough enough to withstand conventional bombardment for a period of no less than twelve hours? Yes
Is it awesome? Hell fucking yes
Do you have a kickass name for it?

I metaphorically blinked at the last comment. How could I be so stupid as to design something this awesome and not name it?

Hmmm….Let me think….

I've got it.

Commandant Boredom.

Yes. This works nicely.

And with that, I checked the final box, and cued up my fabricators.

And watched my metal and energy reserves fall through the toilet.


Then I saw the build time with the fifteen fabricators I had put to the task: twelve days.

Double oops.
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It would probably be faster, but I put what is an orbital level Anti-grav, a metric fuckton of guns, and sensors on parity with the T2 version of all variants. I was actually debating whether or not to put an internal orbital launcher, then I decided that was taking it just slightly too far. put guns all over the upper shoulders. And then you put pauldrons on top of that?

Are these pauldrons supposed to explosively detach or fold back or something?
So what, if the worst happens and a pauldron gets ripped off, you have another set of guns hidden away, ready to say "Surprise Motherfucker!" to whatever did the damage? :p
Obviously. But the overall design is based of of Imperial Titans from 40k, which don't have heads atop their shoulders, since they normally have either missiles or dakka.
Obviously. But the overall design is based of of Imperial Titans from 40k, which don't have heads atop their shoulders, since they normally have either missiles or dakka.
Or a Castle... With a guy with a funny hat on the parapet waving a chainsword.

Also I assume that this thing is stealthed?

Should have called it Swift Surprise or something...

Edit: Big O
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To start with, I took the general body shape of the Mars-Pattern Warlord Titan, and added a little bit of Gipsy Danger thrown in for good measure. Why? Because it is cool, and I am under no obligation to use silly things like "logic" or "reason" or "not impractical" in my designs. I'm a commander. I do what I fucking want, and nobody here is gonna stop me.
True wisdom.
thats ok nice chapter hope you assimilate the technology of the creator of the kaiju and have your own controlled kaiju and release it to your enemy
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Chapter Eleven: Helping
AN: We get to see the Commandant Boredom in all of its dakka covered glory in the next chapter. The vague "stuff" I mention at the end relates to some stuff regarding AI creation I've mentioned either here or on SB.


So my Scrubbers have made landfall and are cleaning up the blue. A large number of people are staring. I'm not surprised. It isn't every day a spider robot just starts eating biohazards somewhat close to your slumholes. Maybe I should fix the slumhole part.

Yeah, they aren't getting help from the government due all the "Let's all build multi billion dollar giant robots with trillions of R&D costs," then later "Let's make Trump's dreams a reality, only with giant robots instead of Mexicans," stuff. They probably could have just flooded the Breach in concrete, which I have found does cure underwater, for a similar cost, then just let the kaiju tries to dig through seventy or eighty feet of rock, if being stuck halfway through the Breach didn't do wonky stuff that would be detrimental to the plot of destroy the world.
Another thing I realized was that the PPDC only had sensors directly on the Breach for a good reason: covering the entire ocean floor would cost more than the Jaeger program. Yeah. Crazy.

Since I was still riding the high from designing a unit with as much dakka as I could fit, after a quick modification to give it an anchor gun for anti-orbit, I decided to be a nice guy, and replicate their sensor things across the whole pacific. Then I was going to feed them into their control network, and leave them there. Why did they need so many, instead of just having them around the Breach and using satellites? Kaiju were annoying, that's why.

Some aspect of their biology meant they released surprisingly little heat, so there wouldn't be a massive thermal signature along the route they were traveling to tell you which way they were heading. Further was the fact that they didn't come above seven hundred meters deep until they had to, and then they tended to cling to the bottom. By that point, they were within a few hundred kilometers of land, and you two hours at most to deploy Jaegers to stop them. Contrary to the movie, this wasn't an instantaneous process. It took twenty minutes to suit up a pilot, another sixty to seventy to secure the connpod, sixty to get everything booted, thirty minutes of system checks, and about ten minutes to get the drift prepped and started. After that, they could deploy, but then if it was anywhere far from the dome you had another ten minutes of hooking them up to the helicopters and transit time.

So by that point the kaiju was normally between 17 and 30 km out, which was just far enough to prevent it from making landfall. So why were these bad? Because after the Breach you only get a decent estimate of what continent they are aiming at. What Shatterdome will be intercepting is guessable, but what country and city are known at almost the last minute, hence the comparatively quick deployment, at least if you look at large naval assets being deployed, which took several days to get ready for launch from dock.

The massive sensor net I was providing would give them constant knowledge of where a kaiju was at all time. I'm sure they would be paranoid about my nonexistent ulterior motives.

Queue submarines, send them on their way to build the sensor packages, build more subs, rinse and repeat. It was becoming simple at this point.

When was the next date? I think it was November. And, just to be sure it is...June.


Well, there is one thing I haven't done, which is expand into Orbit. And I have these shiny Leviathans to do it with. Since Earth has satellites, I'll go out to another planet first.

I'm going to build a fabber first. Since they can move between orbits, and are rather fast in doing so, I'll send it to… Jupiter. Maybe build a fake monolith while I'm at it, because why not. After it gets there, I'll build some solar panels and defences, since I can't use a gas giant for metal since I can't build extractors. Maybe I should get something that can do the same thing, but in space...Oh hey I have the Jig. I can just use those. Yes. This will do nicely so incase I want more Jaeger type units I don't empty my economy.

And, while I'm at it, I can add a few PDF guns to the Jig, so I don't need as many Anchors. Will allow me to put more of my economy into making more economy, which is the basis of being a Brutally Efficient Self-Replicating-Mechanism of War. After I turn Jupiter into a pincushion, I'll go back to plowing through the internet for fun and profit, though I doubt I'll get much of the later. Unless I make a server hub or something and sell website hosts. May be a good way to make money and then do nice things for people, like random donations to charity or something.

I'm stuck here for a while, might as well make other people's lives less miserable. Which leads back to the slum idea. I'll need a building designed for housing, which won't be hard, but will be outside the box for a commander. We tend to destroy cities, not build them. Wait, at what point did I start thinking of myself as a commander, instead of a human? Something to check later, after I've gotten catharsis for my waiting.

Those precursors will know the terror that comes from attacking a place that gets a von neumann asshole manchild dropped on them, and they shall quiver in fear. Or whatever their opposable codpiece brains have as their fear equivalent. Could be fucking purple for all I know. I don't know alien psychology.

So back to designing. I made a box. It has rooms and stuff for food water, and other things humans need. Then I sent out some fabbers to build the fabbers that would build them.

Wait, I'll talk to the PPDC first. That way they can sanction them or whatever. I'll need to figure out when they meet next...tomorrow. Cool.


"Is there anything else needed to be discussed at this time?" It was the British guy this time speaking during the meeting of various ambassadors and representatives and such. I saw Pentecost. He looked a bit bored.

"If there are no further issues, then this meeting is-"

"Just a question, but would it be ok if I started building housing for the slums in the kaiju affected cities? They won't be obtrusive, and I would like people to actually use them, so I want PPDC permission." I had interrupted the dude, but who cared. It wasn't like they had been here for hours or something. Well, they had, but I needed a "sure you can do that," to which I'd reply with a thank you and just ask them to tell people the shelters built by the ocean robots wouldn't kill them.

"...Why are you doing this?" Pentecost this time, who looked really done with this.

"Is there a rule against being a good individual? If so, I can stop and just be a larger dick."

"What do you intend to gain out of it? None of us have figured out your motives for being this helpful."

"To be honest, I got what I wanted, and it takes the kaiju a while to come to their deaths, so I'm just trying to help out."

"Alright, assuming you don't need money we can give the OK. Anything else."

"Yes, I won't be flooding the Breach with mines again, for reasons I've made clear. I will provide assistance, but expect to deploy Jaegers. Oh, and I've taken the liberty of expanding your sensor network, it will be coming online in a few days. You'll be able to track the kaiju through the Pacific, and part of the southern Atlantic and Indian oceans just in case. You can track kaiju all the way up to the point where you can see where they are with satellites."

"...Considering you have pulled of other seemingly impossible feats, I can't say I'm surprised." British guy again. His last name is apparently Taylor. I'll file that away under "tidbits."

I wonder if I should tell them I'm strip mining Jupiter. I shouldn't, they might start embarrassing themselves trying to do damage to me.

"That is all, and goodbye." I sign out of the conversation.

Now to start building people homes. I send my subs over to build vehicle fabricators in the shallows, and get back to working on stuff for later.
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Cover the area in cities.

Giant, empty cities, entire skyscrapers of deluxe housing without anyone to live in them.

It's fun to crash markets by being helpful :D
Rather than a bunch of skyscrapers, you should upgrade these slums to something that dramatically improves the capacity of humans to improve their situation individually and in groups, but isn't TOO nice, so there's still some drive to make it better. ;) For one thing, you need to make the equivalent of the Young Lady's Illustrated Primer from The Diamond Age. I'm sure with enough textbooks and access to the internet and hacking into everything ever and the right small drones in the right libraries, you can come up with the thing.

And then make the infrastructure of your parts of the cities be reaallly cheap and easy to maintain, and reaally useful for people to live in and really really useful for them to lower the barriers for them to do useful activities like starting businesses or growing things or making things or building things or working together. There's a ton of designs for 'model cities' with lots of high tech or connected or green infrastructure and local power generation and access to clean power/food/water/healthcare/etc. that would work great but is completely uneconomical, and lots of designs for space saving features and workshops and tools and ways to put a whole bunch of utility in a place where there are large amounts of humans, that would work great and be very efficient and fun and great places to live and work and worship and gather and play and would be cheap to maintain and repair and improve and easy on the environment and make for happy people but cost wayyyyy too much money to build or put together economically in the first place. And there's tons of stuff in this sort of thing that is certainly possible (but for want of funding, which isn't going to happen because it is plain uneconomical) to build, given current technological level.

But if you have a nanolathe and nanofabricators, it's just another arrangement of atoms, and not a particularly expensive one either...

For the most part, I'm wondering why none of the Commanders brought about the Singularity in any of the roughly normal-earth-technology worlds they inhabited. You know, use their absurd excess industrial overcapacity to build a WHOLE TON of relatively normal infrastructure in such a way so that pretty much everyone on the planet has cheap access to sufficient clean

food/water/shelter/electrical power/education/communication connectivity/media access/healthcare/security of self/access to mobility/greenspace/locations to gather/etc. etc.

If only to see what happens!
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Rather than a bunch of skyscrapers, you should upgrade these slums to something that dramatically improves the capacity of humans to improve their situation individually and in groups. Basically, you need to make the equivalent of the Young Lady's Illustrated Primer from The Diamond Age. I'm sure with enough textbooks and access to the internet and hacking into everything ever and the right small drones in the right libraries, you can come up with the thing.

And then make the infrastructure of your parts of the cities be reaallly cheap and easy to maintain, and reaally useful for people to live in and really really useful for them to lower the barriers for them to do useful activities like starting businesses or growing things or making things or working together. There's a ton of designs for 'model cities' with lots of high tech or connected or green infrastructure and local power generation and access to clean power/food/water/healthcare/etc. that would work great but is completely uneconomical, and lots of designs for space saving features and workshops and tools and ways to put a whole bunch of utility in a place where there are large amounts of humans, that would work great and be very efficient and fun and great places to live and work and worship and gather and play and would be cheap to maintain and repair but cost wayyyyy too much money to build or put together economically in the first place. And there's tons of stuff in this sort of thing that is certainly possible (but for want of funding, which isn't going to happen because it is plain uneconomical) to build, given current technological level.

But if you have a nanolathe and nanofabricators, it's just another arrangement of atoms, and not a particularly expensive one either...

For the most part, I'm wondering why none of the Commanders brought about the Singularity in any of the roughly normal-earth-technology worlds they inhabited. You know, use their absurd excess industrial overcapacity to build a WHOLE TON of relatively normal infrastructure in such a way so that pretty much everyone on the planet has cheap access to sufficient clean

food/water/shelter/electrical power/education/communication connectivity/media access/healthcare/security of self/access to mobility/etc. etc.

If only to see what happens!
I'm not fixing all slums, just the ones that are IIRC called "Boneslums," which are created in a kind of red zone caused by a kaiju decaying inside a city, where their rotting corpse causes the surrounding area to be more or less unlivable except for the people who either profit off the corpse, in particular selling their bones/bone scrapings as "traditional" medicine, or those who have literally no where else to do. I'm fixing them and putting in a semi-modular housing system after bulldozing the areas, cleaning them, and then moving the bones to say something along the lines "[kaiju name] sucked [jaeger that defeat said kaiju's name]'s nob lol"

Gideon kind of almost brought about the singularity for his cultists, but other than that I see your point. I probably won't do something, because my personality both in fic and IRL is apathetic to the plight of others at best, and moderately sociopathic at worst. I'm really only helping because it undoes the work the Precursors and kaiju have done.
ahh, the troll reasoning. "I don't really care about helping people, but if it'll piss off this group I don't like, I'll move mountains."

Well, I'm calling it Troll reasoning, but honestly, it's the whole concept of erasing your enemy and all their actions from history. How did that one rogan say it? The greatest insult to your enemy isn't to defeat him, but utterly ignore him (and prove him impotent)?
ahh, the troll reasoning. "I don't really care about helping people, but if it'll piss off this group I don't like, I'll move mountains."

Well, I'm calling it Troll reasoning, but honestly, it's the whole concept of erasing your enemy and all their actions from history. How did that one rogan say it? The greatest insult to your enemy isn't to defeat him, but utterly ignore him (and prove him impotent)?
part of my strategy once the breach stabilizes is going to be "bomb everything except what is closest to earth literally back into the stone age," and what's near earth is going to get ragnaroks dropped on them
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