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Confused Jackie Chan and Facepalming Picard Counter New
All Instances of Confused Jackie Chan & Facepalming Picard

Total Confused Jackie Chan Tally: VII

1D100 = 6+25+5+10-15 = 31 (The heck? :jackiechan: )
1D100 = Nat! 2+20+10-15-10 = Nat!Fail! 7 (Why do I even bother... :jackiechan:)
1D3+3 = 3+3 => 6! ( :jackiechan: )
:jackiechan: Bro, at this point, the dice just have a mind of their own. And no one can convince me otherwise.
1D100 = Nat! 1+20+10-15 => Nat!Fail! 16 ( :jackiechan: I... Buh... Whu... :facepalm:)
1D100 = Nat! 97+20+10-10-15 => Nat!Crit! 87 ( :jackiechan: What is going on?!)
1D100 = Nat! 1+15+15-20 => Nat!Fail! 11 ( :jackiechan: THREE NAT ONES?!?!?!)


Total Facepalming Picard Tally: VII

1D100 = Nat! 2+20+10-15-10 = Nat Crit! 7 ( :facepalm: ...of course.)
1D100 = Nat! 96+25+15+10+5 = Nat!Crit! 151 ( :facepalm: Oh, screw off.)
1D100 = Nat! 1+20-15-10 => Neg!Fail! -4 ( :facepalm: Of course...)
1D100 = Nat! 1+20+10-15 => Nat!Fail! 16 ( :jackiechan: I... Buh... Whu... :facepalm:)
1D100 = 11+15+15-20 => 21 ( :facepalm: Can anything be normal in my quest?)
1D100 = 85+15+10-15 => Art!Crit! 95 ( :facepalm: I'm done... I've had enough of this.)

@Randomnerd, thank you for the idea.
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Huh. Alright, since I've been getting enough comments about it, I shall retroactively make William regent instead and have George III's son as king instead.
[x] "Call me Jonathan, or Halbert if you wish, as you and I know damn well that rank, file and titles mean little out here. We have our differences, O'Conner, but we both have those who count on us , those who place their faith and their lives in our hands, and we have the same enemy. Those English bastards underestimate people like you and I, like all of us here in this clearing. My men and I are undertaking a daring endeavour, something those back in our camp considered us fools for even thinking about. I fully believe that this is a war that those patriotic, strong and true, will win, and those English bastards have no love for this land, not like any of us here do. They think of us as separate, as disparate, but I know that together we are strong, stronger than they can ever really imagine. People like you and I, O'Conner, we see different. Every supply train raided, every patrol eliminated, hell every ship blown up, is a victory, a small one but even a few pebbles falling can cause a damn landslide. I'm not asking us to see eye to eye, I'm not even asking you to consider me a friend, but I'll promise you this. Give my men safe passage to get our cannons to Boston today, help us in our endeavours, and I swear to you, a reckoning will come. A storm is about to break, C'Conner, and frankly, I'd appreciate whatever assistance you can offer. If not, then I'll leave you and yours to your business and find my own trail, but I'd rather you not miss out an opportunity we might not get ever again."
[X] "our interests are aligned captain. You want to fight the redcoats and I need to get my cannons south to Boston. I'm sure if we stop the red coats from escaping there will be more then a merry chance you can raise hell among the rest of their forces.

Less is better. Frankly I'll be surprised if she will last more than half of the long speech without telling Halbert to shut up. :V
[x] "Call me Jonathan, or Halbert if you wish, as you and I know damn well that rank, file and titles mean little out here. We have our differences, O'Conner, but we both have those who count on us , those who place their faith and their lives in our hands, and we have the same enemy. Those English bastards underestimate people like you and I, like all of us here in this clearing. My men and I are undertaking a daring endeavour, something those back in our camp considered us fools for even thinking about. I fully believe that this is a war that those patriotic, strong and true, will win, and those English bastards have no love for this land, not like any of us here do. They think of us as separate, as disparate, but I know that together we are strong, stronger than they can ever really imagine. People like you and I, O'Conner, we see different. Every supply train raided, every patrol eliminated, hell every ship blown up, is a victory, a small one but even a few pebbles falling can cause a damn landslide. I'm not asking us to see eye to eye, I'm not even asking you to consider me a friend, but I'll promise you this. Give my men safe passage to get our cannons to Boston today, help us in our endeavours, and I swear to you, a reckoning will come. A storm is about to break, C'Conner, and frankly, I'd appreciate whatever assistance you can offer. If not, then I'll leave you and yours to your business and find my own trail, but I'd rather you not miss out an opportunity we might not get ever again."
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