Oglethorpe's dream: A Colony of Georgia quest

We have immigrants, and the British feel inspired by our support. Everything else seems to have deteriorated.

Wait, why'd you roll dice? Plan work won?

Did it? Let me hand count.

Edit2: 4 vs 3 Plan work should have won, so a tie breaker is unnecessary. It's going to suck to do a reroll and lose that natural crit.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by PyrrosWarrior on Oct 9, 2019 at 5:40 PM, finished with 33 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Work
    -[X] Coverture: Due to extraordinary circumstances and local realities man and woman are no different in the eye of the government as a policy that will see post war review when civil matters may be handled with greater intricacy
    -[X] Maintenance: Assure the proper running of the state and make sure that resources are properly allocated and that the people are soundly recovering
    -[X] Native: Start dialogue with the native leaders, figure out and work towards relieving the causes of strife and their laws and rights so that we can better work together as people and as an economy rather than against one another
    -[X] Militia: Prepare supply and routes for a 200 man group to aid in the war effort such as by provision of necessary goods and logistic missions.
    -[X] News paper: Let everyone know the defeat of SOL criminal group . The people demanded justice and the government, constables, and militia have delivered.
    [x] Plan Private Property
    -[x] Coverture: Due to extraordinary circumstances of ongoing war and local realities, woman are legally allowed to own/manage property. Man and woman are no different in the eye of the government.
    -[x] Militia: Have the militia establish regular patrols between cities and towns. Show the people the government is here to protect them.
    -[x] Native: Start dialog with the native leaders, figure out the land rights and native employment under Georgia government. There are wealth of resources that can be better developed with native's contribution.
    -[x] Migration: The colony is the youngest of the east coast, which means there are plenty of room for hopefuls to join our community. Spread the news in Europe, you too can begin anew in Georgia.
    -[x] News paper: Let everyone know the defeat of SOL criminal group . The people demanded justice and the government delivers. Of course it couldn't had been as successful without the generous help from the Crown.
    [x] Adolphus (After King's second youngest child)
    [X] Maryburg (after King's youngest child)
    [X] Marysburg (after King's youngest child)
    [X] Pendragon
    [x] Plan Private Property
    -[x] Coverture: Due to extraordinary circumstances of ongoing war and local realities, woman are legally allowed to own/manage property. Man and woman are no different in the eye of the government.
    -[x] Militia: Have the militia establish regular patrols between cities and towns. Show the people the government is here to protect them.
    -[x] Native: Start dialog with the native leaders, figure out the land rights and native employment under Georgia government. There are wealth of resources that can be better developed with native's contribution.
    -[x] Migration: The colony is the youngest of the east coast, which means there are plenty of room for hopefuls to join our community. Spread the news in Europe, you too can begin anew in Georgia.
    -[X] News paper: Let everyone know the defeat of SOL criminal group . The people demanded justice and the government delivers.
I miss counted sorry so plan work wins also how do you do a tally? Ever since the new format was introduced I can't figure out how to make one.
Like before Coverture gets a plus twenty and the Capital is Maryburg.

[X] Plan Work
-[] Coverture: Due to extraordinary circumstances and local realities man and woman are no different in the eye of the government as a policy that will see post war review when civil matters may be handled with greater intricacy
-[] Maintenance: Assure the proper running of the state and make sure that resources are properly allocated and that the people are soundly recovering
-[] Native: Start dialogue with the native leaders, figure out and work towards relieving the causes of strife and their laws and rights so that we can better work together as people and as an economy rather than against one another
-[] Militia: Prepare supply and routes for a 200 man group to aid in the war effort such as by provision of necessary goods and logistic missions.
-[] News paper: Let everyone know the defeat of SOL criminal group . The people demanded justice and the government, constables, and militia have delivered. This all made possible by crown contribution of course.
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Coverture Total: 25
25 25
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: maintainence Total: 74
74 74
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Native relations Total: 71
71 71
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Militia to war Total: 90
90 90
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Newspaper and the S.O.L Total: 19
19 19
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Rebel war roll Total: 48
48 48
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: British war roll Total: 70
70 70
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: French War Roll Total: 92
92 92
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Dutch war roll Total: 94
94 94
Lovemuffin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Spanish war roll Total: 44
44 44
Lovemuffin threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Capitol Progress Total: 105
68 68 37 37
Lovemuffin threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Renisance Capitol Total: 106
77 77 29 29
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I miss counted sorry so plan work wins also how do you do a tally? Ever since the new format was introduced I can't figure out how to make one.
On the top-right, there is is a "thread tools" button. Press it and a button saying "vote tally" will appear. Press that and the vote tally screen will appear. It is normally set to go from the last threadmark (which is why it's important you keep up with those) to the latest post in the quest. You can change that by pressing "select by post position" and inserting the number of the post you want to end on as the point for the tally to stop tallying. When you are doing plan-based votes like this, keep it in "Block" mode.
[X] Plan Work
-[X] Coverture: Due to extraordinary circumstances and local realities man and woman are no different in the eye of the government as a policy that will see post war review when civil matters may be handled with greater intricacy
-[X] Maintenance: Assure the proper running of the state and make sure that resources are properly allocated and that the people are soundly recovering
-[X] Native: Start dialogue with the native leaders, figure out and work towards relieving the causes of strife and their laws and rights so that we can better work together as people and as an economy rather than against one another
-[X] Militia: Prepare supply and routes for a 200 man group to aid in the war effort such as by provision of necessary goods and logistic missions.
-[X] News paper: Let everyone know the defeat of SOL criminal group . The people demanded justice and the government, constables, and militia have delivered.
Wrong version of the plan
[X] Plan Work
-[] Coverture: Due to extraordinary circumstances and local realities man and woman are no different in the eye of the government as a policy that will see post war review when civil matters may be handled with greater intricacy
-[] Maintenance: Assure the proper running of the state and make sure that resources are properly allocated and that the people are soundly recovering
-[] Native: Start dialogue with the native leaders, figure out and work towards relieving the causes of strife and their laws and rights so that we can better work together as people and as an economy rather than against one another
-[] Militia: Prepare supply and routes for a 200 man group to aid in the war effort such as by provision of necessary goods and logistic missions.
-[] News paper: Let everyone know the defeat of SOL criminal group . The people demanded justice and the government, constables, and militia have delivered. This all made possible by crown contribution of course.
Keani edited it, but didn't put X's into the lines so the vote tally didn't pick up the difference.
So by and large we hit more average rolls for good and for Ill with overture going less good reaching 45 and everyone having higher war rolls except the British. Not that I recall the French and Dutch rolls.

So uh... things went better for the colony and our war contributions but worse for Britain's standing in the war overall.
So by and large we hit more average rolls for good and for Ill with overture going less good reaching 45 and everyone having higher war rolls except the British. Not that I recall the French and Dutch rolls.

So uh... things went better for the colony and our war contributions but worse for Britain's standing in the war overall.

I actually feel batter about the couverture roll because our opponents are on the move. Helps justify ignoring the issue.
June to November results
Goodbye Coverture:
The repeal goes mostly unremarked upon by the people of Georgia. By now they are used to their government doing things like this. Some disgruntled (male) citizens decide to file a lawsuit against the ruling to the courts back in Britain. Luckily the courts throw out the case.

Good Maintenance:
The Province of Georgia is running as soundly as ever with zero signs of corruption. Savannah is also rebuilding nicely with many buildings already rebuilt.

Native's offer land to Georgia:
When our negotiators arrive to enter into talks with the Creek and Cherokee that live inside the proclamation line the Creek and Cherokee come with a surprising deal. The two sections of the Tribes have recognized that time is against them and are deciding they would rather negotiate from a position of strength. They are willing to give up most of their lands to us on the condition that we formally recognize their remaining lands as not part of the Province of Georgia.
(clarifying that this deal does not affect our expansion out west as this is deal is just with these two sections of the Creek and Cherokee)

Militia to war:
The two hundred men we dispatched reach the front without any problems and acquit themselves well in the fighting.

Newspaper and S.O.L:
The People ignore the governments message which is totally not propaganda.

Capitol Progress:
Twenty new families move to Maryburg choosing to live on the renaissance side of town and in even better news around half of the capitol building is built.
(built not finished but the government really wants to move out of the public library.)
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June to November, 1776 war turn
North America:
British and Colonial forces recapture northern New Jersey and New York City from the newly formed United States. Futher South British forces also take New Orleans evicting the Spanish.

France and the newly reinvigorated Dutch Republic capture the remaining British holdings in the caribbean.

Dutch forces retake the Cape Colony.

The Dutch East India Company retakes half of Ceylon from the British East India Company.
I'd be curious to know how much this war is costing them. I can't imagine the Dutch and French are just casually able to do global warfare.
November, 1776, to May, 1777
The Goverment of Georgia has convened to chart the course for the next six months they have one mandatory issue to deal with.

Deal with the Creek and Cherokee?:
Our negotiators have come back from talks with the Creek and Cherokee living within the proclamation line with a surprising deal they are willing to sell us 70% of their land with them retaining 30%. In exchange though we will have to recognize them and their remaining lands as not part of Georgia. They are willing to let us suggest what land they keep but in the end they will have final veto over the location of their new entity. Do we accept this deal or reject it?

[] deal with Creek and Cherokee
[] free slot
[] free slot
[] free slot
[] free slot
Okay, so how much money do we have and how big should we expand Georgia's borders before we stop? I'm thinking we buy 20% or offered land, and then we have all our new workers/ interns build a fence around the western perimeter.
I'm feeling to accept the deal straight out. Aside from that aside from propaganda I dont see how we could do all too much for the war effort. I think we should focus on what we have and put ourselves to proper use.

I'm thinking we should properly inspect the land and devise a plan for immigration and development. Keep in rough line with the kind of stuff we have already but properly prospected and planned for our situation and realities

The urge to push for immigration fast is strong and we need it but we should do it in a manner that helps us best.

Aside from that I'm feeling to set up public services and education while we work on relations with the natives.
Something like

[] deal with Creek and Cherokee(thank you very much and we're open to more non land trading interaction)
[] prospect prospect and survey Georgian lands to determine the best way to further develop in line with pur culture and determine how fast we can develop a tnd at what rate we can encourage immigration.
[] Condemn the united states and continue publishing their atrocities
[] Have a portion of the militia properly trained in keeping peace and recovering in case of emergency natural or manmade
[] Noting the success of the rrecovery efforts try to form a more permanent system in place to assure the oppourtunity and productivity of citizens in need whenever there are citizens in need rather than exclusively in the midst of crisis.

Sorry if this is shittily written and not yet a plan. What I'm on right now struggles with scrolling up in word much less forum posting.
Have they done anything bad? I don't think they've done anything particularly bad, so this action could be reassigned to do something else. Like maintaining the flow of supplies to the North.
True, I'll post a plan in a minute
Take the deal. Its not like we will break it the moment we can. (I'm looking at you Otl)

Also, it looks like British colonial Empire is going under. But do you know what that means? They are going to double down on North America!

The French had just lost the seven years war a generation or so ago. So they really shouldn't be in this protracted conflict. Comparing their war effort to how they bankrolled Americas Revolution, they definitely have decent odds of going bankrupt.
Take the deal. Its not like we will break it the moment we can. (I'm looking at you Otl)

Also, it looks like British colonial Empire is going under. But do you know what that means? They are going to double down on North America!

The French had just lost the seven years war a generation or so ago. So they really shouldn't be in this protracted conflict. Comparing their war effort to how they bankrolled Americas Revolution, they definitely have decent odds of going bankrupt.
I wouldn't say the British Empire is going under there still strong in India. Plus they took New York and New Orleans.
[X] Plan Logistic
-[X] Deal: Accept at a purchase of the 50% of the land closest to Georgia contingent that they are not selling land vital to their wellbeing.
-[X] Prospect: Prospect and survey Georgia lands to determine the best way to further develop in line with our culture and determine best rates of expansion and immigration. If possible also look into what communities would be most recipient to the notion of immigrating to Georgia and to the ideals of the colony such that promotion of the colony can be better targeted.
-[X] Logistic Efforts: Set a further 150 man group of the militia to serve as a constant logistics company provoiding constant resupply to the Crown troops
-[X] Emergency Response and Peacekeeping: Have a portion of the domestic militia properly trained in keeping peace and recovering in case of emergency natural or manmade
-[X] Permanence of Recovery Powers: Noting the success of the recovery efforts try to form a more permanent system in place to always assure that ens are provided with means and oppourtunity to reach productivity both so that productivity is maintained in future crisis rather than the prior mad scramble and that it is maintained without crisis.

@Atlanta-Georgia is this good?
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I wouldn't say the British Empire is going under there still strong in India. Plus they took New York and New Orleans.
Ah, but they lost the Caribbean (a huge money maker) and the Cape Colony. More importantly Indias now under threat, and we all know the value India has for Britain. So are any of the powers looking to peace out now? France especially, with their modest gains in the Caribbean and their impending bankruptcy.
Ah, but they lost the Caribbean (a huge money maker) and the Cape Colony. More importantly Indias now under threat, and we all know the value India has for Britain. So are any of the powers looking to peace out now? France especially, with their modest gains in the Caribbean and their impending bankruptcy.

I feel like they have at least 1 more turn to improve the situation, and then they'll collapse. Although, does anyone here know Dutch history?

Deal: Accept contingent that they are not selling land vital to their wellbeing.

I just realized this stipulation might be to open ended. We might be better off buying a specified portions, say 50% closests to Georgia, while leaving the rest as a buffer zone for our Neighbors.
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