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I'm mostly waiting for Ol' Commando to eat a shard (or all of Eden. Or all of Eden and all of Scion) and start handing out powers to people he likes. Or swapping powers of people he doesn't like, you know, for fun.

It's not like he'd even need the giant xeno-tech computers inhabiting other dimensions for it, either, since PA tech has absurd power generation and WTF-tier computer power in much smaller packages.
but what if he makes the WTF tier computing at those scales?
Chapter Thirty Three: Simurghtease
AN: The armband thing is copied from Worm Arc 8, somewhere. It's been a while since I wrote that part.

Shit fuck piss ass why now you stupid cocktopus fuckwit.


It's McPrecogbitchtits, too. And we all know what that means.

It means I get to destroy the city because everything the Simurgh is near gets involved in some convoluted Rube Goldberg-esque chain of events that lead to someone eating the president or some other stupid shit, thanks to the magic of hax levels of precog and future manipulation.

And that shit's what's going to happen, because from what I remember of canon and the dozens of fanfics I've read, everything goes tits up when and Endbringer shows up. Always. Then things go downhill.

On the bright side, I'm almost done adding the Aperture to the mech suit, I'm launching a quarter million orbital fabricators with added shield generators into space for jiggery pokery on Jupiter, and it isn't fucking Behemoth.

Well, time for last minute preparations. Stash my main commander in a pocket dimension, get all assets ready to deploy, arm the warheads, and boot all the bots up for murdering.

Well, it's time to rip off the procrastination bandage and get this party van started, we're in for a slog, Brockton.

This is going to suck so much.

Hmmmm...I wonder if drifting everyone together will help with the precog shit? No, that's a terrible idea. These people are all pathological secret keepers.


"I'm not going to lie to you all. Our odds are not good."

Tattletale was at the building two or three miles out of town, along with another hundred twenty odd capes. Legend was giving a speech that could only be called a pep talk by the most charitable of individuals.

"The Simurgh is arguably the most dangerous of the Endbringers, leaving plots that extend forwards decades at a time. She is, directly or indirectly, responsible for thousands of murders, dozens of financial collapses, tens of quarantined cities, and some of the most devastating blows to the world's collective morale since the World Wars."

He paused to take a breath, looking around the room as he did so.

"Do not, however, lead you into believing this will be an easy fight. While she may not possess the speed or strength of her brothers, nor their raw destructive potential, the Simurgh is an unparalleled telekinetic, she can ignore obstacles that would cripple many other capes by virtue of flying, and we have yet to see a fight go by where she does not pull some new trick out of her metaphorical sleeves."

As the Triumvirate member continued speaking, the doors opened, revealing a figure she had noticed wasn't attending.

It was Commander. She could see a large crate behind him, dragged along by a small, wheeled machine as he went towards Dragon, and began to speak to her. She couldn't hear any of the words, but at a guess she would assume the subject of conversation was whatever was in the crate.

Legend had paused for a brief few seconds, then went back to speaking when it was made clear there wasn't anything pressing.

"Our strategy against the Simurgh is simple. Drive her off, as fast as possible. The civilians of the city are already being evacuated. We want to keep her out of the city for as long as possible. This may not be doable, depending on where she lands, but PRT thinkers have predicted her coming down about four miles outside of the city. Don't let the fact she isn't in the city make you anything less than the top of your game. This is likely some sort of plot."

He then gestured towards where dragon and Commander and Dragon were standing. She spoke up

"Armbands are being passed out. These are adjustable to slide over your arm and should be tightened around your wrist. The screen on the top of the armband notes your position on a grid, as well as the Simurgh's last updated location. Use this. You'll also note there are two buttons. The button to the left lets you send messages to everyone else wearing an armband. It will not, unless you are a member of the Protectorate or otherwise a veteran of these fights, directly communicate what you say to everyone else wearing an armband. I have a program screening messages and passing them on through the network based on priority, to cut down on unnecessary chatter that could distract from crucial information. If you must bypass this three to five second delay, speak the words 'Hard Override' before conveying your message. Abuse of this feature will lose you the ability to send any further messages. There will also be a small timer displayed at the bottom of the screen. This is your exposure limit. The longer you stay near the Simurgh, the more likely she is to set something up in your future. Should this timer hit zero, it will detonate, killing you. Leave the exposure area at about the point it reaches five minutes, this gives you enough time to return to base camp for a quick breather and a wait outside the zone to prevent sleeper agent creation."

Commander popped open the crate, which had a bizarre looking thing that looked to be part voyager probe, which began blinking and displayed a big LCD display counting down from five minutes. She supposed she'd find out what that did soon enough.

The teleporters got everyone to their assigned locations, various groups grabbed the devices and stumbled while turning them on, and Everyone prepared for the fight of their life. Nothing special for an Endbringer fight, from what she had heard.

Now all that was left was for the screaming to start.


Alright, last minute prep work is a go. Activating artillery emplacements, revealing missile silos, prepping anti-TK devices...Activate plan Hell March, engage on my mark.

I have to deal with the fleshdoodles, don't I? Alright...who could be useful? I'll work with Dragon while fighting, likely, since we both have the giant robots. I think the recently named Bishop Combat Exoskeleton will be fine in this fight, considering every single weapon I have on it is sufficient to blow through a few feet of concrete. I also have the Rifle, which should be quite capable of at the very least stripping her of her rubble barrier, and some stuff I had been building for the sole purpose of fucking up every Endbringer who isn't Behemoth. Fucking energy control.

Well, nothing to do now and wait. That seems to happen a lot, doesn't it.

Hmmm….How long...twenty minutes? I can work with that. I have enough power, too, so this shouldn't be as dumb as it normally would.

Going to be a bitch on my economy, though.

Can't deploy any other super weapons, I don't know where her main shard/construct/thing is, but if I can find it it'll make all of this much easier.

Though my fun little surprise should be very useful.

And there's the woman of the hour herself. It's about time.

"Initiating Subplan: Baywatch."

A couple of capes looked at me funny, then gaped behind me as I felt my economy drop from having teleported the entirety of Brockton Bay away, into a pocket dimension being maintained by three beacons in three different parts of the planet in three different Earths.

Then I felt my tinker rating jump a couple of notches as the legion of Killbots I'd built for Subplan: Danmaku teleport in around us as the timer hit zero from my main underground base, which did, in fact, have an acid pool.
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Was expecting a lifeguard with the baywatch plan, but I'm happy enough imagining their faces.
Oh gods, the debrief post Endbringer is going to be hilarious. Do they label him an S-class? Do they try to make nice now? He's obviously not malicious if he set up to save the city, but the sheer threat level "Commander" is finally unveiling now is going to put the PRT on high alert. Well, higher alert.
I don't even know what to say. Did we win? Are we losing? Or was there never a game in the first place?
I'm...not sure what you're asking? In that case, yes.

Oh gods, the debrief post Endbringer is going to be hilarious. Do they label him an S-class? Do they try to make nice now? He's obviously not malicious if he set up to save the city, but the sheer threat level "Commander" is finally unveiling now is going to put the PRT on high alert. Well, higher alert.
I've written it already, as mentioned on SB, but yes, the general reactions to Glitch are pretty "there is no way in hell we're fucking with him"
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Almost completely unrelated but given the numbers when he first arrived on Earth Bet and assuming none of the minor quantum events were stuff like labyrinth being crazy or doctor haywire's gear then roughly one in three of all potential parahumans triggered. Rounding a bit for the population of the earth and the final numbers.
Chapter Thirty Four: Danmaku
I just realized, that to to a normal person, I had a fuckload of bots. Tinkertech is notoriously difficult to maintain, which means that having some three or four thousand bots, tanks, aircraft, and other various things running around will raise some questions. And likely finally put the thought of "Robo-Nilbog" in people's heads.

Also, I teleported a city. This also will scare people. I'm likely going to be considered an S-class threat after this, even if they don't put a kill order on my head because I'll be damned if the Simurgh isn't completely stripped to the core by the end of this fight wow phrasing much, and that's only if I can't end up with her kicking the bucket.

After that...hmm...most of the threats weren't too bad, so dealing with them isn't going to be hard. Nanobots to the brain should take care of most.

Also should deal with that later, I'm about to fight a damned Endbringer here.

And speak of the devil. There she is. Still about five miles up.

And that would be Legend opening fire. Good a moment as any.

There are about to be a lot of bullets in the air. I know just the theme music.

Cue the music.


If Tattletale hadn't seen it with her own set of sensory organs, she would never have believed what was happening. The air between the Simurgh and Commanders robot army of doom was lit up in dozens of colors as bolts of plasma, missiles, solid slugs, and various other weapons slammed into the Endbringer, lighting up the area almost to the point where Legend's attacks couldn't be seen.

In addition, there was what looked like a contrail, out over the horizon, and as they started closing in, she could see that it wasn't a plane, which is the thing that normally produces a contrail, but a missile. A very large, very fast missile. With Nuclear symbols on it. It didn't exactly take someone with super powered intuition to see the missile probably wasn't filled with cupcakes.

The crazy fucker had obviously not gotten the memos about what happened when they tried the same thing with Behemoth.

A helpful timer was placed on the screen, giving T-13 until the WMD slams into the Endbringer.

And it keeps counting down.

And down

And down.

Until it hits zero, and a sudden, unexpected field of the blackest black she had ever seen envelopes the Endbringer.

"I'm actually really glad that worked, because otherwise we wouldn't be able to put Brockton back."

Lisa jumps, as Commander had literally just appeared right next to her. Her power said that that ass did it to mess with her.

A breath in, a breath out, a release of the irritation this man brings, and she turns to look at him.

"What exactly is that anyway? My power is saying it's a forcefield of some kind, but with your stuff it tends to act a bit screwy."

"It's something I jury rigged in the last fifteen minutes. Simulations say it should hold, but Tinker derived material is always a bit of a wild card. To actually answer your question, it is, in fact, a forcefield. A very impenetrable, very durable one. I think the conditions in there right now are roughly analogous to a star's mantle during supernova. I guess that's what happens when you detonate an antimatter primed fusion warhead in a space smaller than a house. Might be useful later on."

She stares. Then asks the question that had been on her mind since she first saw Commander.

"So are you insane, stupid, or just incredibly self confident?"

She gets the impression he is smirking. She makes a wild guess.


It's exactly as she predicted.


I think everyone's out of her scream range, now, because I've teleported them away. They're all yaking a well deserved breather for the forty seconds of effort that they had to do. Very stressful. But they came to fight an indestructible abomination, so I can't fault them for being freaked out over the forty seconds of hearing that noise, and having relics of suburbia being thrown at you.

Still boring, compared to what I've done.

I'm sure there's all sorts of interesting physics going on right now. But unfortunately, I can't get a reading on the interior of the field.

I'll also have to figure out a way to disperse the energy, as there is a lot of stuff being converted into new and exciting states of matter as we speak. And also a roughly ten-to-fifteen trillion degree furnace that the Simurgh is probably tanking because Endbringer Bullshit, and I need to get rid of that.

Maybe vent it into space?

Nah, I've got an Earth or two that aren't going to develope life, I can just let it out there.

Very, very carefully, I open a small crack in space time, and watch, through an ARKYD in orbit of the recipient planet, a gout of nuclear flame and heat spew out, leaving a sizzling canyon thousands of kilometers long.

I'll have to remember this, this is good stuff.

After the radiation, heat, other radiation, light, and exotic effects on subatomic matter fade to levels tolerable for humans, I open the field.

And what do you fucking know, the bitch is still alive.

Charred, shrunk to basically just her core, but still alive.

I've done science and she's still alive.

I wish she were dying, but nope, she's still alive.

This meme is old, but still alive.

I digress.

Now to using the backup plan A, throwing nanobots at the core until I can find her main core, to blow her up. Won't be hard, the sheer amount of firepower is keeping her layers down.

There are still a few dozen capes, including some that can hit quite hard. I'd have to see about looking into their powers, see if I could replicate or approximate them.

Now to just get a fabricator in close enough to nanite her.

Pick a combat fabber, in this case a bumblebee chassis modified to have a fabber instead of bomb bays, and do a flyover.

And then it's smashed by a piece of road the size of my Commander Chassis. Okay, try again, I've got a functionally infinite amount of these things.

The bitch just keeps smashing them. I try to fly one in with missile bombers, she knocks the missiles away, or has the rubble dodge then smash the fabber.

Fuckit. I'm pissed, let's go with the tried and true method of locusts. She can't dodge that.

Except, what do you know, she directs the rubble they're reclaiming into the path of a pyrokinetic. They all burn.

I'm going to assume she doesn't want to be scanned.

That's okay. I still have the Aperture. No way she's blocking that.

Or the Golden Fuckoff Beam emitter I've installed in that one tank. I can try that.

A quick activation, a teleporting of capes out of the way (again), and a quick firing. The beam, in all of its golden, fuckoffy goodness, lances through her various debris halos, and shears her lower leg off. Progress!

Queuing up another twenty takes a fair bit of my resources, given the pocket dimension requires quite a bit of power to keep inflated at the scale it is working at, and takes a few minutes, but they finish, and the little christmas tree on an Abrams looking things roll off the assembly line, and start firing.

I end up sheering off pieces of the Endbringer, wings and hands falling to the ground, after everything she tries to protect herself with gets neat holes of quantum strings put through it.

I can't punch through the core. I got a few direct hits on it, but the amount of material I'm trying to destroy even when it is exposed mean that I can't break through. I'm willing to bet I'm putting dents in her mass, though, which is more than anyone else here has managed, but it isn't enough

The nanites that I do manage to get into the core show it's dimensionally compressed, which means I can't teleport to the main shard/construct and blow it to hell. That was my plan...C or something.

I'll guess I'll need to use the Aperture then. She'll have to exit atmosphere for me to use it though, which is fine, as she's been trying to cut and run since the shields dropped.

I'm assuming there's some giant "not as planned!" going on, given that half the decisions to do these things were decided after she got here. Would explain the lack of new tricks and constant trying to outrun my very nearly limitless firehose of dakka.

On the safe side, though, I'll be destroying every asset used in this fight, for safety. It will probably be funny watching people watch my avatar explode, then having a new one teleport in while they're freaking out about it.

But that can come later, after I destroy this bitch. Which is about to happen, as she's almost in LEO. Then I can use the Aperture on her.

Having already done the series of steps that lead to it being ready to fire, I opened up the small-ish iris that lead to what was probably the least safe and most destructive thing I could build, even compared to the planet crackers.

Overall, the Aperture was a tubelike structure about a thousand kilometers long, that was, in essence, a metal planet annihilaser without the planet part. Then, seeing as an annihilaser wasn't really enough to destroy something that might have a truly absurd amount of material in it, I spent a few subjective centuries figuring out how to fuse it was the GFB weaponry I'd acquired from Dragon.

The result was stored in a pocket dimension, with a little opening to let it out into this universe. The beam generated was a brilliant emerald green, and tore through, in the simulations I had performed, everything.

The actual firing distorted the sensors I had pointed on Ziz, and no visuals could be attained because of the flash.

Then the distortion stopped, and I saw the mostly stripped down Endbringer sitting there in orbit.

Okay, seriously? Fuck the Simurgh. I'm seriously considering killing Eidolon so I don't have to deal with the bullshit that is another eighteen of them. If something that could destroy multiple celestial bodies simultaneously and couldn't destroy this feathery sack of shit, I'm ready to start looking for the easy way out.

Since she's retreated, with like five casualties, there's some celebration going on, about how this is "the lowest contamination count in years" and a couple of the locals came over and congratulated me for keeping the city safe.

I responded absentmindedly, walked a safe distance away from all the fleshbags, and activated all of my units' self destructs.

Their faces were quite amusing, and even more so when a fresh avatar, slightly taller than the last, teleported in.

Alexandria walked over looking very, very confused and somewhat pissed. It was quite hilarious

"What the fuck Commander?"

I gave her a pat on the shoulder.

"I didn't want anything contaminated by that feathery bitch left, so I activated the self destruct sequences. Fairly standard safety precaution, all told."

Eidolon, Legend, and some other people had moved over to see what exactly the second version of the guy to have turned the Simurgh into tiny pieces and a core, then exploded, was saying that made the unflappable member of the Triumvirate so flustered.

"But...the time needed to build all of that… it would be insane? Why...that?!?!"

"It took me like five hours to get all of those built. I had no expectation of them outlasting this fight."

Dragon's suit's head snapped over towards me, and through the speakers came a flat "What."

I proceeded to shrug and then say that if anybody needed to talk to me, I'd be plotting my revenge on the orbital featherface. When asked why I needed to have revenge for her being seemingly on death's door, I responded with the fact she wasn't, in fact, dead, and that I had had high hopes for that weapon.

I then sat down in the corner and started muttering about vacuum energy collapses, making a number of people understandably nervous. They shouldn't have been, I can't directly extract energy from a vacuum. Yet.
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So, CMMIW here, the Feathery Evilness survive your discount GFB?

Isn't that shit sort of return everything to the nothingness?

The String Unraveled kind of shenanigan?

Are you sure? Wow, that,, is cool.

Please show the freak out of various powers regarding the fight, especially about Commander's scale of industry.

At least Cauldron and Dragon's PoV.
So, CMMIW here, the Feathery Evilness survive your discount GFB?

Isn't that shit sort of return everything to the nothingness?

The String Unraveled kind of shenanigan?

Are you sure? Wow, that,, is cool.

Please show the freak out of various powers regarding the fight, especially about Commander's scale of industry.

At least Cauldron and Dragon's PoV.
Scion's GFB is an endbringer killer. Glitch is basically using a homemade pistol as compared to Scion's naval rifle. Still hideously overkill for most everything, but Endbringers be wack, yo.
Turns out having mass equatable to a particularly large galaxy in the space of a tiny ball is bullshit and wildbow didnt know what he was talking about. who knew?
Meanwhile at Cauldron HQ: *Sounds of panic, screaming cats, and shattering glass*

That'd probably about sum up the shit storm that is the aftermath of a commander loosening a notch on their belt.
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