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Confused Jackie Chan and Facepalming Picard Counter New
All Instances of Confused Jackie Chan & Facepalming Picard

Total Confused Jackie Chan Tally: VII

1D100 = 6+25+5+10-15 = 31 (The heck? :jackiechan: )
1D100 = Nat! 2+20+10-15-10 = Nat!Fail! 7 (Why do I even bother... :jackiechan:)
1D3+3 = 3+3 => 6! ( :jackiechan: )
:jackiechan: Bro, at this point, the dice just have a mind of their own. And no one can convince me otherwise.
1D100 = Nat! 1+20+10-15 => Nat!Fail! 16 ( :jackiechan: I... Buh... Whu... :facepalm:)
1D100 = Nat! 97+20+10-10-15 => Nat!Crit! 87 ( :jackiechan: What is going on?!)
1D100 = Nat! 1+15+15-20 => Nat!Fail! 11 ( :jackiechan: THREE NAT ONES?!?!?!)


Total Facepalming Picard Tally: VII

1D100 = Nat! 2+20+10-15-10 = Nat Crit! 7 ( :facepalm: ...of course.)
1D100 = Nat! 96+25+15+10+5 = Nat!Crit! 151 ( :facepalm: Oh, screw off.)
1D100 = Nat! 1+20-15-10 => Neg!Fail! -4 ( :facepalm: Of course...)
1D100 = Nat! 1+20+10-15 => Nat!Fail! 16 ( :jackiechan: I... Buh... Whu... :facepalm:)
1D100 = 11+15+15-20 => 21 ( :facepalm: Can anything be normal in my quest?)
1D100 = 85+15+10-15 => Art!Crit! 95 ( :facepalm: I'm done... I've had enough of this.)

@Randomnerd, thank you for the idea.
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[X]Plan: A Noble Train for a Noble Mission
-[X] Noble Train: Henry Knox, Washington's new artillery officer, wishes to speak with you of an idea he has had regarding the artillery.
-[X] Regimental Regulations: You need to get up to speed with the men of your regiment, look into the regiment's finer details, and make sure they'll be up to standard.
-[X] Grand Bombard: You will do your duty and get those guns for General Washington.
-[X] Find an Aide: You've found that your new promotions have led to a sudden surge of duties and responsibilities. You'll need an assistant if you expect to get any of this done well.
-[X] Tough Crowd, Tougher Fights: A brawl has developed between the Marbleheaders and some of the Virginians. You are the highest ranking officer near by, you need to do something.
-[X] Stalwart Subordinates: You want to get a good measure of the officers who will be your subordinates.
-[X] Treasure Ships (Or Things Close Enough to Them): Arthur Smith has come bearing supplies and loot from his voyage to Boston. You might as well see if you can get something from it.
-[X] An Issue to Resolve: There is always something that the faculty needs to resolve. But you… have the power to potentially resolve that something. So saddle forth and do something about it. (This will lead to the creation of other options.)

My reasoning for these Actions:

Noble Train: Well we do need cannons for the bombardment we need to put the regulars... So lets fucking pull off one of the greatest flexes of the whole damn war.

Regimental Regulations: We are in command now, and this regiment will be the top of Washingtons spear, if we can have anything to say about it.

Grand Bombard: Washington commands and we obey.

Find an aide: despite having a small roll malus, I think we can get someone to work with us. hopefully.

Touch Crowd: We are not going to allow the Marblehead boys be bullied by the virginians and vice versa! So we will stop this bullshit.

Stalward subordinates: i think we can happily build a compatent staff of officers and ncos around us, and we should.

Tresure Ships: Lets see what Arthur can give us.

An issue to resolve: Honestly, if we can solve some problems or make money, we should do it.
Now, I can take a break from the stupid crazy that is your rolls. While you guys vote, I'm gonna find a different dice roller and see if that helps with anything.

Shouldn't have told the thread about the new dice roller until after you've done some rolls with it. Now the Magoose dice know too :V

Edit: Looking at the count, this seems to be a pretty bad case of them too.
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[X]Plan: A Noble Train for a Noble Mission

I think we have to keep our head down on some social issues and focus on being an exemplary officer to get back into Washington's good graces. We won't get anywhere if we fail in our basic duties.
[X]Plan: Lots of Martial and Stewardship
-[X] Noble Train: Henry Knox, Washington's new artillery officer, wishes to speak with you of an idea he has had regarding the artillery.
-[X] Regimental Regulations: You need to get up to speed with the men of your regiment, look into the regiment's finer details, and make sure they'll be up to standard.
-[X] Grand Bombard: You will do your duty and get those guns for General Washington.
-[X] Find an Aide: You've found that your new promotions have led to a sudden surge of duties and responsibilities. You'll need an assistant if you expect to get any of this done well.
-[X] Tough Crowd, Tougher Fights: A brawl has developed between the Marbleheaders and some of the Virginians. You are the highest ranking officer near by, you need to do something.
-[X] Stalwart Subordinates: You want to get a good measure of the officers who will be your subordinates.
-[X] Treasure Ships (Or Things Close Enough to Them): Arthur Smith has come bearing supplies and loot from his voyage to Boston. You might as well see if you can get something from it.
-[X] There Goes the General: With the new Commander-in-Chief George Washington in charge, General Ward has been "demoted" to be his second-in-command and had been put to work helping reorganize the Continental Army. Perhaps he could use some help.

Going with a little different plan than Magoose. The difference is helping General Ward reorganize the army instead of looking for Issues.

Everything else is there. Obeying Washington on the Artillery, talking with Knox, looking for a Aide again, breaking up the fight, looking at our officers who work under Halbert and going to Arthur to see if he got anything for us.
[X] plan: Duty to the men
-[X] Noble Train: Henry Knox, Washington's new artillery officer, wishes to speak with you of an idea he has had regarding the artillery.
-[X] Grand bombard: You will do you your duty and get those guns for George Washington.
-[X] Find an aide: you've found that your new promotions have left to a sudden surge of duties and responsibilities. You need an assistant if you expect to get any of this done
-[X] Regiment Regulations: you need to get up to speed with the men of your regiment, look into the regiment's finer details, and make sure they'll be up to standard.
-[X] Stalwart Subordinates: You want to get a good measure of the officers who will be your subordinates.
-[X] Tough Crowd, Tougher Fights: A brawl has developed between the Marbleheaders and some of the Virginians. You are the highest ranking officer near by, you need to do something.
-[X] An issue to Resolve: There is always something that the faculty needs to resolve But you... Have the power to potentially resolve that something. So saddle forth and do something about it( This will lead to the creation of other options.)
-[X] Focus on an action: You want to make sure you accomplish this task well. (Applies a +10 bonus to any action of your choice)
--[X] Tough Crowd, Thought Fights.

I can agree with most of the options when it comes to the A Noble Train with A Noble Mission plan, but personally I feel that the treasure ship stuff can wait as it seems that the Tough crowd, Tougher Fights seems to need our personal intervention and I rather focus on an focus action to that one. If we are to be leading by example as an officer that is willing to do his duty then he needs to handle situations personally if they required to do so.
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All we need now is for France and Spain to piss off their colonies in the New World. Then the entire New World will be in rebellion.

coming from a latinamerican perspective,the rebellions against spain begun as a movement from criollos (spaniards born in america) that flet neglected because they didnt get the same privileges as mainland born ones,and got financing and training from the english seeking to further de-stabilize spain

but the criollos rarely intended to make things right by the mestizos (mixed race),natives or the african slaves

it was a "change of administration" scenario rather than "finally free" scenario,showed by the many genocides attempts made by the new born republics against native groups formerly protected by the spaniard crown
again this isnt excusing the crown or saying they were good,before reaching a status quo they did enslave and kill on a genocidal scale the natives,and even the new status was "lesser partner" segregation,nonetheless better than whatever the fuck bolivar did to pasto colombia for example

a good ending for the colonies would be reform to allow everyone to stand in mostly equality politically regardless of independece or allegiance to the crown
I think we have to keep our head down on some social issues and focus on being an exemplary officer to get back into Washington's good graces. We won't get anywhere if we fail in our basic duties.
The only reason I wanted to do the Marblehead thing without focus, is because, honestly, they are the boys, and we need to make sure the boys don't fuck up when being met by the most insufferable type of people of the new world at this time.

Virginians. :V
I can agree with most of the options when it comes to the A Noble Train with A Noble Mission plan, but personally I feel that the treasure ship stuff can wait as it seems that the Tough crowd, Tougher Fights seems to need our personal intervention and I rather focus on an focus action to that one. If we are to be leading by example as an officer that is willing to do his duty then he needs to handle situations personally if they required to do so.
The reason I chose that treasure ship is because we are only going to get one chance to get supplies from him for awhile.

The thing that I'm going for is simple. I want bonuses to our unit the next battle.

As for other issues coming up. Well there are important issues that will come up once we decide to leave Boston, like Congress needing to get its head out of its ass and realize that we can't win against the British forces head on, and need to conduct a fabian stratagy.
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[X]Plan: A Noble Train for a Noble Mission

Well, artillery is the king of the battlefield and I would not say no to more cannons, and some noble privateering.
Really need the Knox and getting artillery actions to succeed. If they do the siege of Boston just got way harder for the British trying to escape. Can actually shoot their transport ships. Though the British only need to succeed their escape two more times.
[X]Plan: A Noble Train for a Noble Mission

Good to know we are getting a regiment now.

In just one year, we will be commanding a whole Army, only we will be the rebels this time. :V
Fun Fact: This altercation between Marbleheaders and Virginians happened IOTL. There had been no standard uniforms at that point, and so a Marbleheader teased a Virginian over their clothing–which could've either been backwards farmer or mountain hunter with fur pelts. One thing led to another, and a brawl ensued. As it so happened, George Washington was fortunately nearby and immediately jumped off of his horse to stop the fight. Washington was a freaking unit at six feet tall, and he personally waded into the brawl, pulling men off of each other. Seeing their Commander-in-Chief physically manhandled brawlers left and right, the fighting quickly died down as Washington held two men by their throats before ordering everyone to disperse. Apparently, Washington didn't punish anyone for the fight; he clearly didn't need to, either.

My source is the American Battlefield Trust.
Leading by example is a thing we need to focus on now. more logistics can be sorted out once the British are more on the backfoot.

[x] plan: Duty to the men
-[X] Noble Train: Henry Knox, Washington's new artillery officer, wishes to speak with you of an idea he has had regarding the artillery.
- [x] Grand bombard: You will do you your duty and get those guns for George Washington.
- [x] Find an aide: you've found that your new promotions have left to a sudden surge of duties and responsibilities. You need an assistant if you expect to get any of this done
- [x] Regiment Regulations: you need to get up to speed with the men of your regiment, look into the regiment's finer details, and make sure they'll be up to standard.
- [x] Stalwart Subordinates: You want to get a good measure of the officers who will be your subordinates.
- [x] Tough Crowd, Tougher Fights: A brawl has developed between the Marbleheaders and some of the Virginians. You are the highest ranking officer near by, you need to do something.
- [x] An issue to Resolve: There is always something that the faculty needs to resolve But you... Have the power to potentially resolve that something. So saddle forth and do something about it( This will lead to the creation of other options.)
- [x] Focus on an action: You want to make sure you accomplish this task well. (Applies a +10 bonus to any action of your choice)
-- [x] Tough Crowd, Thought Fights.
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